What did you eat yesterday?

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B - bacon and wholemeal toast, cup of tea

L - New York deli sandwich (small one) and a latte

D - chicken breast, 2 small boiled new potatoes, spring greens, swede, cauliflower & gravy

Snack - 2 finger Kit Kat and a banana mid afternoon

4 glasses of water
How did you get on at the hospital? x
Erm not so good to be honest but it was what I expected, the fluid has come back in my right eye, but I knew that was the case when it went blurry on sunday night, positive is the injections worked before and he managed to slot me in an hour after I first spoke to him to have it done so all is good 🙂 xx
Erm not so good to be honest but it was what I expected, the fluid has come back in my right eye, but I knew that was the case when it went blurry on sunday night, positive is the injections worked before and he managed to slot me in an hour after I first spoke to him to have it done so all is good 🙂 xx
Im sorry that your disappointed Kaylz but glad to hear you had the injection done today rather than having to return to the hospital to have it on a later date. You take now.
WL x
B: Weetabix with 200ml of semi skimmed
L: 9 seeds pumpkin bar
D: Salad with roasted ham, ciabatta ends and some cheese, 1ltr of water

B: Weetabix with 220ml of semi skimmed
L: betcha can't guess it's got pumpkin in
D: Duck breast, crispy kale and triple cooked chips (all homemade) glass of Barolo, few hobgoblin golds
2ltr of water
can I ask why do you take your Levothyroxine at night. My husband takes his of a morning. In fact he was told to take it in the morning.
Because you're supposed to take it on it's own sans food or other meds well last thing at night is the only time I'm not stuffing my face. :D

Yesterday: 15stone 3.4pounds - tum 49
BG 5.3 @ 7.51am
Bottle water
2 large Fried Eggs, 4oz Mushrooms, 2oz Onions, 3oz Tomato.
Pt Aspirin water, meds, Vit C tablet
Bottle Water
Cup of tea with dash of milk. Salmon Salad with peppers and mayo.
BG 6.0 @ 2.02pm
Bottle water
Mug coffee with dash milk (too strong, makes me jittery, bro always makes it like that!)
Chicken Korma and a box Salad.
BG 6.4 @ 8.44pm
Bottle water and a Levothyroxine

I feel it's quite high to be in the sixes, I prefer fives, but I was superstressed all day due to extra gardening work and visiting relatives from Oz.
B - Porridge with a little drizzle of Golden Syrup
L - Beef & Onion Salad
D - Home made Fish Pie made with Sweet Potato & Swede Mash

Breakfast: Two Egg and Bacon
Lunch: Salad
Dinner: Chicken and Broccoli the Strawberries and Cream

Snacking: Cashew Nuts

Highs??? New Fetish for Cashew Nuts.

Lows? Strawberries big Spike appeared in first test of morning way up at 8.6 which is high for me now.

I have to say without the investment in my own Test Meter and buying strips I would be in the dark blindfolded. Regularly now 4.8- 6.5 over 24hrs and 12 weeks in I can live with that. Plus 12kg and more lighter and over five inches less on waist.
Need to add to yesterday bedtime snack of 1 lotus biscuit and 1 square 90% (needed for a too low to go to bed 5.5)
B - 45g honey granola, 110g skyr with honey and a cup of coffee, milk
9:30ish - cup of coffee, milk
D - multiseed deli roll with 2 rashers bacon, mayonnaise and a nature valley protein peanut & chocolate bar
2ish - cup of smooth caramel coffee, milk
T - 1 and a half oven baked river cobbler fillet (I could eat my own weight in that stuff 😛) 2 Yorkshire puddings, 80g petits pois, a dollop of mayo, a lotus biscuit and a 25g bar moser roth 85%
After t - cup of coffee, milk
B coffee and cream
L fried eggs in rapeseed oil on protein roll with butter
D steak n onion with cauliflower and broccoli oh and some fried mushrooms too
Mint cheesecake for pud. Lad even had some to see what it was like. He doesn't need to watch his diet as he walks 35K steps a day through work so had 2 slices 😉😱
Late supper 4 bits of dark chocolate 85% I have no idea why I got hungry at midnight.
Bryan I'm glad somebody shares my fetish for Cashews. 😛

