What did you eat yesterday?

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B: Yoghurt, berries, nuts & seeds
L: Home made scotch egg
S: 9 bar
D: (At Bruv's) Home made fish, chips & mushy peas
Pud: Jelly, Angel Delight & cream.
I have a pic of the pudding, but it was served in a rather risque looking glass & really want to stay on the right side of the moderators.:D
My curiosity is running riot about the glass lol :D
Love Scotch eggs, Love Angel Delight, Love mushy peas with fish.
OK, here's the pic. Mods please delete if inappropriate & I apologise. I'll leave it as a thumbnail.


  • IMG_20180222_193253277.jpg
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OK, here's the pic. Mods please delete if inappropriate & I apologise. I'll leave it as a thumbnail.
Tame lol not as risque as I thought hehe:D
Ok, so going to post my food each day on here as I think it will be good to have a record! I need to get my cholesterol down, so please feel free to comment - good and bad - need all the help I can get! Have stolen Mark P,s breakfast idea - strawberries, Greek yoghurt and cashews! Katie
Ok, so going to post my food each day on here as I think it will be good to have a record! I need to get my cholesterol down, so please feel free to comment - good and bad - need all the help I can get! Have stolen Mark P,s breakfast idea - strawberries, Greek yoghurt and cashews! Katie
We are all here to help and support each other so please do join this thread 🙂 we will dish out friendly advice but we aren't judgmental so you'll be fine! :D xx
Ok, so going to post my food each day on here as I think it will be good to have a record! I need to get my cholesterol down, so please feel free to comment - good and bad - need all the help I can get! Have stolen Mark P,s breakfast idea - strawberries, Greek yoghurt and cashews! Katie
Fab, the more the merrier!

Missed a couple of days, didn't have anything bad or out of the ordinary though. Waiting for payday so eating my way through the freezer!

B: 50g Jordan's Country Crisp and semi-skimmed milk
L: Hovis WG sandwich with laughing cow, corned beef, and salad cream. Packet of Kettle Bites, 30g salted peanuts.
D: Scrambled egg on toast with 4 M&S chipolatas. Also had some black pudding which I love, but I don't think it loves me. Still, worth the experiment. 2 scoops of Peanut Butter Cup Halo Top for dessert.
Ok, so going to post my food each day on here as I think it will be good to have a record! I need to get my cholesterol down, so please feel free to comment - good and bad - need all the help I can get! Have stolen Mark P,s breakfast idea - strawberries, Greek yoghurt and cashews! Katie
I would recommend using different nuts to cashews as they are the highest carb nut, but still, give it a try & see how you get on. The mixed nuts I use contain cashews, but not many.
B - jumbo oats, almond milk, raspberries, knob of butter and a coffee
mid-morning - coffee
D - wholemeal sandwich with 2 slices Bavarian ham, chunk of cucumber and a bar moser roth 85%
mid-afternoon - coffee
T - thin cut beef steak, charlotte pot20180223_071401.jpg atoes, roasted sprouts and mushrooms, onion gravy and a square Lindt 90%
Currently - coffee
(sorry for the boring pic but these raspberries are absolutely lush!) :D x
I would recommend using different nuts to cashews as they are the highest carb nut, but still, give it a try & see how you get on. The mixed nuts I use contain cashews, but not many.
Wouldn’t normally have cashews on their own Mark, but it was all I had in!
B: Two slices of Hovis Nimble, with veg pate and hummus on; packet of lamb and mint flavour crisps and a small apple.
L: 50g of dry roasted nuts.
D: Lots of broccoli; mushy peas; four Youngs fishcakes ( in breadcrumbs, ) and about half a dozen spicy potato wedges.
Followed by a Vegan ice cream cone.
Only spiked me to 7.1 too, so well pleased as last time I had the fishcakes I went well over ten!

( I think a glass or two of Shiraz will follow soon... Along with a couple of Hob Nobs before bed! :D)
Friday 23/2
FBG - Not testing today, having a very sensible day as I will be
overindulging tomorrow. nothing worth testing for!

Breakfast 1 (5.30am): Porridge (made with almond milk), strawberries,
raspberries, pecans {267 Cal / 33.3g Carbs}
...............................6 mile walk
Breakfast 2 (8am): Garlic mushrooms, toast (one slice, seeded) /
Juice from half a grapefruit {64 Cal / 14.6g Carbs}

Snack (10am): Banana {153 Cal / 17.7g Carbs}
..............................5 km on rowing machine

Lunch (12pm): Miso soup [with tofu, shiitake mushrooms & wasabi peas] /
Prawns, avocado, tomatoes, cucumber, rye bread, hummus {444 Cal / 24.2g Carbs}
Pear, blackberries, yoghurt, walnuts {139 Cal / 11.5g Carbs}

.................................2 mile walk
Dinner (6.30pm): Salmon & prawn fish cakes [celeriac mash],
fries, baked beans {381 Cal / 42.5g Carbs}
Dessert: Pineapple, yoghurt, passion fruit, pistachios {134 Cal / 15.6g Carbs}

3 cups of coffee too

Calories 1615
Carbs 165.6g
Protein 81.3g
Fat 57.1g (Sat Fat 8.2g / Trans fat 0.1g)

All food cooked from scratch, if you would like any recipes please just ask
Tea x 2
B: 40g all bran with a very small sliced banana, 2 boiled eggs.
L: Can of Baxters roast chicken soup, 4 peach slices, Activia NAS yogurt
T: Chinese; some ribs, some prawns with sweet chilli sauce, Chinese chicken curry & 2 tbsp Tilda egg fried rice. 3 G&Ts 🙂
Tea during the day.

B- Greek yoghurt and frozen raspberries
L- chicken pasta bake, custard tart, small piece of v dark chocolate
D- lasagne & broccoli. Two pieces of 85% dark chocolate

At Center Parcs now so allowing myself more carbs due to swimming etc. Plus baby is hungry!
Ok so here goes for today!

B - Strawberries, Greek yoghurt, cashews
L - smoked haddock, prawns, salad with poached egg
D- chicken fajitas (no wrap): salad, hummus, a little grated cheese

2 glasses red wine 🙂
Your made of stronger stuff than me Vince! 2.5 litres of coffee in a day, probably would end me now a days! 😉😛
Usually 1 litre when I wake up lol 2 of these 500ml mugs just so I can wake up and get this old body working .:D
My Yesterdays
B –
Okra water
“ala”Ditto with strawberries, ground flaxseed and unsweetened Almond milk which was nice.
Mid Morning –
L –
Factory Lunch Grandma Liu is back from holiday
Chicken Drumstick, spinach, a little pork with black fungus and peppers, a type of grass stalk (really have no idea) with chillies and a smidgen of beef.
No rice to tempt me today, she knows I don’t eat it
Mid Afternoon –
D –
Rump Steak with Dijon, steamed onion, 2 fried eggs, 2tb beans
Strawberries and cream
Mid Evening-
Drinks -
About 2.5 litres of coffee.
Water with Lemon approx.1.0 litre.
1 Bottle Coke Zero 500ml

Zero Espressos
Zero Alpro Almond
Zero Moser Roth of any kind I am beginning to give up on it..

End for today.
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