What did you eat yesterday?

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Oh, yum!😛 That was a great menu the last couple of days!🙂
Thanks, the Portuguese restaurant on Friday was very good.
02/07/18 Managed some sleep overnight, at last!🙂 Then a bit drama after going out & not being able to get back in!😡

06:52 BS 6.4. A REAL waking figure as I actually got some sleep!🙂 6 units Novorapid Breakfast:- not hungry, half an oatcake! 09:12 BS 7.8.

Walked into town to post something & do some errands & walked back: 7500 steps! Then spent over an hour trying to get back in my house. The last couple of times coming back in the key was very hard to turn in the lock & I'd meant to oil the lock but, forgot! Tried to force the key to turn but, didn't have the strength! I went round to both my neighbours for oil but, neither of them were in this morning. Looked in the garage for oil & managed to find WD 40 oil. In the process I knocked over a bottle of car oil reaching up on the high shelf & it went over my dress, gloves & shoes. sprayed it in the lock & tried again: nope! Reluctantly called my brother as it's early for him, anytime before noon is early for those in the catering business! He sounded sleepy but, said he would come round & if he couldn't get it, we'd get a locksmith! While waiting for him to get dressed, go to the bathroom etc. I tried the key again &, lo & behold, with a bit of strength managed to turn the key! Called my brother back straight away & his wife managed to catch him as he was going out the door! Bunged my dress in the washing machine, rinsed for a long time my leather gloves, house keys & shoes in soapy water: car & WD 40 oil are SO strong smelling! Cooled off in front of the fan for half an hour before having lunch! What a to do!😡

11:48 BS 8.0. 8 units Novorapid, +4 for sandwich as +2 last time wasn't enough, 29 units Levemir & all other meds. Lunch:- shop bought chicken, stuffing & cranberry on white bread sandwich & 1kg veg soup mckees. 13:47 BS 6.8.

20:55 BS 5.3. 4 units Novorapid Dinner:- 1 serving chicken casserole, 1 box 100g microchips mccains & bottled water. 23:15 BS 8.2.

Another perfect all green, in target ranges, day of readings! Yay!:D A bit of drama & bother getting in the house! Pooh!😡 And still a wee rise between breakfast & lunch, only wee because of the walk, that's become normal now!o_O A much cooler & more comfortable day today & would like that again tomorrow, minus dramas please, thank you ver much! Two hands together please emoji!
Now why did you ruin a perfectly great breakfast with THAT unnecessary monstrosity!😱 Avocado! Urg!:confused:
I heartily agree with you !!!
Avocado and Olives are
I wonder if Brussels pate goes with tinned salmon
Oh heck Lanny what a horrible time you had. I hope the lock behaves itself now.
My Yesterdays.
2 slices of Morrisons protein bread toasted straight from frozen with peanut butter.
Mid Morning –
William de Percy Inn, Otterburn
Braised ox cheeks with tenderstem, baby carrots and kale.
½ serving sticky toffee pudding and ice cream.
Mid Afternoon –
D –
Toby Carvery
Gammon, beef, red cabbage, cauliflower and onions.
NO potatoes of any kind and NO Yorkshires.
Mid Evening –
Blackberries and extra thick cream.
For ALL you AVOCADO Lovers, my Stash.
About 1.0 ltr of coffee.
1.0 ltr STUR Berry no added sugar cordial
0.5 ltr Alpro
3 Double espressos.
Large glass ice lemon soda water
End for today.

Breakfast - yogurt and strawberries
Lunch - salad and mackerel
Dinner - Boiled ham , stuffed mushroom ( pesto tomato and cheese) salad
Snack - 2 pieces Tesco 85% dark chocolate 1 sugar free sweet from Aldi
BGL breakfast 5.0-4.3 Lunch 4.4-4.3 Dinner 4.2-4.2
Just ate a REALLY delicious lunch when I made my very first omelette! 3 eggs, salt, pepper, splash of alpro almond milk, some dried mixed herbs, Canadian vintage cheese & fried with pure butter!😛

Learnt a couple of things to note next time but, not bad for a first attempt, even if I do say so myself!🙂

1. Don’t need salt as the cheese has enough salt.
2. Don’t overcook the eggs as they’ll continue to cook on the plate.

More of this, today’s menu, later!:D
03/07/18 Another perfect green day of within target readings AND my lowest ever before & after meal readings: truly boldly going where I haven’t gone before! :D

04:42 BS 5.3. My lowest ever waking number & very nearly a House Special. 6 units Novorapid Breakfast:- 3 baked sausages, 2 slices buttered toast, 200g baked beans, 3 cups tea & 120ml longlife almond milk.

