The Pumpers Thread!

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Hi all,

Lesley, its a team effort here so you have to indulge me as well!

Glad you have had some Adrienisation (Loving your work and disclaimer!). Excellent the point about the hypo treatment, that is really valid and true point and I didnt pick up on that when read it, but so so true. On that note if you are thinking of changing your hypo treatment, Lucozade the big ones are half price this week in sainsburys...

I can see from the amount of carb that you are very precise but can I be irritating and say to you I wonder if you are un-counting? Stick with me here, I know its fudging irritating but to have a portion of bran, milk and a nana and come in at 39.5 is either very lucky or a very small portion! Also I would have corrected the 9.5 too. Remember this is the added beauty of what we now can do that we couldnt refine so well on MDI. We have wizzard on medtronic, do you use the same kind of thing? It would have come up as a small correction added on. Also I would question your 1:1 ratio at that time of day, likely you need more as most people do but I dont know your basal...

Id be really interested to see your basal rates to match it to how you break it down?

I also like a spud with cheese and beans, can be a diaster so I dont mean to critise but I am wondering also here if you have undercounted? Mine rarely comes in under 100gms, the pot would be 7-8 units (I use the daffers conversion weight in the booklet) and the beans would be about 4.5 (half tin) slowed by cheese (I try to low fat so it doesnt prolong too much) can be a nightmare I you weigh it?

I hope thats not too irritating me critqueing! Its easier to see on others and miss glaringly obvious things on your own levels isnt it?! But thats why we are a team!!

Hang in there Lesley, my sugars have settled a lot this week. Its like starting all again getting a pump, I know. I can promise you it gets easier and better week by week. You are doing everything you need to do, dont let the numbers get you down, they will get better. You are testing and analysing- this is the ONLY way it can work and you are on it.

Hey Trace- my numbers have got better this week, that definately was a big blip in the matrix last week, normal service has now resummed 😉 how are you doing?

Hope everyone is well I am creamcrackered and hitting the sack shortly. And when I wake up my BM will be 5.6 mmols like in the adverts...well, a girl can dream 🙂

Night all xXx
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Great points there, just one I don't necessarily agree with right now :

""Also I would have corrected the 9.5 too. Remember this is the added beauty of what we now can do that we couldnt refine so well on MDI. We have wizzard on medtronic, do you use the same kind of thing? It would have come up as a small correction added on""

When lots of people start pumping they are told to correct only over a certain amount. I know with children the number will be different but generally they start only correcting anything over 14.0. Slowly that is brought down over months.

We have only just started correcting over 9.0 and this is nearly 3 years down the line. I'm sure with adults it will happen a lot quicker but I think the higher number to correct at to begin with is so that the DSN (if they are any good and ringing and adjusting with you) can see where basals need tweaking. If you start playing around and correcting all the time you don't see patterns with what basals you have set so can't tweak that well. Does that make sense?

Got to go to bed now. I'm knackered and Jessica is will with a bad cold and slight temp, could be a long night. :(
Yes good point Adrienne!

I recall- having read that- I wasnt correcting under 10 for the first few weeks and thats what I was supposed to be aiming for so good point!

I do not have anything more to add, Lesley but that all sounds like good advice from the others. Actually, I have learnt one or two things! Excellent! Well done, our team!

Hope things improve, Lesley. Keep us posted.

Adrienne - Hope J is better today and that you got some sleep last night. xx
Lou - 5.6? Hope your dream came true. You deserve it. xx

We using jelly babies for hypos. When you say Lucozade, do you need the ordinary or the sports one? 🙂

Hi to all. 🙂
good morning people just thought id pop my head in and say helloo how is everyone this wet dull morning?? (hope you dont mind me popping in) x
I do not have anything more to add, Lesley but that all sounds like good advice from the others. Actually, I have learnt one or two things! Excellent! Well done, our team!

Hope things improve, Lesley. Keep us posted.

Adrienne - Hope J is better today and that you got some sleep last night. xx
Lou - 5.6? Hope your dream came true. You deserve it. xx

We using jelly babies for hypos. When you say Lucozade, do you need the ordinary or the sports one? 🙂

Hi to all. 🙂


The normal lucozade in the smaller bottles. You only need 100ml of lucozade as that is 17 carbs. If you buy the small party sized cans of full sugar coke they are 15 carbs but are 150 ml. 100ml of lucozade is not a lot. I used to have small plastic cups and marked 100 ml lines on the side in marker pen.

Lucozade is the best hypo treatment, it is even quicker than coke and they have both been compared to putting in a glucose drip !!!!

