What did you eat yesterday?

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Of course it is useful , thanks for advise
I am trying to learn from everyone but again the question is if I increased the protein , is it OK or that’s will affect the BG as well
I feel that I am starving can’t feel full without bread and that’s exactly my problem

Does pulses counted as protien or carb ?

I will be so happy if I can go back to normal BG

Protein has little or no carbs so I’m terms
Of BG shouldn’t spike your BG.

Pulses are carbs so you’ll need to measure them and work out the carb content. For example 100g boiled lentils contain approx. 20g of carbs.

I’ve found reading the advice on this site in addition to the forum helpful to understand how our bodies work with carbs. The recommended daily allowance for carbs for a woman is 260g a day but I can’t eat that many, at the moment I’m on about 60-80g a day.

As I said to truly know how much you can tolerate you need to test it’s the only way to figure it out for you. When I first got diagnosed I could tolerate more carbs but it can change hence why I’m not testing again figuring out my new normal.

There’s no doubt it’s a challenge but you can get there. All the best.
What impresses me about people is that you are all so normal! I wish I was normal. Even when eating unwisely you still all seem to eat meals! I've never done meals in my life. I just eat. If it's there I eat it. Comes of having been dragged up no doubt and having to fend for myself but it's not done me any good. For instance for breakfast this morning I had two fried egg sarnies. Would it be 'normal' just to have one, presuming I could eat what I like and not counting the diabetes? I'm trying to do testing today, but it's so difficult getting any blood out. I will post my 'NFM' menu tomorrow... NFM = normal for me along the lines of NFN = normal for Norfolk. :D
Oh Sorry
But believe me we all not eat what we like and that’s the frustrated point as even if we eat something that’s mean feel guilty
I just ate D for last night one boiled egg with one toast (feel v guilty about it) and salad . Cherries three pieces
What impresses me about people is that you are all so normal! I wish I was normal. Even when eating unwisely you still all seem to eat meals! I've never done meals in my life. I just eat. If it's there I eat it. Comes of having been dragged up no doubt and having to fend for myself but it's not done me any good. For instance for breakfast this morning I had two fried egg sarnies. Would it be 'normal' just to have one, presuming I could eat what I like and not counting the diabetes? I'm trying to do testing today, but it's so difficult getting any blood out. I will post my 'NFM' menu tomorrow... NFM = normal for me along the lines of NFN = normal for Norfolk. :D
I can almost guarantee not one of us ate the way we do now before we were diagnosed but we've chosen to change as the problems that could occur if we didn't change are far worse than anything, you could manage it too if you really wanted to xx
Agree with you, @Kaylz .
What I eat now is not my ‘normal’ but it’s become my normal. I was a terrible emotional binge eater. I could, for example, eat a whole loaf of plastic white bread, toasted and slathered in nearly a whole pack of butter and not bat an eye. Or two huge bars of Dairy Milk....one in the car on the way home and the other when I got back. I’d snack whilst preparing a meal and still eat the meal even though I was no longer hungry.
Even the shock of being diagnosed with T2 wasn’t enough to stop me thinking about how I was slowly killing myself. A few years down the line, after being ‘diet-controlled’ and seeing worse and worse blood results, I was told by my GP I had to start on Metformin. THAT was my wake-up call. I decided I didn’t want to spend the rest of my life drug-dependent. I read everything I could on the internet about diabetes, the meds, and ‘reversal’. It quickly dawned on me that I could take control and do something about my condition MYSELF as the doctor’s attitude was ‘take the Metformin and your blood sugars will come down’. Well, I realised that was treating a symptom and not the cause. The way forward for me was to put a stop to the unhealthy eating once and for all and to help myself.
I can’t speak for anyone else, but LCHF has turned my life around. Amazing to think that a few changes has made such a huge impact. I never in a million years thought I’d see myself eating so well and healthily and losing weight, too. I eat lots and am never hungry. Don’t get me wrong, I fall off the wagon every now and then but just get right back on it. The key is not to see yourself as depriving yourself but to concentrate on putting all that good stuff in your body and knowing you’re nourishing and healing it.
@Philomena that really is fantastic, unfortunately for me there isn't an option for coming off medication lol, I was the same as you, I'd sit at night with 2 packs super noodles, then have crisps or chocolate and didn't think about it, as soon as I was diagnosed I changed my diet, even more terrifying with being diagnosed with diabetes related eye problems a month after the diabetes diagnosis, change is easy if you want to do it and avoid later complications in my opinion xx
@Kaylz yes, everyone’s diabetes is so different. I wish I’d made the changes when I was first diagnosed but I just buried my head in the sand until I knew there were no more options.
I get that for many people choosing to take the meds is not an option. I can only really relate to my diabetes journey. I’m sure you manage yours really well and that you know how important healthy eating is as well as the meds.
Oh I could tell you some (horrific!) stories of binge eating...... am so pleased I’m not that person any more!!
@Ditto I agree with @Philomena and @Kaylz, my diet now is not what it was, I love bread, savoury snacks, and all the naughty treats but when I got diagnosed I had my daughter that had to change.

