What did you eat yesterday?

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Tuesday 28/5
FBG (5.30am) Not measured today
Breakfast 1 (5.30am): Porridge (made with almond milk),
Peach, strawberries, almonds {290 Cal / 36.0g Carbs}
.......................................2 mile walk
………………………...5 km on rowing machine
Breakfast 2 (8am): Mackerel, toast (one slice, seeded) /
Tangerine {271 Cal / 19.0g Carbs}

Snack (10am): Smoked salmon galette (buckwheat pancake) /
Chestnut crepe {315 Cal / 41.1g Carbs}

Lunch (1pm): Ham & avocado salad, hummus {259 Cal / 11.6g Carbs}
Blackberries, raspberries, yoghurt, pistachios {150 Cal / 11.5g Carbs}

………………………….5 km row
Dinner (6pm): Roast beef, Yorkshire pudding, celeriac mash,
roast squash, cauliflower, runner beans / Zinfandel (4oz) {495 Cal / 37.2g Carbs}
Lemon & blueberry cake {173 Cal / 22.6g Carbs}

4 cups of coffee too

Calories 2008
Carbs 186.8g
Protein 113.3g
Fat 68.8g (Sat Fat 16.0g / Trans fat 0.9g)

All food cooked from scratch, if you would like any recipes please just ask
2 slices of bacon
2 boiled eggs
Tea cod and tin of mushy peas
Natural yoghurt with pineapple grape and kiwi
2 reeses peanut butter cups
B: Tinned Mackerel in tomato sauce on a low carb muffin
L: 2 'hot & spicy' jumbo sausages from Tesco hot counter
S: Nature Valley salted caramel protein bar
D: Meatballs stuffed with Mozzarella in tomato sauce & soya bean spaghetti
Pud: Heavenly chocolate cake with berries & squirty cream
B: Wholemeal bacon roll
L: Half a co-op wholemeal chicken sandwich (only half because something was gristley and put me off the rest), beef hula hoops, Sprite Zero
D: fajitas - mince beef, orange and yellow pepper, Old El Paso powder, squirt of Heinz 50% salt/sugar ketchup, sour cream, grated cheddar and 2 mini tortillas.

No treats yesterday, went in for my new HbA1 this morning so psychologically I was pretending it would make a difference!!
07:12 BS 9.4. That’ll be the oatcake yesterday! 6 units Novorapid Breakfast:- 3 slices veg roll local butcher, 1 box 100g microchips mccains, 200g baked beans heinz & bottled water. 09:26 BS 13.4.

12:05 BS 10.0. 4 units Novorapid 29 units Levemir & all other meds. Lunch:- 3 beef sandwiches, 3 cups of tea (1 each of twinings honey camomile & buttermint in the teapot) with 90ml longlife almond milk & 1.5tsp (0.5 in each cup) honey rowse! I love this tea combination as it’s so refreshing on a hot summer’s day! 14:18 BS 10.8.

15:00 fancied some whipped ice cream so, walked 3500 steps, there & back, to get some at the nearest petrol station. Sat at the picnic table to have my ice cream before walking back. Nearly melted on the walk back! Melting emoji or, TVB’s Fred melting into a muddle! Thank goodness I didn’t go out earlier in the day! I really enjoyed my ice cream guilt free as I’d walked 3500 steps for it! Sometimes only freshly whipped ice cream straight from the machine will do! 😛

17:36 BS 5.4. That’ll be the meltingly hot walk then: ice cream had no impact on BS! 4 units Novorapid Dinner:- 2 78% meat beef burgers hulls, 1 bag steam veg tesco greens & corn & 150ml pressed pear juice granini. 19:28 BS 9.4 just after bath & going to bed soon!

If you haven’t read about Fred, on the waking BS thread, here’s an explanation:-

For many, many years Hong Kong TV channel TVB has had, & still does, an animated weatherman called Fred! My late grandmother never listened to the weather report & just watched what Fred did, or is that what happens to him? :D

If it was a perfect summer’s day that wasn’t too hot, he’d see a flower, pick it up & put it in his jacket buttonhole, exclaiming ahhh! as he walked away. If it was very hot, he’d melt into a puddle of water. If it was rainy, he’d put up an umbrella. If there was a typhoon, he’d get blown away.

