What did you eat yesterday?

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Not my usual breakfast but today was a good day 🙂

9th June BG before breakfast 6.0 mmol Breakfast cornflakes, raspberries and half banana with small amount of milk and yoghurt. Cuppa
followed by 1 slice of Burgen Bread toasted and buttered, with no sugar jam on.
BG 2 hours later and before lunch 6.1 mmol - Lunch was 2 cream crackers with cheddar cheese and beetroot relish+ Cuppa
an apple and some cashew nuts. Afternoon just a cuppa and a benecol lite.
BG before dinner 5.5 yay. Dinner, Quorn mince, 3 teaspoons of chilli kidney beans cooked with mushrooms, garlic ginger, onion, tomato home grown greens on the side. and a glass of red 😛

2 choc biscuits later with a cuppa.

and........ I may have fish n chips sometime if I can keep the BG under 6 🙂 😛

Weight down to 68.1 kg - lower carbs definitely works although I've had quite a few carbs today 🙂

mmmm BG shot up to 12.1mmol before bed, about 2 hours after dinner. :(
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breakfast: 20g granola plus 30g nuts and splash of milk. 2 teas
lunch: salad, boiled egg, baguette 45g, tomato confit, 45g bleu creameux cheese 50g cup of tea
it all went wrong in the afternoon. it was raining, gardening over for the day, bored and feeling useless.
Ate all there was in the mixed dried fruit bag, probably about 100g, had three or four spoonfuls of cream as well, but this is french cream only 30% fat.
dinner: hake fillet in lemon flavour breadcrumbs, 2 small potatoes, carrots, green beans, cabbage, glass of wine, another peach ( there are several ripe) with greek yoghurtand a spoonful of cream.
Calories about 1924, carbs 183 Eek waay over. fat 91g, protein 47g, way under. Not my best day.
According to the Ap need another 350 calories. but am stuffed full. maybe later.
had two boiled eggs and a cup of tea
I'd say you must be putting on weight with what you are eating. What's the blood glucose doing?
Yesterday bG was a bit high for me, 6.4 before breakfast. Am assuming that was Dawn, had been up and active over two hours by then. Did come down after breakfast to 5.6 Weight, will find out on friday.
Hmm BG 6.3 this morning, before breakfast, have been up about an hour, working in the garden. Guess its all that dried fruit still having an effect.
Bacon and eggs cooking now. Had small piece of baguette ( about an inch)to mop up the bacon fat left in the pan as well.
I do lots of healthy cook
For example oat cake
Four egg , two cup oat , one cup wholemale flour or coconut flour , 1/4 cup of avocado oil , 1/4 cup of brown sugar . Nut as you like , one spoon of peanut butter
So nice cake
I ate one slice daily with green tea

You maybe need to re think your idea of healthy, Ban. Great recipe which ticks all the boxes for anybody who does not have diabetes. Might be OK for some who have diabetes but would be very unhealthy for me.

I use quite a lot of herbs in cooking but only for flavour, I'm sure they have no effect on BG. I can't see how they could.
Is it ok to join in?

Breakfast was an omelette made with 2 eggs and some chilli flakes.

Lunch was 4 chicken goujons and crisps ( first time having proper crisps in a month and it was a sharing pack probably had a few more than I should have) a little oaty chocolate flap jack thing they were giving away in Tesco’s so I had to try it!

7.9 an hour later then 5.9 an hour after doing some gardening

Dinner was a big family bbq lots of salad and veg a burger, sausage and chicken with some birthday cake and jelly for afters

Was expecting a big number 2 hours later but was 5.4
BG a bit high for me this morning before breakfast @ 6.4 about an hour after getting up.
Breakfast: 100g bacon and 2 egg about an inch off yesterdays baguette to mop up the bacon fat. 2 cups of tea.
2 hours later BG 5.4
lunch: sunshine vegetable soup followed by coffee with cream. Forgot to take premeal reading but two hours later was 5.1
snack: cup of tea, piece of spice cake spread with butter.
before dinner BG 5.8
Dinner: beansprout and mixed veg stirfry with few prawns and almonds thrown in at last minute. Served with rice, 2 tbs only for me. Yoghurt and another peach, snaffled about an inch of baguette with melted brie from MrSkinny. 2 glasses red wine, coffee with french cream. (french cream has 30% fat and a few carbs. Uses emulsifier - carrageen) will have to read labels more closely next time. Have found nothing like British double cream so far though.
calories just under 2000, fat 108g, carbs 112g, protein 85g

edited to add:
BG 2 hours after dinner 5.1
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Not my usual breakfast but today was a good day 🙂

9th June BG before breakfast 6.0 mmol Breakfast cornflakes, raspberries and half banana with small amount of milk and yoghurt. Cuppa
followed by 1 slice of Burgen Bread toasted and buttered, with no sugar jam on.
BG 2 hours later and before lunch 6.1 mmol - Lunch was 2 cream crackers with cheddar cheese and beetroot relish+ Cuppa
an apple and some cashew nuts. Afternoon just a cuppa and a benecol lite.
BG before dinner 5.5 yay. Dinner, Quorn mince, 3 teaspoons of chilli kidney beans cooked with mushrooms, garlic ginger, onion, tomato home grown greens on the side. and a glass of red 😛

2 choc biscuits later with a cuppa.

and........ I may have fish n chips sometime if I can keep the BG under 6 🙂 😛

Weight down to 68.1 kg - lower carbs definitely works although I've had quite a few carbs today 🙂

mmmm BG shot up to 12.1mmol before bed, about 2 hours after dinner. :(
Here is link to low carb fish and chips recipe.
Been a few days since I last posted, hope you are all ok? yesterday was

B one sausage, one slice bacon, dessert spoon of beans and one slice of medium brown bread. BG only rose by 2 so yay!

