What did you eat yesterday?

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Breakfast - yogurt mixed berries and desiccated coconut
Lunch - cheese salad
Dinner - 1 apple
Snacks - 1 apple
BGL breakfast 4.6-4.7 Lunch 4.3-3.8 Dinner 4.2-3.8
B. My usual.
L. Cheddar cheese, an apple and sparkling water.
D. Corned beef hash.
I was so hungry so had an early morning snack of two slices of wholemeal buttered toast and coffee, as it was so close to my bedtime I only jabbed for one slice.
I won’t be posting yesterday’s meals! I can’t remember now what I ate but, it’s more or less the same! Also due to my neck injury I had to up all my doses to cover rising BS & still one 10 & one 9 creeped in despite the increased insulin, basal & bolus! The last thing I want to do is demoralise anyone with my rising BS numbers!
Also wont, be posting today! BS rose even higher today with a 12 & a 10, so added even more insulin & it started to come down after Lunch! Just had dinner & will be going to bed soon! Got through today on paracetamol & will see the GP tomorrow & get pyshio as soon as possible!

Goddnight everybody!🙂
Stupid food!

B- Greek yoghurt, strawberries, blueberries & raspberries (just a couple of each)
L- erm.... 3 courses at zizzi... calamari/king prawns shared with hubby, pollo prosciutto with coleslaw/tomato salad, 3 scoops ice cream (2x mascapone, 1x chocolate with salt)... and a v large glass of wine
D- not sure yet, we have Camembert but I’m not hungry yet

I’m never going to lose weight if I continue to let tiredness dictate my diet. Need the nights to cool just a little so my small people sleep better!! So frustrated and upset by my weight.
Sunday 8/7
FBG (5.30am) Not measured today
Snack (6am): Pear, walnuts {105 Cal / 10.3g Carbs}
………………………….5 mile walk
Breakfast (7am): Poached duck egg, ham, mushrooms, tomatoes,
toast (one slice, seeded), baked beans / Juice from one orange {359 Cal / 27.7g Carbs}

Snack (10am): Peach, pistachios (87 Cal / 8.1g Carbs}

Lunch (12pm): Vegetable broth {83 Cal / 10.4g Carbs}
Prawn & avocado salad {263 Cal / 10.6g Carbs}
Strawberries, mango, yoghurt, almonds {121 Cal / 10.1g Carbs}

Snack (3pm): Apple slices, peanut butter {140 Cal / 8.1g Carbs}
…………………………..3 mile walk

Dinner (6pm): Melon, Parma ham {98 Cal / 6.4g Carbs}
Trout almondine, roast veg (potato, squash, celeriac), peas /
Prosecco (4oz) {510 Cal / 28.1g Carbs}
Malaga ice cream {146 Cal / 26.3g Carbs}

4 cups of coffee too

Calories 1970
Carbs 152.3g
Protein 113.4g
Fat 81.6g (Sat Fat 19.1g / Trans fat 0.2g)

All food cooked from scratch, if you would like any recipes please just ask
Fasting bg 7

B/Fast: 2 boiled eggs - 7.8
Lunch: chickpea, tabbulah, falafel and bean salad with tzatski - 8.4
Dinner: grilled lamb and salad - 7.3

Nearly blew it with cravings for bread this afternoon. Settled on low carb snack.
Snacks: Zero coke and a packet of kp nuts (2.6g carbs)

BG levels have been all over the place. Nothing less that 7 for days. As high as 10.4, some days. Wondering if it could be the heat.

Hope you feel better soon, Lanny.
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My Yesterdays.
2 slices frozen and toasted Morrisons protein wholemeal bread topped with 4 x rashers of bacon and 2 fried free range with a little HP Fruity sauce..
Mid Morning –
Slow cooked shredded ham with Piccolo toms and Danish blue cheese.
Mid Afternoon –
D –
Harvest protein bar
Blackberries with a strawberry jellypot and double cream.
Mid Evening –
Danish blue cheese and toms with a low carb scone.
About 1.0 ltr of coffee.
1.0 ltr STUR Berry no added sugar cordial.
0.5 ltr Alpro.
3 Double espresso.
End for today.

