• Please Remember: Members are only permitted to share their own experiences. Members are not qualified to give medical advice. Additionally, everyone manages their health differently. Please be respectful of other people's opinions about their own diabetes management.

What did you eat yesterday?

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Up here in Scotland they are very rarely referred to as turnips they are neeps x
Yep, but think they have gone up a lot in price. Sliced fingers when peeling as well
Yep, but think they have gone up a lot in price. Sliced fingers when peeling as well
Haven't bought one in a while as my mum doesn't like them me on the other hand loves them nae sliced fingers but the last neep we had was very hard and flew across the kitchen when trying to cut it in half haha x
There are times I make stuff up, but most of the time my recipes come from these following websites.
Diet Doctor
I Breathe I'm Hungry
Low Carb Yum
Ditch The Carbs
I found turnip doesn't have a strong flavour so works perfect as a potato replacement.🙂
Thanks a bunch @mark. Think I'll post an email to them.
That's about 15 miles away from where I grew up 🙂 T'big city, we used to call it - we went there for our family holiday once a year, to see whatever family film was the big hit of the moment (Oliver, Sound of Music, Mary Poppins) and my Dad would treat us to the soundtrack 🙂

Sorry, I'm being guilty of thread drift, I will stop now! 😱 🙂
Breadcakes in Yorkshire. Well, apart from Brighouse, where we called them white, brown or currant teacakes 🙄 We also called the big orange things turnips, I was quite grown up before I think I ever saw a proper turnip and found out they were different! 😱

My Mum used to try and get me to eat them by mashing them in with my potatoes, but I didn't like the flavour and didn't eat them that way for years after leaving home! Now I think it's a tasty combination 🙂
I use prefer to eat them raw.
Which part of Yorkshire? Not the part I grew up in! 😱 :D We didn't have pumpkins for lanterns either, and we didn't do trick or treating - instead we had 'Mischief Night' which was 4th November and was in celebration of Guy Fawkes planting the gunpowder in the HP 😱 We use to do stuff like put treacle on doorknobs, swap gates round etc. 😱 :D
I am from North Yorkshire We definetly called them Turnips. Never heard of Swede till I was about 30 .
@Northerner, can I intrude here plz to ask a question? My waking bgl today was 5.0 then pre brunch it was 5.2.

I had 2 rashers turkey bacon pan fried in a little butter,
1 small slice of toasted Hovis nimble high fibre bread with malted dare I say it, wheat,
+ cup black lady grey tea with slice of lemon.

I tested 2hrs post & bgl 7.8. Tested again & it was 8.1 !!!

Do you think it was the bread that raised my bgl?

1 slice of bread 9.2 carbs of which 0.6g sugar.

1 rasher of turkey 1.1g carbs of which also 1.1g sugar.

I was disappointed with meter reading as didn't expect bgl to rise that much.
My legs were wobbly & weak prior to the 8.1bgl but ok now.

I hope you can help me out here Northerner. Thanks in advance.

Diagnosed Type 2 April 2016
Metformin withdrawn
Diet & exercise only.
I would thought out of that lot the bread is the likely culprit. Although it is low carb. Some can't tolerate the Burgen , Protein Bread, or Lidl roll. I have not tried Nimble as I associate it with airy rubbish they peddled as diet bread back in the 70's.
Grovesy, how could you eat them raw?!!! 😱You must have strong gnashes!:D
I would thought out of that lot the bread is the likely culprit. Although it is low carb. Some can't tolerate the Burgen , Protein Bread, or Lidl roll. I have not tried Nimble as I associate it with airy rubbish they peddled as diet bread back in the 70's.
Thank you for that Grovesy 🙂
My waking bgl today was 5.0 then pre brunch it was 5.2.

I had 2 rashers turkey bacon pan fried in a little butter,
1 small slice of toasted Hovis nimble high fibre bread with malted dare I say it, wheat,
+ cup black lady grey tea with slice of lemon.

I tested 2hrs post & bgl 7.8. Tested again & it was 8.1 !!!
That's not a big rise @wirralass, so I wouldn't be concerned 🙂 Remember that meters are not wholly accurate, and even blood drops themselves do not contain the same amounts of glucose, so a 7.8 is really indistinguishable from an 8.1 to all intents and purposes. A rise of 3 mmol/l or less after a couple of hours is perfectly within your body's capacity to deal with without causing any damage 🙂 Also, remember that other factors are at play - your blood glucose levels are not simply a direct consequence of the amount of carbs you consume, although this is obviously an important factor. Your liver also releases variable amounts of glucose itself according to other hormonal activities, time of day, hot or cold etc., so it's only when numbers are radically different before and after eating that you need to perhaps reconsider your food choices 🙂
That's not a big rise @wirralass, so I wouldn't be concerned 🙂 Remember that meters are not wholly accurate, and even blood drops themselves do not contain the same amounts of glucose, so a 7.8 is really indistinguishable from an 8.1 to all intents and purposes. A rise of 3 mmol/l or less after a couple of hours is perfectly within your body's capacity to deal with without causing any damage 🙂 Also, remember that other factors are at play - your blood glucose levels are not simply a direct consequence of the amount of carbs you consume, although this is obviously an important factor. Your liver also releases variable amounts of glucose itself according to other hormonal activities, time of day, hot or cold etc., so it's only when numbers are radically different before and after eating that you need to perhaps reconsider your food choices 🙂
Thank you for replying Northener. I don't feel as concerned now having read your post. Only this afternoon I put my thinking cap on & thought about the revisions I should make to my dietary intake. Doing my best here, don't want to be paranoid about it ....but i just need to, have to, get it right....and try to feel more relaxed if that's at all possible. I know there are lots of very poorly people out there & my heart goes out to each & everyone of them which makes feel as tho i shouldnt be moaning about my bgls but sometimes I feel as if my head is going to explode with all the information that has be collated in order to progress & not let diabetes beat me. I have noticed you saying..... its not a sprint..its a marathon. I'll second that. My apologies for ranting on Northerner but thank you for listening....and thank you too forum members, you lovely peeps! Take care all.
Haven't bought one in a while as my mum doesn't like them me on the other hand loves them nae sliced fingers but the last neep we had was very hard and flew across the kitchen when trying to cut it in half haha x
It's when you get carving knife stuck in it , dicing with whatsit to get it our.
Thank you for replying Northener. I don't feel as concerned now having read your post. Only this afternoon I put my thinking cap on & thought about the revisions I should make to my dietary intake. Doing my best here, don't want to be paranoid about it ....but i just need to, have to, get it right....and try to feel more relaxed if that's at all possible. I know there are lots of very poorly people out there & my heart goes out to each & everyone of them which makes feel as tho i shouldnt be moaning about my bgls but sometimes I feel as if my head is going to explode with all the information that has be collated in order to progress & not let diabetes beat me. I have noticed you saying..... its not a sprint..its a marathon. I'll second that. My apologies for ranting on Northerner but thank you for listening....and thank you too forum members, you lovely peeps! Take care all.
Didn't think you were moaning. Yes, I can second that sometimes head feels like exploding with all the information, and wanting to get it right. As you say, loads of poorly people out there, and I for one open my eyes and feel glad for what I have and have not, and can only say to others, hope you are as ok as you can be. I agree the support here is fantastic, and have often found that someone else's "rant" or what they think is a daft question, reflects what I don't want to open myself up to ask. You take care as well wirralass
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