What did you eat yesterday?

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B - jumbo oats, almond milk, raspberries, knob of butter and a coffee
mid-morning - coffee
D - wholemeal bacon sandwich and a lotus biscuit
mid-afternoon - coffee
T - mice with oxo mixed with sprouts and mushrooms, charlotte potatoes and a square Lindt 90%
After - coffee x
B - jumbo oats, almond milk, raspberries, knob of butter and a coffee
mid-morning - coffee
D - wholemeal bacon sandwich and a lotus biscuit
mid-afternoon - coffee
T - mice with oxo mixed with sprouts and mushrooms, charlotte potatoes and a square Lindt 90%
After - coffee x
Love your menu Kaylz .......but Mice????😱 Did they taste nice?😛:D:D
Love your menu Kaylz .......but Mice????😱 Did they taste nice?😛:D:D
Didn't notice that had happened again! Sorry! That's what happens when you've got a crap laptop and type too fast for it to register things! xx
Didn't notice that had happened again! Sorry! That's what happens when you've got a crap laptop and type too fast for it to register things! xx
Please don't apologise! We used to eat mice as kids ~ the pink and the white ones ~ they were very sweet tho!! You're fortunate to have a laptop K ~ wish I had one! I knew what you meant anyway. When's pork loin chops on the menu ~ I can't wait for my invitation to arrive?🙄 Haha!
B - jumbo oats, almond milk, raspberries, knob of butter and a coffee
mid-morning - coffee
D - wholemeal bacon sandwich and a lotus biscuit
mid-afternoon - coffee
T - mice with oxo mixed with sprouts and mushrooms, charlotte potatoes and a square Lindt 90%
After - coffee x
Hee hee has a proper ‘laugh out loud’ moment looking back at this!, 🙂

B - High meat content sausage sandwich in wholemeal bread, tea

L - Home made chicken, bacon & leek pasta bake served with a big crunchy salad, peppers, sweetcorn & coleslaw. 1 slice of garlic bread

D - sausage & cheese savoury sandwich.

Snacks - tried 2 pieces of Moser Roth white choclate....very sickly, will be giving it away! Same for the cherry & chilli one (sorry Vince)
Please don't apologise! We used to eat mice as kids ~ the pink and the white ones ~ they were very sweet tho!! You're fortunate to have a laptop K ~ wish I had one! I knew what you meant anyway. When's pork loin chops on the menu ~ I can't wait for my invitation to arrive?🙄 Haha!
Well it's not really a laptop, it's a notebook bought second hand from Bruce's ex colleague, I don't eat pork loin steaks anymore x
Today, back off hols so trying to be sensible.
B. No Burgen so 2 slices of Hovis granary toasted with Whole Earth crunchy peanut butter , sent my BGs sky high even though I bolused my usual breakfast ratio.
L. 4 large Carr’s Table Water Biscuits with cheese on 2 and pate on the other 2.
D. Roast chicken, 2 roasties, small portion of mash, broccoli with cheese sauce, carrots, spring greens, home made sage and onion stuffing, gravy.
Snacks. 2 finger dark chocolate Kit Kat whilst ironing. 2 cans of Diet Coke.

B- two boiled eggs with a slice of wholemeal toast. Kiwi fruit.
S- Go ahead apple slice. Small skinny hot chocolate with whipped cream - Starbucks post swim.
L- Salad - mixed leaves, rocket, cucumber, tomatoes, ricotta stuffed cherry peppers, ham, cheddar. 2x freddo biscuits.
S- Salt & Vinegar Crisps and a small 10g bar of chocolate to stop a hypo.
D- hypo just before we ate - Thai green chicken curry with loads of veg, no rice. Just Thai crackers. Some dark chocolate.
Tea x 2
B: Out - 2 sausage, 2 bacon, 2 eggs, beans, black pudding, 1 white toast with butter & tea
No lunch but a couple of NAS digestives with a cuppa and later some dry roasted peanuts.
T: Roast beef, gravy, 2 roasties, 2 bits of roast parsnips, carrots, fine beans & gravy. 2 glasses of red wine.
Didn't notice that had happened again! Sorry! That's what happens when you've got a crap laptop and type too fast for it to register things! xx
I have been a bit naughty today...😳
B: Four Ryvita crispbreads with Humus and garlic pepper; Packet of salt and vinegar crisps and a small apple.
Snack: 50g Honey roasted peanuts.
L: Small bowl of chips with loads of vinegar, whilst out and about in Wales.
D: Fish and chips from the chippy. ( Yummy! :D )
Edit: About three and a half litres of water, some with sugar free flavour!

