What did you eat yesterday?

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Yesterday I had:

B: Serving of Dorset Honey Granola, milk.
L: Chicken Caesar Salad from Costa and a hot chocolate.
D: An attempt at making a gnocchi type substance from mozzerella and egg that I found on a low carb recipe site, with minced beef and tomato pasta sauce. Weird gnocchi thing was fiddly to make and tasted terrible.
Snack: Nature Valley Salted Caramel bar.
I used to eat this all the time for breakfast with honey Skyr! Lol x
It's quite nice! I never would have considered it before now, but seeing as it's much healthier than crunchy nut cornflakes.
B - wholemeal toastie with a slice edam and a slice corned beef and a cup of coffee
9:30 - cup of coffee
D - wholemeal roll with 3 rashers slightly overdone smoked streaky bacon 🙂oops: do not get engaged in conversation when cooking lol) and a 25g bar moser roth 85%
T - 3 sausages, 2 yorkies, tender stem broccoli, onion gravy, lotus biscuit and a square Lindt 90%
Currently - cup of coffee
3 pints of water so far x
Kaylaz Proud of you, you are indeed and advanced sausage fiend.
Complete with yorkies and onion gravy
Wonderful. I am just so jealous.
I actually cannot wait to get back to get my jaws around some sausages and a couple of lamb chops and some other similar delights.
You have no idea the mental trauma I went through when I was diagnosed panicing and believing i would not be able to eat any of my favs again and the absolute relief when I found that I could continue to eat Meat, eggs,fish. etc etc. Sorted of blunted the edge somewhat of the diagnosis. Still struggle though to walk past ice cream and cake shops. I have to look straight ahead and not even glance at them.
I love overvdone bacon also especially some nice crispy steaky bacon. Yummy, Have to forget the Ketchup or brown sauce now I guess.
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Really bad night with upset stomach so up at 3.20-4.30am then up again at 9.40am :(
B: 1 Hovis low carb white burnt toast
L: Scotch broth
1 Wholemeal toast
T: 3 Hawaiian pizza slices (very naughty I know but just what I fancied)
Sorry about the stomach Scouse but I can taste the pizza even as I write this.
B: Out - bacon, sausage, 2 eggs, black pudding, beans, grilled tomato, brown toast & tea.
L: Late - 1 slice of left over pizza
T: The delicacy know as Scouse :D, glass of wine
Tea during the day.
B: Out - bacon, sausage, 2 eggs, black pudding, beans, grilled tomato, brown toast & tea.
L: Late - 1 slice of left over pizza
T: The delicacy know as Scouse :D, glass of wine
Tea during the day.
Now Scouse, that is what I call a BREAKFAST !!!!
Never really venture onto this thread...perhaps I should...too ashamed to post what I ate yesterday...or what my levels were...in my defence I was incredibly busy with other matters...no time to cook...plan...or even shop...will remedy that today...maybe see you all later...or tomorrow?
@Vince_UK I took this last night just for you haha x


