• Please Remember: Members are only permitted to share their own experiences. Members are not qualified to give medical advice. Additionally, everyone manages their health differently. Please be respectful of other people's opinions about their own diabetes management.

What did you eat yesterday?

This thread is now closed. Please contact Anna DUK, Ieva DUK or everydayupsanddowns if you would like it re-opened.
B - 2 slices toasted soreen fruity malt loaf with butter
9:45ish - cup of roasted hazelnut coffee,milk
D - 2 sllices 50/50 toasted with grated cheese and popped under the grill (yummy) haha
1:45ish - cup of coffee, milk, 4 squares 85% G&B chocolate
T - 2 aberdeen angus burgers, 80g carrots, 100g mashed potato and some gravy
After t- cup of coffee, milk x
Yesterday I consumed:

B: cappuccino

Brunch: Two fried eggs on a bed of peppery haggis. Wonderful flavour combination.

Afternoon: Americano with two rich tea biccies.

D: corned beef hash.
Never had the pleasure of eating haggis M, please fogive my ignorance but how is it cooked and what does it taste like?

Type 2 since April 2016
Hi @Ditto. It might seem like we are all eating a lot but bear in mind 'portion size'' is paramount. If I may say, if you reduce your portion size even if it's just a little bit to start with, I'm sure you'll notice a difference even after say one-two weeks albeit small. It's not easy especially if you're feeling hungry! It's a case of training our brains to inform our stomachs what it can/can't eat & how much. We can all go overboard once in a while with portion sizes or a treat. Exercise is another thing to remember. I would suggest that you start off slowly & build up. Once in the habit of exercising in whichever form you choose it does becomes easier & not such a hardship & can even become enjoyable. For my part I actually look forward to pedalling away on my exercise bike now & doing my daily stretching exercises. My weight plateau'd in December but found stretching exercises helped me to shift those extra unwanted inches especially round the middle and waist☺I have lost 7inches from my waist & an overall inch loss of 14&3/4" to date through diet & exercise. I would also say a little/or lot of patience & dedication is useful towards an effort to achieve target weight & measurements. Hope this has helped & good luck. Take care. Wirralass x
Good advice there I have taken to using a small plate to put my meals on as it then looks like I have loads x lol x
I cant even post on here what I have eaten today suffice to say that I can only hang my head in shame x had a BG of 8.5 when I tested two hours after eating .... Now back to 5.6 ... But why I pigged out I do not know and have my hba1c next week too :(
Early, Yogurt & cherries with oat bran
Mid day, Tuna, with various salad vegetables
Late, recipe from this month's Co-op magazine: Chicken mozzarella bake (4g carb- says it's two servings but it's really 4)
Bedtime, Boiled egg
B: ham, cheese & scrambled egg
L: Had a late breakfast so missed lunch
D: chicken breast stuffed with black pepper boursin & chorizo & wrapped in prosciutto with shop bought veg bake.
Not being able to measure my blood is very frustrating. The finger-pricker just doesn't have enough oomph, maybe I've done it wrong. I get a tiny pinprick of blood but it's not enough. :(

Meant to say re exercise, I try and walk. That's the only exercise I do really. Sometimes I'm a busy bee though looking after Mum, zip zip zip, that's me round the bungalow. Mum says "You should be like a lat!" I should! 😉

Menu for Friday 030217
Bottle water with fibre
4oz Cheddar (melted into a big crisp). mmmm
Pt Aspirin water, meds, cod liver oil capsule
Slice of pork, slice of turkey, slice of roasted beef.
Forgot to drink my water.
A lamb shank with some kind of too sweet sauce so didn't have much, 3 hash browns.
(All went wrong, what a funnypec day! My family are bonkers. All three diabetics pigged out on Christmas pudding with double cream last night and this night they had steak and kidney pudding and home made chips. They refuse to measure.)
Bottle water and a Levothyroxine pill.

I luvs my family, they can't help being bonkers. :D
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B - parma ham and mayo sandwich, 25g bar Moser Roth 85% chocolate, cup of coffee, milk
2ish - cup of coffee,milk
D - salt & pepper fish, 1 potato waffle, 80g petits pois, mayo and a cup of coffee, milk
T - half a ham & chicken takeaway omelette, 1 slice 50/50 bread and a wee bit of mayo x
Good advice there I have taken to using a small plate to put my meals on as it then looks like I have loads x lol x
@Manda1. Snap re plate but I omitted to mention that. The side plates of my dinner service are 7 & 1/2" in diameter, tho I could easily pile the food on vertically if I so wished, which really evades the point of a using smaller plate! Does that make sense!!!Haha!
Never had the pleasure of eating haggis M, please fogive my ignorance but how is it cooked and what does it taste like?

Type 2 since April 2016
Sorry for the delay in replying. Haggis is already cooked when stuffed into either a plastic or natural casing. The easiest way to cook it by far is to split open, put the contents on to a plate and heat in the microwave till piping hot, giving it an occasional stir with a fork. If the casing is natural, I often steam the haggis, which takes around 45 minutes. That keeps the haggis more moist.

The taste varies slightly according to the manufacturer. Local butchers in Scotland often use their own recipes. The essential ingredients are lambs lights (lung), often liver, occasionally heart, and pinhead oats, with lots of white pepper. As all the ingredients are minced, their origin is not identifiable, happily. The taste is similar to faggots, which use similar ingredients. It is peasant food, in the tradition of eating bits of the animal not served at high table, and its origins can be traced to Roman times.

One of the ways to serve haggis at a formal dinner is to half fill the centre of a crown of lamb with haggis before roasting.

Because of the oats, haggis has a fairly low glycemic index, so tends not to spike your blood sugar.

