What did you eat yesterday?

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B: Activia NAS yogurt, 2 boiled eggs, apple juice
L: Ham & tomato butty, a peach & Activia NAS yogurt
Small pack of pork scratchings
T: Homemade cottage pie.
Red bush tea.
B. 2 buttered wholemeal toast with Brussels pate and a huge coffee.
L. Sparkling water.
D. Roast chicken, a few jersey royals with mint and butter, minted peas , ketchup, a Coke Zero and some sparkling water.
Before bed , coffee.
Waster throughout the day.

I had an up up an away day yesterday several corrections needed, the first I knew of it was after my lunch of sparkling water 🙄 when I felt yucky and sleepy , I was 10 Summat on the Libre with a straight up arrow 😱 things did not improve even when I changed the cartridge.

Oh, dear!:( I wasn’t the only one then! Hope you’re not coming down with something?:(
Breakfast - yogurt and coconut
Lunch - salad and spiced pork mince
Dinner - 2 jerk sausages and a cheese and ham omelette
snacks - 1 M&S cream bun (naughty but nice) 1 10cal jelly
BGL breakfast 4.9-4.2 Lunch 4.5-4.4 Dinner 4.9-4.8

The cream and jam bun 4.9 before 1hr later 5.4 2hrs after 4.8
Breakfast - yogurt and coconut
Lunch - salad and spiced pork mince
Dinner - 2 jerk sausages and a cheese and ham omelette
snacks - 1 M&S cream bun (naughty but nice) 1 10cal jelly
BGL breakfast 4.9-4.2 Lunch 4.5-4.4 Dinner 4.9-4.8

The cream and jam bun 4.9 before 1hr later 5.4 2hrs after 4.8

Ooh! Yum!😛 That’s a nice menu!:D Whey, hey!:D Glad you enjoyed your cream bun!😛
Oh, dear!:( I wasn’t the only one then! Hope you’re not coming down with something?:(
Seems we’re keeping good company with each other :D

It’s looking like another fun filled day BG wise 😡
Tuesday 10/7
FBG (05:30) Not measured today
Breakfast 1 (5.30am): Porridge (made with almond milk),
nectarine, blackberries, walnuts {281 Cal / 33.4g Carbs}
……………………………….2 mile walk
……………………………….5 km on rowing machine
Breakfast 2 (8am): Toast (one slice, seeded), scrambled eggs
mushrooms, tomatoes / Juice from one orange {293 Cal / 23.3g Carbs}

Snack (11am): Banana {63 Cal / 14.3g Carbs}
………………………………...5 km row

Lunch (12pm): Vegetable soup {79 Cal / 9.6g Carbs}
Chicken & avocado salad, hummus {313 Cal / 9.7g Carbs}
Strawberries, mango, yoghurt, pistachios {129 Cal / 10.0g Carbs}

Snack (3pm): Apple slices, peanut butter {140 Cal / 9.0g Carbs}

BG (6pm) 4.1
Dinner (6pm): Thai green prawn & cashew curry,
forbidden (emperor's) rice {386 Cal / 36.3g Carbs}
Peach, raspberries, yoghurt, pecans {144 Cal / 11.7g Carbs}

4 cups of coffee too

Calories 1884
Carbs 163.6g
Protein 97.5g
Fat 84.6g (Sat Fat 19.3g / Trans fat 0.1g)

All food cooked from scratch, if you would like any recipes please just ask
B. 2 buttered wholemeal toast with Brussels pate and a huge coffee.
L. Sparkling water.
D. Roast chicken, a few jersey royals with mint and butter, minted peas , ketchup, a Coke Zero and some sparkling water.
Before bed , coffee.
Waster throughout the day.

I had an up up an away day yesterday several corrections needed, the first I knew of it was after my lunch of sparkling water 🙄 when I felt yucky and sleepy , I was 10 Summat on the Libre with a straight up arrow 😱 things did not improve even when I changed the cartridge.
Oh dear Ljc sorry to read this, hoping things look brighter for you soon ~ buddy diabetes fairy, thought @Northerner had left the little madam in Southampton😡
10/07/18 Oh, dear! Not a good start ten, got worse & finally started to come back down after the increased dose of Levemir at Lunch!

05:39 BS 9.7. Lost track of time posting. 06:45 BS 9.9. 10 units Novorapid Breakfast:- 4 slices buttered toast, 100g baked beans & 2 cups twinings everyday with 80ml longlife almond milk. Forgot to take frozen sausages out to defrost in fridge overnight & also out of eggs before my asda delivery later today! Grr! 😡 08:35 BS 15.9. Yikes! Too much toast? Correction dose of 4 units Novorapid.

Rang my DSN & she agreed with me than my Novorapid doses are ok & to up the Levemir to 31 units at Lunch.

11:17 31 units of Levemir, no Novorapid as the last dose is still active, & all other meds.

12:39 BS 6.1. 8 units Novorapid Lunch:- 1.5 blocks rice vermicelli, 5 chinese fish balls, 2 small closed cup mushrooms, 1 bag satay seasoning paste itsu, splash toasted sesame oil tesco in 450ml boiled water for 10mins & bottled water. 15:15 BS 10.3.

Didn't eat dinner as I wasn't hungry & I'm going to bed soon! 19:24 BS 8.3.

I only needed 2 doses of paracetamol today as they lasted me 7 hours. There is a wee bit of heat in my neck now but, sleeping has been the only time it doesn't bother me. I 'll try to GET to sleep without another dose but, Will take it if the heat gets too much & I can't get to sleep!

