What did you eat yesterday?

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Breakfast - Alpro coconut yogurt raspberries and chopped nuts... Lunch - 2 corn cakes cottage cheese and side salad...Dinner - Roast Pork cauliflower kale 50g new potatoes and gravy....Snack 1 apple mixed nuts....BGL.... Breakfast 4.9-4.4 Lunch 4.8-4.7 Dinner 4.0-4.2 No insulin
Dinner Cheese sandwich
Tea Avocado chicken and spinach sandwich from m&s which was not that bad Vince_UK
Supper Ritters white chocolate bar with hazelnuts and woke to 7.0 with no meds,
Those of you that didn't read the waking thread, Muggins here had a very numpty day yesterday!

05:55 BS 8.9 in bed before trip to bathroom! Woke with a sharp jolt of pain in my right temple. Both eyes, in bathroom mirror, were bloodshot & very red! Went back to bed & dozed off.

08:04 BS 10.4 after bathroom trip. Again woke up with a sharp jolt of pain in the right temple. Both eyes now a pink colour. Didn't want to eat but, BS is rising so, had usual breakfast dose of 6 units of Novorapid & an oatcake.

My right temple kept aching with intermittent sharp jolts of pain. Called "Doctor on Call" & only vaguely remembered, while speaking to doctor, that I'd injured my right eye this week. I'd just finished changing my bed & took the laundry basket out to the hall. I accidentally banged the corner wall with the basket, the basket rebounded & hit me in the right eye! It REALLY hurt at the time but, then forgot about it. Had to go 50 miles to Londonderry as the nearest Causeway Hospital doesn't have the equipment to check eyes! That was about 09:00. Around 10:00, while waiting for my brother to take me up to Londonderry, the outer corner of my right eye was bleeding that wasn't there at 08:00.

Doctor checked my eyes, reflexes & vision tests. My eyes, brain, reflexes, nerves & vision is fine! Eye is bruised after the previous bang & will recede. Pain & muddled thinking is from straining eyes when trying to think.

Got back home around 14:00/14:30. 4 units Novorapid, 29 units Levemir & all other meds Lunch:- 1 beef sandwich & bottled water. Went to bed.

Around 20:30? woke up feeling much better & eye bruise is already starting to get better. 4 units Novorapid Dinner:- 1 bag steam veg rice birds eye, sticky BBQ chicken birds eye & bottled water. Slept again.
Those of you that didn't read the waking thread, Muggins here had a very numpty day yesterday!

05:55 BS 8.9 in bed before trip to bathroom! Woke with a sharp jolt of pain in my right temple. Both eyes, in bathroom mirror, were bloodshot & very red! Went back to bed & dozed off.

08:04 BS 10.4 after bathroom trip. Again woke up with a sharp jolt of pain in the right temple. Both eyes now a pink colour. Didn't want to eat but, BS is rising so, had usual breakfast dose of 6 units of Novorapid & an oatcake.

My right temple kept aching with intermittent sharp jolts of pain. Called "Doctor on Call" & only vaguely remembered, while speaking to doctor, that I'd injured my right eye this week. I'd just finished changing my bed & took the laundry basket out to the hall. I accidentally banged the corner wall with the basket, the basket rebounded & hit me in the right eye! It REALLY hurt at the time but, then forgot about it. Had to go 50 miles to Londonderry as the nearest Causeway Hospital doesn't have the equipment to check eyes! That was about 09:00. Around 10:00, while waiting for my brother to take me up to Londonderry, the outer corner of my right eye was bleeding that wasn't there at 08:00.

Doctor checked my eyes, reflexes & vision tests. My eyes, brain, reflexes, nerves & vision is fine! Eye is bruised after the previous bang & will recede. Pain & muddled thinking is from straining eyes when trying to think.

Got back home around 14:00/14:30. 4 units Novorapid, 29 units Levemir & all other meds Lunch:- 1 beef sandwich & bottled water. Went to bed.

Around 20:30? woke up feeling much better & eye bruise is already starting to get better. 4 units Novorapid Dinner:- 1 bag steam veg rice birds eye, sticky BBQ chicken birds eye & bottled water. Slept again.
You've had a rough time Lanny hope your eye gets better soon,
B: Poached egg & avocado on 2 super seeded bread toasted, milky coffee

Went to hospital with Alan (OH) as he had a CT colonoscopy today. He had had to starve since Saturday evening so at lunch time we ended up in Tesco where I had a ham & cheese toasty.

T: Southern fried chicken, sweet potato chips & corn on the cob.

Tea & coffee during the day.
11:17 BS 10.6. 6 units Novorapid.
12:00 29 units Levemir & all other meds. Breakfast:- 2 slices veg roll hulls, 3 poatato waffles birds eye & bottled water. 13:21 BS 14.9.

17:01 BS 7.8. 4 units Novorapid Lunch:- 2 beef sandwiches & 150ml pressed pear juice granini. 19:46 BS 10.8.

21:04 BS 9.8. Going to bed soon!

No headaches today & seems to be back to normal thinking wise as I'm composing & typing at my normal speed now! Eye is much better & the bruise is defusing & losing the red colour!

Today was laundry day again, weekly, & changed bed as usual! No numpty or Tom & Jerry antics this time: no need to duck low flying laundry baskets! :D

A very good night to you all!
Monday 4/6
FBG (5.30am) Not measured today
Snack (5.30am): Banana {65 Cal / 14.8g Carbs}
.......................................5 mile walk
Breakfast (8am): Ham & eggs, mushrooms, tomatoes,
toast (one slice, seeded) / Juice from one orange {335 Cal / 22.3g Carbs}

Lunch (12pm): Kake udon, wasabi peas {96 Cal / 14.6g Carbs}
Turkey & avocado salad, hummus {248 Cal / 8.4g Carbs}
Plums, blackberries, yoghurt, walnuts {148 Cal / 11.8g Carbs}

Snack (3pm): Apricot, almonds {73 Cal / 5.7g Carbs}

Dinner (6pm): Roast chicken, roast potatoes & celeriac, carrots,
turnip, green beans {425 Cal / 32.9g Carbs}
Strawberries, ice cream, hazelnuts {192 Cal / 20.0g Carbs}

Snack (9pm): Toast (one slice, seeded), almond butter {139 Cal / 14.8g Carbs}

4 cups of coffee too

Calories 1777
Carbs 151.1g
Protein 107.0g
Fat 72.7g (Sat Fat 17.9g / Trans fat 0.7g)

All food cooked from scratch, if you would like any recipes please just ask
My Yesterdays.
2 fried eggs and 2 slices of Hovis Lower Carb bread.
Mid Morning –
Last 2 SMALL low carb walnut scones buttered
Glass Alpro
Smoked salmon, mussels and AVOCADO egg mayo.
Mid Afternoon –
D –
Rump steak with Dijon and Piccolo toms, Ardennes pate and Stilton.
Strawberries and extra thick cream.
Mid Evening –
About 2 litres of coffee.
About 1 litre of water .
2 Double espresso.
End for today.
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