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What did you eat yesterday?

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As a footnote, if you make your own (which is much easier than you think, or have been shown on TV) you could try Stevia or Inulin to do the same job, but I don't like the taste of these sweeteners. They would work. As I said, it's hardly a great problem anyway. And don't fall for cons like Helmans Light. It costs more because they've added water and the chemicals it needs to stay emulsified.
Yesterday Fri 10.02.2017

Breakfast 6am.
2 lean rashers bacon, 1 sausage, fried egg in rapeseed oil, tomato, skinny cappuccino
Then slept for 12+hrs! Much needed sleep 🙂
Eve.meal : Bowl thick homemade chicken & veg soup topped with 3 large broccoli florets, 2, yes 2 weight watchers yogurts 😛& 6 Red grapes followed by skinny lattè.
Eve.snack : 1 extra large boiled egg with slice of toasted nimble malted wholegrain, cuppa decaf tea, 1 rich tea bikky!
Another eve.snack!! : 6 mini bread sticks, cuppa lady grey tea
Also, water during the course of the evening.

Diagnosed T2 April 2016
Diet & exercise
Zero tolerance metformin
B... Two slices of nimble toast with peanut butter and a yogurt
L... Sausages with cabbage and Yorkshire pud
T... Chicken breast with salad one slice of nimble
Snacks .. I small animal bar and some lentil crisps
Well, the best laid plans...
In Glasgow. Had looked at online menus and chose where and what before going out the door in the morning. But shopping took us well into the wrong direction so plans were bashed and ended up in Zizzi's. Should say no more, but then...
Central Station. Valerie's Patisserie. Putting Valentine's Delight's in the window.
I'll say no more. You don't want to know! 🙂
Today's a new day!
Yesterday Fri 10.02.2017

Breakfast 6am.
2 lean rashers bacon, 1 sausage, fried egg in rapeseed oil, tomato, skinny cappuccino
Then slept for 12+hrs! Much needed sleep 🙂
Eve.meal : Bowl thick homemade chicken & veg soup topped with 3 large broccoli florets, 2, yes 2 weight watchers yogurts 😛& 6 Red grapes followed by skinny lattè.
Eve.snack : 1 extra large boiled egg with slice of toasted nimble malted wholegrain, cuppa decaf tea, 1 rich tea bikky!
Another eve.snack!! : 6 mini bread sticks, cuppa lady grey tea
Also, water during the course of the evening.

Diagnosed T2 April 2016
Diet & exercise
Zero tolerance metformin

Soup sounds really good for today too. I think I'll send hubby out for the chicken after breakfast and start chopping!!
As a footnote, if you make your own (which is much easier than you think, or have been shown on TV) you could try Stevia or Inulin to do the same job, but I don't like the taste of these sweeteners. They would work. As I said, it's hardly a great problem anyway. And don't fall for cons like Helmans Light. It costs more because they've added water and the chemicals it needs to stay emulsified.
Yep and the light stuff also contains more carbs and sugar than the good old regular stuff x
B - Macaroons (really must stop this)
L- Cheese Sandwich and crisps and coffee cake
D - Chips

I really must improve my diet, quite frankly it is s**t!
B - Macaroons (really must stop this)
L- Cheese Sandwich and crisps and coffee cake
D - Chips

I really must improve my diet, quite frankly it is s**t!
@Medusa. We on here post loads of great menu's on a daily basis, why not have a looksie to give you ideas? 🙂

Diagnosed T2 April 2016
Diet & exercise only
B - 2 toasted waffles with butter
9:30ish - sachet cadbury highlights fudge hot chocolate
D - bacon, fried egg and mayo sandwich
2:00ish - cup of smooth caramel coffee, milk and 4 squares 85% chocolate
T - 3 pork and leek sausages, 100g mashed tatties with chives, 80g carrots and some gravy
After t - cup of coffee, milk
I'm changing breakfast tomorrow, watch this space lol x
I Fancy trying toasted waffles as fed up with porridge every day! What sort of waffles do you have?!
I Fancy trying toasted waffles as fed up with porridge every day! What sort of waffles do you have?!
They are called confiserie firenze sweet waffles, it's a 12 pack from Lidl's they are delicious, I sometimes have peanut butter on them too, I can't remember the price but they are under £1 and only 11g carbs per waffle 🙂 x Mcvitie's do toaster waffles too but they are smaller and have more carbs and I actually prefer the Lidl's ones x
Going to do my today menu even though I haven't had my tea yet
B - 2 slices 50/50 bread with 100g of chicken and bacon sandwich filler and a cup of coffee, milk
2ish - cup of smooth caramel coffee, milk
D - 2 quarter pounders, 2 yorkshire puddings, 80g petits pois and some gravy
After t - cup of coffee, milk
T will be - 1/2 takeaway ham & chicken omelette, 2 slices wholemeal bread and some mayonnaise, maybe with a vodka and diet coke seen as the OH bought me some 🙂 x
Sound lovely. Might try them and see what they do to my levels!!
Kaylz I am nonplussed! :D I never think of the sugar in tomatoes like that. The added sugar in Hellmans and stuff always seems naughty whereas natural sugar in veg and fruits seems saintly. I shall ask my Atkins friends what they think. This is very interesting.

