What did you eat yesterday?

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Two slices of hot buttered toast
Big Mac and cola. ( I make a point of having a Big Mac wherever I go. Hungary have surprisingly small Big Mac's, just the size of a cheeseburger in the UK)
Goulash and salami pizza, and a couple of beers mid afternoon.
Pulled pork sandwich, spicy shallot topped fries, (it seemed the smallest thing on the menu, after a foody day) a pint of beer, a shot of 85% absinthe, and a glass of wine.
(The "sandwich" came on a large breadboard. )
I am back on diet shakes in January!


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These darned steroid pills are making me too hungry, glad it is the final day! (fingers crossed)

B - Belvita breakfast biscuits
L - In Morrisons cafe. Two slices of thick wholemeal toast and butter and a fried egg (made them into a sandwich, left the crusts lol) - and a little taste of granddaughter's garlic bread. Pot of tea
D - Homemade "dirty fries" - sweet potato fries, with one torn up slice of honey roast ham and some grated red leicester. Then I made a strange concoction, between mini omelettes/muffins - egg, milk, a little flour, frozen peas, tiny bit of leftover gammon, chucked in the halogen oven. Me and the dog shared those....the rest went in the bin! Graze fibre oat boost cherry bakewell square
Supper - 2 Hovis digestives with one seriously strong mini cheesespread. Baked crisps
Tea, caramel coffees, water, weak no added sugar orange juice
Brunch: scrambled eggs with smoked salmon on toast.
Dinner: leftovers. Roast beef with port and roquefort sauce, sprouts and bacon fried up with the remaining sugar snaps. Freshly made roast potatoes and a few orange glazed carrots. 1 Lily O’Brien’s chocolate.
We don’t throw food away in this house... so I shall be glad when we finish that darn asparagus and smoked salmon mousse. I’ve discovered you can have too much smoked salmon. We ended up with too much as the amount the recipe for the mousse stated wasn’t enough to line the tin, so on Xmas eve hubby had to rush out and buy another large pack.
my days,


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Last day here.

Two slices of pate on toast. Coffee.
Sharing a plate of three sliders, (oddly the same size as the Big Mac here), and a bucket of BBQ chicken wings at Hard Rock Cafe, coffee, and a beer.
A "meat bomb" langos, (heart attack on a plate) - deep fried dough, about the size of a pizza, but deep base, sour cream, cheese, ham, bacon, deep fried sausage, red onion, tomato, jalapeno, hot green pepper.
A few more beers, palinka, and a glass of wine.
Flight tomorrow.


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B - Belvita breakfast biscuits "milk and cereals"
D - 2 "old fashioned" pork sausages, a little potato, broccoli, carrot and onion gravy. Graze fibre oat boosts cherry bakewell square
Snacks - Baked crisps. Skinny crunch
Last day here.

Two slices of pate on toast. Coffee.
Sharing a plate of three sliders, (oddly the same size as the Big Mac here), and a bucket of BBQ chicken wings at Hard Rock Cafe, coffee, and a beer.
A "meat bomb" langos, (heart attack on a plate) - deep fried dough, about the size of a pizza, but deep base, sour cream, cheese, ham, bacon, deep fried sausage, red onion, tomato, jalapeno, hot green pepper.
A few more beers, palinka, and a glass of wine.
Flight tomorrow.
Am I right in thinking you are in Budapest? I recall when we went there for the Christmas Markets in 2015 we ate some superb food, in particular we enjoyed dinner in "Callas" next door to the Opera House. Certainly didn't see any deep fried dough....how things change.

Brunch: With relief we finished off the smoked salmon and asparagus mousse on a piece of toast (you can have too much of a good thing and it was very rich!). Still hungry we made another piece of toast each and opened a kilner jar of salmon, lemon and pepper pate from Lidl. 1 small iced Lebkuchen.

