What did you eat yesterday?

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B: Berries & LF Greek yogurt, 2 boiled eggs
L: Sausage on a seedy roll, oxtail soup, berries & mullerlight Greek yogurt
T: Gammon steak with mustard cauliflower cheese & 3 new spuds.
Tea & coffee during the day

B- scrambled egg and toast (wholemeal)
L- ham salad with coleslaw, cucumber, tomato, celery, mini peppers with ricotta, avocado, guacamole & a mini pork pie
S- half slice Bakewell tart & an almond biscuit
D- green Thai curry with Thai crackers (no rice). Chocolate mousse & squirty cream.
My Yesterdays

Very difficult day yesterday.
Went into town for the first time since I came back.
Everywhere I looked there were food offers; cakes, pies, full English Breakfasts with toast and fried bread. My favourite artisan pie shop had to be ignored together with its wonderful different bread types, I AM A GOLD CARD MEMBER.:(
I suddenly became acutely aware of temptation literally everywhere.
Even though my levels are within the defined range, I want to keep them that way.
So I got the bus back home and had mussels, toms and an avocado lol.
Felt quite proud of that achievement and went and picked my car up from being valeted, then it promptly rained all over it.
I have developed a real fear of the unknown, foodwise, scary.
A kind of Fear of Carbs but not of food in general.

B –
Bowl of “ala Ditto” with Alpro and Raspberries.
L –
Mussels, avocado, 3 vine Toms, a little full fat mayo
1 bar 85% Moser Roth
Mid afternoon –
D –
Pork loin chop in garlic and ginger topped with Dijon mustard and German farmhouse pate with mushrooms, steamed sprouts, asparagus and tenderstem, the last of the ratatouille. Blackberries and double cream.
1 Bar Moser Roth Caramel which I noticed after I bought it was Milk Choc but only 14g per bar so I will use it. Hate waste
Before bed
About 1 litre of coffee.
3 Espressos
Water with Lemon approx. 2 litre.
3 Glasses of Alpro Almond.

End for today.

B: 2 Fuel Protein Wheat Biscuits, nuts & seeds with double cream & full fat milk
L: Salami & cheese toastie on Hovis low carb wholemeal
D: Steak & kidney casserole with carrots, swede & sweet potato
Pud: 4 rum truffles
My Yesterdays

Very difficult day yesterday.
Went into town for the first time since I came back.
Everywhere I looked there were food offers; cakes, pies, full English Breakfasts with toast and fried bread. My favourite artisan pie shop had to be ignored together with its wonderful different bread types, I AM A GOLD CARD MEMBER.:(
I suddenly became acutely aware of temptation literally everywhere.
Even though my levels are within the defined range, I want to keep them that way.
So I got the bus back home and had mussels, toms and an avocado lol.
Felt quite proud of that achievement and went and picked my car up from being valeted, then it promptly rained all over it.
I have developed a real fear of the unknown, foodwise, scary.
A kind of Fear of Carbs but not of food in general.

B –
Bowl of “ala Ditto” with Alpro and Raspberries.
L –
Mussels, avocado, 3 vine Toms, a little full fat mayo
1 bar 85% Moser Roth
Mid afternoon –
D –
Pork loin chop in garlic and ginger topped with Dijon mustard and German farmhouse pate with mushrooms, steamed sprouts, asparagus and tenderstem, the last of the ratatouille. Blackberries and double cream.
1 Bar Moser Roth Caramel which I noticed after I bought it was Milk Choc but only 14g per bar so I will use it. Hate waste
Before bed
About 1 litre of coffee.
3 Espressos
Water with Lemon approx. 2 litre.
3 Glasses of Alpro Almond.

End for today.

Vince, I can resist everything except temptation! Mr Eggy was given a pouch of Celebrations the other day and has had to hide it from me, I begged him to let me have one last night, 6 later....I felt sick and it really wasnt worth the high BGs I got later. Keep going you are doing great, but remember an occasional treat really won’t do you any harm in the long run. But not six Celebrations! Make it worth while. 😉
My Yesterdays

Very difficult day yesterday.
Went into town for the first time since I came back.
Everywhere I looked there were food offers; cakes, pies, full English Breakfasts with toast and fried bread. My favourite artisan pie shop had to be ignored together with its wonderful different bread types, I AM A GOLD CARD MEMBER.:(
I suddenly became acutely aware of temptation literally everywhere.
Even though my levels are within the defined range, I want to keep them that way.
So I got the bus back home and had mussels, toms and an avocado lol.
Felt quite proud of that achievement and went and picked my car up from being valeted, then it promptly rained all over it.
I have developed a real fear of the unknown, foodwise, scary.
A kind of Fear of Carbs but not of food in general.
I am totally the same. I still stand in the middle of the Tesco bread section and just feel really down about all this great stuff I used to eat but now I can't touch. Out of everything, I miss pastry so much - it's the only thing I really miss but I hate it. And it's everywhere! Everywhere you go just taunts you with amazing looking food that you can't eat, and no one seems to want to do anything about it. Seems easier to be lactose intolerant or coeliac sometimes. I didn't realise either how many food based companies/pages I followed on social media either. Mostly it's easy to just carry on my day and get sad at all that, but occasionally it just winds up.

