What did you eat yesterday?

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Lanny I am so sorry . My thoughts are with you .
I hope you are able to get some rest.
I'm assuming you mean tattie waffles? lol xx
No, not waffles. They were cubes, like dice. I'm sure they have a proper name.
@Lanny, so sorry for your loss. Take care x
My sincerest condolences Lanny. So sorry to learn of this.
My Yesterdays.
2 slices Morrisons protein bread taken from freezer and toasted with peanut butter.
Mid Morning –
Out with the Gals and Guys
Mixed grill at the Union Rooms. Newcastle.
One or two glasses of wine.
Mid Afternoon –
D –
Slow cooked beef and ale casserole with mushrooms and radishes.
Blackberries and cream.
Mid Evening –
About 1 ltr of coffee.
0.5 ltr STUR berry no added sugar cordial
0.5 ltr Alpro
1 Double espressos.
And various other beverages.
End for today.
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Thanks, everybody for your kind messages! 🙂 , more of a Mona Lisa emoji!
B: Yoghurt, berries & nuts
L: Toasted cheese sandwich (1 slice Burgen)
S: Aldi's version of a mini milk lolly (only 5.5g carb)
D: Lamb rogan josh, 2 samosas, 2 onion bahjis, 2 pakoras, cauli rice & 3 poppadoms (Hey, it's nearly holiday, sod the carbs
Pud: Rhubarb fool.
05:27 BS 9.4. 4 units Novorapid & half an oatcake to bring down it down a bit before eating breakfast later! It seems that the threshold for bedtime BS that doesn’t need a snack is 5.8: lower than that & my BS is higher in the morning! So, will snack next time I go lower than that limit! But, of course it’s only a theory until I try it out!
07:36 BS 6.3. 08:23 BS 6.1. Slight drop & hungry so, cooked breakfast.

09:00 Breakfast:- 120g smoked salmon asda, 2 poached eggs, 2 slices toast with butter & bottled water. 11:00 BS 7.7. 6 units Novorapid, usual dose, straight after eating with about 20mins to the 4 hour mark of active insulin!

13:30 BS 8.1. 2 units Novorapid 29 units Levemir & all other meds Lunch:- 1 serving my veg soup & 2 slices bread & butter. Went too low, 2 days ago eating the same thing so halved the dose. 15:30 BS 7.3. 🙂 Spot on!

17:30 BS 6.2. 4 units Novorapid Dinner:- 2 lamb grills birds eye, 2 bags steam veg (1 tesco greens & corn & 1 birds eye sunshine mix), 10g pure butter dromona on the veg & 300ml (2x150ml cans) sprite. 19:30 BS 7.7.

I posted about stocking up little cans of coke, sprite & 1 orange fanta in the thread “Be Aware of Coke Label”. My BS readings ate now in target ranges & I’m preparing for any future hypos that may happen with further tighter control. Saw that my local asda is offering 5 little 150ml cans for £1. The cans look exactly the same as normal cans but, the sprite & fanta have written on the front “now with less sugar & with natural sweeteners”, at the bottom. I got 7 of coke, 2 of sprite & 1 orange fanta. The 2 cans of sprite were 9.9g carbs: 3.3g carbs/100ml. The fanta is a little more, don’t remember the figure, & only the coke is still full sugar at 16g carbs. Only the coke is suitable for hypos & I’ll drink the fanta too, with a meal, some time!
It’s the sugar tax & it might only be a matter of time before the coke recipe is changed too! Grr! 😡

My brother rang me just before my after dinner test to tell me that my sister passed away last night!

My family are connected via facebook & whatsapp but, I left both last year! Nobody called me until he remembered that I’m not connected by social media anymore! :(

I had a series of dreams about my childhood & my siblings *last night! My sister was there & they were silly impossible things that never happened! I had similar dreams after mum passed: doing things she never did in life! :(

My youngest brother said, about dreams of mum, that they might have been things I’d wished she HAD done from the things she said! :(

Going to bed soon but, might not sleep! My brother & sister, the 2 I flew with, are coming round tomorrow afternoon for discussion about the cremation! My sister has asked for no flowers!

Goodnight all! Albeit with no enthusiasm! Not because I don’t want you to have one but, because I don’t feel good! :(

But, sometimes it makes a difference to say things when not feeling it & pretend I do until I DO feel it! A Mona Lisa straight glimmer of a smile! I’ve heard some jokes about her having PMS & not feeling like smiling when da Vinci asked her to for the portrait! It’s apposite it now!

I’ll try again! Goodnight everybody! 🙂

Edited to add *last night!