Dinner: Playing board games and time flew. I meant to cook Linguini with a Prawn and lemon cream sauce, but by 9:30 neither of us was that hungry as we'd been eating a few crisps. So I made some marie rose sauce, used up the bag of leaves left over from Christmas starter and made a giant prawn cocktail each. Couple of glasses of white wine.

B: boiled eggs and slice toast
L: home made soup, cheese, bit beef, olives, 2 crackers, half apple
D: edamame bean pasta with mushrooms and Parma ham in creamy pesto sauce. Salad. Home made Xmas pud and cream
Hi there @SweetAnn welcome. Whilst that sounds like a nice healthy diet and follows the NHS advice, it may not be all that healthy for a person with diabetes. I've highlighted the things which may cause your blood sugar to rise. Having said that, everyone is different in what they can tolerate. Do you have a blood glucose meter? If so I suggest you test before eating those items and again at 2 hours afterwards. If you don't have a meter I seriously suggest you buy one along with some strips. People here recommend the GlucoNavii or the Spirit Healthcare Tee2. as they have the most economical strips. Hope this helps!

By the way, I know some of the items I post about do not seem very suitable, but of course I am T1 and have insulin which does make quite a lot of difference to what I can eat.
Hi, I did get a glucose test kit. It's showing average 6.8 mmls, I've only been diagnosed 2 months I've lost 20lb so far. I was 90 result at doctors on diagnosis (told this equates to @ 14mmls? . I know I'm not rigid carb or keto but I'm a fussy eater so trying to eat healthy but I need to enjoy my food a bit. I've completely cut out sweets, and all white carbs but know I must try harder.
Hi, I did get a glucose test kit. It's showing average 6.8 mmls, I've only been diagnosed 2 months I've lost 20lb so far. I was 90 result at doctors on diagnosis (told this equates to @ 14mmls? . I know I'm not rigid carb or keto but I'm a fussy eater so trying to eat healthy but I need to enjoy my food a bit. I've completely cut out sweets, and all white carbs but know I must try harder.
Trying to equate the results from an HbA1C to what you get from a finger prick test can be misleading as they measure something different. Yes consistent high finger prick is likely to result in a higher HbA1C.
The HbA1C is an average over 3 months of the amount of glucose attached to your red blood cells but a finger prick is what is in your blood at a particular moment in time and will vary due to lots of reasons most particularly the food you have eaten in the past few hours.
There is no reason why you can't enjoy meals even though you will need to reduce ALL carbohydrates.
B - Belvita breakfast biscuits "milk and cereals"
D - 2 buttered sesame Ryvitas with one slice of breaded dry cured ham, some blue stilton and a silverskin onion. Some Nairn cheese oat cakes. Greek yoghurt with honey and 2 large strawberries with 1 tsp chia seeds.
Snacks - baked crisps. Fibre one lemon drizzle square. More cheese oat cakes.
Caramel coffees and weak NAS orange squash
B: Greek yoghurt and blueberries, 10g Low sugar Lizi's granola
L: cheese, pate, olives, pepper, tomato, 2 crackers, half apple, 2 little figs
D: salmon, mixed potato and celeriac wedges, mangetout and sprouts. Xmas pud and cream
Breakfast: four small keto home made chocolates ( I am putting together an Easter cookbook so I will be eating a lot of easter recipes for the next few weeks lols) followed by one thin slice of home made keto bread made into melba toast spread with leftover chicken I smooshed into a chicken spread using my stick blender and some butter.
Lunch: Half a ribeye steak with half an avocado made into guacamole and some cucumber made into tzatziki and a quarter tomato followed by a piece of cheddar cheese.
Evening meal: smoked salmon and two slices of home made keto bread and butter (Tesco delivered it with a use by date of tomorrow so we had a more luxurious evening meal than planned) and some avocado slices with lemon juice.

