The Pumpers Thread!

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dont get that myself maybe northe still around he can tell ya lol
Okay, feel even stupider here... It seems that I am automatically subscribed? Could this be right? I get emails on every thread I contribute to, even though I don't tick anything...

Also, I only get emails from when I have last visited the particular thread, so if I don't visit for a couple of days, I don't get any updates. And even when I do get updates, I don't often seem to get them all, unless I am popping off and on the threads all the time...

Does this seem right? Or do I have spooks in my computers?

Patricia, it sounds like you have it set up in your profile to automatically subscribe to threads. It's in the 'Edit Options' section of your User CP.🙂
I think that's right, Northerner...I vaguely remembering thinking heck yes I want to know *everything* there is to know! So I probably ticked everything there was to tick...

Hard to believe it must be not far off a year now...

Just got a question for you pumpers I read this thread fairly often but don't have much to add to the discussion.
I know that on pumps when you treat a hypo you just need the fast acting glucose and no need to follow that up with a snack.
What about this situation, you go to eat a meal and estimate 80g carbs so bolus for that, but actually you were way out and it was only like 50g, so you hypo and treat with fast acting glucose. Would you then disconnect the pump?
Hi Sofaraway,

Personally I would just give enough glucose or carbs to make up for it - i wouldnt disconnect as you still need the basal. If it was a huge amount I suppose you could suspend the pump for an hour or so - but probably easier to just balance the numbers.🙂Bev
There is a new way for MDI as well but I have never wanted to confuse people. Apparently there is no need to give long acting after quick acting for a hypo on MDI !!! Apparently the basal should be doing the same as the basal on a pump.

When you think about it, this makes sense as the amount of times I treated Jessica for a hypo whilst on MDI, waited till she had gone back up and then gave approx 15 cho and she would shoot right up and muck up the rest of the day. The idea is that if you are at an ok level the basal should keep you there and steady. If the basal are right on a pump that is what is does and the same is supposed to be right for MDI.

Now I don't want you all to start changing what you do, I'm just passing on the latest info in the world of diabetes............😉
Hi Sofaraway

We would probably make up the carbs with something else or put a temp basal on that would kick in a little bit later.
Hi peeps,

Im cruising you tube, anyone heard of this?

Its called the "Super-bolus"! The mans accent is mighty irritating, but an interesting concept. Must have been ruled out tho, as I havent been taught this one!

(poor fell clearly does not get out much too often😉)

you are funny! very confusing i thought, why was he doing this? did i miss that bit?:confused: had to stop halfway as was nodding off zzzzzzzzzzzzz
thanks for the replys, I thought the same that you would make up the carbs. I asked that question to a peads DSN who said that people would disconnect the pump in that situation.

this superbolus thing is like what bev was explaining on one of the threads in parents forum, giving slightly more insulin to cover a meal to prevent the spike, but then needing to eat a snack 2-3 hours later to prevent the hypo. not having any basal on the pump will stop the hypo and you wouldn't need to eat a snack. It does seem a bit complicated process to get it to actually work.
To be honest, basal rates are so incremental and tiny that you've have to disconnect for really quite a long time for it to have a real effect... and by that point it would be too late to avoid a hypo situation... Have to act quicker than that by putting in extra carbs... I can't really think of a disconnect or suspend situation for a pump, because you can so easily put it to 0% basal or 10% basal while you figure out what to do.. We've told school that if things are every VERY hairy and they don't know what to do, to cut the tubing rather than mess with trying to climb through the menu to 'suspend'...but other that that?
Hi all,

Hope all is well with you guys.

I dont believe we have had a good and proper rant about pasta for a few pages so let me reel you all back in!

I dual waved some pasta last night (I had the whole packet myself- I was starving after the gym) =100gms and a dark choc ice =13gm, I went for the "D.W" with 11.1units 20/70 square over 4 hours. Before bed I was 10.7, great (no correction due to insulin on board) but at 1.30 this morning was 1.8mmols! Buggger! (scuse the language, but we are talking dual again!). I also knocked Ribena (not mine!) all over the kitchen floor which I couldnt clear up at the time. GRRR.