06:19 BS 6.0. Wanted to exercise so, tested early, around 90mins, had half an oatcake. Decided to exercise anyway & ate 1 salmon paste sandwich for safety so, I don’t go too low with active insulin as well!

Amazed myself by doing 16:30mins on the trampoline when I’d only managed 5mins the day before!

07:39 BS 7.7. It seems I judged it right! 10:17 BS 6.9.

11:03 BS 6.5. 4 units Novorapid 29 units Levemir & all other meds Lunch:- cheese & herb omelette, 2 bags steam veg tesco greens & corn with butter & watered down peach juice. 13:07 BS 6.2. Lower than I’d like but, eggs are all protein & no carbs! Will keep an eye on it! 14:19 BS 5.2. Ok not much of a drop!

14:45 BS 5.1. A little early to eat but, not by much & was hungry! 4 units Novorapid Dinner:- 1.5 blocks rice vermicelli mama in 0.5 chicken oxo cube & 400ml boiled water & bottled water.

Spoke to DSN this morning & told her of my lowest ever waking figures, the lower than 7 after meals readings & the slight rise between breakfast & lunch.

Breakfast dose will now be reduced from 6 units to 5 units, my after meals figures are NOT too low, even the 6.0 this morning & the slight rise before lunch is caused by the oatcake which I don’t need!

Today was a record breaking day for me & I tested a lot more, as you can see, as I was in uncharted territory! 😎

I’m tired now & might or might not stay awake to test!

I bid you all a VERY goodnight! 🙂
11am: Breakfast: sourdough cracker, cream cheese and smoked salmon.

3pm: Lunch: vegetable soup and two babybel cheese

7pm: Dinner: Jamie Oliver chicken tray bake with peppers and basalmic vinegar.

...Friend popped round with wine and chocolates and a blew it!
Tuesday 3/7
FBG (5.30am) 3.9
Breakfast 1 (5.30am): Porridge, made with almond milk,
nectarine, blackberries, hazelnuts {292 Cal / 36.3g Carbs}
……………………………….2 mile walk
……………………………….5 km on rowing machine
Breakfast 2 (8am): Eggs,ham, mushrooms, tomatoes,
toast (one slice, seeded) / Juice from one orange {263 Cal / 22.4g Carbs}

Snack (9am): Banana {62 Cal / 14.2g Carbs}
………………………………..5 km row

Lunch (12pm): Beef & pearl barley broth {128 Cal / 16.5g Carbs}
Prawn, avocado & artichoke salad {336 Cal / 12.2g Carbs}
Strawberries, kiwi, yoghurt, cashews {138 Cal / 13.9g Carbs}

Dinner (6pm): Salmon, new potatoes, roast celeriac,
carrots, green beans / Picpoul de Pinet (4oz) {461 Cal / 26.7g Carbs}
Malaga ice cream {138 Cal / 24.6g Carbs}

4 cups of coffee too

Calories 1866
Carbs 173.1g
Protein 110.7g
Fat 60.8g (Sat Fat 13.0g / Trans fat 0.2g)

All food cooked from scratch, if you would like any recipes please just ask
yoghurt and a peach
Salad with lettuce, tomatoes and random vegetables
Gluten-free peas fusilli with basil and olive sauce
Grilled zucchini and eggplant leftovers
Another random salad with cabbage and fennels
Steamed zucchini with roquefort
Grilled beans
B. My usual.
L. 4 Ryvita’s with cheese , an apple and sparkling water
D. Beef salad with cos lettuce, rocket, celery and walnut coleslaw, salad cream and a Coke Zero.
11am: Breakfast: sourdough cracker, cream cheese and smoked salmon.

3pm: Lunch: vegetable soup and two babybel cheese

7pm: Dinner: Jamie Oliver chicken tray bake with peppers and basalmic vinegar.

...Friend popped round with wine and chocolates and a blew it!

Very nice menu!😛

Well, it would be rude not to join in your friend's offerings!😛:D Hope you enjoyed it!🙂 Don't beat yourself up! We all fall off the wagon now & again & life's too short not to enjoy ourselves every so often!😉
Oh, forgot to post this:-

16:43 BS 5.9. 2 hours after dinner. Scared me a little & had half an oatcake before turning in.

If you read the waking thread, you'll know what I woke with: 6.8.

I was bold all day & chickened out at the end of the day & used my crutch of oatcakes!😳 Ah, well!🙄 Will post today's menu later!