Some folk will be put off by the ingredient list, and then go and eat Richmond sausages, the list for which makes my stomach turn. At least haggis is all natural.
Well I had a weird day yesterday, my slight obsesssion with crackers and breadsticks might have tipped over into full on obsesssion 😱

B: 4 tuc crackers with avocado and tomato
Snack: 4 tuc crackers with more avocado
Lunch erm....6 tuc crackers with cream cheese tomato and basil and yes more avocado
Dinner - huevos rancheros (yum), a mini doughnut and then erm 2 tuc crackers 😳

The Tuc obsession might have a way to go, it's now breakfast time and I'm wondering what chopped egg on Tuc would be like, with avocado obviously, I'm not a savage 😉
Yesterday was leftover day.
Scrambled egg & fried veg (onion, peppers, celery)
Tuna mayo and the leftover fried veg from breakfast
Chicken, recipe leftover from yesterday.
Ok yesterday
B..Two slices toast with marmite and a yogurt
L... Ham and egg salad
T.... Prawn mayo sandwich with a packet of lentil crisps
Snack ... One tunnocks teacake
B - porridge
L - sausage and onion sarnie on burgen bread with some salad, crisps
D - chicken with peppers, onions and chorizo in a bbq sauce with small portion on pasta.
Snacks - peanuts
Not being able to measure my blood is very frustrating. The finger-pricker just doesn't have enough oomph, maybe I've done it wrong. I get a tiny pinprick of blood but it's not enough. :(

Meant to say re exercise, I try and walk. That's the only exercise I do really. Sometimes I'm a busy bee though looking after Mum, zip zip zip, that's me round the bungalow. Mum says "You should be like a lat!" I should! 😉

Menu for Friday 030217
Bottle water with fibre
4oz Cheddar (melted into a big crisp). mmmm
Pt Aspirin water, meds, cod liver oil capsule
Slice of pork, slice of turkey, slice of roasted beef.
Forgot to drink my water.
A lamb shank with some kind of too sweet sauce so didn't have much, 3 hash browns.
(All went wrong, what a funnypec day! My family are bonkers. All three diabetics pigged out on Christmas pudding with double cream last night and this night they had steak and kidney pudding and home made chips. They refuse to measure.)
Bottle water and a Levothyroxine pill.

I luvs my family, they can't help being bonkers. :D
My Brother has been type 2 for 15 years and eats what he likes. He is also a heavy drinker. He likes his whiskey. I'm amazed he hasn't ended up on insulin but he is on all 3 meds (met, glic & stig). He thinks my diet is stupid. He also reckons he has no complications. His memory is terrible & he has a frozen shoulder. I think these are complications.
B: Yoghurt with berries & seeds
L: Cheese, ham & tomato toastie
Atkins chocolate bar (reduced to clear ar Tesco)
D: Ostrich steak & roasted veg
4 squares of 85% choc.
My Brother has been type 2 for 15 years and eats what he likes. He is also a heavy drinker. He likes his whiskey. I'm amazed he hasn't ended up on insulin but he is on all 3 meds (met, glic & stig). He thinks my diet is stupid. He also reckons he has no complications. His memory is terrible & he has a frozen shoulder. I think these are complications.

HEY! I had a frozen shoulder just the week before the GP diagnosed me! The consultant to discovered it (from Glasgow) wrote to her the very next day (as I got the copy sent to me) so when I showed up the next week, GP looked at me like, What Now? And I said did you get an email from ... She whipped around to her computer and said, Oh.
But I didn't know that was some side effect; I'm still going to physiotherapy for the shoulder every month!
Thanks for that little piece of information.
Are those crackers made of wheat? They're addictive then according to Wheat Belly. 🙂

Re Haggis, we had that at the Alexandra Hotel when we stayed in Oban and we had that scrummy sweet too, Clacken, or something. Divine. 😛 I definitely want to go back there, it was a cracking holiday.

Menu for Saturday 040217
Bottle water with fibre
2oz Tomato, 4 rashers bacon grilled, 2 extra large eggs fried in butter, 4 1/2 onion fried, 1 1/2 oz cheese melted into a crips mmmm
Pt Aspirin water, meds, cod liver oil capsule
180g Bernard Mathews Turkey as I went ravenous going round NISA supermarket so I threw it down my neck on getting back into the bungalow.
Bottle water throughout the afternoon.
1/3 cup Cucumber, 1 1/2 cup Little Gem Lettuce, 1 cup Celery, Cod fried in butter (I do a lot of frying it seems!)
Bottle water and a Levothyroxine pill.

First thing after loo 15stones 3.5pounds - Tum 49>
HEY! I had a frozen shoulder just the week before the GP diagnosed me! The consultant to discovered it (from Glasgow) wrote to her the very next day (as I got the copy sent to me) so when I showed up the next week, GP looked at me like, What Now? And I said did you get an email from ... She whipped around to her computer and said, Oh.
But I didn't know that was some side effect; I'm still going to physiotherapy for the shoulder every month!
Thanks for that little piece of information.
I also had a frozen shoulder when diagnosed. Had it for two years. Cleared up completely once blood sugars came down.
Morning all Lovely day here in the Inner Hebrides.

Yesterday I consumed:

B: cappuccino with rich tea biscuit, two Tramadol. ( bad hip day)

L: 3 Ryvitas topped with soft scrambled egg goosed up with cayenne pepper and tarragon

D: Roast chicken served with Quinoa which I cooked in chicken stock, into which I stirred peas, softened finely chopped onion and sage.

Before bed: chocolate digestive, and two more Tramadol.

Don't need any pain relief this morning.
This thread is now closed. Please contact Anna DUK, Ieva DUK or everydayupsanddowns if you would like it re-opened.