250mls cold water with freshly squeezed lemon juice & ice cubes.
B. Uncooked porridge oats in cold semi skimmed milk with 6 raspberries
L. Homemade veggie soup.
D. Hock ham in caramelized apple sauce, 2 small baby new spuds, red cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower, sliced carrots, and a glass of Rosè. The ham was succulent and just fell off the bone.
Pud. Softscoop chocolate icecream with three small strawberries. MmmMmm😛
20180708_193338.jpg demolished the lot!20180708_195915.jpg
I drank loads of water throughout the day.
250mls ice cold water with freshly squeezed lemon juice before bed.
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250mls cold water with freshly squeezed lemon juice & ice cubes.
B. Uncooked porridge oats in cold semi skimmed milk with 6 raspberries
L. Homemade veggie soup.
D. Hock ham in caramelized apple sauce, 2 small baby new spuds, red cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower, sliced carrots, and a glass of Rosè. The ham was succulent and just fell off the bone.
Pud. Softscoop chocolate icecream with three small strawberries. MmmMmm😛
View attachment 9446 demolished the lot!View attachment 9447
I drank loads of water throughout the day.
250mls ice cold water with freshly squeezed lemon juice before bed.

Nice!😎 Roared with laughter at the after pic of empty plate & wine bottle!:D:D:D
09/07/18 AND normal service resumes as I’ve managed to get the insulin doses right for my needs today & all my readings are within target ranges: albeit higer & with more than double my usual insulin doses; I need what I need & “I’m sucking it up!” Target BS ranges between 4.5 & 9.5: revised down a bit from the previous 5 to 10 by my DSN after my record breaking, for me, lower figures last week!

05:26 BS 9.1. 10 units Novorapid, yesterday’s 8 wasn’t enough & BS is even higher tday, Breakfast:- 1 baked sausage, 1.5 poached eggs, 50g baked beans & 1 cup twinings everyday with 40ml longlife almond milk. Could only manage half of my usual breakfast & was worried I’d had too much insulin but, couldn’t do anything about it as I’d already injected! 07:14 BS 8.1. Phew! It seems I got it right after all!

11:00 BS 8.4. 8 units Novorapid, yesterday’s 6 wasn’t enough, 30 units Levemir & all other meds Lunch:- 0.5 poached egg, 1 baked sausage, 50g baked beans, 1 beef grill birds eye, 1 bag steam veg birds eye sunshine mix & 150ml pressed apple juice tesco. 12:54 BS 9.2. High but, still ok, ish!

14:18 BS 6.2. It’s a bit early at just over 3 hours after lunch but, felt very hungry & a bit lightheaded & that’s quite a drop in BS in a little over an hour! 12 units Novorapid, yesterday’s 6 wasn’t enough & +6 for rice, Dinner:- very hungry 1 serving beef casserole, eyeballed about 3 or 4tbsp of boiled rice & 150ml pressed apple juice. 16:28 BS 7.4.

VERY tired & going to bed soon! Going to bed on a much lower figure today & hopefully tomorrow’s waking figure will be lower than today’s!🙂

Dosed up on paracetamol again today & got a referral for pyshio for my neck without having to see GP: the GP contacted the doctor on call who examined me on Sat. Today the paracetamol lasted 1 hour longer before the heat in my neck built up to burning: 6 hours instead of yesterday’s 5 hours. So, marginally better today? Hope pyshio won’t take too long! Two hands together, please emoji!

Wishing you all an early goodnight!🙂
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09/07/18 AND normal service resumes as I’ve managed to get the insulin doses right for my needs today & all my readings are within target ranges: albeit higer & with more than double my usual insulin doses; I need what I need & “I’m sucking it up!” Target BS ranges between 4.5 & 9.5: revised down a bit from the previous 5 to 10 by my DSN after my record breaking, for me, lower figures last week!

05:26 BS 9.1. 10 units Novorapid, yesterday’s 8 wasn’t enough & BS is even higher tday, Breakfast:- 1 baked sausage, 1.5 poached eggs, 50g baked beans & 1 cup twinings everyday with 40ml longlife almond milk. Could only manage half of my usual breakfast & was worried I’d had too much insulin but, couldn’t do anything about it as I’d already injected! 07:14 BS 8.1. Phew! It seems I got it right after all!

