What did you eat yesterday?

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Breakfast - yogurt and blackberries
Lunch - burger topped with cheese and salad
Dinner- veg stir fry and medley of fish (cod squid and prawns)
Snacks - 1 apple and 2 squares G&B mint chocolate
BGL breakfast 4.6-5.2 Lunch 5.0-4.1 Dinner 4.7-4.3
Lovely dinner Spireite.
05:50 BS 6.2. 6 units Novorapid Breakfast:- 4 slices toast with butter & tea with longlife almond milk. 07:22 BS 6.3.

13:04 BS 8.4. 4 units Novorapid 29 units Levemir & all other meds Lunch:- 1 serving my veg soup & 2 slices bread & butter. 15:16 BS 5.8. A bit low! Correction of 150ml pressed pear juice. 16:42 BS 5.1. 17:25 BS 6.2. Phew!

18:13 4 units Novorapid Dinner:- 1 baked haddock fillet, 2 bags steam veg tesco greens & corn, 10g pure butter dromona & bottled water. 20:13 BS 8.8.

Going to bed soon!

My BS has taken a long time to come within range for the whole day this year & I finally achieved that yesterday: even the blip was within range! They started a little lower today & the low after lunch kept me hopping!

I HAD noticed that my target ranges, given by my DSN, are higher than most of you here! I wasn’t bothered by that as my BS was some way off that! I had started thinking recently they’re getting in range now & wondering if I should change my targets?

2 hours after meals BS 7.0 to 10.0. Was told if below 7 could go hypo so, I snacked if around that figure. My after dinner readings have been hovering around that, recently, & I did snack but, found my waking BS rising. Waking BS seemed ok, & even better, if I didn’t snack.

I posted a thread earlier about “When are after meals readings too low?” on the general forum & got a very helpful answer from @Robin! Thanks 🙂

As I understand it, it comes down to what I ate: more protein & fat & the slower release of glucose cancels out the tail end of the bolus dose so, not much of a drop, if any, after 2 hours; more carbs & BS will continue to drop after 2 hours as they have been digested!

Made sense to me! I had previously noticed my bolus doses not lasting as long & asked my team about it & they had no answer. I have been eating less carbs & more protein & fat!

It’s very satisfying to see an all green day of readings, yesterday & today, in the mySugr app on iPhone for within target! They had been mostly orange, just outside targets, & a few reds, high! 🙂 😎 Yay! :D

Goodnight all! 🙂, more of a smug emoji, if one exists? :D
Thursday 21/6
FBG (5.30am) 4.0
Breakfast 1 (5.30am): Porridge (made with almond milk),
peach, raspberries, pecans {293 Cal / 37.4g Carbs}
......................................2 mile walk
………………………..5 km on rowing machine
Breakfast 2 (8am): Ham, scrambled egg, mushroom, tomatoes,
toast (one slice, seeded) / Juice from one orange {278 Cal / 22.4g Carbs}

Snack (11am): Carrot & fennel soup, croutons {108 Cal / 9.6g Carbs}
………………………...5 km row

Lunch (12pm): Baked sweet potato, baked beans,
cottage cheese {269 Cal / 34.7g Carbs}
Pear, blackberries, yoghurt, walnuts {152 Cal / 13.0g Carbs}

Snack (3pm): Nectarine, almonds {93 Cal / 11.0g Carbs}
…………………………...2 mile walk

BG (6pm) 3.9
Dinner (6.30pm): Pumpkin & sage ravioli, parmesan, salad {490 Cal / 46.9g Carbs}
Raspberries, blackcurrants, yoghurt, macadamias {146 Cal / 8.3g Carbs}

…………………………...5 km row
BG (8pm, 90 min pp) 4.6

4 cups of coffee too

Calories 1881
Carbs 197.5g
Protein 74.4g
Fat 66.5g (Sat Fat 17.3g / Trans fat 0.6g)

All food cooked from scratch, if you would like any recipes please just ask
My Yesterdays.
2 slices Morrisons protein bread taken from freezer and toasted, smoked salmon and a mashed AVOCADO, Piccolo toms..
Mid Morning –
Low carb cheese scones x2, selection of salami, Piccolo toms, Stilton cheese
Chocolate peanut cup.
Mid Afternoon –
D –
Bavette steak with blue cheese melt, steamed asparagus, tenderstem.
Blackberry clafoutis (I made another one) with cream.
Mid Evening –
About 1 ltr of coffee.
1 ltr STUR berry no added sugar cordial
0.5 ltr Alpro
2 Double espressos.
End for today.
Breakfast - yogurt and blackberries
Lunch - 2 slices Burgen toast with mackerel
Dinner - subway chicken bacon ranch salad bowl
Snacks - 2 pieces G&B chocolate 1 apple
BGL breakfast 4.8-5.1 Lunch 4.8-4.2 Dinner 4.4-4.2
Well I started out ok
B . My usual 2 slices of wholemeal toast with peanut butter and a large coffee.
L . Sparkling water, 4 Ryvita’s 3 had a little Brussels pate @nd 6 strawberries .
D. Roast chicken breast, 4 small new potatoes, peas, ketchup, and a Coke Zero.

