Top 10 Foods That Can't Be Called HEALTHY ANYMORE!

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Which “experts” and food based guidance do you believe in? What should we eat, or avoid In your opinion?

Don't follow any experts have no need to, my diet is varied & not to restrictive & don't follow any particular diet, certainly not in any position to tell other people what to eat or drink, not my style at all.
regardless of a named expert all food eating patterns are dictated by something. Culture, health beliefs, climate, etc.

I wasn’t asking you to tell people what to eat, but you were previously telling people their beliefs about what to eat were all rubbish so thought you might have an opinion of your own what’s good or bad. Or does anything go?

Whilst this discussion is naturally diabetes focussed (remembering T1 and T2 have very different considerations diet wise) what about food affecting weight, the heart, the liver, the arteries, blood pressure, cancer, kidney disease? Do you believe diet or particular types of food can harm or help these things?
Not forgetting those toxic seed oils also mate.

It's all complete & utter rubbish designed to scare people whilst selling vids books or whatever else these peeps promote.

Ahhh, but. Could it be the seed oils or the Teflon in the nonstick pans (associated with a “fry up.) that is allegedly carcinogenic?
Even the sources on “health & safety” with a nonstick pan alone is confusing.

T1, MDI. Don’t subscribe to David Ick’esq conspiracies. Though, I do feel a “Victorian” era adulterated food “ethos” is being applied to factor in supply the “workhouse.” (Sorry, limited income & time constraints of the working class.)

The only time my BGs conform consistently to the working profile of bolus is with a “real food” meal?
That also means omitting the usual suspects our some of T2 contributors metabolically struggle with too?
Not forgetting those toxic seed oils also mate.

It's all complete & utter rubbish designed to scare people whilst selling vids books or whatever else these peeps promote.
I'm always wary about eating anything that as been created in a lab or factory in the past 200 years...
Seed oils being a case in point..
Could it be the seed oils or the Teflon in the nonstick pans
No reason why it couldn't be both?
Although for preference looking at the process that leads to the creation of seed oils I'd go for them personally.
I wasn’t asking you to tell people what to eat, but you were previously telling people their beliefs about what to eat were all rubbish so thought you might have an opinion of your own what’s good or bad. Or does anything go?

Wouldn't have a scooby what your beliefs about food are, what you eat & drink or for anyone else on this thread or forum, wonder why your making that up?

Seed oil apart, which sure you don't consume anyway we were discussing other crazy notions put out by these youtubers et al..
Ahhh, but. Could it be the seed oils or the Teflon in the nonstick pans (associated with a “fry up.) that is allegedly carcinogenic?
Even the sources on “health & safety” with a nonstick pan alone is confusing.

T1, MDI. Don’t subscribe to David Ick’esq conspiracies. Though, I do feel a “Victorian” era adulterated food “ethos” is being applied to factor in supply the “workhouse.” (Sorry, limited income & time constraints of the working class.)

The only time my BGs conform consistently to the working profile of bolus is with a “real food” meal?
That also means omitting the usual suspects our some of T2 contributors metabolically struggle with too?

How knows.

Travelling back on train from Wales to Manchester few weeks back & was sat opposite a Dr who specialises in bone cancer, got chatting about all sorts but asked him what was the biggest cause of cancer, he said it was smoking which comes as no surprise but then again not everyone smokes & can still get cancer, condition is unforgiving & can strike anyone.
Wouldn't have a scooby what your beliefs about food are, what you eat & drink or for anyone else on this thread or forum, wonder why you’re making that up?
I wasn’t talking about my beliefs or what I eat or drink but asking, without reply, what yours were in light of your offered opinion on other peoples food beliefs

making nothing up
it's all rubbish some gullible people actually believe it
It's all complete & utter rubbish

Seed oil apart, which sure you don't consume anyway we were discussing other crazy notions put out by these youtubers et al..
Think you were the one who first mentioned seed oils and a number of other subjects the you consider to be crazy, that others have delved into and see at least some scientific and evidenced basis for. When someone is so vehemently against an idea I always wonder why? Is it cognitive dissonance for the things they love, is it a lack of understanding of the point itself or is it that that have a reasonable and balanced alternative. I’m trying to see if you have an alternative position or just an anti newer theories one?
No reason why it couldn't be both?
Although for preference looking at the process that leads to the creation of seed oils I'd go for them personally.
I wouldn’t disagree.

I’m drawing an analogy based on the fictional plot of the 1989? Batman film where Jack Nicholson’s “Joker” (the bad guy.) released a poisoned a range of beauty products with individual ingredients that when used together & in certain proportions the user breaking into laughter then dying disfigured with a pallow skin & manic grin?

From memory, “Batman” had a headache sorting out this “dastardly plan.” (Just googled the name of Jokers fictional ingredient. “Smylex.”)

But I hope this elaborates on my train of thought with the issue & the topic.

I’m fortunate to be in a position where I (or rather we.) can afford real food.
Until there is a way to level the playing field for all on that front, allowing more choice for those struggling & challenged financially?
These “food” companies will profiteer. As a double edged sword, these companies also employ low paid labour regarding it’s production & distribution.
A bit like the argument against “nuclear power” in a sense. Where are they gonna go when “let go?” & factoring in the “retraining” & suitability for another profession?
Mankind has been using vegetable oils since time memorial.
My kitchen is full of first cold pressed oils.

Corned beef though, mechanically removed from the carcass, filled full of chemicals, that comes directly from Satan's lab!
That's what you said which is still untrue, still haven't a scooby what your beliefs are about food & not really interested tbh.
Amazing. I literally attached quotes of you saying it! How is that untrue?

You didn’t ask about mine which is why I didn’t say, though I think reading my comments on this thread alone would give a pretty good clue.
Amazing. I literally attached quotes of you saying it! How is that untrue?

You didn’t ask about mine which is why I didn’t say, though I think reading my comments on this thread alone would give a pretty good clue.

Your making no sense at all so will leave it at that
I think ham has been around for quite a few more years than that... well the decent stuff has.. I tend to cook my own though..
Mankind has been using vegetable oils since time memorial.
My kitchen is full of first cold pressed oils.

Corned beef though, mechanically removed from the carcass, filled full of chemicals, that comes directly from Satan's lab!
Mankind has been using vegetable oils since time memorial.
My kitchen is full of first cold pressed oils.
Let me guess.. olive? which is of course a fruit oil not a seed oil.. and cold pressed may be ok it's hardly highly processed.

Something that needs treating with in a factory with hexane (a poison) however might not be so good to eat

Personally I prefer good old animals fats for cooking.. something mankind has used for millennia.
Let me guess.. olive? which is of course a fruit oil not a seed oil.. and cold pressed may be ok it's hardly highly processed.

Something that needs treating with in a factory with hexane (a poison) however might not be so good to eat

Personally I prefer good old animals fats for cooking.. something mankind has used for millennia.
Oddly, from what I know a “Mediterranean” dish which I’m not adverse to as a T1. Contains some olive. I like olives in natural form as a snack. As a non detrimental alternate to cold cut meats. Not drizzled cheaply in oil form from a commercial bottle over a salad. But thatprobably just, me. (As a T1.)
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I think ham has been around for quite a few more years than that... well the decent stuff has.. I tend to cook my own though..

I just grab a ham sandwich.
Still, if you go for the kitchen cook up, that's your choice.
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