11:00 BS 8.4. 8 units Novorapid, yesterday’s 6 wasn’t enough, 30 units Levemir & all other meds Lunch:- 0.5 poached egg, 1 baked sausage, 50g baked beans, 1 beef grill birds eye, 1 bag steam veg birds eye sunshine mix & 150ml pressed apple juice tesco. 12:54 BS 9.2. High but, still ok, ish!

14:18 BS 6.2. It’s a bit early at just over 3 hours after lunch but, felt very hungry & a bit lightheaded & that’s quite a drop in BS in a little over an hour! 12 units Novorapid, yesterday’s 6 wasn’t enough & +6 for rice, Dinner:- very hungry 1 serving beef casserole, eyeballed about 3 or 4tbsp of boiled rice & 150ml pressed apple juice. 16:28 BS 7.4.

VERY tired & going to bed soon! Going to bed on a much lower figure today & hopefully tomorrow’s waking figure will be lower than today’s!🙂

Dosed up on paracetamol again today & got a referral for pyshio for my neck without having to see GP: the GP contacted the doctor on call who examined me on Sat. Today the paracetamol lasted 1 hour longer before the heat in my neck built up to burning: 6 hours instead of yesterday’s 5 hours. So, marginally better today? Hope pyshio won’t take too long! Two hands together, please emoji!

Wishing you all an early goodnight!🙂
Nighty night Lanny, sleep tight!🙂
Monday 9/7
FBG (5.30am) 4.2
Breakfast 1 (5.30am): Porridge (made with almond milk),
peach, raspberries, pecans {300 Cal / 35.1g Carbs}
……………………………….2 mile walk
……………………………….5 km on rowing machine
Breakfast 2 (8am): Toast (one slice, seeded), hummus, avocado,
mushrooms, tomatoes / Juice from one grapefruit {232 Cal / 22.0g Carbs}

Snack (11am\: Vegetable soup / Half a banana {147 Cal / 20.1g Carbs}
………………………………...5 km row

Lunch (12pm): Texas chilli, sweet potato wedges, corn on the cob {410 Cal / 35.2g Carbs}
Strawberries, blueberries, yoghurt, cashews {127 Cal / 14.5g Carbs}

……………………………...2 mile walk
Snack (5pm): Parma ham, melon {91 Cal / 9.2g Carbs}

Dinner (6pm): Chicken, roast potatoes, Yorkshire pudding,
squash, cauliflower, green beans, redcurrant sauce {449 Cal / 30.4g Carbs}

Snack (9pm): Toast (one slice, seeded), almond milk {108 Cal / 10.6g Carbs}

4 cups of coffee too

Calories 1919
Carbs 183.4g
Protein 117.2g
Fat 59.8g (Sat Fat 13.0g / Trans fat 0.5g)

All food cooked from scratch, if you would like any recipes please just ask
B. 2 buttered wholemeal toast with Brussels pate and a huge coffee.
L. Sparkling water.
D. Roast chicken, a few jersey royals with mint and butter, minted peas , ketchup, a Coke Zero and some sparkling water.
Before bed , coffee.
Waster throughout the day.

I had an up up an away day yesterday several corrections needed, the first I knew of it was after my lunch of sparkling water 🙄 when I felt yucky and sleepy , I was 10 Summat on the Libre with a straight up arrow 😱 things did not improve even when I changed the cartridge.

250mls cold water with freshly squeezed lemon juice & ice cubes.
B. Uncooked porridge oats in cold semi skimmed milk with 6 raspberries
L. Homemade veggie soup.
D. Hock ham in caramelized apple sauce, 2 small baby new spuds, red cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower, sliced carrots, and a glass of Rosè. The ham was succulent and just fell off the bone.
Pud. Softscoop chocolate icecream with three small strawberries. MmmMmm😛
View attachment 9446 demolished the lot!View attachment 9447
I drank loads of water throughout the day.
250mls ice cold water with freshly squeezed lemon juice before bed.
That’s what I love to see , a clean plate. 🙂
You’d dinner looked lovely too.
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