Vince, I can resist everything except temptation! Mr Eggy was given a pouch of Celebrations the other day and has had to hide it from me, I begged him to let me have one last night, 6 later....I felt sick and it really wasnt worth the high BGs I got later. Keep going you are doing great, but remember an occasional treat really won’t do you any harm in the long run. But not six Celebrations! Make it worth while. 😉
I always had one of those eating habits where I couldn't stop at a normal portion, I always overate. But I've surprised myself at how restrained I can be, particularly with chocolate. I have a shoebox full of Lindor on the sofa with me, and I'm probably only eating one or two a week. And I'm fine with that! Yeah, an occasional treat is definitely fine.
I am totally the same. I still stand in the middle of the Tesco bread section and just feel really down about all this great stuff I used to eat but now I can't touch. Out of everything, I miss pastry so much - it's the only thing I really miss but I hate it. And it's everywhere! Everywhere you go just taunts you with amazing looking food that you can't eat, and no one seems to want to do anything about it. Seems easier to be lactose intolerant or coeliac sometimes. I didn't realise either how many food based companies/pages I followed on social media either. Mostly it's easy to just carry on my day and get sad at all that, but occasionally it just winds up.

I always had one of those eating habits where I couldn't stop at a normal portion, I always overate. But I've surprised myself at how restrained I can be, particularly with chocolate. I have a shoebox full of Lindor on the sofa with me, and I'm probably only eating one or two a week. And I'm fine with that! Yeah, an occasional treat is definitely fine.
Some of the aisles in the supermarket make me cry.
I am totally the same. I still stand in the middle of the Tesco bread section and just feel really down about all this great stuff I used to eat but now I can't touch. Out of everything, I miss pastry so much - it's the only thing I really miss but I hate it. And it's everywhere! Everywhere you go just taunts you with amazing looking food that you can't eat, and no one seems to want to do anything about it. Seems easier to be lactose intolerant or coeliac sometimes. I didn't realise either how many food based companies/pages I followed on social media either. Mostly it's easy to just carry on my day and get sad at all that, but occasionally it just winds up.

I always had one of those eating habits where I couldn't stop at a normal portion, I always overate. But I've surprised myself at how restrained I can be, particularly with chocolate. I have a shoebox full of Lindor on the sofa with me, and I'm probably only eating one or two a week. And I'm fine with that! Yeah, an occasional treat is definitely fine.
I miss pastry too. Loved a pasty or pie and do crave them, I now make virtually crustless quiches, I use a square tin, thinly rolled pastry and after it cooks and cools, I turn it out and cut all the edges away therefore just leaving a thin crust on bottom. Also use filo pastry for such as steak or chicken pie. Just crumple sheets of the filo pastry on top of chosen filling, brush with butter and cook. Fairly low carb, can’t remember off hand how many as don’t have any in to check. I freeze any remaining sheets for next pie craving I get!
BTW, well done for resisting the Lindor, I really couldn’t do it. Out of sight out of mind is my motto!
It is the ruddy inconvenience.:(
I miss me pies and me mushy peas, fish 'n' chips, pizza, stotties stuffed with all the culinary wonders of the universe, stuff like that. My pie shop in Newcastle does the most wonderful lamb and mint pies in terrific French pasty. I am not joking when I say I was a Gold Card Member lol I bought so many different pies and cakes there I used to get them free when I was home. A roast beef dinner with everything on in the Grainger Market for £5.90. I know yesterday I could have popped into an Italian or somewhere and had a steak or a chicken but I am eating so much steak at home it wouldn't be different. I did actually walk up to one or two restaurants and browsed the menus and thought "NO", all with mash, skins, fajitas or chips and it was to cold outside for salads.
Pies were my ambrosia when I am at home, I was always a food philistine :(. Me North East broutins up ah reckon. I seem to be able to switch between the very best in dining and the real, gutsy homely stuff, spotted dick and custard, apple crumble, toad in the hole for instance lol
I do however, think I am eating very well these days and much more healthier.
Then I have to pinch myself and kick my subconscious into gear and say by not eating this wonderful cornucopia of delights that I am living healthier and wiser and for the best. 🙄
I don't have this problem in China for some reason, the food I eat there is so varied and interesting just avoid the rice and noodles and dumplings.
I am totally the same. I still stand in the middle of the Tesco bread section and just feel really down about all this great stuff I used to eat but now I can't touch. Out of everything, I miss pastry so much - it's the only thing I really miss but I hate it. And it's everywhere! Everywhere you go just taunts you with amazing looking food that you can't eat, and no one seems to want to do anything about it. Seems easier to be lactose intolerant or coeliac sometimes. I didn't realise either how many food based companies/pages I followed on social media either. Mostly it's easy to just carry on my day and get sad at all that, but occasionally it just winds up.