Then I lost it completely and I’m not telling , nope , not ever.
Then I lost it completely and I’m not telling , nope , not ever.
AH Go on Lin, be a sport and tell us 😉:D
B: Yoghurt, berries & mixed nuts
L: Tuna salad (this was an absolute delight after 3 days of kale & spinach smoothies!)
D: CARB THURSDAY!!! Hunters chicken, peas & fried square potato thingys
Pud: Plum tart & double cream
13:09 BS 9.8. 2 units Novorapid Breakfast:- not hungry 1 oatcake. To stop BS rising

Walked 8000 steps to the town & back, in total! Had lunch first, then went to the chemist to pick up a prescription & walked back. There was a bit of a light breeze, at the start of my walk, & the wind picked a little bit so, not too hot to make walking uncomfortable! 🙂

14:00 9.9. 8 units Novorapid 29 units Levemir & all other meds Lunch:- eating out cod & chips, mint tea.

The cafe was out of my favourite irish stew & the only other choices were lasagne with garlic fries or chicken curry with rice: picked the lesser evil! Compared to the chip shop takeaway, it was much less greasy & smaller but, still yum! 😛

15:56 BS 8.5. Just got back from chemist.

17:30 BS 7.9. 4 units Novorapid Dinner:- 1kg veg soup mckees. 19:30 BS 6.8.

22:30 BS 5.1. Going to bed soon! Lowest figure I’ve been to bed on but, no active insulin so, will see what BS is in the morning?

Back at the end of Jan. & start of Feb. 2018, series of 8 hypos in 10 days, I went to bed with a few 5.4’s & rose with 13, 12 & 9’s! 🙄
My Yesterdays.
2 slices Morrisons protein bread taken from freezer and toasted with scrambled eggs.
Mid Morning –
2 x buttered low carb cheese scones with Stilton.
Peanut and chocolate cup
Mid Afternoon –
D –
Slow cooked beef and ale casserole to which I added mushrooms and radishes. The radishes are really like small potatoes and bulk the casserole up.
Cauliflower rice.
Mid Evening –
2 x low carb cheese scone withStilton
Peanut choc cup, 3 left .
About 1 ltr of coffee.
1 ltr STUR berry no added sugar cordial
0.5 ltr Alpro
1 Double espressos.
End for today.
Friday 22/6
FBG (5.30am) Not measured today
......................................2 mile walk
Breakfast 2 (7am): Ham, scrambled egg, mushroom, tomatoes,
toast (one slice, seeded) / Juice from one orange {270 Cal / 22.2g Carbs}

Snack (9am): Banana {59 Cal / 13.4g Carbs}
………………………...5 km on rowing machine

Lunch (12pm): Carrot & fennel soup {100 Cal / 12.5g Carbs}
Turkey & avocado salad, hummus {372 Cal / 13.6g Carbs}
Cherries, mixed berries, yoghurt, pecans {162 Cal / 15.0g Carbs}

Snack (3pm): Nectarine, pistachios {91 Cal / 8.8g Carbs}

Dinner (6.30pm): Basa fillet in breadcrumbs, sweet potato fries,
peas, sweetcorn / Picpoul de Pinet (4oz) {379 Cal / 35.6g Carbs}
Malaga ice cream {170 Cal / 27.5g Carbs}

…………………………...3 mile walk
Snack (9pm): Toast (one slice, seeded), milk {137 Cal / 14.6g Carbs}

4 cups of coffee too

Calories 1795
Carbs 170.0g
Protein 100.2g
Fat 59.5g (Sat Fat 15.3g / Trans fat 0.6g)

All food cooked from scratch, if you would like any recipes please just ask
B: Yoghurt, berries & nuts
L: Haslet sandwich on Morrison's Protein bread (5.5 before & 6.7 2 hours after)
D: Meatballs stuffed with goats cheese with ratatouille.
Saturday 23/6
FBG (5.30am) 4.2
Breakfast 1 (5.30am): Porridge (made with almond milk),
nectarine, passion fruit, pecans {290 Cal / 35.8g Carbs}
......................................2 mile walk
………………………..5 km on rowing machine
Breakfast 2 (8am): Garlic mushrooms, tomatoes, hummus,
toast (one slice, seeded) / Juice from one grapefruit {201 Cal / 23.7g Carbs}

