What did you eat yesterday?

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B - 2 toasted waffles with butter
D - parma ham and mayo sandwich
T - planned was minute steak , yorkies, peas and gravy but the steaks were off again for the 2nd time in a week from tesco so had to run to the shop and have a crappy young's admirals pie - I hate having to have a ready meal x
Breakfast : bacon sandwich nimble bread
Lunch : homemade mushroom soup slice of bread and a yogurt
Dinner: roast chicken Brussels carrots broccoli one roast potatoe and one Yorkshire pud.
Snacks : two rich tea biscuits with a skinny latte x
Hotel life once again

B - 2 Weetabix, sometimes with fruit, sometimes naked (I've been asked not to return to those hotels)
L - Salad, 75g of Mackeral
D - Subway Chicken salad bowl

Thats been my menu for seven of the last ten days
Breakfast: 1 weetabix, skimmed milk & five blueberries

Snack: 1 cup lady grey tea (for a change☺) no milk, 1 sweetener only from now on (Aren't I good )

Lunch: Thai fish cake, oven roasted vegs: 4 cherry toms; 1/4 red onion; 1/2 yellow pepper cut into thick strips + 1/2 green pepper ditto; 1 large mushroom halved; 3 slices courgette. Drizzled a little cold pressed rapeseed oil over the lot! Served with fresh lemon juice. Nil dessert.

Snack: 1 rich tea biscuit + cup of decaf tea to dip biscuit, skimmed milk

Eve. meal: Homemade hearty thick chicken & veg soup (Mmm) (only 4 left in the freezer now!) topped with 3 large florets broccoli, stems included & sprinkled with milled linseed; 1 mini sausage roll, 65mls mullers low fat yogurt, small chunk water melon + 5 black grapes.....and I still feel hungry!!! Oh if only I could eat a chocolate chip brioche swirl but it contains 4.6g fat and 9.3g sugar so denied myself, sob sob!

Skinny cappuccino 1hr later

Daily intake:
1000mls water
1x 2mg garlic oil capsule. I've been taking this for just over 2yrs in an effort to keep the ol' ticker healthy
Regular medication

Type2 since April 2016.
Diet & exercise only...hard work. Can't tolerate metformin.
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Hotel life once again

B - 2 Weetabix, sometimes with fruit, sometimes naked (I've been asked not to return to those hotels)
L - Salad, 75g of Mackeral
D - Subway Chicken salad bowl

Thats been my menu for seven of the last ten days

Hi Anthony Stirrat. Does eating naked make food tastier? !!! Hope you didn't starve yourself for the remaining 3days!! Take care
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Yesterday -
B: Slice of Burgen bread and 2 bacon slices
L: Vegetable ratatouille
D: 4 slices of Quorn roast on bed of green cabbage with some vegan gravy.

Today -
B: Slice of Burgen and 2 sausages
L: Cheese salad with coleslaw
D : Roast Turkey, stuffing, green beans, red cabbage, cauliflower cheese, 2 roast potatoes.
Dessert: 1 profiterole and 2 spoonful's of cherry brownie!
Glass of red wine.
Yesterday -
B: Slice of Burgen bread and 2 bacon slices
L: Vegetable ratatouille
D: 4 slices of Quorn roast on bed of green cabbage with some vegan gravy.

Today -
B: Slice of Burgen and 2 sausages
L: Cheese salad with coleslaw
D : Roast Turkey, stuffing, green beans, red cabbage, cauliflower cheese, 2 roast potatoes.
Dessert: 1 profiterole and 2 spoonful's of cherry brownie!
Glass of red wine.

Grogg1 you've done it again...,your turkey dinner is music to my ears!!! Take care
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B: Greek yoghurt, berries, nuts & seeds
L: Left over home made burger in Lidl protein roll
D: Sausage bake.
Also had some sugar free orange chocolate. Warning on packet about Polyols. Ate half of the 75g bar with no laxative effect.:D

Hi Mark, didn't the 1/2 bar of choc have any effect on your bgl? Orange chocolate one of my favourites but daren't eat for fear of my bgl going up. Take care
Robert. Thank you. Haven't searched chocolate yet. It's on my to do list! Still can't make head or tail re your technical jargon but glad you don't have to go to the other side of the room to do what you have to do! Take care
Hi Mark, didn't the 1/2 bar of choc have any effect on your bgl? Orange chocolate one of my favourites but daren't eat for fear of my bgl going up. Take care
To tell the truth, I didn't test, but I've had this brand of sugar free choc before (but not the orange one) & had no effect on my BG. It's made by Simpkins. Only 5g net carbs per 100g. You can ignore carbs in polyols aa they go straight through you.😱:D
Robert. Thank you. Haven't searched chocolate yet. It's on my to do list! Still can't make head or tail re your technical jargon but glad you don't have to go to the other side of the room to do what you have to do! Take care
B: Slice of toasted Burgen
L: Sliced piri piri chicken & pack of cocktail sausages from M&S.
D: Tuna steak stir fry.
2 squares 85% choc.
Yesterday -
B - Porridge (I know, boring!)
L - Rotisserie chicken and roasted veg from the place opposite my office (it usually comes with roast potatoes, but I ask for extra veg and I get a 10% discount)
D - Chicken curry with a spoon of rice
Snacks - 2 Satsumas and a pear, packet of hula hoops and a few peanuts
I can just say I ate too much and this feels like a confessional ...
Breakfast , two slices of nimble toast with peanut butter
Mid morning . three TUC biscuits with a skinny latte
Lunch, bacon and mushroom on two slices of toast
Snacks .. Two chocolates and a packet of crisps
Dinner. Two not one but two chicken salad wraps and a yogurt .
Testing two hours after that 9.5 :0

That's interesting Mark. I would die for a piece of choc where did you buy it plz, not seen it on shop shelves. Take care
I can just say I ate too much and this feels like a confessional ...
Breakfast , two slices of nimble toast with peanut butter
Mid morning . three TUC biscuits with a skinny latte
Lunch, bacon and mushroom on two slices of toast
Snacks .. Two chocolates and a packet of crisps
Dinner. Two not one but two chicken salad wraps and a yogurt .
Testing two hours after that 9.5 :0
Don't berate yourself too much Manda1. You're not alone, I have an off day now & then. Tomorrows another day ! Good luck & take care.
That's interesting Mark. I would die for a piece of choc where did you buy it plz, not seen it on shop shelves. Take care
I got it at Addenbrookes hosp in Cambridge. Never seen it in any shops.
Yesterday -
B - Porridge (I know, boring!)
L - Rotisserie chicken and roasted veg from the place opposite my office (it usually comes with roast potatoes, but I ask for extra veg and I get a 10% discount)
D - Chicken curry with a spoon of rice
Snacks - 2 Satsumas and a pear, packet of hula hoops and a few peanuts
ooo! Hula hoops!!!
L - Mushroom & Cheese Omelet
D - Bowl of salad topped with Avocado
I'm lost. What chocolate am I looking for, and yes I am looking, that is sugar free, tastes good and won't raise my BG. :confused:
B - 2 toasted waffles with butter and 15g peanut butter
D - half a small dish of baked eggs with cheese and chives with 2 slices 50/50 toast
T - 3 pork and lee sausages, 80g carrots, 2 yorkshire puddings, gravy and a lotus biscoff biscuit
various cups of coffee throughout the day and half a can of sf irn bru with my tea x
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