17/05/18 slowed cooked lamb casserole overnight.
Recipe for lamb casserole 6 servings 1744.6cals 84.35g carbs
2 packs 600g diced lamb asda 1128cals 0g carbs
0.5 bag 325g frozen onion asda 325cals 35.75g carbs
2x300g tins sliced carrots & water tesco 183.6cals 29.4g carbs
6 oxo lamb 108cals 19.2g carbs
2tsp mixed herbs schwartz no info
water topped up to half way up the ingredients.
08:21 (BS 8.9) 6 units Novorapid. Breakfast:- lamb casserole, cup tea twinings buttermint with 30ml longlife almond milk & 0.5 tsp of honey rowse. Added +1 unit Novorapid (total of 7) for the honey as it’s been ages since I had any but, it REALLY added SO much flavour to the mint tea! The difference without & with honey was AMAZING! It went very well with the lamb casserole!
10:17 (BS 6.5) too low, didn’t need the extra unit at breakfast! Correction snack of 1 tsp no sugar peanut butter. Have to go out for a few errands & had another precautionary 0.5 serving lamb casserole. Might be too much on top of the peanut butter but, better than risk going low!
12:55 (BS 10.9) over corrected with too much food! 4 units Novorapid 29 units Levemir & all other meds. Lunch:- 1.5 serving lamb casserole, 150ml pressed pear juice.
Slept from exhaustion again! Was REALLY idiotic today! One of those days were things go wrong!
Waited in the conservatory, were I could see the work in progress, for the boilercare guy to service my 1 year old boiler & paid him! Went out for my errands around 10:55.
Walked 3500 steps into town & discovered, when queuing to pay at a shop, I’d left the wallet in the conservatory! Was in such a hurry to leave that I’d forgotten to put it back in my handbag! Numpty!
Walked back, another 3500 steps & was exhausted by the heat & had lunch then, crashed! Another backache, wobbly legs & drunken sailor wavering walk for the last 500 yards or so! Imagine a sweat poring down the face emoji!
Have to go back into town again tomorrow to do the stuff I didn’t do today!
Been off the iron tablets for few days & only stared taking them again today & it’s REALLY affected my energy levels! But, the iron WILL take effect again eventually & my energy will recover!
23:21 (BS 7.7) 6 units Novorapid (sleep/wake). Dinner:- 2 poached eggs, 4 slices pork onion & tomato roll, 0.5 tin pears in juice & 100ml of the drained juice.
01:12 (BS 7.6)
Too much info warning! You can skip reading the next paragraph!
I’ll know when the iron takes effect: black no. 2’s! It was quite intriguing to see the day the iron wasn’t in my system when half of my no. 2’s were black & the other half wasn’t!