09/07/18 AND normal service resumes as I’ve managed to get the insulin doses right for my needs today & all my readings are within target ranges: albeit higer & with more than double my usual insulin doses; I need what I need & “I’m sucking it up!” Target BS ranges between 4.5 & 9.5: revised down a bit from the previous 5 to 10 by my DSN after my record breaking, for me, lower figures last week!
05:26 BS 9.1. 10 units Novorapid, yesterday’s 8 wasn’t enough & BS is even higher tday, Breakfast:- 1 baked sausage, 1.5 poached eggs, 50g baked beans & 1 cup twinings everyday with 40ml longlife almond milk. Could only manage half of my usual breakfast & was worried I’d had too much insulin but, couldn’t do anything about it as I’d already injected! 07:14 BS 8.1. Phew! It seems I got it right after all!
11:00 BS 8.4. 8 units Novorapid, yesterday’s 6 wasn’t enough, 30 units Levemir & all other meds Lunch:- 0.5 poached egg, 1 baked sausage, 50g baked beans, 1 beef grill birds eye, 1 bag steam veg birds eye sunshine mix & 150ml pressed apple juice tesco. 12:54 BS 9.2. High but, still ok, ish!
14:18 BS 6.2. It’s a bit early at just over 3 hours after lunch but, felt very hungry & a bit lightheaded & that’s quite a drop in BS in a little over an hour! 12 units Novorapid, yesterday’s 6 wasn’t enough & +6 for rice, Dinner:- very hungry 1 serving beef casserole, eyeballed about 3 or 4tbsp of boiled rice & 150ml pressed apple juice. 16:28 BS 7.4.
VERY tired & going to bed soon! Going to bed on a much lower figure today & hopefully tomorrow’s waking figure will be lower than today’s!🙂
Dosed up on paracetamol again today & got a referral for pyshio for my neck without having to see GP: the GP contacted the doctor on call who examined me on Sat. Today the paracetamol lasted 1 hour longer before the heat in my neck built up to burning: 6 hours instead of yesterday’s 5 hours. So, marginally better today? Hope pyshio won’t take too long! Two hands together, please emoji!
Wishing you all an early goodnight!🙂