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Never really venture onto this thread...perhaps I should...too ashamed to post what I ate yesterday...or what my levels were...in my defence I was incredibly busy with other matters...no time to cook...plan...or even shop...will remedy that today...maybe see you all later...or tomorrow?
Nice to see you here 🙂 haha x
@Vince_UK I took this last night just for you haha x
K...looks like you've eaten half of that before you took that photo...come on...fess up...only one Yorkie...yeah.
Nice to see you here 🙂 haha x
Not so sure I will stay...after that photo you posted...had breakfast...looked at that...starving now😉😉😉.
K...looks like you've eaten half of that before you took that photo...come on...fess up...only one Yorkie...yeah.
I had eaten a yorkie already you are correct haha x
@Vince_UK I took this last night just for you haha x
I am now crying in my Chinese green tea.
You are so cruel.
BUT>>>>>> ALL IS NOT LOST>>>>>
I am going to have tonight 4 of the smallest beef sausages in known history with 2 fried eggs AND the mandatory 2 tbs baked beans. haha.
The 4 wouldn't make a 1 decent UK Sausage. You would believe the price either.
I will be surpised if there is any sausage left actually after I have fried them. I will be using a very small frying pan so they look bigger
But no yorkies here:( or onion gravy.
This is War.!!!!
They will be photograpically recorded for posterity.
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@Vince_UK I'm sorry :( just showing you what you have to look forward to when you get back 🙂 no éclair as I don't actually have a Tesco in my town and the shopping was done on Saturday and I hadn't planner to have one, as for brown sauce and tomato sauce I'm not sure of other brands but a serving (15g) of HP brown sauce is only 4.2g carbs and Heinz tomato sauce (15g) is only 3.5g carbs so not too bad at all, I hope that has cheered you up a bit now 🙂 x
@Vince_UK I'm sorry :( just showing you what you have to look forward to when you get back 🙂 no éclair as I don't actually have a Tesco in my town and the shopping was done on Saturday and I hadn't planner to have one, as for brown sauce and tomato sauce I'm not sure of other brands but a serving (15g) of HP brown sauce is only 4.2g carbs and Heinz tomato sauce (15g) is only 3.5g carbs so not too bad at all, I hope that has cheered you up a bit now 🙂 x
YOU K have just lightened my day yet again. HP sauce bottle here I come.
I bring bottles of it when I come here form the UK. Here it is £4 a bottle imported, I pay £1 in the UK so I discretely import it here in my suitcase as I do with coffee and other stuff. Never any clothes in my suitcases.
Amazing I don't get stopped at customs.
SO bacon and sausage with a little brown sauce is reinstated on the menu
Now, how to ensure I only get 4.2 carbs worth?
Hang it, I will guesstimate lol
I guess the sugar content is really no big deal? I havent been paying to must attention to sugar or fat for that matter lol.
B. My usual 2 slices of wholemeal bread and peanut butter and coffee.
L. 4 Ryvita’s 2 had so e cheese on, an apple and a Coke Zero.
D. Roast beef, 4 small halves of roast potatoes , broccoli, a Yakult and some sparkling water
Bedtime snack. Options hot choc and a gingernut.
Water throughout the day.
YOU K have just lightened my day yet again. HP sauce bottle here I come.
I bring bottles of it when I come here form the UK. Here it is £4 a bottle imported, I pay £1 in the UK so I discretely import it here in my suitcase as I do with coffee and other stuff. Never any clothes in my suitcases.
Amazing I don't get stopped at customs.
SO bacon and sausage with a little brown sauce is reinstated on the menu
Now, how to ensure I only get 4.2 carbs worth?
Hang it, I will guesstimate lol
I guess the sugar content is really no big deal? I havent been paying to must attention to sugar or fat for that matter lol.
Oh you little smuggler you! Haha, I weigh mine out if I'm having it as I have the insulin to deal with too but 15g is a good sized splodge, only 3.5g sugar so less than you blueberries so I wouldn't worry too much 🙂 x
Kaylaz Proud of you, you are indeed and advanced sausage fiend.
Complete with yorkies and onion gravy
Wonderful. I am just so jealous.
I actually cannot wait to get back to get my jaws around some sausages and a couple of lamb chops and some other similar delights.
You have no idea the mental trauma I went through when I was diagnosed panicing and believing i would not be able to eat any of my favs again and the absolute relief when I found that I could continue to eat Meat, eggs,fish. etc etc. Sorted of blunted the edge somewhat of the diagnosis. Still struggle though to walk past ice cream and cake shops. I have to look straight ahead and not even glance at them.
I love overvdone bacon also especially some nice crispy steaky bacon. Yummy, Have to forget the Ketchup or brown sauce now I guess.
I get the reduced sugar ketchup. Tastes the same to me & doesn't affect my BG. Brown sauce is much higher in carbs, but a small amount might be ok.
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