Yesterday: 15stone 3.6pounds - tum 49>
BG 5.3 @ 5.09am
Bottle water

Left over Indian takeaway. 😱 BG 9.7 an hour after.
Pt Aspirin water, meds, Vit C tablet

BG 5.7 @ 11.32am
Bottle Water
Chicken Tikka Salad with mayo.

2 coffees with dash of milk.
Bottle water

3 Pork Chops, 7 Brussels Sprouts
BG 5.4 @ 7.03pm
Bottle water and a Levothyroxine
B my usual coffee and cream
L fried eggs and a protein roll no butter left so had it plain.
D was steak pie (butcher ones) and turnip chips I had already been on a walk another walk later which helped the numbers big time.
Supper and again dark chocolate 85%
No idea why I want fed again at midnight but this has been for two days so I wonder if it'll continue. We shall see.
B - 45g honey granola, 110g skyr with honey and a cup of coffee, milk
9:30ish - cup of coffee, milk
D - multiseed deli roll filled with tuna, grated cheese and mayo and a nature valley protein salted caramel nut bar
2ish - cup of smooth caramel coffee, milk
T - 2 pork belly slices, 100g jersey royals, 80g broccoli, some onion gravy and a nature valley popcorn salted caramel, almond and pretzel bar
Currently - cup of coffee, milk x
Yesterday: 15stone 5.6pounds
- tum 49 1/2 (the weight gain due to an Indian takeaway I'm presuming)
BG 5.5 @ 4.47am
Bottle water and a bowl of prunes.
Scrambled Eggs, Mushrooms, Tomatoes, Onions, Peppers, Courgettes.
Pt Aspirin water, meds
BG 6.2 @ 10.11am
Bottle Water
Bowl Prunes.
Fish, Chips, Mushy Peas and one thickly buttered Warburtons medium white slice (I put chips on it!)
BG 6.0 @ 5.27pm
Bottle water and a Levothyroxine
B 3 strawberries, greek yogurt and a sprinkling of seeds
L egg and bacon
D pork belly and salad
Throughout the day I drank 3 tumblers of water and 3 cups of black tea
B usual coffee and cream
L bacon roll
D chicken tikka and cauli rice
Not a lot of water though must try harder.

@wirralass if interested with weetabixs and milk 6.4 before and 20.9 after. Totally freaked myself out and phoned nursy who glossed over it and made me an appointment with the doc like what the hell would that do the next day. I discovered and it was here to sip water or go for a walk.
B usual coffee and cream
L bacon roll
D chicken tikka and cauli rice
Not a lot of water though must try harder.

@wirralass if interested with weetabixs and milk 6.4 before and 20.9 after. Totally freaked myself out and phoned nursy who glossed over it and made me an appointment with the doc like what the hell would that do the next day. I discovered and it was here to sip water or go for a walk.
Hi and thanks. The only reason I queried @Anthony Stirrat's weetabix breakfast is because weetabix spikes me so I don't eat anymore. I've noticed Anthony has weetabix every morning and I know hez trying to stay in the 4's and wondered if it was the weetabix that was preventing him to stay in the 4's. My apologies Anthony for openly speaking behind your back🙄
Sorry you had to go through that Dollypolly - I agree your nursey not helpful at all ridiculous 😡
WL x
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@wirralass Weetabix does nothing to me, I'll go up a point or two max if I add raspberries. I've never had it push me in to double figures.
No disrespect A - I genuinely meant well - apologies if I spoke out of turn - as is frequently said on here what suits one may not suit another 🙄 Take care and enjoy the Bank Holiday weekend x
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