What did you eat yesterday?

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B - super berry granola with semi skimmed milk, mug of coffee
D - cheese, spring onion and mayo sandwich, Galaxy chocolate orange cake bar
mug of cafetiere coffee
T - mince with spring onions, baby potatoes and steamed sprouts, pint of cherries & berries diluting
mug of coffee
Bedtime - 5 dark chocolate digestives and half a pint of water

B - same as yesterday
D - grated cheese & pickle sandwich, Galaxy chocolate orange cake bar
mug of cafetiere coffee
T - king prawn, mozzarella & spring onion omelette, baby potatoes and then 2 dark chocolate flaked truffles from Lidl that mum got as part of my Christmas, they are absolutely amazing, so creamy and melt in the mouth, pint of cherries & berries diluting
mug of coffee xx
Breakfast: 150g of Greek Yogurt (2% fat) with strawberries & raspberries + 2 coffees (Black, water in espresso)
Snack: Some almonds + two bits of 85% dark chocolate
Lunch: Mushroom and Onion Omelette with some red pepper and cucumber salad
Snack: a few more nuts
Dinner: Sea bass with veg and a Tahini pudding + more Greek Yoghurt and Raspberries

Also had a few more coffees (One in Costa) and one made with some freshly roasted beans someone gave me.
Thursday - NOT a day to copy 😱

B - (at 2.00am) 2 slices Nimble toast, buttered, made into an egg sarnie.
Brunch - Belvita breakfast biscuits as yesterday
L - Too many Hovis crackers and 2 mini cathedral city mature cheese lighter sticks
D - 3 yummy chicken wings baked in my herbs and spices marinade, sprinkled with almond flour - ooh too nice, all crispy! Had those with 1/3rd pack of Tesco Bulgar wheat and green lentils, with a little mayo on the side.
Snack - Skinny cookie co mini bag of choc chip mini cookies

Was way over my fat allowance and calories, though only 1g over my self-imposed carbs allowance, so it could have been worse! And a reading of 5.7 after dinner - this will never make sense to me! lol
B: Nuut Keto,
L: Ham and coleslaw roll
D: Haddock mornay, 2 new pots, cauliflower, runner beans
Well inside my 90gm a day carb limit!
B: scrambled egg and smoked salmon, piece toast
L: pate, cheese, olives, tomato, coleslaw, 2 crackers, half apple
D: chicken and aubergine curry, cucumber, tomato, onion salad, pickles, slice bread. jelly and cream. glass mulled wine.
(Just needed to chew on the other side)
B. Fibre drink. Coffee with cream. Natural Greek style yoghurt with 10 fresh raspberries, mixed seeds, cinnamon and a sprinkle of Morrison's "Nourish" Seed Granola.

Snacks: Packet of pork scratchings, cheeses, a half a square of 75% dark choc with a spoon of peanut butter and some nuts.... ie I grazed on low carb stuff rather than a mid day meal and also had another coffee with cream.

D. Roast ham and cheese coleslaw followed by bubble and squeak (sort of)... mushrooms, onion and sweet potato fried up in pork fat and a little diced corned beef thrown in. A gin and slimline tonic and a spiced rum and diet cola.
yes I think you are probably right, I should have read it twice, somewhat tired after an unplanned trip to Home Bargains where I found my caramel coffee at a bargain price - it is too much excitement for a Thursday afternoon! lol You are braver than me in what you eat, having had to do the food hygiene level 2 courses for work (cooking with, and for, kids), I rarely touch anything past its use by - hubby will eat anything and that's fine unless I catch him trying to give any to the dog! I am a great one for bagging things up, in good time, and throwing in the freezer for another day. 🙂
I have done several Food Hygiene courses, but well over 20 years ago when we had the hotel and restaurant. I remember little about them, except the order of stacking items in a fridge. However, sell by/use by dates were yet to be invented when I grew up, so I too use the common sense “if it looks and smells OK” yardstick like @rebrascora. I realise you have to be much more careful when feeding/cooking for other people’s children. Actually I thought they were being replaced by “best before” dates these days?

Come to think about it, there were no supermarkets until I was about 20, then a Sainsbury opened up nearby. My mother was thrilled she could get all her groceries in one shop. Prior to that you had to go round the butcher, the baker, the greengrocer. No wonder housewives were exactly that in those days, not career women or holding down a full time job as well as feeding the family and doing the chores.
Brunch: Home made carrot and orange soup. 4 thin slices of a tiger baton from Morrisons.
Dinner: Creamy Chicken and veg one pot adapted from this recipe: https://www.bbcgoodfood.com/recipes/sausage-veg-one-pot with half a jacket potato. For a creamy casserole it has a nice kick of chilli and I love the fennel in it.
I have done several Food Hygiene courses, but well over 20 years ago when we had the hotel and restaurant. I remember little about them, except the order of stacking items in a fridge. However, sell by/use by dates were yet to be invented when I grew up, so I too use the common sense “if it looks and smells OK” yardstick like @rebrascora. I realise you have to be much more careful when feeding/cooking for other people’s children. Actually I thought they were being replaced by “best before” dates these days?

