What did you eat yesterday?

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thanks Ban
Yes it should be without eating anything at all
Reports showing that you can take water but I myself don’t take anything and test after 100 minutes
When you take the BG after 2 hours of food is that without anything going down your throat except water in that 2 hours?

I am wanting a cuppa...

In my opinion, there is no harm in having a cuppa in that 2hr period as long as you don't have sugar in it or tons of milk. A normal cup of tea with a little full fat milk should not affect your BG reading.
So today
B - 2 packs of Drusticks Squashies sweets 🙄
2nd & proper B - 45g jumbo oats done in almond milk with 60g raspberries and a knob of butter, cup of coffee
mid morning - coffee
D - wholemeal sandwich with chicken breast and Dijon mustard, nature valley salted caramel protein bar and a pint of water
mid afternoon - my 2 cups of luxury coffee
T - mince and mushrooms with an egg dropped in, steamed sprouts, jersey royal potatoes and a knob of butter on my plate, 1 square lindt 90% and pint of water
2 cups of coffee since xx
In my opinion, there is no harm in having a cuppa in that 2hr period as long as you don't have sugar in it or tons of milk. A normal cup of tea with a little full fat milk should not affect your BG reading.
Thanks rebrascora 🙂
B - lemon yogurt, 25g blueberries and mixed nuts. Coffee

L - can tuna and light mayo with salad (greens and radish) and a wholemeal pitta

D - got home quite late so had 8 water biscuits with cheddar.

ES - quavers 🙄 and cup of tea

Lots of water
breakfast: scrambled eggs with avocado, two cups of tea. Small piece of toast with peanut butter.
coffee with cream
Lunch: sunshine vegetable soup and small piece of bread, chunk of blue cheese and a peach. Tea. Carbs about 35g (BG rocketed to 8.8)
dinner: Green pepper, mushroom and tuna sauce with wholemeal pasta. Carefully counted out 20 penne. Served with carrots and leeks. BG after one hour 6.6, after 2 two hours its coming down @6.1 So very happy with that.
snacks this evening: olives, walnuts and a glass of wine
calories 2110, fat 136g, carbs 113g, protein 61g
12th June
Breakfast cornflakes berries flaxseed sprinkle, cuppa (late at 11 am)
BG before lunch/dinner at 2.30 - 5.9 mmol
Lunch/Dinner Chicken baked with thick slice of eggplant 2 thick slices of courgette
1 tomato, 2 cloves garlic half inch fresh root ginger, fresh marjoram and parsley, ends of
carrots, one clemantine. on the side steam microwaved broccoli, kale from garden,
italian leaf and carrots. Glass of red wine topped with water. Finished eating 2.50
BG 2 hours later 5.7 mmol
Afternoon/Evening pear, cuppa, benecol, 2 slices of livlife toasted with bourbin cheese on +
2 choc biscuits and several handfuls of cashew nuts and more tea and a cup of coffee.
BG before bed 8.5 mmol

Weight now at 68.1kg
So today
B - 2 packs of Drusticks Squashies sweets 🙄
2nd & proper B - 45g jumbo oats done in almond milk with 60g raspberries and a knob of butter, cup of coffee
mid morning - coffee
D - wholemeal sandwich with chicken breast and Dijon mustard, nature valley salted caramel protein bar and a pint of water
mid afternoon - my 2 cups of luxury coffee
T - mince and mushrooms with an egg dropped in, steamed sprouts, jersey royal potatoes and a knob of butter on my plate, 1 square lindt 90% and pint of water
2 cups of coffee since xx

mmmm what are Drusticks Squashies sweets ? are they low carb?
mmmm what are Drusticks Squashies sweets ? are they low carb?
I woke up hypo hence my first breakfast being 2 packs of sweets lol, they are exactly the same taste as the Drumstick lolly (raspberry & milk) but a soft variety, I use the mini packs now to treat my hypo's with each bag being just under 12g carbs and just over 11g sugar xx
I woke up hypo hence my first breakfast being 2 packs of sweets lol, they are exactly the same taste as the Drumstick lolly (raspberry & milk) but a soft variety, I use the mini packs now to treat my hypo's with each bag being just under 12g carbs and just over 11g sugar xx
Oh I see, thanks for explaining Kaylz 🙂 Gonna have to eat a no sugar jelly now 😛 x
Oh I see, thanks for explaining Kaylz 🙂 Gonna have to eat a no sugar jelly now 😛 x
Haven't had jelly in ages! Might get my OH to pick me up a couple of pots as he's going to Tesco after work lol, enjoy my lovely! 🙂 xx
Yesterday menu 😉

B yogurt and 25g blueberries and mixed nuts - there’s a theme here lol! Decaf coffee

L prawn salad with peppers and half slice gingerbread, someone had bought it into work and it was 8g carbs!

D chicken and prawn broth, 25g noodles and lots veg. Raised my BG for nearly 3 and I can’t figure out why, must be the diabetes fairy!

