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What did you eat yesterday?

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They featured Skyr on one of those food programmes, showing how it was made - it's not actually yoghurt, but a form of soft cheese, hence the low carbs. It's also low fat and high protein 🙂
Thanks @Northener. Sounds lurverly 😛 take care u.
Anybody on here want to get some shopping for me and send me it, I only have a Lidl in my town and have an 18 mile round trip to get to a Tesco haha x
I'm not sure you can get unsweetened Skyr, but it's fairly low carb - very thick and creamy 🙂 I like the honey flavoured one, which is 7.8g carbs per 100g. I got mine from Sainsburys.
They featured Skyr on one of those food programmes, showing how it was made - it's not actually yoghurt, but a form of soft cheese, hence the low carbs. It's also low fat and high protein 🙂
@Northerner. Thanks. So what other dessert can you recommend for Type2. I've a terrible sweet tooth, but since diagnosed I've curbed it a lot. What other desserts do you enjoy?
Anybody on here want to get some shopping for me and send me it, I only have a Lidl in my town and have an 18 mile round trip to get to a Tesco haha x
@Kaylz. Hello you🙂Just seen this. Too late to go shopping tonight even if some supermarkets are open 24hrs! AND plz don't tell me you're hungry after what you devoured yesterday😱!!!!!!!!!!!!!Night night x
Menu for Thursday 160217
BG 6.1 @ 10 just before breakfast.
Bottle water with fibre

8oz Mushrooms, 4oz Cheese, 1 ex.lg. Fried Egg.
Pt Aspirin water, meds
Bottle water throughout the afternoon.

BG 5.6 @ 4.42pm
4 Lamb Chops with M&S Mustard Sauce, mashed Cauli mashed with too much butter!
Bottle water and a Levothyroxine pill.
The dinner was too much, had acid reflux which I don't usually get since following Atkins. :( Have binned the mustard sauce!

First thing - 15stones 0.4pounds / Tum - 48 1/2
B: Toast with peanut butter
L: Salad with ham, cheese, 2 small tomatoes, lettuce, gherkin & small blob of mayo/mustard
D: Gammon steak with peas & turnip dauphinoise (layers of sliced turnip & onions & covered in double cream & baked in oven)
Pud: Chocolate peanut butter cup (made myself by melting 85% choc with peanut butter & allow to set in paper cases)
B: Toast with peanut butter
L: Salad with ham, cheese, 2 small tomatoes, lettuce, gherkin & small blob of mayo/mustard
D: Gammon steak with peas & turnip dauphinoise (layers of sliced turnip & onions & covered in double cream & baked in oven)
Pud: Chocolate peanut butter cup (made myself by melting 85% choc with peanut butter & allow to set in paper cases)
@mark. Where do you get all your ideas from....or do you make it up as you go along? Love your yesterdays menu, take care & carry on creating dishy meals!
@mark. Where do you get all your ideas from....or do you make it up as you go along? Love your yesterdays menu, take care & carry on creating dishy meals!
There are times I make stuff up, but most of the time my recipes come from these following websites.
Diet Doctor
I Breathe I'm Hungry
Low Carb Yum
Ditch The Carbs
I found turnip doesn't have a strong flavour so works perfect as a potato replacement.🙂
There are times I make stuff up, but most of the time my recipes come from these following websites.
Diet Doctor
I Breathe I'm Hungry
Low Carb Yum
Ditch The Carbs
I found turnip doesn't have a strong flavour so works perfect as a potato replacement.🙂
What I call a turnip is known as Swede here in Essex.
What I call a turnip is known as Swede here in Essex.
@grovesy. Hi G. A swede is a swede and a turnip is a turnip in my neck of the woods! Both different veggies! One's larger than the other. I prefer carrots mashed with swede as opposed to the other way round 🙂:D Correct me if I'm wrong but what I call a batch, i think is known as a bap or roll in the South?! North & South divide!!! Take care
I am not a southerner I am a Northerner we called the big things Turnips and we made paternal with them at hollowen.We did not call bread rolls baps we called them bread buns.
Breadcakes in Yorkshire. Well, apart from Brighouse, where we called them white, brown or currant teacakes 🙄 We also called the big orange things turnips, I was quite grown up before I think I ever saw a proper turnip and found out they were different! 😱

My Mum used to try and get me to eat them by mashing them in with my potatoes, but I didn't like the flavour and didn't eat them that way for years after leaving home! Now I think it's a tasty combination 🙂
You can tell where people come from by the word they use for baps. We called them muffins. If you have a look on Google there's a map of the names and where the words are used. Can't remember the link.
Anyway, here's the weight loss programme in action:

B: large cappuccino and a leisurely vape.
L: 3.Ryvitas with sliced corned beef thereon, smeared with HP Sauce, naturally. And a dark chocolate Tunnock's Teacake.
D: Small battered fish served with quinoa cooked in fish stock, with dill, seaweed and a few scattered prawns, sugar snap peas
You can tell where people come from by the word they use for baps. We called them muffins. If you have a look on Google there's a map of the names and where the words are used. Can't remember the link.
OH's Lancashire lot call them Barm cakes. Coming from Yorkshire stock, I had to ask for a translation the first time I was offered one.
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