L: 2 jumbo sausages from the hot counter in Tescos (reduced to clear)
I cannot resist these! The juicy crunch when you bite into one,
😛 then the embarrassment when you bump into someone you know whilst chomping your way around the shelves.
Menu for Sunday 150117
BG 6.4 @ 7.35 - Bottle water with fibre
1/2 oz celery, 1oz onion, large can tuna, mayo
Pt Aspirin water, meds and a cod liver oil capsule
BG 6.2 @ 11.39
Bottle water throughout the afternoon.
Cod (a lot) fried in butter with 5oz asparagus
BG 6.1 @ 8.51
1oz carrots, 1oz green beans, thick slices of roast pork
Bottle water and a Levothyroxine pill.
Still reading Wheat Belly!

Still freaked out...sulphuric acid! What the frilly heck?