Come to think about it, there were no supermarkets until I was about 20, then a Sainsbury opened up nearby. My mother was thrilled she could get all her groceries in one shop. Prior to that you had to go round the butcher, the baker, the greengrocer. No wonder housewives were exactly that in those days, not career women or holding down a full time job as well as feeding the family and doing the chores.
As a microbiologist I was often horrified at the lack of good practice in shops, butchers serving raw meat then using the same hands and scales for cooked meat (not allowed now thank goodness) and even now a cabinet of reduced goods all mixed up. We always used to say it was dish cloths that were to biggest kitchen hygiene problem.
If I buy short date items they are the ones that go in the freezer to get out and use the same day.
As a microbiologist I was often horrified at the lack of good practice in shops, butchers serving raw meat then using the same hands and scales for cooked meat (not allowed now thank goodness) and even now a cabinet of reduced goods all mixed up. We always used to say it was dish cloths that were to biggest kitchen hygiene problem.
If I buy short date items they are the ones that go in the freezer to get out and use the same day.
Yes, but we rarely got food poisoning. Though I had it (dysentry, salmonella and Giardiasis included)
more than a few times when I was regularly flying to 3rd world countries. At least my dishcloths only get used for 1 day.
Yes, but we rarely got food poisoning. Though I had it (dysentry, salmonella and Giardiasis included)
more than a few times when I was regularly flying to 3rd world countries. At least my dishcloths only get used for 1 day.
True, my nieces were brought up on a farm in the most unhygienic conditions imaginable and never seemed to get anything. Everybody has become 'too clean' with all the sprays etc so no resistance to normal bugs.
My daughter got amoebic dysentery when in Goa and just wanted to die she felt so ill.
put butter into little sealed pots or wraps of clingfilm, whatever you have to use, and then freeze it - just get out what you need when you need it. Saves wasting it. Bad play on Tesco's part when they usually guarantee at least a few days before expiry, that is the one downside of online shopping, I look for the longest dates going: which has been a running joke in recent weeks wherever I've shopped! Too much was eat with a day or so, it really annoyed me.
it was the salmon not the butter. I have been getting deliveries from Tesco every week for two years now and they very rarely give me stuff with short dates. I always make a point of asking for long dates on my comments and to be fair they refund everything that is short dated when it is pointed out. I have had far less wastage and short dates and generally poor choices since having deliveries compared with when I used to shop for myself. My local pickers are brilliant and often sub in much more expensive and nicer products if my usual choices are not available. I'm guessing there was not any other salmon in store at that point so it was that or nothing and they happily refund if I am not happy.
Yes, but we rarely got food poisoning. Though I had it (dysentry, salmonella and Giardiasis included)
more than a few times when I was regularly flying to 3rd world countries. At least my dishcloths only get used for 1 day.
I have only recently got back to eating smoked salmon. Twenty years ago I went out for a Valentine's meal with my husband at a posh restaurant and they served smoked salmon starters. We got violent and prolonged food poisoning and it took me until last year to be able to eat it again.
Late Breakfast - melba toast made with home made keto bread and bacon with decaf coffee
Late Lunch - half a ribeye steak with cucumber and quarter tomato and slice of keto bread and butter.
Evening - I made a lime cream pie with cream cheese, cream, gelatine, sweetener, lime oil and a toffee/fudge base of crushed nuts and butter and sweetener.
Drinking - sparkling water and coffee.

Screen Shot 2021-12-31 at 5.12.49 PM.png
Late Breakfast - melba toast made with home made keto bread and bacon with decaf coffee
Late Lunch - half a ribeye steak with cucumber and quarter tomato and slice of keto bread and butter.
Evening - I made a lime cream pie with cream cheese, cream, gelatine, sweetener, lime oil and a toffee/fudge base of crushed nuts and butter and sweetener.
Drinking - sparkling water and coffee.

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That looks delicious. I like the idea of the nut base as the reason I have never liked cheese cake is the biscuit base.
Yesterday is so last year, and if I was American I would plead the 5th - enough said!
Today's a fresh start in a new year.....
True, my nieces were brought up on a farm in the most unhygienic conditions imaginable and never seemed to get anything. Everybody has become 'too clean' with all the sprays etc so no resistance to normal bugs.
My daughter got amoebic dysentery when in Goa and just wanted to die she felt so ill.
Yes, it's pretty nasty. I should have known not to eat salad off the buffet in Cairo. If they wash it at all it's in dirty water!
B: 150g of 2% Greek yoghurt and piles of Strawberries/Raspberries
L: Subway Chicken Tikka Salad bowl with some Mayo and double meat portion.
D: Home made chicken curry with two large portions of Cauliflow Pilau rice. (Despite 24g of carbs in the CF rice, BG was only 6.1 an hour after eating and 5.2 after two hours.)

In between this, some poppy seed crackers, a few cheeky teaspoons of peanut butter and some dark chocolate.

Blood sugar was 5.2 two hours after each meal.
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