07/06/18 A bit patchy in terms of testing & been a bad girl food wise!
12:13 woke up BS 9.1. Posted on waking thread & was affected by what I posted. Cried & pulled myself together.
13:13 BS 9.0. 6 units Novorapid 29 units Levemir & all other meds! Breakfast:- 2 ham, cheese & mustard sandwiches & 150ml pressed pear juice granini. 15:26 BS 14.1.
Walked 7000 steps to pick up prescription, ready yesterday but, couldn't pick up, & got fish & chips at my awarding winning chippie! Got home around 18:30 before diving straight in & forgot to test! Lunch:- 12 units Novorapid chip shop fish & chips!
Flashing warning ***** DO NOT follow my example:- 330ml bottle of full sugar coke! There was a moment of surprise from the server when I asked for this! It's a small town & we tend to know everybody & the server & I went to school together! I hadn't been going that much these days & the last time I went, 1.5 to 2 months ago, we had a chat about my recent hospital stay & problems after. She knows I'm a diabetic & has never taken full sugar coke before! I would be quite happy to explain if she asked but, it was busy & she didn't! I have my own reasons for not eating or drinking food & drink with sweeteners in it! I tried to cover the extra sugar by guessing my dose & don't know if it's correct due to the fat of the fish & chips! But, had an idea thanks to
@trophywench 's advice on a thread I read about how to cover things like this! But, to be fair, I'm sure she never thought it would be used to try & cover full sugar coke: how to cover the sugar & fat in takeaway curry Chinese or Indian!
21:35 BS 9.6. Will monitor for a few more hours & have an idea on how much insulin to add & when, as referred to above!
I thought I was hit hard with the emotional shock yesterday but, it's still hitting me with no distractions of travel today! I'm not doing what I KNOW I shouldn't completely blind but, all theories are exactly that until you try it out! If it's a mistake & my BS goes crazy in the morning; I'll know this doesn't work for me!