I was suprised actually as I came back from the gym, Id been off the pump for 3 ish hours which is very normal for me. I dont need any insulin at all during that time if I am being good and doing a proper gym sesh.....but maybe my metabolism was too high still. But that was half the idea why I saved my pasta dish for that night- (oh no, Im having a discussion with myself! sorry!)

Anyway, I have woken up at 8.4mmols which I am very happy with. I took 30 rapid of lucozade and then had a few sandwiches and bolused 45mins afters with 7.5u. I know its not textbook, but at 1.8 living alone I will always opt for over treating in the view of it being managed at speed, thats just me and what I will always do.

Im not down about it, just pleased Im not at work today so I could sleep in after which is always nice! Haircut and colour at 13.30, and I am thinking a trip to marble arch (I like the flagship evans for non-skinny calf knee high boots for winter!), dare I say it but see the christmas lights?! So a day of leisure and shop shop shop!

BTW, my thoughts on the "super bolus" are it is a super waste of time! 🙂

From what you have said - my guess is that it wasnt the DW - it was the affect of the exercise - 3 hours worth of exercise is a lot for the body to catch up on! Sorry if that sounded patronising -wasnt meant to!

Just one question - who's was the Ribena?🙂

Have a good shop and dont buy too much. I am off out to buy a suite - boring i know - i hate this sort of shopping😱

Bev x
Hey Lou, pasta buddy!

Hmm...bit o mare for you, sorry!

What time was your test before bed that put you at 10.7? How long after eating (eg was that the up front bolus result, or only the dual wave at work?)?

And when was 1.30am in the scheme of things? How many hours?

We do a 6 hour in the full knowledge that what we are actually doing is an 8 hour, because of the insulin 'tail'. We know from LOTS of blood tests that pasta seems to come in for E at between 6 and 8 hours after eating...The constant problem we had before hitting upon this was that E was hypo-ing at the end of the dual wave and for up to two hours afterward. This seemed to indicate that there was *enough* pasta going in for a good while, but when the bolus-type timing ended (eg after 3 hours or so), he went down because then the slow-digest had not yet hit. So he would then be high a few hours later, despite having hypo-ed and carefully treated (which we can do and you can't, I appreciate) so as not to shoot up again...

Initially we stretched it out to 30/70 over 6 hours, but he was too high in the dual wave bit. SO we have finally settled on 20/80 for him over 6 hours, and that usually works well for him with a very plain pasta -- though with some sauces, we add an extra bolus up front.

*Suspect* that four hours isn't long enough for you? Clearly the dual wave missed the pasta at some point, with either the pasta peaking before (but earlier than 4 hours would be kind of quicker than expected do you think?) or after the dual wave. The hypo and all the treatment (so very necessary, indeed, and I only hope E is as together about it as you are when he's out of the house) will have masked what then happened with the pasta after the dual wave ran out.

Were you on temp basal at all? Sounds like you might need to do one, even if the pump is off for three hours...

Hope you have a GREAT day. Envious! The sun is shining here and it's crisp out. Have fab time.


Will write with more detail later but just to say Bev, I was off the pump for three hours but the exercise was 1 hour 10mins! I always have a long break becuase I dont need it, and I accidentally "knocked" my cannula out yesterday so didnt re-site there, even though I had one, becuase I didnt need any insulin till I got home and I wanted my barrier spray which I dont carry in my back-up supplies. Holy smoke, Id need an ambulance if I did 3 hours exercise!

I did temp basal P for those 3 hours at 0.5u/hr but was not attatched, just to keep the line primed. I dont wear my pump in the gym. After exercise I was 5.0. I ate at 18.30 and dual waved then, it must have been about midnight I guess I recorded my 10. something (I get really annoyed, if you dont bolus it doesnt show in your bolus history if you recorded a BM). I think you have a point there Patricia, I may well have missed the pasta peak?