Goodnight all & wake up to a wonderful day! 🙂
Oh dear Ljc sorry to read this, hoping things look brighter for you soon ~ buddy diabetes fairy, thought @Northerner had left the little madam in Southampton😡
I’m pretty sure she’s flitting between me and @Lanny atm
Had another fun filled BG day. Basal increased, rapid increased and so did my BG 😱. If anyone sees that buddy DF please give her a good kicking and bury her under a hefty slab of concrete preferably in a deep mine .

Brunch. 4 Ryvita’s with a little cheese, 6 strawberries and a large coffee
S. An apple.
D. Was very naughty here, I thoroughly enjoyed Haddock it was well battered, 8 oven chips, mushy peas o_O a Coke Zero and more sparkling water ,
Water throughout the day
D. Was very naughty here, I thoroughly enjoyed Haddock it was well battered, 8 oven chips, mushy peas o_O

@Ljc. I know what I might be having for dinner tomorrow😛
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For some reason I didn't have an appetite yesterday. All I had to eat was two tuna & crisp lettuce wholemeal sandwiches ~ plus my usual 250mls x 2 of cold water with freshly squeezed lemon juice ~ and water throughout the day.
B: Raspberries & Activia NAS yogurt, 2 boiled eggs
L: Ham & tomato butty on wholemeal, berries, Activia NAS yogurt
T: Southern fried chicken fillet, a few skin on fries, peas & sweetcorn.
Breakfast - yogurt and coconut
Lunch - 2 lettuce leaf hotdogs with cheese and BBQ sauce
Dinner - stir fry veg and turkey steak
Snack - 1 apple 1 10cal jelly
BGL breakfast 5.6-5.1 Lunch 5.3-4.5 Dinner 4.6-4.3
B: Mushrooms cooked in butter on Burgen toast, milky coffee
L: Greek salad, berries & Mullerlight yogurt.
T: Ribs cooked all day in the slow cooker in a caramelised onion BBQ sauce, coconut basmati rice, tea
Red wine x ? - Wine Wednesday.
11/07/18 Another mixed bag of readings! I’ll give it another day on 31 units Levemir to see if things settle down before calling DSN on Friday for another basal increase?

06:03 BS 8.6. 10 units Novorapid Breakfast:- 2 baked sausages, 7 baked small closed cup mushrooms, 2 slices buttered toast & 1cup twinings buttermint. 08:09 BS 10.7. A bit high!

12:18 BS 8.2. 12 units Novorapid 31 units Levemir & all other meds Lunch:- 1 battered fish fillet youngs, 8 potato lattices asda, 1tbsp salad cream heinz & 150ml pressed pineapple, coconut & lime juice the cracker drinks co. 13:52. BS 9.6. A bit better!

17:55 BS 7.3 on Freestyle mini & 7.6 on GlucoRx nexus mini ultra. 12 units Novorapid Dinner:- 1 minted lamb quarter pounder burger asda, 8 potato lattices asda, 1 bag steam veg birds eye sunshine mix & 150ml pressed passion fruit & mango juice the cracker drinks co. 19:41 BS 7.2 on Freestyle mini & 7.4 on GlucoRx nexus mini ultra. Much better!

I normally get 100 strips each prescription which lasts me 2 weeks but, due to the neck injury, rising BS & increased insulin The 2 caps I picked up last week only lasted me 1 week! I ordered some more & my health centre rang me yesterday to tell me they are giving me 2 new meters as they are discontinuing the Freestyle strips!

I picked up the new meters after lunch & the last 2 caps of Freestyle strips I ordered! So, I used both systems to see what the difference is & I’m pleased to see that they’re very similar! I ordered more strips for the new meters as I only got 20 starter strips, 10 each, from the 2 meter kits!

I was only out for a short while, an hour, but, my back & neck were killing me when I got back! So, needed 3 doses of paracetamol today! It was the first time I’ve been out of the house since Saturday & only because my neck had settled down yesterday & this morning!

I also got an appointment for Physio for 15/08/18. A bit longer than I’d like but, MUCH shorter than the 9 month wait a few years ago when I injured my shoulder & had Physio for 2 years before I could put my hair up!

Going to bed soon! Going out today tired me out!

Goodnight all & hope you all wake to another wonderful day! 🙂
Wednesday 11/7
FBG (05:30) 3.9
Snack (5.30am): Banana {61 Cal / 14.0g Carbs}
……………………………….5 mile walk
Breakfast (8am): Toast (one slice, seeded), scrambled eggs
smoked salmon / Juice from one grapefruit {289 Cal / 15.9g Carbs}

Lunch (12pm): Chicken broth {105 Cal / 1.7g Carbs}
Prawn & avocado salad, hummus {294 Cal / 11.8g Carbs}
Pear, blackberries, yoghurt, walnuts {144 Cal / 10.9g Carbs}

………………………………4mile walk
Snack (5pm): Apple slices, peanut butter {168 Cal / 13.2g Carbs}

Dinner (6.30pm): Partridge & chilli sausages, celeriac mash, carrots,
broad beans, peas {361 Cal / 35.1g Carbs}
Strawberries, raspberries, yoghurt {86 Cal / 13.8g Carbs}

Snack (8pm): Toast (one slice, seeded), almond milk {151 Cal / 15.4g Carbs}
4 cups of coffee too

Calories 1705
Carbs 138.1g
Protein 102.0g
Fat 72.2g (Sat Fat 18.6g / Trans fat 0.5g)

All food cooked from scratch, if you would like any recipes please just ask
Breakfast - yogurt and coconut
Lunch - cheese salad
Dinner - cauliflower ziti and side salad
Snack - 1 10cal jelly 2 pieces Lindt 90% dark chocolate
BGL breakfast 4.8-5.1 Lunch 5.2-4.7 Dinner 4.5-4.2
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