Just tested my BS and got a reading of 9.2, three and a half hours after, which is to be expected after such naughtiness I guess. Odd thing is I got a reading of 6.8 at the two and a half hour mark! o_O I am beginning to loose confidence in my Codefree meter again...🙄
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Sunday 25/2
FBG (7am) - 4.3
Snack (7am): Banana {61 Cal / 14.0g Carbs}
...............................4 mile walk
Breakfast (8.30am): Scrambled eggs, mushrooms, tomatoes, baked beans,
toast (one slice, seeded), hummus / Juice from one orange {310 Cal / 30.5g Carbs}

..............................3 mile walk
Lunch (12pm): Miso soup [with tofu, shiitake mushrooms & wasabi peas] /
Shepherds pie [leftovers] {307 Cal / 18.4g Carbs}
Clearing out the fridge of leftovers, will cook fresh tomorrow
Peach, blackberries, yoghurt, pecans {136 Cal / 10.1g Carbs}

Snack (3pm): Choc chip cookie {76 Cal / 9.6g Carbs}

BG (5.30pm) 4.4
Dinner (8pm): Tuna steak, roast potatoes & squash, samphire,
peas, sweetcorn {356 Cal / 29.6g Carbs}
Dessert: Nectarine, raspberries, yoghurt {116 Cal / 11.0g Carbs}

Snack (9pm): Toast (one slice, seeded), milk {137 Cal / 14.6g Carbs}

3 cups of coffee too

Calories 1554
Carbs 144.1g
Protein 107.2g
Fat 49.3g (Sat Fat 14.8g / Trans fat 0.9g)

All food cooked from scratch, if you would like any recipes please just ask
My Yesterdays

B –
Okra water, “ala” Ditto, Flaxseed, 40gr Papaya 3.5gr/carbs, unsweetened Almond milk.
Mid Morning –
L –
One small Mamma Yang’s steamed buns (bao zi) drenched in butter, 2 fried eggs, 2 small pork sausages, 3 bacon and 2tbs BB.
Mid Afternoon –
2sq Carrefour 90%
Blue cheese, 2 vine toms, pimento stuffed olives.
D –
Pork loin steaks with a little Dijon, steamed onion and broccoli with blue cheese.
Strawberries and cream.
2sq 90%
Mid Evening-
Drinks -
About 2.0 litres of coffee.
Water with Lemon approx.1.0 litre.
Bottle Coke Zero 500ml
Zero Espressos
Zero Alpro Almond
Zero Moser Roth of any kind I am beginning to give up on it..

End for today.
Please don't apologise! We used to eat mice as kids ~ the pink and the white ones ~ they were very sweet tho!! You're fortunate to have a laptop K ~ wish I had one! I knew what you meant anyway. When's pork loin chops on the menu ~ I can't wait for my invitation to arrive?🙄 Haha!
I well remember eating sugar mice as a kid too, though it may be the case that lovers of this delicacy usually end up on this forum when they are grown.😉
Life gets better.
Found this today equivalent to "Sprite" 0 everything again.
This and the teas are the equivalent to £0.30/bottle

IMG_4936.jpg IMG_4937.jpg
Didn't notice that had happened again! Sorry! That's what happens when you've got a crap laptop and type too fast for it to register things! xx
You have nicked one of my excuses lol
B: Bacon in low carb muffin
L: Cheese toastie
D: Roast chicken with turnip, swede, carrots, sweet potato, stuffing & gravy (I can tolerate this with no spike)
Pud: 2 mini 'no added sugar' praline eggs & 1 square 85% choc
I have been a bit naughty today...😳
B: Four Ryvita crispbreads with Humus and garlic pepper; Packet of salt and vinegar crisps and a small apple.
Snack: 50g Honey roasted peanuts.
L: Small bowl of chips with loads of vinegar, whilst out and about in Wales.
D: Fish and chips from the chippy. ( Yummy! :D )
Edit: About three and a half litres of water, some with sugar free flavour!

Just tested my BS and got a reading of 9.2, three and a half hours after, which is to be expected after such naughtiness I guess. Odd thing is I got a reading of 6.8 at the two and a half hour mark! o_O I am beginning to loose confidence in my Codefree meter again...🙄
Fish and chips is high fat, so the peak could easily be well after the 2 hours.......
So here goes

B - Porridge with unsweetened almond milk, strawberries
L - Home made veg soup, strawberries , Greek Yoghurt
D - Chicken, ham, pork (all home roasted leftovers): salad, boiled egg, a smattering of olives and a little cheese 🙂
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