What did you eat yesterday?

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Yes off to my sons for my sins. Will be a total madhouse.
Actually I am missing her for some bizarre reason lol
I have been thinking about trying cannellini beans No idea what to do wth them
Well I had a bacon sarnie this morning, the first for months.:D
2 slices Hovis low carb bread, buttered, 2 rashers bacon and a very thin coating of HP Fruity sauce.
Waiting for the 2 hours to pass before I tested was akin to being an expectant father waiting for the birth of a first child lol🙄
Pre reading was 5.6, 2 hours post reading 6.9
Not unhappy with that at all considering I had 2 slices of bread although I don't know if 6.9 after 2 hours is an acceptable level or not after eating bread.
So that will be on the menu methinks🙂
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Well I had a bacon sarnie this morning, the first for months.:D
2 slices Hovis low carb bread, buttered, 2 rashers bacon and a very thin coating of HP Fruity sauce.
Waiting for the 2 hours to pass before I tested was akin to being an expectant father waiting for the birth of a first child lol🙄
Pre reading was 5.6, 2 hours post reading 6.9
Not unhappy with that at all considering I had 2 slices of bread although I don't know if 6.9 after 2 hours is an acceptable level or not after eating bread.
So that will be on the menu methinks🙂
A 1.3mmol rise is very acceptable Vince so be happy 🙂 x
B - jumbo oats, almond milk, raspberries and a coffee
Mid morning - coffee
D - I did it I had Christmas lunch and am very proud of myself! :D
After lunch - coffee
T - turkey mayonnaise wholemeal sandwich and a 25g bar 85% (it is Christmas after all 🙂)
After that - coffee20171225_130619.jpg 20171225_132753.jpg
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Well today Christmas day
B - Bacon Sandwich = 2 slices Hovis low carb bread buttered, 2 rashers of bacon, a very thin spread HP fruity sauce that was at 2.15 am lol Still on Shanghai time bodywise. I was starving.
Mid Morning - Come Cathedral Cheddar cheese, Olives and smoked Salmon.
Christmas Lunch - far to much, take a look lol
I didn't have any mashed pots and I left he parsnips and Yorkie.
Far to much Pork, Gammon, Beef, Turkey, Walnut Stuffing, Meatloaf.
My ex-wife who was also there had the everything and scoffed the lot and she is a diabetic Type 1. She never would listen lol
No Christmas Pud had carrot cake instead.
No dinner I was waddling around
Tested around 3 hours or after eating I was 7.3.🙄
Evening I had 6 very big strawberries with extra thick double cream
Thats all for today

B- smoked grilled mackeral and fried egg
S- some crisps and olives
L- tapas style - carrots, cucumber, celery, olives, guacamole, sour cream dip, stuffing balls, pigs in blankets, pork belly squares, Asian style chicken lollipops, mozerella pesto balls, mini chicken Kiev, ricotta stuffed mini red peppers, anchovies.
D/S- few crisps, malteasers, hot chocolate & a mince pie

My numbers have been crap 7-12 most of the day! Not entirely surprising but will be back to less rich easier to estimate tomorrow. Was a fab Christmas and we are all exhausted!

Hope everyone has had a fantastic day xx
B - 2 slices toast
Xmas dinner - Chicken, 2 chippolatas, 2 small Yorkshire's, 2 small roast potatoes, carrots, sprouts, brocolli.
Pudding black forest meringue roulade with cream (yum!!) tested 2 hours after eating as winging it - 4.8!
S - 5 crackers with cheese, sausage roll, copious amounts of red wine :D
B. 3 toasts 😱:D 2 had that gorgeous Meridian cocoa and peanut spread , yum and a huge coffee.
D. Not the traditional Christmas dinner I’m afraid, we had Sirloin steak, a huge pile of chestnut mushrooms and a pile chips , I was going to do fried onions but forgot to buy them 🙄
An hour later a goodly portion of Kir Royale pudding and cream , absolute bliss 620BD20C-BDE5-4261-A194-5C1410C32077.gif
I didn’t fancy any alcohol , chocs or mince pies, so I’ll probably have some today 🙂

And guess what, As per usual in our family we’ll be doing it again on New Year’s Day
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Morning, hope you all had a lovely day yesterday

B: Bacon & egg butty on Burgen
Late lunch: Small sherry. Turkey, 4 small roasties, carrots, sprouts with chestnuts & lardons, swede & parsnip bake, cranberry stuffing roll & gravy. Several glasses of prosecco & a glass of red.
Later I had a G&T and a couple of Quality Street.
A good match between carbs and insulin most of the day, especially for my annual half a grapefruit. Mmmmm

Snacks during morning visits, nibbles with presies at friends, main meal all good until the pudding!!
Over estimated the carbs and forgot to allow for all that cream that is essential with a Christmas pud!
Hypo, hypo, ....... hyper!!

It is just one day of the year. Back to snesibleness today.
B - slice of toast, tea

2 prawn in filo, 1 duck spring roll, glass of Buck’s Fizz

L - lobster & prawn cocktail
Turkey, beef, home made stuffing, 1 teaspoon cranberry sauce, 1 sprouts, 2 carrots, 3 roasties, 2 roast parsnips, gravy (wasn’t so hungry and left most of my dinner)
Very small portion Christmas pudding & cranberry sauce

D - Turkey & stuffing sandwich on wholemeal, tea

No cake or chocolates...I never eat much Christmas Day. Am usually too busy.
B Muesli and yogurt
L Smoked salmon on granary bread, glass of champagne, half an apple, satsuma, 2 Thorntons chocs
T 2 chocolate fingers, to ward off a post walk hypo (caught myself at 4.9 with a downwards arrow on the Libre, managed to stay out of the red)
D Goose, sausagemeat stuffing, stir fried sprouts with bacon, small helping roast parsnips, glass of red wine
2 helpings Christmas pudding with rum sauce, glass of dessert wine.

Funnily enough, the only time I went out of range all day was after my healthy breakfast, when I spiked up to 9.1.
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