Herb & cheese omelette! Yum!😛
My Yesterdays.
2 slices of Morrisons protein bread toasted straight from frozen with peanut butter.
Mid Morning –
ALDI nut and sea salt chocolate coated bar.
Smoked salmon, a little horseradish, 2 poached eggs and mashed AVOCADO garlic stuffed OLIVES.
Mid Afternoon –
D –
Ribeye steak with steamed asparagus tips, sprouts and roast cheddar stuffed mushrooms.
Blackberry clafoutis and extra thick cream.
Mid Evening –
A little gorgonzola and Piccolo toms.
About 1.0 ltr of coffee.
0.5 ltr STUR Berry no added sugar cordial
0.5 ltr Alpro
3 Double espressos.
End for today.
Breakfast - yogurt and strawberries
Lunch - Boiled ham salad with salad cream
Dinner - veg stir fry and steamed cod and squid rings
Snacks - 2 apples 25g mixed nuts 1 small bag pork scratchings
BGL breakfast 4.6-4.9 Lunch 5.0-4.4 Dinner 4.5-4.1
Wednesday 4/7
FBG (5.30am) Not measured today
Snack (5.30am): Banana {65 Cal / 14.8g Carbs}
……………………………….5 mile walk
Breakfast (8am): Eggs, mushrooms, tomatoes, toast (one slice, seeded) /
Juice from one orange {291 Cal / 25.3g Carbs}

Lunch (12pm): Beef & pearl barley broth {142 Cal / 18.2g Carbs}
Turkey, avocado & artichoke salad {370 Cal / 19.8g Carbs}
Pear, raspberries, yoghurt, cashews {155 Cal / 12.6g Carbs}

Snack (3pm): Peach, almonds {93 Cal / 8.0g Carbs}
……………………………...5 mile walk

BG (6pm) 4.0
Dinner (6pm): Wood pigeon stroganoff, jasmine rice /
Picpoul de Pinet (4oz) {466 Cal / 39.8g Carbs}
Apricot tart [favourite early summer dessert] {251 Cal / 21.1g Carbs}

4 cups of coffee too

Calories 1899
Carbs 165.6g
Protein 89.2g
Fat 69.5g (Sat Fat 17.0g / Trans fat 0.8g)

All food cooked from scratch, if you would like any recipes please just ask
04/07/18 A mixed bag of readings today as I started with the new lower Breakfast dose! Will wait & see how the BS settles down the next few days/week!

01:03 BS 6.8. It appears that I DIDN’T need the oatcake yesterday after all! Stayed in bed!

02:01 BS 6.9. 5 units Novorapid Breakfast:- herb & cheese omelette, 1 bag steam veg tesco greens & corn & watered down peach juice. 03:44 BS 8.7.

16:30mins on the trampoline. Stopped again before the VERY intense last part of the program: need to build up more stamina before I attempt that part! And once that part is done; winding down & stretches!

05:30 BS 8.2.

07:17 BS 7.5. Snack:- cinnamon popcorn. Yum! 😛 Guilt free! 😉 :D 😎

Walked just over 8000 steps into town & back to collect a prescription from the chemist in the scorching heat! It was a blazing hot sun in the beautiful blue sky without a single cloud! 🙂 Almost melted in the heat, though: last 0.25mile sweating, huffing & puffing; not a pretty sight! :D

10:21 BS 7.6. 4 units Novorapid Lunch:- 2 servings prawn sweetcorn soup. 11:41 BS 9.4. 29 units Levemir & all other meds. Tested early as I was tired & wanted to sleep.

17:01 BS 7.6 woke up. Not yet hungry but, got out of bed & moved around!

18:16 BS 6.4. I expected a bit of a rise here as I’d been asleep, got up & moved around without any insulin! So, the slight drop surprised me! 🙄 4 units Novorapid Dinner:- 2 servings cold prawn sweetcorn soup. VERY refreshing cold in the hot weather! 20:18 BS 5.2. 1tsp no sugar PB.

Going to bed soon!

Goodnight everybody!🙂
Yesterday 03 July 2018

250mls warm boiled water with freshly squeezed lemon.
B: Uncooked porridge in semi skimmed milk sprinkled with cocoa & orange seed mix.
L: Small bowl of homemade veggie soup
D: 2 small cod fillets poached in milk, seasoned with black pepper, large dollop of butter and served with broccoli florets.
1.5ltr water throughout the day
250mls warm boiled water with freshly squeezed lemon before bed.
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