I loved watching Fred when I discovered him on my first trip to HK when I was 10! I loved the extreme weather conditions the best:- Fred melting, drowning, blown away & struck by lightning! :D Oh, & Fred sneezing so hard, he’d blow himself away when the pollen count was high! :D

Puzzled by my grandmother switching off the telly after seeing Fred without watching the weather report afterwards, I asked her about it! She told me Fred had already told her all she needed to know! 🙄 😎 :D
B: All bran & skimmed milk, 2 boiled eggs, milky coffee
L: Turkey & cranberry butty on sunflower & pumpkin seed bread, raspberries & mullerlight yogurt.
T: Steak, new potatoes, peas & sweetcorn, orangeade zero.
Red bush tea.
Wednesday 30/5
FBG (5.30am) 4.1
Snack (5.30am): Half banana {43 Cal / 9.7g Carbs}
.......................................6 mile walk
Breakfast 2 (8am): Ham, scrambled egg, toast (one slice, walnut bread),
tomatoes, mushrooms / Juice from one orange {294 Cal / 24.5g Carbs}

Lunch (12pm): Beef & barley broth {160 Cal / 16.1g Carbs}
Turkey & avocado salad, hummus {309 Cal / 12.1g Carbs}
Strawberries, blueberries, yoghurt, pecans {154 Cal / 13.1g Carbs}

Snack (3pm): Pear, walnuts {118 Cal / 13.1g Carbs}
………………………….6 mile walk

Dinner (6pm): Turkey meat balls, ragu, linguine,
parmeasan / Zinfandel (4oz) {612 Cal / 45.9g Carbs}
Nectarine, raspberries, yoghurt, hazelnuts {131 Cal / 10.2g Carbs}

4 cups of coffee too

Calories 2004
Carbs 165.0g
Protein 115.3g
Fat 77.9g (Sat Fat 19.0g / Trans fat 0.5g)

All food cooked from scratch, if you would like any recipes please just ask
Breakfast - low carb bread toasted with tomato and cheese...Lunch - sea food omelette( prawns a crab stick chopped up mushrooms and 2 eggs. 1 aldi cracker thins with spreadable Brie...Dinner - stir fried veg with protein noodles and rump steak( protein noodles 6.2 g carbs for 100g best alternative I’ve found to noodles/pasta so far)....snacks - 1 apple 1 ,10cal jelly( lemon cheesecake flavour) 2 squares G&B almond chocolate.....BGL...Breakfast - 4.8-5.6 Lunch - 5.3-4.1 Dinner 4.4-3.9(treated 4.7) still 2 units lantus
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B: Streaky bacon, scrambled egg & slice of toasted Burgen
L: Tuna salad & Nature Valley protein bar
D: Spicy marinated Basa fillet with fried cherry tomatoes & green beans & a cashew sauce (courtesy of Diet Doctor)
Pud: Heavenly choc cake with berries & squirty cream
B. 2 slices wholemeal bread with peanut butter and a large coffee.
L. A small apple , 6 strawberries and some Sparkling water .
Coffee, I managed to resist the pleas of the gingernuts.
D. Top crust Steak and ale pie Peas, 4 small new potatoes, and some Zero.
Before bed 3 mint crumbles.
Water throughout the day
07:02 BS 9.6. 7 units Novorapid Breakfast:- 3 slices veg roll local butchers, 1 box 100g microchips mccains, 200g baked beans heinz & bottled water. 09:09 BS 13.7.

12:10 BS 13.3 8 units Novorapid (+2 correction as BS is over 13 & +2 for honey in tea) 29 units Levemir & all other meds. Lunch: 3 beef sandwiches & 2 cups of tea (twinings honey camomile & buttermint) 60ml longlife almond milk & 1tsp honey rowse. 14:38 BS 13.2.

17:21 BS 8.3. 5 units Novorapid as yesterday's after dinner reading was a bit high & tonight's reading before is also a bit higher too! Dinner:- oven baked salmon fillet, 1 bag steam veg tesco greens & corn, 0.5 tinned pears & 0.5 of the drained juice. 19:07 BS 6.9 just after bath before bed. Again borderline but, I'll leave it this time as the oatcake was unnecessary the last time.