ES quavers - I know! Cup of tea
breakfast: 40g my own homemade nutty granola with 80ml of semi skimmed milk
toasted sourdough ( 30g actually pulled a small amount off the slice and binned it- would not have fitted in the toaster anyway) with avocado 75g, two mugs of tea
lunch: shopping trip, got hungry so broke a piece off some cheese, approx 40g,
then home.Fed up what the heck! Had a "normal - before diagnosis type lunch" baguette 80g, ham slice, blue cheese and cucumber.
Actually would have had a mandarin orange, not coffee and cream.
Coffee with french cream and 2 x bonne maman chocolate and caramel tartlette. Tartlette are so small can easily eat in one bite. am admitting to two - don't count how many are left in packet! There are some. Fell asleep at the table. Is this the carb coma have heard so much about? BG after one hourish 11.8 EEEK well of course its high. After two hoursish 11.2 coming down
Dinner: late 8pm.
before dinner BG 6.1
Roasted chicken with caribbean jerk seasoning, few potato, some carrot and cabbage. strawberries and cream ( minute amount, end of pack) . Strawberries bought this morning already some going off, very disappointed with that. MrS had to eat them up, we didnt think any would last til morning.
BG unknown not yet two hours
calories nearly 2k fat 91g, carbs 140g, protein 84g
Calories were looking good until activities were logged, then once again am short by over 400. Fixed it with wine. Not ideal but what the heck? Its been a tough day emotionally.
You try to find meals for me, and MrS with almost diametrically oppposed dietry requirements. He really needs low protein, but I would probably be better with more. As a naturally slim person, I dont store fat. So protein might well be what my body uses. (This is new theory so not certain yet, but nearly a year of high fat and still losing weight, now trying high protein.) He should not have wholemeal anything, that would be better for me. Low Dairy for him, cream in coffee for me. Neither of us should have too many potatoes or tomatoes. He can have cake - not for me. Avocados an absolute NO for him, good for me, although neither of us should eat bananas. Breakfast cereal, not too much milk, or toast,( unless its wholemeal) even with marmalade, good for him, but dire for me. Eggs, good for me, not too many for him. Unsalted nuts good for me, not for him. Its driving me mad.
On the other hand BG at 5.5 two hours after meal YIPPEE.

edited for typos
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Too many nuts,they are moorish pecans and walnuts,think I might have to ban them from the home,and peperami,I would love some sunshine so I can get in to my routine of my 2 mile walk morning and evening,managed it last night but it's hammering down this morning again,it gave me the feel good factor
In my opinion, there is no harm in having a cuppa in that 2hr period as long as you don't have sugar in it or tons of milk. A normal cup of tea with a little full fat milk should not affect your BG reading.
I don’t agree at all
Milk is effect too much
Even tea having caffeine might effect BG
I don’t agree at all
Milk is effect too much
Even tea having caffeine might effect BG
Sorry? You use oats and flour but milk effects you too much? I don't get that?
Milk has under 5g carbs per 100ml and nobody is using anywhere near that in a cuppa
I don’t agree at all
Milk is effect too much
Even tea having caffeine might effect BG

I probably should have said that a cup of tea will not have any appreciable effect on your BG and is therefore not worth worrying about or depriving yourself of but even drinking water could have a very minor impact on your BG in the sense that it will ever so slightly dilute your BG. Even not having a cup of tea when you are used to having a regular cuppa could potentially stress your body and cause you blood sugar to rise slightly. My sister would get a headache on a morning if she didn't have a cup of tea and a headache can definitely raise your BG.
If you are particularly concerned about the effect a cup of tea may have on your reading for that meal, ensure you have a cup of tea at roughly the same time each day after the meal you are monitoring.
Too many nuts,they are moorish pecans and walnuts,think I might have to ban them from the home,and peperami,I would love some sunshine so I can get in to my routine of my 2 mile walk morning and evening,managed it last night but it's hammering down this morning again,it gave me the feel good factor

Agree. I buy the big bags of mixed nuts and whole brazil nuts from Lidl and they are desperately moreish. I really need to portion them out and hide the bag afterwards or place it out of reach somewhere.
Like you, this weather is causing me problems because I am in the house and that means I am surrounded by food (just went shopping yesterday) and I keep picking at it. Even good stuff like olives need to be limited. Hoping to get out this afternoon if this spell of less wet weather holds! My readings have been pretty shocking the past few days due to this rain!
Sorry? You use oats and flour but milk effects you too much? I don't get that?
Milk has under 5g carbs per 100ml and nobody is using anywhere near that in a cuppa
Sorry for confusing
I didn’t mean milk affect BG
I thought that the question is if milk can be drunk before doing the rest of BG after two hours of meal.
So I said yes it affects
By the way I stopped eating Oat and flour don’t worry about that as I was doing something wrong and probably that’s why my HA1C become higher . Now I don’t eat these at all while I missed them too much but I am happy with BG less than 6 after two hours and also less than 5.5 fasting
Which is brilliant and would like to thank everyone here helped me make these changes
I thought that the question is if milk can be drunk before doing the rest of BG after two hours of meal.
So I said yes it affects
it wouldn't make a massive difference in any reading to be fair xx
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