I want to see her grow up, set a good example of a balanced diet, and hopefully one day, be able to run after my grandchildren. When I think about it that way it spurs me on and giving up that crusty white bread doesn’t seem quite such a sacrifice.

I’m no where near perfect and I fall off the wagon too but just because you’ve one bad day (or several) doesn’t mean you throw the rest away as well.

There’s no doubt is a hard journey no matter what type of diabetes you have, but getting advice and support from the lovely people on here helps. X
@Kaylz yes, everyone’s diabetes is so different. I wish I’d made the changes when I was first diagnosed but I just buried my head in the sand until I knew there were no more options.
I get that for many people choosing to take the meds is not an option. I can only really relate to my diabetes journey. I’m sure you manage yours really well and that you know how important healthy eating is as well as the meds.
Oh I could tell you some (horrific!) stories of binge eating...... am so pleased I’m not that person any more!!
Well as a Type 1 I produce no insulin of my own so I have to rely on my injected insulin, horrid to be working one day and in the hospital that night on a sliding scale, of course they didn't feed me the best while I was there (breakfast was a bowl of porridge with sugar followed by a big white roll with jam 😱) I still eat bread and manage more than those of you that are Type 2 but I don't go near white bread anymore lol xx
Also there are some benefits from daibetic , let’s be optimistic
Your figure after losing weight are so much better than before , I am so happy every time I look at mirror to see my body shape with size 10/12 after I was on size 16/18

Also healthy food will take other health problems away from you and avoid getting it , so it is like a safety wall for you

More energy , I feel I have more energy when I am on LCHD

Also my family has started to eat some of what I am eating , so people around you get affected by what you doing and so proud that I did that success which is not everyone can
While true for some not all diabetics are over weight xx

I know it is true
I noticed that your HBA1C dropped from 100 to 40 which is quiet well
Please Can you advise what have you done to be usefull to me and others
I know it is true
I noticed that your HBA1C dropped from 100 to 40 which is quiet well
Please Can you advise what have you done to be usefull to me and others
unfortunately not, you and many of the others that still post in this thread are Type 2, I'm Type 1 so completely different and have to rely on injecting my insulin as a Type 1 I don't produce any insulin, Type 2's still produce it your body just doesn't use it as well as it should xx
Today I'm still eating rubbish but I'm trying to do meals. It's a start. 🙄
Ditto it's easy, you'll never change if you don't want to and don't put the effort in, just make a change day by day, its better than what 'could' happen in the long run, surely? xx
What will happen no doubt about it. :( Already having liver, eyes and tum trouble. Fool to myself!
don't beat yourself up, I have had my fair share of eye issues as you know and I had only been diagnosed a month when all that kicked up, could you not ask your doctor or a nurse to be put in touch with a dietician and you could put together a healthy plan? It's best to look after yourself the best you can and prevent things from getting worse while you still can xx
I was put down for bariatric but I don't believe in it! o_O Cutting people up because they're greedy or have no willpower and the cost! I think the NHS should advise people on lchf and then when they get to goal offer them skin surgery for all the surplus.
in a way its saving the NHS money as it's meaning they are avoiding other health complications that are led to by being overweight like heart problems and the likes, if you set yourself a goal and think how much better you'd feel that should be motivation enough hun xx
I'll join you @Ditto
Today I've had eggy bread, egg and chips and just now a slice of quiche, yum! I'm working tonight so will have chocolate at 3am :D. I guess at least I take insulin to cover the carbs. My bgs haven't been above 7 all day, must be having a lucky day 😎

