I didn't know there was such a thing as Coconut Flour. 🙂
Menu for Tuesday 170117
BG 6.2 @ 5.54 - Bottle water with fibre
4oz cheese (melted), large can tuna, 2 large eggs scrambled in butter
Pt Aspirin water, meds and a cod liver oil capsule
Bottle water throughout the afternoon.
Wedge Brie, 4oz tomato, 4oz cucumber - bowl of strawberries with cream and a teaspoonful of sugar :O
BG 5.9 @ 3.52
Dinner @ 7.00 pm:
4 rashers bacon, scrambled eggs (3) with butter, 4oz tomatoes
6.0 @ 8.04 pm
5.5 @ 9.09 pm
Bottle water and a Levothyroxine pill.
First thing yesterday morning after loo - 15 stones 6.2 pounds on the digital scales...Tum = 49>