Very sorry to hear your news, always sad even when expected.
Sunday 24/6
FBG (5.30am) Not measured today
Breakfast (7am): Scrambled eggs, mushrooms, tomatoes,
toast (one slice, seeded) / Juice from one orange {292 Cal / 22.8g Carbs}

Snack (10am): Banana {97 Cal / 19.5g Carbs}
……………....14 mile walk (woodland & beach, in the sun)

Snack (11.30am): Pear, walnuts {141 Cal / 10.1g Carbs}

Lunch (12.30pm): Picnic on the beach
Chestnut & celeriac soup {144 Cal / 17.3g Carbs}
Ham & avocado salad, hummus {317 Cal / 12.9g Carbs}
Strawberries, blackberries, yoghurt, pecans {140 Cal / 8.3g Carbs}

Snack (2.30pm): Café, so values are estimated
Ginger & date cake {169 Cal / 27.4g Carbs}

After walk, in the pub (4pm)
Beer (one pint) {190 Cal / 10.0g Carbs}

BG (6pm) 4.9
Dinner (6pm) Turkey meatballs, Nduja ragu, linguine {451 Cal / 33.2g Carbs}
Peach, raspberries, yoghurt, biscotti {93 Cal / 10.8g Carbs}

4 cups of coffee too

Calories 2102
Carbs 178.5g
Protein 89.9g
Fat 85.6g (Sat Fat 20.7g / Trans fat 0.8g)

All food cooked from scratch, if you would like any recipes please just ask
24/06/18 didn’t sleep last night & cleaned the kitchen overnight! Kept an eye on BS while I cleaned!
02:03 BS 9.4. 04:28 BS 10.4. Finished cleaning.

06:40 BS 7.9. In bed but, can’t sleep.

08:35 BS 4.2. Felt hypo, very shaky & clumsy while cooking breakfast so, sipped juice & munched 12 mars bars bites! 😳 Didn’t mean to eat that many but, found it hard to stop!

Breakfast:- 6 units Novorapid 120g smoked salmon asda, 2 poached eggs, 2 slices toast with seriously strong vintage cheese & 2 cups buttermint tea with 40ml longlife semi skimmed milk (made a mistake the other day on my post: used this & NOT almond milk) & 1tsp honey rowse.

Managed to doze off eventually listening to music!

13:28 BS 12.9. Woke just before my meds alarm. 6 units Novorapid 29 units Levemir & all other meds Lunch:- 1 serving my veg soup. Wasn’t sure whether to use 4 or 6 units as I’m only having soup & sleep/wake! Will see what happens? 15:43 BS 9.9. Not bad, I’ll take that! 🙂

19:23 BS 6.0. 6 units Novorapid, +2 very hungry, Dinner:- 3 boxes 300g microchips mccains, 200g baked beans heinz, bottled water & 1 choc ice miss molly! 21:36 BS 10.2. A little high but, I’ll take that too!

My sister & BIL cooked rice with streaky bacon with eggplant! I don’t like eggplant. After dinner my BIL left for home but, my sister is staying the night. It’s good not to be alone tonight! 🙂

My, very often, neglected house got a very good cleaning today! I cleaned the kitchen overnight & my sister mopped the bathroom & shower room floors while I was eating soup & hers was going cold! I told her to leave it but, she couldn’t bear! I’m not at all house proud! :D She plans on hoovering tomorrow! 🙄

Just about to take my bath & go to bed!

Goodnight everybody! 🙂
My Yesterdays.
2 slices Morrisons protein bread taken from freezer and toasted and peanut butter.
Mid Morning –
L- Well Brunch Actually
2 slices Morrisons protein bread taken from freezer and toasted, 3 x rasher bacon, 3 ALDI pork sausages and 2 fried free range.
Mid Afternoon –
D –
Salmon mousse terrines with Piccolo toms.
Pork loin steak with Dijon, steamed sprouts, tenderstem and asparagus.
Strawberries coated in 100% dark melted chocolate, strawberry jellypot and double cream.
Mid Evening –
2 x home made cheese scone with Gorgonzola
About 1.5 ltr of coffee.
1.0 ltr STUR berry no added sugar cordial
0.5 ltr Alpro
2 Double espressos.
End for today.
Breakfast - yogurt and strawberries
Lunch - 2 jerk sausages on a little gem leaf with mozzarella and hot sauce
Dinner - cauliflower and beef ziti with side salad
Snack - 1 apple 30g Brazil nuts 2 pieces G&B chocolate 1 bag Cheetos
BGL breakfast 4.6-4.4 Lunch 4.6-4.3 Dinner 4.5-4.4
B. Don’t be shocked I had a change . 2 slices of buttered toast with....... Brussels pate and a large coffee.
L . Sparkling water.
D. Pork chop, broccoli, a few too many minted Jersey potatoes with some fat from frying pan over them, they were gorgeous, fried onions , ketchup and a Coke Zero .
B. Don’t be shocked I had a change . 2 slices of buttered toast with....... Brussels pate and a large coffee.
L . Sparkling water.
D. Pork chop, broccoli, a few too many minted Jersey potatoes with some fat from frying pan over them, they were gorgeous, fried onions , ketchup and a Coke Zero .