Tomorrow is a new day...
yum @Lucy Honeychurch

I need to have chips and chocolate but not today.

Oats Fruit and Yoghurt for Breakfast
Picture for lunch BG 2 hours after lunch 5.7
Afternoon snack apple, cracker and humus, choc biscuit
BG before evening meal at 8pm 6.6 mmol ooooer twas the choc biscuit
Dinner I'm having a huge plate of salad with avocado 2 slices of cheese and an egg do you think that is enough protein? I added a slice of bread but didn't eat it all? handful of cashews. BG 2 hours later 6.3mmol.


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What will happen no doubt about it. :( Already having liver, eyes and tum trouble. Fool to myself!

Yesterday was a doozy, I have to get a handle on my eating, I'm out of control.

8.7 @ 6.58am.
B: Pint grit water (fibre) followed by 2 Fried Egg Sarnies, Pint water with Aspirin and meds. 9.8 @ 9.30am.
Snack: Corned Beef Sarnie.
L: Bacon Sarnie with mustard made by my brother. Some sweets :(
D: Fish (huge), chips, mushy peas and chinese curry from the chippy across the road. Absolutely huge portions, Mum couldn't finish hers. Pint water.

Too scared to measure bg.
So sorry you are having great difficulty Ditto. Will the doc refer you to psychologist to get to the bottom of why you want to eat so much? It must be so difficult for you, like a very bad craving or food addiction.

Sure hope you can get some help with this, especially as its affecting your health in other areas as well.
Much better day today 08-06-19
Breakfast: didn't know what to have, started on some emmental cheese, ate it all. about 180g, and 2 mugs of tea
coffee with cream
lunch: salad,(not listing it all 4 slices cu, half a tomato, etc etc) garlic sausage, baguette with butter, about 35g( thats two inches) handful of almonds and a peach. More coffee.
cup of tea in the afternoon
dinner: fried cabbage and onion, steamed the salmon on top of it, two small potatoes, few carrots, some brocolli, couple of slices courgette, runner beans. Another peach with greek yoghurt, glass of wine
one boiled egg - just to make up the calories and increase protein. cup of tea
total calories around 2200, carbs 114g, fat 117g, protein 126g.
breakfast: 20g granola plus 30g nuts and splash of milk. 2 teas
lunch: salad, boiled egg, baguette 45g, tomato confit, 45g bleu creameux cheese 50g cup of tea
it all went wrong in the afternoon. it was raining, gardening over for the day, bored and feeling useless.
Ate all there was in the mixed dried fruit bag, probably about 100g, had three or four spoonfuls of cream as well, but this is french cream only 30% fat.
dinner: hake fillet in lemon flavour breadcrumbs, 2 small potatoes, carrots, green beans, cabbage, glass of wine, another peach ( there are several ripe) with greek yoghurtand a spoonful of cream.
Calories about 1924, carbs 183 Eek waay over. fat 91g, protein 47g, way under. Not my best day.
According to the Ap need another 350 calories. but am stuffed full. maybe later.
had two boiled eggs and a cup of tea
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