Medusa you made me laugh. :D

Menu for Friday 100217
No blood to measure. :( Not even a pinprick.
Bottle water with fibre
4 or 5 small Eggs scrambled in butter, 8oz Mushrooms, 4oz Tomatoes, 4oz Shallots
Pt Aspirin water, meds, cod liver oil capsule
4 Sausages with 1 tbs Mayo, a black coffee (visiting with daughter who's doing Atkins like me)
Bottle water later.
1/4 Roast Chicken, 1oz Stuffing, 3oz Asparagus
Bottle water and a Levothyroxine pill.
BG 5.9 @ 7.00pm

First thing after loo - 15stones 2.6pounds / Tum - 48 1/2
The added sugar in Hellmans and stuff always seems naughty whereas natural sugar in veg and fruits seems saintly.
Sugar is sugar, unfortunately - all gets converted to glucose so there's no difference as far as your blood sugar levels are concerned. Some things have so little sugar in them though, or are eaten in such small amounts, that I don't really consider them when totting up meal carbs. Melon is a good example - it's very high GI, but mostly water, so not as disastrous as the GI would lead you to believe 🙄
B - porridge
L - sausage and onion sarnie on Burgen, crisps and salad
D - steak and kidney pie, small scoop of mash. We were at a friends house for a get together and raise money for charity, its the same guy who opens his house and garden up for us in the summer for a charity camping mini car show weekend. The food was pie, mash and beans. So I had no beans and just a small scoop of mash.
I was good and resisted the puddings, even though all 3 on offer I'd have easily put away previously.
B: 2 handfuls of peanuts
L: Tuna mayo salad & a Paleo nut bar
Snack: 1 chinese chicken thigh from the hot counter at Tesco
D: Huge homemade burger in Warburton's high protein thin & salad
1 Brandy, 2 glasses of red wine & 1 G&T.:D
Kaylz I am nonplussed! :D I never think of the sugar in tomatoes like that. The added sugar in Hellmans and stuff always seems naughty whereas natural sugar in veg and fruits seems saintly. I shall ask my Atkins friends what they think. This is very interesting.

@Ditto Maybe this has been suggested, but if not, I have an idea about your slow blood and many tries -- I noticed that my husband will set up his glucometer, and then hold his arm down straight for about a minute while he walks down the hall and back (all of 8 feet, I suppose) and then sit down and do the finger pricking. So last night I asked him why he does that and he said when he does the pin, and counts to 10 -- then there's plenty of blood for the strip. Before he would set up his kit on the table and while his arm was still bent he would press the pin but he was having to try 3-4 times every time. This way hasn't had to try again since he started doing it this way.

Just an idea. Good luck!
Thank you for that SadhbhFiadh, I will be doing that in future. I think that's about right. I inadvertently left it a minute this morning and when I looked back there was a really nice globule. My eyes lit up. :D

I'm a day behind due to trauma yesterday so here's yesterdays' horrendous menu, didn't put any weight on as such but my levels were definitely raised.

Menu for Saturday 110217
Up at 4am with horrendous nosebleed and felt extremely stressed hence 7.0 @ 7.15 but I still tried to stick to my routine!
Bottle water with fibre
3 small Eggs scrambled in olive oil, some leftover roast chicken with 1 tbs mayo.
Glug of water with meds but no Aspirin on advice of out of hours surgery
Lunch @ 4 or 5pm! Tum was rumbling in the waiting room...
Bag of mixed nuts and fruit agh but it was the only item available in the vending machine at Wythenshawe Hospital.
Bottle water sipped throughout the day and finished off this morning, I'm a bit anal about my water bottles 😉
2 huge platefuls of Spaghetti Bolognese. 😱 My brother had made it and I wasn't going to refuse but maybe I should have.
Forgot to take my bottle water and a Levothyroxine pill. :( I was all at 6s and 7s. I couldn't get any blood out to measure before bed thank goodness. Ignorance is bliss.

First thing after loo - 15stones 2.0pounds / Tum - 49
This thread is now closed. Please contact Anna DUK, Ieva DUK or everydayupsanddowns if you would like it re-opened.