All day drinking sparkling water, decaff coffee and unsweetened almond "milk"
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Breakfast: four small keto home made chocolates ( I am putting together an Easter cookbook so I will be eating a lot of easter recipes for the next few weeks lols) followed by one thin slice of home made keto bread made into melba toast spread with leftover chicken I smooshed into a chicken spread using my stick blender and some butter.
Lunch: Half a ribeye steak with half an avocado made into guacamole and some cucumber made into tzatziki and a quarter tomato followed by a piece of cheddar cheese.
Evening meal: smoked salmon and two slices of home made keto bread and butter (Tesco delivered it with a use by date of tomorrow so we had a more luxurious evening meal than planned) and some avocado slices with lemon juice.

All day drinking sparkling water, decaff coffee and unsweetened almond "milk"
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put butter into little sealed pots or wraps of clingfilm, whatever you have to use, and then freeze it - just get out what you need when you need it. Saves wasting it. Bad play on Tesco's part when they usually guarantee at least a few days before expiry, that is the one downside of online shopping, I look for the longest dates going: which has been a running joke in recent weeks wherever I've shopped! Too much was eat with a day or so, it really annoyed me.
@janw I will be very surprised if it is the butter @NotWorriedAtAll was referring to as I imagine she used quite a lot of butter in her keto recipes. My guess would be the smoked salmon. Personally I never look at the date on butter. It just goes in the fridge until I use it. Actually the only time I look at the date on anything is if it is reduced to clear and then I will use it beyond the date as long as it passes the smell and feel and sight test, although I have been known to eat lamb that had gone green and slimy. Washed it well in vinegar and then roasted it thoroughly and was the tastiest, tenderest shoulder of lamb I ever had. Cooked well, it can't harm you. I've also eaten prawns a week out of date but did heat them through in a curry. Don't often throw anything out here that can be recovered in some way!
Hi, I did get a glucose test kit. It's showing average 6.8 mmls, I've only been diagnosed 2 months I've lost 20lb so far. I was 90 result at doctors on diagnosis (told this equates to @ 14mmls? . I know I'm not rigid carb or keto but I'm a fussy eater so trying to eat healthy but I need to enjoy my food a bit. I've completely cut out sweets, and all white carbs but know I must try harder.
Hi @SweetAnn

May I ask when you are testing? You say your meter shows an average of 6.8 but that really depends when you test. The advice I would give would be to test before meals and at two hours after the first bite in order to see what any particular meal has done to your blood sugars. You should look for a rise of 2 - 3 mmols but no more if that meal is OK for you.

However, congratulations on your weight loss, well done you. That should help no end!
Brunch: Finished off the salmon pate from Lidl with 2 slices of Morrison's Wheat, spelt and rye bread.
Dinner: 2 outdoor bred pork sausages 0.5g each, cheesy mash (half and half potato and cauliflower topped with odds and ends of cheese then baked) carrots and green beans. Followed by about a tbs christmas pud with clotted cream.
@janw I will be very surprised if it is the butter @NotWorriedAtAll was referring to as I imagine she used quite a lot of butter in her keto recipes. My guess would be the smoked salmon. Personally I never look at the date on butter. It just goes in the fridge until I use it. Actually the only time I look at the date on anything is if it is reduced to clear and then I will use it beyond the date as long as it passes the smell and feel and sight test, although I have been known to eat lamb that had gone green and slimy. Washed it well in vinegar and then roasted it thoroughly and was the tastiest, tenderest shoulder of lamb I ever had. Cooked well, it can't harm you. I've also eaten prawns a week out of date but did heat them through in a curry. Don't often throw anything out here that can be recovered in some way!
yes I think you are probably right, I should have read it twice, somewhat tired after an unplanned trip to Home Bargains where I found my caramel coffee at a bargain price - it is too much excitement for a Thursday afternoon! lol You are braver than me in what you eat, having had to do the food hygiene level 2 courses for work (cooking with, and for, kids), I rarely touch anything past its use by - hubby will eat anything and that's fine unless I catch him trying to give any to the dog! I am a great one for bagging things up, in good time, and throwing in the freezer for another day. 🙂
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