What did you eat yesterday?

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Tuesday 28/2
FBG (5.30am) - 4.0
Snack (6am): Banana {66 Cal / 15.0g Carbs}
...............................4 mile walk
Breakfast (8am): Toast (one slice, seeded), mackerel, tomatoes /
Tangerine {309 Cal / 21.2g Carbs}

Lunch (12pm): Tsukimi udon {144 Cal / 17.4g Carbs}
Prawn & avocado salad {264 Cal / 8.2g Carbs}
Figs, Greek yoghurt, walnuts, honey {164 Cal / 16.5g Carbs}

...............................6 mile walk [very heavy snow, thunder & lightning, great fun]
Snack (4pm): Toast (one slice, seeded), blackcurrant jam / Cocoa {229 Cal / 34.1g Carbs}

BG (6pm) - 4.8 [happy with this]
Dinner (6pm): Chicken Biryani [heavy on chicken, light on rice] {388 Cal / 29.1g Carbs}
Dessert: Plums, blueberries, yoghurt, hazelnuts {124 Cal / 11.6g Carbs}

3 cups of coffee too

Calories 1730
Carbs 157.6g
Protein 111.9g
Fat 64.8g (Sat Fat 15.5g / Trans fat 0.7g)

All food cooked from scratch, if you would like any recipes please just ask
@Amigo did you make the ploughman's? If so, what kind of bread is that? Sorry to ask!! lol xx
@Amigo did you make the ploughman's? If so, what kind of bread is that? Sorry to ask!! lol xx

Yes I put the ingredients on a plate at home Kaylz (it’s so simple I can’t claim to have made it! :D). The bread (which not surprisingly has spiked me) but was delicious, is just from a Morrison’s uncut wholemeal, grain loaf from their bakery. Unfortunately, my son loves it or I wouldn’t dare being it into the house. Far too high in carbs I expect but not a particularly carby meal otherwise.
B - jumbo oats, almond milk, raspberries (much better ones today 🙂), knob of butter and a coffee
mid-morning - coffee
D - wholemeal Bavarian ham sandwich, chunk of cucumber and bar MR 85%
mid-afternoon - coffee
T - hearty plate of mince, sprouts and mushrooms, charlotte potatoes and a square 90%
After t - coffee x
View attachment 7008
That's a canny plet of tatties lass. 🙂
B - bacon sandwich on wholemeal toast, tea

L - Chinese buffet (not a brilliant one so didn’t eat a great deal) but mainly chicken, beef and green peppers in black bean sauce and a small portion of rice. A few prawn crackers. Diet Coke.

D - A ploughman’s with different cheeses, caramelised onion pate and Prosciutto cotto ham & prawns. Only ate half the pickle and half the pate.

Snacks - 2 Rich tea biscuits with cuppa

View attachment 7009
Love pate Amigo, that looks very nice.
My Yesterdays

B –
Okra water, “ala” Ditto, Flaxseed, Strawberries, Walnuts, unsweetened Almond milk.
Mid Morning –
L –
Factory Lunch
Pork in soy sauce, boiled egg, spinach, cauliflower with chillies and a little pork.
Mid Afternoon –
I ate a whole bar, 80gr/wt 18 carbs of Heidi 85% while waiting for Yang to take me to the vets. Comfort eating lol Tested before 5.5 tested 1 hour after was a little worried to be honest. Result 5.1 it actually dropped.
D –
Tuna, Smoked salmon, Ham, home made egg mayonnaise with avocado, 2 vine tomatoes
100% Beef burger, 1 fried eggs, 2tbs beans.
Strawberries and cream.
2 sq Cachet 85%
Mid Evening-

Drinks -
About 2.0 litres of coffee.
Water with Lemon approx. 0.5l
Zero Espressos
Zero Alpro Almond
Zero Moser Roth of any kind

End for today.
, is just from a Morrison’s uncut wholemeal, grain loaf from their bakery. Unfortunately, my son loves it or I wouldn’t dare being it into the house. Far too high in carbs I expect but not a particularly carby meal otherwise.
"Morrisons, lead me not into temptation". 🙂
B - jumbo oats, almond milk, raspberries (much better ones today 🙂), knob of butter and a coffee
mid-morning - coffee
D - wholemeal Bavarian ham sandwich, chunk of cucumber and bar MR 85%
mid-afternoon - coffee
T - hearty plate of mince, sprouts and mushrooms, charlotte potatoes and a square 90%
After t - coffee x
View attachment 7008
I could eat this nee probs at ahll. Good solid scran.🙂 Winter food
Yes I put the ingredients on a plate at home Kaylz (it’s so simple I can’t claim to have made it! :D). The bread (which not surprisingly has spiked me) but was delicious, is just from a Morrison’s uncut wholemeal, grain loaf from their bakery. Unfortunately, my son loves it or I wouldn’t dare being it into the house. Far too high in carbs I expect but not a particularly carby meal otherwise.
Sorry I didn't mean to seem like I was being really nosy! Was just interested in the bread as it looks lovely! 🙂 x
B - jumbo oats. almond milk, raspberries, knob of butter and a coffee (and oh man was it great to have all that heat! lol)
mid-morning - coffee
D - wholemeal Bavarian ham sandwich and a chunk of cucumber and a bar MR 85% (yes I know, been eating the same all the time but it's cheap haha)
mid-afternoon - coffee
T - haddock fillet, charlotte potatoes, fine green beans and 2 squares 90%
After t - coffee x
Thursday 1/3
FBG (5.30am) - Not measured today
Breakfast 1 (5.30am): Porridge (made with almond milk), pear,
blackberries, walnuts {291 Cal / 38.1g Carbs}
...............................3 mile walk
...............................5 km on rowing machine
Breakfast 2 (8.30am): Toast (one slice, seeded), scrambled eggs,
smoked salmon, tomatoes / Juice from one grapefruit {306 Cal / 16.7g Carbs}

