Well-Known Member
- Relationship to Diabetes
- Type 2
Well done you. I've given up smoking twice and am still a non-smokerlast ever fag
Well done you. I've given up smoking twice and am still a non-smokerlast ever fag
Yes, we've liked what we've had so far.Some of the party food is actually alright, I've been trying some out. Even managed one of the mini-pies without much effect which was good to see. Can't beat pigs in blankets though.
I think I've got gout! My big toe is hurting and my son and nephew have it. All this rich food!That nasty turkey wouldn't have helped, full of purines.
19/11/17: 219.4 pounds - tum 49 1/2
BG: 7.1 @ 5.53am
Bottle water & tsp Normacol
Scrambled Eggs, Tomatoes, Shredded Sprouts, Carton Cottage Cheese.
Pt Water with Aspirin and meds.
Snack: Mug sweet white coffee (an 'all in' sachet but I think it was sugar...hoping it was sweetener!)
Pt Water.
Lunch: M&S Diet Coke and a Toastie (so expensive in there, but delicious).
Fried in butter Cod, Tomatoes, Cucumber, Lettuce, Mayo.
Pt Water.
Snack: Large bowl Peanuts.
Pt Water and a Levothyroxine.
@Ditto please heed Amigos excellent advice ~ better safe than sorry xUnfortunately a diet high in protein and fats (like Atkins) can cause gout in people who are predisposed to it. It’s not that I’m against Atkins at all so please don’t shoot the messenger but there does seem to be a link for people who produce more Uric acid.
See your GP Ditto because once this episode is under control, you may need daily Allupurinol if it is diagnosed as gout. They’ll do a blood test to confirm. I’ve seen my husband cry with the pain of gout so don’t let it take hold.
Cherry juice and cherry extract are supposed to help gout.
I'm not surprised if I do have gout...decades of pigging out! I'm not so worried about it though as I'm more worried about the D, the dicky ticker, the high blood pressure, the dicky liver and the arthur in my hip.At least my eyes aren't wonky any more, thank goodness for small mercies.
20/11/17: 222.0 pounds (weight gain due to peanuts) - tum 50/51 (peanuts added to horrendous water retention)
BG: 6.5 @ 4.51am
Bottle water & tsp Normacol
Half a carton of Philly and a pkt of breaded Ham (I spread the philly over a slice of ham, roll and eat nom nom nom)
Pt Water with Aspirin and meds.
BG: 5.9 @ 3.25pm
Late lunch: Chicken Salad inc Cheesy Coleslaw and a tub of Potato Salad.
Pt Water.
Philly on Jacob's Cream Crackers, a fruity Eclair (yuck!), portion Trifle![]()
Pt Water.
BG: 8.9 @ 11.22pm
Pt Water but my Levothyroxine was lost down the side of the sofa.
(and ended up eating Melton Mowbray pork pie in bed early hours whilst reading.)
@Ditto ~ and you need meds regarding your water retention ~ I bet your legs are like balloons with itApart from the ticker, I’ve got all those and the wonky eyes Ditto but I still wouldn’t want gout. The uric crystals can lodge in your kidneys so drink plenty and get to the doc! 🙂
Ouch that does look painful! Mines popped at some point while I was out yesterday and its not so sore now which is a relief! Lol, hope yours heals soon, anyone else please feel free to add pictures of fingers!! Lol
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Legs seem okay, feet have always been puddings, especially the left one.I bet your legs are like balloons with it
Obviously something in the air this week Vince, I forgot my evening dose on Sunday and Monday. It annoys me when I do, but I never remember until I'm just about to go to sleep.My Yesterdays
Forgot toe take my Metformin again for the second time.
B – ala Ditto with soaked flaxseeds and full fat milk.
L – Factory Lunch,
Grass (Cabbage), Stir fried Peas in Pods, Radish and Tofu, Fish I actually managed to get some meat off.
D – Pork and Herb Sausage bean and onion casserole 2 Sausages. I Couldn’t think of anything to go with it usually it would have been mash so I settled for a 2 Egg cheese omelete.
I am really wanting to get back home now so I can have some decent food choices.
4 coffees (Well actually about 2 litres), water approx.2.5 litres all day.
The End
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My Yesterdays
Forgot toe take my Metformin again for the second time.
B – ala Ditto with soaked flaxseeds and full fat milk.
L – Factory Lunch,
Grass (Cabbage), Stir fried Peas in Pods, Radish and Tofu, Fish I actually managed to get some meat off.
D – Pork and Herb Sausage bean and onion casserole 2 Sausages. I Couldn’t think of anything to go with it usually it would have been mash so I settled for a 2 Egg cheese omelete.
I am really wanting to get back home now so I can have some decent food choices.
4 coffees (Well actually about 2 litres), water approx.2.5 litres all day.
The End
View attachment 5662
I'm not surprised if I do have gout..