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What did you eat yesterday?

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Not in the same dish, I hope! 😱 😉

Yes, at the same time! I only like sweet things with sour or bitter combos so it's not as odd as it sounds, actually scratch that it is that odd 😱
B: Toast & peanut butter
L: chicken salad & coleslaw
Nature Valley protein bar
D: Shop bought lamb rogan josh, aloo gobi saag, bulgar wheat & 2 poppadoms.
4 small squares of 85% Tesco finest cooking chocolate.
Tesco had this stuff reduced to clear. Bought 6 bars.🙂
B: Porridge with raspberries
D: Salt and Pepper Squid with a lettuce, red pepper and tomato salad
B- Multigrain porridge with blueberry yogurt
Boiled egg (second breakfast)!
L- Black turtle beans with olive oil and more blueberry yogurt (love blueberries)
T- Chicken, green beans, & tatties mini meal with gravy
S- Pimento stuffed olives in a cup (long day yesterday)
Yesterday was virtuous.

B: cappuccino with full cream milk froth, choccie sprinkles and a vape. (That's the sophisticated man's coffee and fag eye opener)
L: 3 Ryvitas with salmon
D: Tom Kerridges Shepherds Pie with cauliflower mash topping. Absolutely delicious, plus veg. Satsuma following.

And there's enough left for tonight
Menu for Tuesday 310117 (can measure now but was it my bloods or the pricker that was wonky!? I telephoned the surgery for a telephone appointment but unable to get one till Friday so they said 'phone 111 which I did and they advised telephone the surgery.) :D

Bottle water with fibre
Ham and Eggs.
Pt Aspirin water, meds, cod liver oil capsule

Chicken, quinoa salad, mashed swede, olive oil (bit of a mixture but tasty)
Bottle water throughout the afternoon.

Snack: Rhubarb dessert mmmmm

Ham Salad with cheese coleslaw and potato salad with Hellmans mayo.
Strawberries, single cream
Bottle water and a Levothyroxine pill.

First thing after loo - 15 stones 2.0 / 3.0 pounds on the digital scales...
Tum = 48 1/2 to 49 inches

A comfort food day, worried about not being able to measure at the time.
Yesterday not good at all, depressed & weepy sob sob! Yesterday evening mustered up motivation to go to the local supermarket, bought all sorts (thats probably coz i shopped on an empty stomach) bought all the wrong stuff & pigged itwhen i got home, Bgl went a bit off my scale but not outrageously. Not eaten yet today and it's 13.35hrs but I'm keeping up my usual fluid intake. Went for a short walk earlier to blow the cobwebs away.
Bgl at midday today: 6.6mmol. That's heaps better than yesterday☺

I found the recipe thread earlier, not seen that before! Have posted a low carb choc cake recipe for all ye chocaholics! Take care all.

Diagnosed Type2 April 2016
Currently diet only.
So sorry for such a miserable day yesterday.
When I'm like that my husband tells me to take my temperature.
To which he gets a frosty response, and a little isolation!
I hope you're feeling better today. I'm heading for the recipe section now!
B - Toast (1 carb/slice) & butter
D - Irish coffee with the emphasis on Irish along with a shot or two of cold remedy & very early to bed....
Haven't done one for a while, so today I had:
B: porridge with a bit of maple syrup and a small slice of oatbread toasted
Snack - cappuccino
Lunch: hummus, 5 breadsticks (my current obsession 😉), cherry tomatoes, sugar snap peas, olives and mixed beans in white wine dressing with mint. Dark chocolate and clementine bar (m&s)
Dinner: fakin (soya bacon substitute) and egg, walnuts and half an apple (I'm trying to introduce a bit of fruit, not sure why because I don't really like it, just thought it would be good to try 🙄)

I'm currently slightly obsessed with breadsticks and tuc crackers, not entirely sure why but I do have these strange food fads. Before Christmas it was pickled eggs, and dried raspberries not a clue why 🙂
Sounds like pregnancy fads!!!!! Are you?!!!
So sorry for such a miserable day yesterday.
When I'm like that my husband tells me to take my temperature.
To which he gets a frosty response, and a little isolation!
I hope you're feeling better today. I'm heading for the recipe section now!
Thank you Sadhbh, it helps to know I'm not alone & someone else has been there too. Hope you like choc cake recipe. I haven't tried it yet so if you do before moi, plz let me know what you think. Thanks again, take care x
B - Toast (1 carb/slice) & butter
D - Irish coffee with the emphasis on Irish along with a shot or two of cold remedy & very early to bed....
Bed is the best place when you're under par. Like the sound of Irish, personally when I have a streaming cold I go for hot milk (of the skimmed type) with a good dash of Napoleon brandy! That's the only time I drink it, yes honestly! Boring ol me! Hope you feel better soon Martin, take care
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Thank you Sadhbh, it helps to know I'm not alone & someone else has been there too. Hope you like choc cake recipe. I haven't tried it yet so if you do before moi, plz let me know what you think. Thanks again, take care x
@Sadhbh. Yes I'm feeling a tad better than yesterday thank you, keeping myself busy to keep my mind off the baggage i don't want to think about. Take care
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B - 2 toasted waffles with butter
9:30ish - sachet cadbury highlights fudge hot chocolate
D - bacon, fried egg and mayo sandwich
2:00ish - cup of smooth caramel coffee, milk and 4 squares 85% chocolate
T - 3 pork and leek sausages, 100g mashed tatties with chives, 80g carrots and some gravy
After t - cup of coffee, milk
I'm changing breakfast tomorrow, watch this space lol x
B, Multigrain porridge with sweet cherries
L, Yogurt with sweet cherries and bramley apple sausage
T, Hungarian goulash, without tatties
S, Boiled egg and gherkins (not at the same time!)
Really I just want to pig out. I can feel my food addiction waiting in the wings. I'm only being half-way good because of threat of weight loss surgery and my D. :(

Menu for Wednesday 010217
Bottle water with fibre
Bacon and Eggs, 1 Tomato.
Pt Aspirin water, meds, cod liver oil capsule
Ham, Coleslaw, 4oz Cheddar.
Bottle water throughout the afternoon.
Posh chicken salad (already made up in Tesco, no idea of carbs)
Smoked Salmon and Cream Cheese left-over sarnie (agh why can't Mum just eat her meals instead of being so finickity?)
Bottle water and a Levothyroxine pill.

Weight up :( tum still 49inches and solid...hate it.
B: Pack of M&S cocktail sausages. This is my go to brekky if I'm out before breakfast (ie: before 9am)
L: Tuna salad
Bar of 85% cherry filled choccy (13g carb)
D: Corned beef hash
2 squares 85% choccy.
Yesterday 01.02.17

B. Nil apart from a skinny lattè
L. 1 Youngs smoked salmon seafood stick cut into bite size, 1 tablespoon of celery, nuts & sultana salad, i added diced beetroot for colour. That was quite filling.
Afternoon snack...handful of almond nuts, water
Eve.meal. not much of an appetite so had two boiled eggs with toasted crumpet soldiers! Cup of decaf tea, muller light yogurt
Almond nuts for evening snack + skinny cappuccino

1ltr water throughout the day & evening
Regular meds + 1 garlic oil capsule

Diagnosed Type2 April 2016
Currently no metformin
Diet & exercise only
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This thread is now closed. Please contact Anna DUK, Ieva DUK or everydayupsanddowns if you would like it re-opened.