Lunch (12pm):Carrot & fennel soup {100 Cal / 12.4g Carbs}
Ham & avocado salad, hummus {253 Cal / 10.3g Carbs}
Peach, raspberries, yoghurt, almonds, biscotti {137 Cal / 11.3g Carbs}

Snack (3pm): Pear, walnuts {114 Cal / 9.6g Carbs}
…………………………...2 mile walk

Dinner (6.30pm): Celeriac & chestnut soup {106 Cal / 12.0g Carbs}
Grouse, roast potatoes, carrot & swede mash, red cabbage, green beans,
Cumberland sauce / Malbec (4oz) {473 Cal / 40.5g Carbs}
Cherry & chocolate sundae {135 Cal / 18.5g Carbs}

4 cups of coffee too

Calories 1865
Carbs 180.1g
Protein 83.3g
Fat 67.5g (Sat Fat 14.8g / Trans fat 0.5g)

All food cooked from scratch, if you would like any recipes please just ask
05:27 BS 9.4. 4 units Novorapid & half an oatcake to bring down it down a bit before eating breakfast later! It seems that the threshold for bedtime BS that doesn’t need a snack is 5.8: lower than that & my BS is higher in the morning! So, will snack next time I go lower than that limit! But, of course it’s only a theory until I try it out!
07:36 BS 6.3. 08:23 BS 6.1. Slight drop & hungry so, cooked breakfast.

09:00 Breakfast:- 120g smoked salmon asda, 2 poached eggs, 2 slices toast with butter & bottled water. 11:00 BS 7.7. 6 units Novorapid, usual dose, straight after eating with about 20mins to the 4 hour mark of active insulin!

13:30 BS 8.1. 2 units Novorapid 29 units Levemir & all other meds Lunch:- 1 serving my veg soup & 2 slices bread & butter. Went too low, 2 days ago eating the same thing so halved the dose. 15:30 BS 7.3. 🙂 Spot on!

17:30 BS 6.2. 4 units Novorapid Dinner:- 2 lamb grills birds eye, 2 bags steam veg (1 tesco greens & corn & 1 birds eye sunshine mix), 10g pure butter dromona on the veg & 300ml (2x150ml cans) sprite. 19:30 BS 7.7.

I posted about stocking up little cans of coke, sprite & 1 orange fanta in the thread “Be Aware of Coke Label”. My BS readings ate now in target ranges & I’m preparing for any future hypos that may happen with further tighter control. Saw that my local asda is offering 5 little 150ml cans for £1. The cans look exactly the same as normal cans but, the sprite & fanta have written on the front “now with less sugar & with natural sweeteners”, at the bottom. I got 7 of coke, 2 of sprite & 1 orange fanta. The 2 cans of sprite were 9.9g carbs: 3.3g carbs/100ml. The fanta is a little more, don’t remember the figure, & only the coke is still full sugar at 16g carbs. Only the coke is suitable for hypos & I’ll drink the fanta too, with a meal, some time!
It’s the sugar tax & it might only be a matter of time before the coke recipe is changed too! Grr! 😡

My brother rang me just before my after dinner test to tell me that my sister passed away last night!

My family are connected via facebook & whatsapp but, I left both last year! Nobody called me until he remembered that I’m not connected by social media anymore! :(

I had a series of dreams about my childhood & my siblings *last night! My sister was there & they were silly impossible things that never happened! I had similar dreams after mum passed: doing things she never did in life! :(

My youngest brother said, about dreams of mum, that they might have been things I’d wished she HAD done from the things she said! :(

Going to bed soon but, might not sleep! My brother & sister, the 2 I flew with, are coming round tomorrow afternoon for discussion about the cremation! My sister has asked for no flowers!

Goodnight all! Albeit with no enthusiasm! Not because I don’t want you to have one but, because I don’t feel good! :(

But, sometimes it makes a difference to say things when not feeling it & pretend I do until I DO feel it! A Mona Lisa straight glimmer of a smile! I’ve heard some jokes about her having PMS & not feeling like smiling when da Vinci asked her to for the portrait! It’s apposite it now!

I’ll try again! Goodnight everybody! 🙂

Edited to add *last night!
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My brother rang me just before my after dinner test to tell me that my sister passed away last night!

So very sorry to hear about your sister. Take care of yourself xxx
@Lanny, I'm so very sorry for your loss. My thoughts are with you and your family ~ take care and stay strong if you can. xxx
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