Another thing I didnt mention earlier was that after I had treated the 1.8mmols, (heavily, I might add!), I washed hands and retested.....0.7mmols! and it didnt ping to the pump either? Ridiculous as my symptoms had passed- instantly rechecked and 5.8mmols. FURIOUS. I am super-sensitive when these errors happened, especially after my Veo experience....what was that about?

Unfortunately the data takes 24 before it will show in carelink but I shall be reviewing the intel on this event!

The ribena bev belonged to one of the girls who came to my dinner party on sunday and arrived with a hangover needing some Ribena! She has bought the "no added sugar" one so I could have some but (and it kills me) I dont touch the stuff. The natural sugars are high I think, and it has such as syrup like texture I am very wary! Anyway, its all over my kitchen floor runner now- and I mean ALL over it- and it has stained. Ho-hum....

Did you think I had a sexy ribena drinker visitor? IN MY DREAMS!!! hahahahaaaaaa!!!! 🙂
Good grief! So you had dropped from 10 to 1.7 in one and a half hours? Crumbs. BUT that does make it look like you were actually okay through the dual wave (though we don't know your two hour reading?), which ended at 10.30pm. The tail end of it will have carried on for a while, until 12.30am or so, which may have seriously contributed to the crash IF there was no pasta at work then...BUT I'm now tempted to think about a shorter dual wave...cos if you were 10 way past the end of it, you could have done with more earlier (eg shorter dual wave)? And then if you crashed when there was excess insulin around and weren't unduly high in the morning, even with all the hypo treatment, then maybe you *do* process pasta quite quickly?!

Hmm...It would be worth taking a two hour reading to see if your bolus is accurate, too...Cos if that number's too high, of course you could increase that bit...but if it's good, then you've got the proportions generally right and it's about the timing...

Phew! I know I've got other things to do, but I'm blocking them out...

thanks for the replys, I thought the same that you would make up the carbs. I asked that question to a peads DSN who said that people would disconnect the pump in that situation.

this superbolus thing is like what bev was explaining on one of the threads in parents forum, giving slightly more insulin to cover a meal to prevent the spike, but then needing to eat a snack 2-3 hours later to prevent the hypo. not having any basal on the pump will stop the hypo and you wouldn't need to eat a snack. It does seem a bit complicated process to get it to actually work.

exactly NIkki! But if you get the basal right to deal with the meal peak there is no need for any of that. I would imagine it could be useful if you were eating at a different time to normal perhaps but what a lot of faff 😱

Sorry to upload so big, but I just wanted to share the letter with you that I recieved from my hospital consultant today, this wasnt even sent by Medtronic to me!!! It was accompanied by a letter written by my team advising me to switch to the 522 (tick)...

I feel very sorry for my team, having to trawl the list of people and act on behalf of Medtronic- doing the work they should have done in September. I am going to have to write to this person. I would like an explanation from them as to how I can possibly trust them again IF I return to the do I know they are looking after my best interests if I take another Veo? I have lost confidence in the management. Im sure a letter will get me no-where. I wonder if I have any consummer rights if I havent coughed the money up myself? Anyone got any advice for me?

Phew, sorry but its bugged me all afternoon.

Well its Christmas already here in the big smoke, Ive been down Oxford Street today and I bought a bar of soap in Selfridges and the server wished me "Happy Christmas" when she gave me my receipt! I nearly spat on her! Excuse me? Bit late arent you luv???:D

So my pancreas hasnt worked since I was 28 so that makes it all the more justified to indulge in a haircut and colour today, an expensive pair of boots, 2 pairs of jeans and a top! Fabulous! I love diabetes, makes me afford things otherwise I would never have bought!!!

Enough about me, how are you beautiful people? 🙂
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