Snack (11am): Kake Udon with spring onion & ginger {106 Cal / 12.7g Carbs}
...............................5 km row

Lunch (12pm): Chicken biryani [leftovers] {387 Cal / 29.1g Carbs}
Mango, yoghurt, passion fruit {103 Cal / 10.3g Carbs}

...............................3 mile walk [very heavy snow, hard to go far]
Snack (4pm): Toast (one slice, seeded) {99 Cal / 11.0g Carbs}

Dinner (6pm): Rabbit casserole, celeriac mash, runner beans,
carrots, roast parsnips {436 Cal / 43.1g Carbs}
Dessert: Strawberries, blueberries, raspberry ice cream {151 Cal / 15.3g Carbs}

3 cups of coffee too

Calories 1870
Carbs 176.8g
Protein 122.4g
Fat 64.3g (Sat Fat 17.6g / Trans fat 0.8g)

All food cooked from scratch, if you would like any recipes please just ask
No problem at all Kaylz and it was lovely! 🙂
The whole meal does and I would have loved it too BUT its not the weather for it! HAHA xx
My Yesterdays
B –
“ala” Ditto, Flaxseed, unsweetened Almond milk.
To much hurry this morning no time for walnuts and strawberries and I ran out of okra
Mid Morning –
L –
Factory Lunch
Well lunch was definitely a mystery, I basically have little or no idea what was presented to me today ‘
The large dumplings are special. Friday is Lantern Festival, the official end of the Spring Festival Celebration and those dumplings are only eaten at this time.
One was peanuts with I have no idea and a third was fried pigskin which was, well, unusual to say the very least.
This link gives some idea of what will happen in Shanghai tomorrow.
I will as usual avoid the crowds and stay home, once bitten, twice shy lol.
D –
Salmon fish cake Japanese, big plate of steamed broccoli and cabbage with blue cheese
Strawberries and cream.
2sq Cachet 85%
Arrived home very late so just threw some edible things on a plate
Mid Evening-
Drinks -
About 3.0 litres of coffee.
Water with Lemon approx. 0.5l

Zero Espressos
Zero Alpro Almond
Zero Moser Roth of any kind

End for today.


Today - 3rd of snowed in cabin fever!

B - 2 boiled eggs & 1 sliced toasted protein bread, tea

L - chicken nugget and sliced tomato sandwich with mayo in protein bread, tea. Kit kat

D - roast chicken dinner with a few new potatoes, carrots, broccoli & gravy

Snacks, rice pudding pot & small packet of pork crackling (obviously not together!)

Have stayed within range all day
Todays menu's. Thurs. 01.03.18
200mls warm boiled water with 2 slices of fresh lemon
B. Porridge.
Honey (Not good for my bg!) & lemon drink for my cough.

L. Nil ~ I was asleep!🙄
Honey & lemon drink.

Late evening meal.
Chicken breast with pork Cumberland sausage 85% ~ green red & yellow peppers ~ spring onions ~ red onion ~ leek ~ mushrooms ~ all seasoned with black pepper & mixed herbs then covered with chicken bake sauce. Very Yummy!😛
Yoghurt and a naughty choc brioche swirl.
Honey & lemon drink.

Water throughout the day. I'll have one more honey & lemon before bed.
(I haven't even had one cup of coffee or tea today.)

Photo attached of my main before it was oven baked. I only ate one portion btw.
I forgot to take a photo after it was cooked!

BG pre eve meal: 5.9
BG 2&half hrs post prandial: 6.8
Well pleased with those numbers.
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Todays menu's.
200mls warm boiled water with 2 slices of fresh lemon
B. Porridge.
Honey (Not good for my bg!) & lemon drink for my cough.

L. Nil ~ I was asleep!🙄
Honey & lemon drink.

Late evening meal.
Chicken breast with pork Cumberland sausage 85% ~ green red & yellow peppers ~ spring onions ~ red onion ~ leek ~ mushrooms ~ all seasoned with black pepper & mixed herbs then covered with chicken bake sauce. Very Yummy!😛
Yoghurt and a naughty choc brioche swirl.
Honey & lemon drink.

Water throughout the day. I'll have one more honey & lemon before bed.
(I haven't even had one cup of coffee or tea today.)

Photo attached of my main before it was oven baked. I only ate one portion btw.
View attachment 7020
I forgot to take a photo after it was cooked!

BG pre eve meal: 5.9
BG 2&half hrs post prandial: 6.8
Well pleased with those numbers.
Good number WL, that looks and sounds delicious. I assume some of it is on the way with the chicken casserole that is en route?
Define 1 portion please lol
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