What did you eat yesterday?

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B- full fat Greek yoghurt and a handful of raspberries
L- bacon, scrambled egg and a slice of wholemeal toast
S- 1x hobnob biscuit
D- lamb casserole with wholewheat pasta
1 cheeky small glass of Malbec
B - Porridge
L - Small jacket potatoe with grated cheese
D - Homemade chilli with a spoonful of basmati rice
S - Hula hoops and handful of peanuts
B: slice of burgen toast & butter
L: salmon & prawn salad
D: 4 sausages & mash.
I go to my Brother's on Thursdays & he insists I must have potatoes with every meal. I ate about 1/5th of the mash.
Lost it today. Huge breakfast fry-up with half a Warburtons loaf toasted and buttered, plus fish chips and mushy peas for dinner tonight. No way am I measuring my BG, too scared. 😱
L - Mushroom & Cheese Omelet
D - Chicken Red Thai curry over bed of Shredded Brussel Sprouts
That steak looks the bees knees. 😛

I measured BG @ 11.19 and it was 8.8 which I didn't think was too bad. Maybe there was a huge spike earlier that I missed. o_O
B - portobello mushrooms stuffed with Stilton cheese and leeks

L - half a sausage sandwich and half a prawn cocktail one, small Aero

D - gammon, pineapple, feta salad and 8 chips
B: ham & cheese omlette
L: ham & cheese toastie (Lidl low GI bread)
D: gammon & roasted veg
4 squares of 85% choc
Bottle of red wine & 2 glasses of Bourbon.
This morning: hangover.
B: two slices toast with peanut butter
L: three sausages, two small Yorkshire puds and some cabbage
D: cheese, mushroom, spring onion omlette with salad and a yogurt
Snacks: two squares of co-op dark chocolate infused with orange
B - slice of Lidl low GI bread toasted with scraping of marmalade

L - full English breakfast (no hash browns)

D - Protein bar

Snacks - vodkas, few mini Cheddars and late night munchies of a few prawns
Menu for Saturday 140117
BG 6.6 @ 8.50 - Bottle water with fibre

Lg Can tuna, riced cauli with butter and mayo. (Scrummy)
Pt Aspirin water, meds and a cod liver oil capsule
BG 6.1 @ 11.31

Cottage Cheese with chives and large portion Brussels Sprouts with butter on. (I'm eating far too much butter for somebody who has a dicky liver, I shall swap to Benecol or Flora, they don't tempt me).
Bottle water throughout the afternoon.
BG 6.4 @ 3.19

3 rashers bacon, a huge amount of cabbage (actually a small cabbage!) with butter on and black pepper.
Bottle water and a Levothyroxine pill.
BG 6.2 @ 10.04

I will never go on a binge ever ever again after reading Wheat Belly! :confused:
B: slice of Burgen toast
L: 2 jumbo sausages from the hot counter in Tescos (reduced to clear)
D: Sheppards pie topped with cauli mash followed by a rather naughty chocolate fudge brownie (also reduced to clear).
Didn't test last night, but woke up to 5.5 so got away with it.🙂
B - rice crispies
L - chicken soup and some fresh wholesale bread
S - hulahoops after hypo
D - chicken with mozerella wrapped in proscuitto, in a red pepper and paprika sauce with roasted veg on the side - yummy!
Oh and a slice of cheesecake, couple of after eights and half a bottle of prosecco
B: same as always toast and peanut butter
L : two spelt crackers with cheese and four squares of milk chocolate :0
D: shepherds pie with proper mash topping which was lush x BG was 7.2 two hours after ..and 4.5 on waking phew !
L: 2 jumbo sausages from the hot counter in Tescos (reduced to clear)
I cannot resist these! The juicy crunch when you bite into one, 😛 then the embarrassment when you bump into someone you know whilst chomping your way around the shelves. :D

Menu for Sunday 150117

BG 6.4 @ 7.35 - Bottle water with fibre
1/2 oz celery, 1oz onion, large can tuna, mayo
Pt Aspirin water, meds and a cod liver oil capsule

BG 6.2 @ 11.39
Bottle water throughout the afternoon.
Cod (a lot) fried in butter with 5oz asparagus

BG 6.1 @ 8.51
1oz carrots, 1oz green beans, thick slices of roast pork
Bottle water and a Levothyroxine pill.

Still reading Wheat Belly! :confused: Still freaked out...sulphuric acid! What the frilly heck?
D - Baked Avocado w egg/cheese
S - Baked bacon
Brunch: Porridge and Raspberries
Dinner: Prime Rib, Creamed Cauliflower and Garlic Roasted Broccoli

Brunch: Porridge and Raspberries
Dinner: Roasted Leg of Pork, boiled new potatoes and steamed kale & spinnach
D - Baked Avocado w egg/cheese
S - Baked bacon
Is this all? All day? 😱

Menu for Monday 160117
BG 6.2 @ 7.26 - Bottle water with fibre

Breakfast @ 10 am:
4oz cheese (melted), 8oz mushrooms, 4oz tomato, 2 large eggs scrambled in butter
Pt Aspirin water, meds and a cod liver oil capsule

Bottle water throughout the afternoon.
BG 5.5 @ 5.06 pm

Dinner @ 5.15 pm:
2 Young's Boil In The Bag Fish in Parsley Sauce, 16oz Cauli mashed with single cream, 7oz Broccoli (stuffed, too much!)

6.3 @ 7.15 pm
Bottle water and a Levothyroxine pill.

Mon - raspberries!
After loo - 15 stones 7.8 pounds on the digital scales...
Tum = <50
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