I always had one of those eating habits where I couldn't stop at a normal portion, I always overate. But I've surprised myself at how restrained I can be, particularly with chocolate. I have a shoebox full of Lindor on the sofa with me, and I'm probably only eating one or two a week. And I'm fine with that! Yeah, an occasional treat is definitely fine.
Exactly Beck S
I could never define a normal portion either lol I am however surprsing myself at my resistance to tons of chocolate and no cakes at the moment.
Back on track - After Christmas I gained 4 kg ... bummer ...
B: Greek yogurt, cocoa powder and nuts, and rye-bread with tea
L: mixed salad(pre made) and some ham
D: mixed salad(DIY), diced cauliflower with Bologna sauce and an orange
Dr: two glasses of Nebbiolo wine
I miss pastry too. Loved a pasty or pie and do crave them, I now make virtually crustless quiches, I use a square tin, thinly rolled pastry and after it cooks and cools, I turn it out and cut all the edges away therefore just leaving a thin crust on bottom. Also use filo pastry for such as steak or chicken pie. Just crumple sheets of the filo pastry on top of chosen filling, brush with butter and cook. Fairly low carb, can’t remember off hand how many as don’t have any in to check. I freeze any remaining sheets for next pie craving I get!
BTW, well done for resisting the Lindor, I really couldn’t do it. Out of sight out of mind is my motto!
I remember you mentioning filo pastry the other day, I'm going to have to try it out.

Vince, it's all that comfort food, particularly at this time of year when its cold out. Pie and mash, jacket potatoes, toad in the hole. It's difficult to replace.
I remember you mentioning filo pastry the other day, I'm going to have to try it out.

Vince, it's all that comfort food, particularly at this time of year when its cold out. Pie and mash, jacket potatoes, toad in the hole. It's difficult to replace.
Never mind. One day...

On the plus side, I've found a new bread that doesn't seem to affect me. Went to Sainsburys for the shop last week but they don't do the Hovis Lower Carb. Examined all the bread and picked up Hovis' Wholemeal Granary loaf - high in fibre which I thought might be helpful. Finally got round to testing it after my sandwich this lunchtime, and I was 8.2 beforehand (too much sugar in my morning coffee) and was 6.4 two hours after. This makes me very happy.
Never mind. One day...

On the plus side, I've found a new bread that doesn't seem to affect me. Went to Sainsburys for the shop last week but they don't do the Hovis Lower Carb. Examined all the bread and picked up Hovis' Wholemeal Granary loaf - high in fibre which I thought might be helpful. Finally got round to testing it after my sandwich this lunchtime, and I was 8.2 beforehand (too much sugar in my morning coffee) and was 6.4 two hours after. This makes me very happy.
Thanks for the heads up Beck S Will go find that lol
Got to have somethig for my bacon, egg and sausage sandwiches.
Thanks for the heads up Beck S Will go find that lol
Got to have somethig for my bacon, egg and sausage sandwiches.
Hope its good for you. I like the Lower Carb bread, but it's ever so slightly not right. This at least tastes like proper bread.
B - jumbo oats, almond milk, raspberries, coffee
later than usual - coffee
D - wholemeal smoked Bavarian ham and edam sandwich and a lotus
later than usual - coffee
T - chicken breast, charlotte potatoes, boiled sprouts, gravy and a square 90%
After t - coffee x
B: Berries & LF Greek yogurt, bacon and some fried leftover cabbage, water.
L: Egg mayo butty on oatmeal bread , berries & mullerlight Greek yogurt
T: Bolognese with wholemeal spaghetti & a very thin slice of DDs birthday cake to finish it off.
Tea & coffee during the day.
I have just been to Tesco's
Who eats 1/5th of an Easter Egg?
Eat 5 maybe but not 1/5th
Depression starting

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B- fried egg on toast
L- sausage gnocchi with kale & green beans. Banana and squirty cream
D- ham salad - with baby gem, rocket, carrot, cucumber, celery, tomatoes, avocado, ham, small amount of grated cheese, some guacamole & mayonnaise. French fries. Weight watchers vanilla yoghurt.
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