What! No peanut butter? :D & shock emoji!
03:36 BS 6.2. Woke up & stayed in bed & couldn’t get back to sleep!

05:13 BS 6.4. A slight rise despite not getting up from the bed! 6 units Novorapid Breakfast:- 2 lamb grills birds eye, 1 bag steam veg birds eye sunshine mix & 2 cups twinings everyday with 40ml longlife semi skimmed milk & 0.5tsp honey with the last cup due to it being very strong! 07:53 BS 10.3. A liitle high. Cooked breakfast for 2 & had 4 cups of tea with 3 teabags in the pot & still got very strong at the end! No eggs or much left as tesco will deliver after 10:00!

Started slow cooking beef casserole for dinner just before testing & cooking lunch.

11:30 BS 9.3. 6 units Novorapid 29 units Levemir & all other meds Lunch:- big lunch as I cooked too much for 2 people & we ate it all anyway. 1 bag steam veg rice birds eye & 150ml pressed pear juice granini. Sharing platter of which I ate my fair share of:- 1 pack steam prawn goyza itsu, spicy vinegar soy dip, 1 pack frozen prawn toast tesco, 1 pack spicy prawns tesco. 13:55 BS 8.9.

Tasting casserole as it cooked: I always taste things while cooking so, knew BS would be affected before dinner & noted that down!

15:19 BS 9.3. Had just checked casserole & tasted it! It was ready a little sooner than I expected as I hadn’t done beef before now! It doesn’t take as long as lamb! A little bit early to eat, because of active insulin, but not by much! 4 units Novorapid Dinner:- 1 serving beef casserole & bottled water. I ate the casserole by itself & my sister had boiled potatoes with hers. 17:56 BS 7.9.

My sister is staying another night & will leave tomorrow. Tired this evening as I didn’t sleep Sat. night & woke early this morning then, couldn’t get back to sleep!

Going to bed soon!

Goodnight everybody with full enthusiasm! 🙂 real; not Mona Lisa! :D
Monday 25/6
FBG (5.30am) 4.2
Breakfast 1 (5.30am): Porridge (made with almond milk),
plum, blackberries, walnuts {288 Cal / 35.2g Carbs}
......................................2 mile walk
………………………..5 km on rowing machine
Breakfast 2 (8am): Garlic mushrooms, tomatoes, hummus,
toast (one slice, seeded) / Juice from one orange {171 Cal / 21.8g Carbs}

Lunch (12pm): Chestnut & celeriac soup {106 Cal / 12.8g Carbs}
Prawn & avocado salad, hummus, ryvita {311 Cal / 17.7g Carbs}
Pear, raspberries, yoghurt, almonds{151 Cal / 12.9g Carbs}

Snack (3pm): Banana {62 Cal / 14.2g Carbs}
…………………………...2 mile walk

Dinner (6pm): Tuna steak, sweet potato wedges, peas, corn {325 Cal / 33.0g Carbs}
Strawberries, blackcurrants, yoghurt, pecans {143 Cal / 9.3g Carbs}

…………………………...5 km row
Snack (9pm): Toast (one slice, seeded), milk {205 Cal / 22.2g Carbs}

4 cups of coffee too

Calories 1828
Carbs 185.2g
Protein 101.3g
Fat 60.6g (Sat Fat 12.3g / Trans fat 0.6g)

All food cooked from scratch, if you would like any recipes please just ask
My Yesterdays.
2 slices Hovis Lower Carb bread taken from freezer and toasted and peanut butter.
Mid Morning –
Bacon, egg, sausage, tomato and mushrooms at Newcastle RVI while waiting for my eye appt. It was, to say the very least, disgusting.
Smoked salmon, mussels, Piccolo toms, and a little mayo. The AVOCADO are not ripe enough yet.
Mid Afternoon –
D –
Pork loin steak with Dijon, buttered sautéed mushrooms, steamed asparagus and tenderstem.
Blackberries, strawberry jellypot and double cream.
Mid Evening –
A little slow cooked shredded ham with Piccolo toms and Gorgonzola cheese.
About 1.5 ltr of coffee.
1.0 ltr STUR berry no added sugar cordial
0.0 ltr Alpro
2 Double espressos.
End for today.
My Yesterdays.
2 slices Hovis Lower Carb bread taken from freezer and toasted and peanut butter.

Ahh! Have you decided to follow @Ljc 's numerous example's & try peanut butter on toast, @Vince_UK ?

Now, I haven't tried that combo, myself but, peanut butter has certainly been very useful at bedtime! Although the jar is still on my bedside table, I haven't had any need of it in a while!
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