05:51 BS 7.9. 6 units Novorapid Breakfast:- 75g smoked salmon tesco, 2 poached eggs, 2 slices buttered toast & 150ml of cranberry juice ocean spray. 08:05 BS 8.9. My sister only wanted 1 slice of smoked salmon with her eggs before she left the other day so, only 3 out of 4 slices left in the pack. I haven’t had cranberry juice in ages & it was tart to start with but, it’s a nice change to the pear juice I’ve been having.
Conked out shortly after breakfast! My back had been hurting intermittently since Sat. night & I needed more rest! I’ve learnt since my neuropathy diagnosis, March 2017, that a backache in my spine is a warning that I’m getting exhausted & if I don’t rest, the nerves in my legs will stop working & I won’t be able to move!
My sleep was interrupted by a phone call at 14:13 so, afterwards had 29 units Levemir & meds minus the metaformin as that’ll give me problems on an empty stomach, something else I’ve learnt!
21:30 BS 7.9. Woke up 6 units Novorapid, sleep/wake, metaformin Lunch:- 1 baked haddock fillet, 2 boxes 200g microchips mccains & 150ml cranberry juice ocean spray. 23:35 BS 10.3.
Slowed cooked chicken casserole before eating lunch but, only realised at 23:15 that silly numpty, that I am, turned on the slow cooker but, didn’t switch the plug in the socket on! Now that I think about it, there have been a fair few numpty moments lately!
🙄 Turned it on to high. Good thing it doesn’t take as long to tenderise chicken as it does for red meat!
01:36 BS 9.9. 4 units Novorapid Dinner:- 1 serving chicken casserole & bottled water. 02:44 BS 8.6.
Slept around 03:00, I think! Was already feeling tired after dinner so, tested a wee bit early!
06:19 BS 6.8 woke up.
I’ll post the rest of today later!
PS: speaking of numpty moments I wrote this out as usual on notes on iPad, copied ready to paste on here & forgot to do it after replying to posts on this thread at 07:14! I only realised I hadn’t posted now & have!
HOW NUMPTY is that?