26/06/18 A very odd day today in terms of BS which I’ll put down to experience!
01:25 woke up after turning in early yesterday evening after dinner! Couldn’t get back to sleep & was getting hungry so:-
03:35 BS 6.3. 5 units Novorapid Breakfast:- 1 serving beef casserole & bottled water. 05:04 BS 7.4.
In the past when getting up from sleeping to eat at this time, 02:00 to 04:00, my BS drops further than expected & I remember 2 hypos that caught me completely by surprise around the 2 hour after mark! So, dithered with the choice of 4 units, dinner dose, or 6 units, breakfast dose! Split the difference & went for 5 units.
I thought ah ha! 6 would have been too much! But, not so simple!
06:01 BS 8.2. 07:42 BS 9.8. Definitely the usual morning rise kicking in! 4 units of Novorapid & half an oatcake to stop further rise. BUT, didn’t work!
10:32 BS 11.2. OK, higher than I’d like but, insulin is still active & see?
11:32 BS 11.2. Getting worried but, about lunchtime & no active insulin left. 6 units Novorapid, +2, 29 units Levemir & all other meds Lunch:- 100g smoked salmon tesco (20g difference between tesco & asda), 2 poached eggs, 2 cups twinings everyday & 50ml of longlife semi skimmed milk (last of the carton & can go back to almond milk, which I miss). 13:24 BS 11.2. Still a little high but, expecting it to drop; didn’t happen! 14:08 BS 11.2. Crikey! Washed hands properly & 14.10 BS 10.8 not much better, the same really with meter tolerances.
Didn’t have time to worry about it as I had to leave to make my appointment for diabetic eye screening at my health centre & I definitely felt fine & in no immediate danger of going hypo!
Walked 4000 steps for app. No need for drops, I never do, & was in & out fast! Sweated buckets in the humidity & took taxi back!
15:04 BS 8.8. Ahh! Relief; coming down at last! Posted & caught up here & conked out for a few hours, don’t know when!
19:46 BS 6.2. Woke up. Stayed in bed, posted some more & caught up here again. Started to get hungry.
20:44 BS 6.3. 4 units Novorapid Dinner: 1 serving beef casserole, 1 box microchips mccains & 150ml pressed pear juice. Last serving left: why; 2 servings for my sister & I after cooking; 1 serving given to my BIL this morning when he picked her up; 1 serving given to my brother who was to come yesterday but, came this morning because of watching the world cup; 1 in the early hours & now for dinner & it’s all gone!
22:57 BS 10.8. Just before bath before bed!
23:39 BS 8.7. Just out of the bath! A bath always temp. lowers my BS.
Going to bed soon!
Ohhh, you silly numpty, Lanny! Just realised that I had mainly protein & fat for lunch & as I just newly learnt, with the helpful posts on my thread “When is an after meal reading too low?” The slower release of protein & fat balances out the tail end of active insulin so, there’s not much of a drop after 2 hours, if any at all! I could have saved my fingers a bit there at lunchtime!
🙄 Newly acquired knowledge not quite sunk in yet! Umm, is there a numpty emoji?
My sister’s stay & talking about the sister that’s passed has made a big difference & I fully engage in my greeting to you all, a goodnight & wish you all a good next morning too!
🙂 I might change my signature back because it’s becoming less of a fake smile now!
Edited to add:- Crumbs, a case of
@Vince_UK 's signature flooding in! Corrected a lot of typos! So, less head scratching for those trying to read my post the next day!