B - 40g jumbo oats, 195ml almond milk, little drop of cocoa powder and a cup of coffee
9:30 - cup of coffee
D - wholemeal roll with a slice edam and a cayenne scrambled egg and a lotus
2 - cup of coffee
T - pork loin steaks, charlotte potatoes, roasted asparagus, gravy, lotus and a square Lindt 90%
After t - cup of coffee
3 pints water throughout the day
Bedtime - lotus as too low to go to bed
B - 40g jumbo oats, 195ml almond milk, little drop of cocoa powder and a cup of coffee
9:30 - cup of coffee
D - wholemeal roll with 2 egg and cayenne omelette and a row G&B's VE Dark Mint
2 - cup of coffee
T - smoked basa, 2 yorkies, asparagus with a blob of butter, mcvities digestive and a square Lindt 90%
After t - cup of coffee
2 pints water throughout the day x