Today was MUCH cooler but, also stickier as light rain this morning didn't clear the air! The grey cloud cover made it very humid!

My sister, & her husband, & my brother came round & we were talking about my other sister, in the hospice! She doesn't want any visitors to see her & was running short of money! We, brother, sister & brother-in-law decided to send the money we would have used for plane tickets to her bank account instead.

Coincidentally, my sister, in the hospice, rang me & we all had a nice chat with her on the phone! She sounded quite energetic & happy! She even asked me about my ear, my other sister told her about it in one of their phone calls. She doesn't want me to see her the way she is now & wants me to remember her the way she was.

She was last here with me on a visit with my dad & other siblings last summer from July to August 2017. She'd already had some health issues bothering her & I'd urged her to see a GP when she went back! It was shortly after in Sept. after she got back to Burnley that she got the cancer diagnosis!

She only told her husband & son as she saw how my mum's very quick passing from cancer on 1st. June diagnosis to 15th. July 2015 affected the whole family: she didn't want to distress us when we couldn't help! THAT was the hardest part about mum's passing!

She always seemed very heroic to me as a child growing up & I put her on a pedestal! It wasn't until I (in italics) grew up myself that I saw her flaws, disillusioning, & saw her as she actually is! I'll always remember her as being very brave!
Thursday 31/5
FBG (5.30am) Not measured today
Breakfast 1 (5.30am): Porridge (made with almond milk),
Plum, raspberries, hazelnuts {298 Cal / 35.5g Carbs}
.......................................2 mile walk
………………………...5 km on rowing machine
Breakfast 2 (8am): Baked beans on toast (one slice, seeded), mushrooms /
Juice from one orange {192 Cal / 25.3g Carbs}

Lunch (12pm): Beef & barley broth {146 Cal / 14.7g Carbs}
Prawn & avocado salad, hummus {226 Cal / 9.7g Carbs}
Peach, blackberries, yoghurt, walnuts {137 Cal / 9.2g Carbs}

………………………….3 mile walk
Snack (3pm): Ice cream (99, cornet not eaten) {156 Cal / 17.5g Carbs}

BG (6pm) 4.5
Dinner (6pm): Game stew (venison, pheasant, rabbit, pigeon), celeriac mash,
roast squash, runner beans, peas {375 Cal / 40.4g Carbs}
Pear, blueberries, yoghurt, peanuts {122 Cal / 13.7g Carbs}

Snack (9pm): Toast (one slice, seeded), milk {142 Cal / 15.1g Carbs}

4 cups of coffee too

Calories 1849
Carbs 187.2g
Protein 108.0g
Fat 59.7g (Sat Fat 13.8g / Trans fat 0.7g)

All food cooked from scratch, if you would like any recipes please just ask
Tea x 2
B: 2 poached eggs on sunflower & pumpkin seed bread, apple juice
L: Ham butty on the same bread, strawberries & mullerlight yogurt
T: Very naughty fish & chips sitting on Dover cliffs watching the ferries, water
Red bush tea

I managed to fall down the stairs tonighto_O; sore knee, sore hand, sore pride but I managed to laugh :D
B. 3 slices of wholemeal bread with peanut butter and a large coffee.
L. 4 buttered Ryvita’s With a little cheese, an apple and sparkling water .
Coffee no gingernuts 🙂
D. Chilli con carne with 3 dessert spoons of rice and a Coke Zero.
Water throughout the day.
I managed to fall down the stairs tonighto_O; sore knee, sore hand, sore pride but I managed to laugh :D
Ouch. Hope you’re not too sore now.
My Yesterdays.
All sort of stuff on the flight including many things I should not eat but what the hell. chicken, fish, rolls, marmalade, hash browns.
Tested when I arrived home and got a 5 so not to bad.
Had to wlak ast Greggs store at Newcastle airport and I could have murdered a pie BUT I resisted.
My first dinner back in Newcastle
D –
Bavette steak with Ardennes pate and Dijon, 2 x Spanish chorizo and Oak smoked cheddar stuffed Portobello mushrooms.
Blackberries and extra thick cream.
Bar MR Sour cherry chilli, Oh how I have missed this :D
About 3.0 litres of coffee.
About 1 litre of water on the flight
3 x Double espresso when home, needed it
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