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What did you eat yesterday?

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Now Mark that is what I call Living Welcome to the Beans Club :D Got to do that on your Birthday
Well, I haven't touched baked beans since diagnosis, but I had some a few days ago & tested, & all is fine with the world!:D
B - bacon sandwich (yum!) tea

L - turkey & stuffing bun & a Diet Coke

D- roast pork, spring greens, carrots, 1 Yorkshire, 3 small new potatoes, gravy

S - mini chocolate log (11.5 grams carb)
B - jumbo oats, almond milk, raspberries and a coffee
9:30 - coffee
D - wholemeal roll with a boiled egg and edam, pp wafer and a square Lindt 90%
2 - coffee
T - chicken breast, charlotte potatoes, buttered tender stem broccoli, greek yoghurt and strawberries
Currently - coffee
2 pints water throughout the day x
Yesterday 12.12.17

B: Coffee
Lunch: Coffee x 2
Evening meal: 3 very small roasted lamb cutlets sprinkled with home grown rosemary 2 new potatoes roasted 1 new potato boiled broccoli parsnip & carrot sticks sage & onion stuffing & gravy. Thoroughly enjoyed😛
Pud: Ramakin of creamy salted caramel icecream
Water with meal.

Pre meal: 5.1 Post meal 6.6. Think I'll have roast dinner every day!
Water throughout the day
Baked beans rule it seems:D:D😛 @Vince_UK you have a follower:D
Mark has had the tremendous courage to go public with this astounding statement.
Baked Beans Will Conquer The World.
A life of total harrmony everyone living in complete peacefulness enjoying Baked Beans..
AH ! " I Have A Dream"
Out there I know there are many secret, closet Baked Beans Addicts.:D
Well, I haven't touched baked beans since diagnosis, but I had some a few days ago & tested, & all is fine with the world!:D
2 or 3 tabelspoon fulls don't touch my levels at all and yet the nurse following my diagnosis said don't touch them.
I cannot live without my baked beans.🙂
B: 2 crumpets & a few strawberries
L: Chicken butty on wholemeal
T: Turkey, sweet potato chips, cauli, broccoli & carrots, gravy & a glass of red wine.
Tea & coffee during the day
B- croissant
S- celery
L- chicken soup and piece of breaded fish (yes weird combination)
S- Pom bears
Hypo - glucotabs
D- Madeira chicken with wild mushroom rice
Hypo - glucotabs and chocolate digestive.
B: 2 slices of toasted Hovis lower carb white.
L: Prawns & marie rose dip / pack of 10 cocktail sausages (from M&S)
D: Sausage & egg sarnie. Forgot to get anything out of the freezer for dinner.🙄
Pud: Last slice of birthday choccy cake & double cream.
Yesterday 13.11.17
Pud. Creamy salted caramel icecream. yummy yum yum!
Water throughout the day
Haha green eyes! :D Why not try a dessert spoonful then test post 2hrs? Its the only way to learn if you can tolerate it or any other food for that matter.
1 I couldn't manage 1 spoonful only, 2 I couldn't wait 2 hours lol
When I get bac I will try
My Today’s
B – ala Ditto and blueberries, flaxseeds
L – Was working at an exhibition all day. Nothing decent to eat
So I went and got 3 KFC chicken portions. No Fries or anything else just chicken portions. 21 gr carbs. This was at noon I had my breakfast at 5.45am I was starving. Took a reading when got home 17.45 it was 4.4 so must have been ok. Vince's Logic
D – ½ pounder ground beef burger, Bega cheese, Steamed red onion, 2 Fried eggs free range, tsp Brown sauce AND 2 tbs baked beans.
0 coffees and water approx..2 litres all day.

Forgot to take my Metformin this morning, such a damn hurry.
Leave it until tomorrow.

Making a Sausage, Onion and Baked Bean casserole in the slow cooker for tomorrow.:D

Happy Days.

LOOK !!! no pics today lol
Don't worry Vince, I forgot my dose last night and only realised when I'd gotten into bed.

Was away for the weekend at a training event, which was catered. I ate reasonably well with meals, only some mash and a couple of roasties blotted my copybook. It was the sweet things that scuppered me - the place we go makes infamously good shortbread, so I may have nabbed a couple of pieces over the weekend. Probably put me around the high 7s over the weekend, which isn't bad, but isn't the best. Back to normal yesterday

B: Greggs bacon roll
Snack: Nature Vally bar at 11 when I realised I'd forgotten to take my metformin with lunch
L: Low Carb white sandwich with laughing cow and marmite, two mini Cathedral City cheese portions, and some Maple Barbeque Kettle Bites.
D: Birds Eye lightly dusted lemon and garlic chicken, some peas, leaks and pancetta, and some green beans. Not sure the 'lightly dusted' chicken didn't push me up, was 5.6 before and 8.2 two hours after.
Don't worry Vince, I forgot my dose last night and only realised when I'd gotten into bed.

Was away for the weekend at a training event, which was catered. I ate reasonably well with meals, only some mash and a couple of roasties blotted my copybook. It was the sweet things that scuppered me - the place we go makes infamously good shortbread, so I may have nabbed a couple of pieces over the weekend. Probably put me around the high 7s over the weekend, which isn't bad, but isn't the best. Back to normal yesterday

B: Greggs bacon roll
Snack: Nature Vally bar at 11 when I realised I'd forgotten to take my metformin with lunch
L: Low Carb white sandwich with laughing cow and marmite, two mini Cathedral City cheese portions, and some Maple Barbeque Kettle Bites.
D: Birds Eye lightly dusted lemon and garlic chicken, some peas, leaks and pancetta, and some green beans. Not sure the 'lightly dusted' chicken didn't push me up, was 5.6 before and 8.2 two hours after.
Decided not to take it until tomorrow morning Beck S. My levels are fine so will just go with the flow. Just in a mad dash this morning, put it out to take and just didn't take it🙄
It's so easy to do! I won't take my evening dose if I forget (not that often) because it's the higher dose and I can't snack before bed to make sure I'm not taking it on an empty stomach.

Question - is almond milk quite sweet? I see a few of you have it with porridge and I wonder if that helps to make it sweeter more naturally.
This thread is now closed. Please contact Anna DUK, Ieva DUK or everydayupsanddowns if you would like it re-opened.