No lunch

D we went out so had a Sunday lunch, chicken, one potato and veg, unfortunately when the ‘veg’ came it was just red cabbage. BG rose by 4.5! Not so good! Won’t be having Sunday lunch there again!

Naughty treat and 3 glasses of wine yesterday as we had guests but BG this morning was ok for me considering what it has been.
Breakfast yesterday was cereal with 4 strawberries
Lunch was chicken salad
4.9 before dinner
Dinner was “skinny lasagne” with green beans and asparagus. Strawberries and cream for afters
7.9 before bed but woke up to a 5.8 this morning the lowest I’ve had
B - 45g jumbo oats cooked in almond milk, 60g raspberries, knob of butter and a cup of coffee with almond milk
mid-morning - coffee with almond milk
D - wholemeal smoked Bavarian ham & cheese sandwich, nature valley salted caramel protein bar & pint of water
mid-afternoon - 2 cups of French or Italian coffee (not sure which grounds I opened and put in the kilner jar lol)
T - 3 egg mushroom & corned beef omelette, steamed green beans, charlotte potatoes drizzled with my homemade mustard dressing, 25g bar moser roth 85% chocolate & pint water
2 cups of coffee
Same as previous day up until T
T - chicken breast, roasted sprouts & a mushroom, charlotte potatoes drizzled with my mayo dressing, 1 square lindt 90% & pint water
now enjoying my second evening cuppa 🙂
Hi Liz, the link is just going to a sign in page. I've just signed up for an Xpert diabetes course starting in July, so maybe I will get to know more on that, also I am wondering if each xperthealth has their own website for each county.
Sorry about that.
Found the course very friendly and informative. Was disappointed at being unable to complete it. Missed the last couple of sessions because we are now in France.
B usual yogurt, blueberries and nuts. Decaf coffee

L prawn salad with 5 small croutons and a little Marie Rose sauce

D fillet of salmon, large salad, spoonful of coleslaw and a whole meal pitta

Evening snack 25g mixed nuts and a decaf tea

Plenty of water.🙂
breakfast, homemade nutty museli. milk and 2 cups of tea
midmorning coffee
lunch ham salad and a peach, tea
afternoon cup of tea
dinner: vegetable and prawn stirfry, but this time with the rice mixed in, so quantity unknown. Did mix the leeks in after the rice and not evenly, took my meal from the leeky side. Had yoghurt and a peach after, still trying to make up enough calories, but after two hours BG is at 7.7
Testing again in an hour.
Calories about 1750, so far. Fat 132g, Carbs 93g, Protein only 38g. Difficult to make this higher as MrSkinny is supposed to have a low protein diet.

Edited to add BG is now 6.6
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Not a good eating day yesterday - not enough greens / vegetables or fruit.

11th June Breakfast -cornflakes milk and few raspberries, burgen toast nutrili spread and
sugar free jam on cuppa BG before lunch 5.0
Lunch, egg bacon and some eggy potatoe slices (on special in Waitrose - cuppa BG 2hrs after lunch 7.4
Dinner Tomato soup and slice of livloaf + Sugar free jelly cuppa
Evening, cashew nuts in the evening with cuppa and choc biscuit BG before bed 7.8mmol

Nutrili - vegan spread alternative to butter (no palm oil) (used sparingly shouldn't be a prob with the calories if you are watching them)
Waitrose low carb bread - livlife - smaller slice than burgen but 3.8 carbs (you could have 2 🙂 )
B. Cup of mocha. Mushroom, onion, aubergine and cheese 2 egg omelette with large portion of salad leaves, cherry tomato, cucumber, small sweet pepper and avocado..... this really takes some eating on a morning and I have to be disciplined about having it but seems to really stabilise my BG and sets me up for the day. Things go totally haywire if I have carbs for breakfast.
A jelly baby mid morning as I was doing strenuous manual work..... there was a time when it would have been the whole bag but I am much more disciplined now with treats.

A few brazil nuts and a chunk of cheese

D. Green beans and broccoli with a small portion of lamb mince bolognaise sauce.
I also had a couple of squares of 70% choc during the afternoon/evening

BG readings were 8.9 (Fasting) followed by 8.5 6.7 7.7 7.1 and ending the day on 6.4
Breakfast: cereal
Break: 1 packet of weight watchers mini cookies
Lunch: tuna salad
Dinner: roast chicken with lots of veg. 1 huge pair and cream for afters
7. Something i can’t remember could have been 7.6

Woke up on 6.8 this morning
When you take the BG after 2 hours of food is that without anything going down your throat except water in that 2 hours?

I am wanting a cuppa...
Is it ok to join in?

Breakfast was an omelette made with 2 eggs and some chilli flakes.

Lunch was 4 chicken goujons and crisps ( first time having proper crisps in a month and it was a sharing pack probably had a few more than I should have) a little oaty chocolate flap jack thing they were giving away in Tesco’s so I had to try it!

7.9 an hour later then 5.9 an hour after doing some gardening

Dinner was a big family bbq lots of salad and veg a burger, sausage and chicken with some birthday cake and jelly for afters

Was expecting a big number 2 hours later but was 5.4
Well done
I just changed whole male bread by gluten free toast and since then my BG always around 5.3 after two hours of eating
I am so happy with these results
Even morning test around that number
When you take the BG after 2 hours of food is that without anything going down your throat except water in that 2 hours?

I am wanting a cuppa...
Yes it should be without eating anything at all
Reports showing that you can take water but I myself don’t take anything and test after 100 minutes
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