Jessica is still not well today. She is off school, it was her call as it was French day today and she had a costume and was so looking forward to it so she is very sad !
Poor J! It's awful when they miss something they are looking forward to. Boo hoo.

Hello all!

Well Lesley, looks like you've had a right old analyse, which is great. See what your DSN says. You are on the right track!!

I really wish that I could get E to drink Lucozade. We've tried every flavour, but he really can't stand fizzy drinks. End of story. We use apple juice with a straw. It's strange how he must use a straw, has a hard time getting it down otherwise...He now only uses glucose in cases of dire, dire emergency --hates them. Oh dear. AND doesn't like jelly babies either. Sigh.

What I want to know is, why are pumps not made with glucogen in them as well? For hypos and balance?

Two things:

First, E played in a concert for Diabetes UK over the weekend. A local gig, organised by someone else, but he was invited and glad to be so. Did a great job. Moving to hear him playing so close to when he was diagnosed, 19 November. Because he was practicing so much in the run up to this competition last year...which he won...diagnosed 4 days later....

Anyway. He also plays today in school during an open evening. And in two weeks he has a gig in town. Almost right on top of his diagnosis day. And just like last year, I'm away at a conference over the same weekend, just before The Day.

In answer to your question ages ago Bev -- I don't know what or if we are going to do anything. I've spoken to him a bit about it... Can't get to the bottom of how he feels. We'll see.

Second, just to say we are lucky to have had great numbers over half term -- only one hypo in a week! Wow. And virtually everything in range. Of course, now back to school...Yesterday fine, but we'll see...

Finally (okay, I had three things to say, I just didn't know it)... we have been experimenting with pizza. A 3 hour 30/70 worked well for one last week, cheese and tomato store bought, but with goats cheese, asparagus and tomato on top, added. WELL, then last night we did the same, only a different pizza base, perhaps lighter? Not dreadful, but ended up on 4mmols 5 hours in. Sigh. 10g of juice and a brief very low temp basal, and he still only woke on 3.8. Argh.

So not only is pizza hard to dose, but flipping different pizzas have different doses! Sheesh!

Have sent him to school today with some leftover. Reduced it to 30/70 over 2 hours. Let's see what happens...


Hope J feels better soon Adrienne. How is everyone else? And Steff -- always good to see you!

sorry to hear aboit J adreienne get well soon J (((hugs)))

hi Patricia I subscribe to this thread so im always following it
Hi All,

Struggling a bit at the minute with the pump and getting sugars right. Last week was riding along around the 6 - 7 mark through the day althought getting up at 16 & 17's. Increased my midnight - 7am basal by 0.1 unit per hour as per dsn and it has helped but had a few highs over the weekend, put it down to having a couple of slices of white bread (still counting the carbs with everything though ratio is 1:1). Anyway, today went as follows:

7am - 9.5
9am - 10.8 - 39.5 carb grams (5 scan bran with laughing cow and a banana) so had 4 units
11am - 17.3 😱 so did 3 units correction
1pm - 8.8 - 104 carb grams (veg's and couscous) had 10.4 units
3pm - 9.2
5.30pm - 3.0 - had 6 jelly babies roughly 30 carb grams
6pm - 3.1 - 88 carb grams (jjacket spud with cottage cheese and beans) had 8 units
8pm - 18.4😱😱😱 (I hate having this!) so had 3 correction units

Now just waiting!

Feeling really down and wondering if it is something that I am doing wrong or whether this is just the way my body is! This is what I was like on MDI, my sugars used to just do what they liked. I know I have counted my carbs right!!! Back seeing the DSN tomoz for my first weeks recap!

Lesley x

Lesley, let us know how it goes with dsn, make sure you get all the info you need to sort this. It does look like quite a lot needs tweaking here, but dont worry it will get better.

When I started others couldnt believe i was only given the one basal pattern, slowly and by myself i now have 3 patterns set, eg, work day, day off, excercise/very busy work day, and am now working on premenstrual pattern too. We do different things every day, sometimes i switch patterns throughout the day depending on what im doing. You will get there You just need a bit of help to sort things.

What ratio were you on before the pump? Have you done dafne?

take care Tracey xx
Oh poor you Lesley. By don't be down. You are only one week in and quite frankly you have done a fab job, really you have. You are sounding as though you are understanding it which is a huge thing to have accomplished in one week. You have to remember the pump isn't magic and everyone has different starts. What you have shown are classic points that can be easily rectified. Ummm 'easily', nothing is easy with diabetes but let's give it a go.

I'll give you my thoughts but they are just my thoughts and you have to check this out with the DSN as I'm not a professional (this is like a little disclaimer I have to keep putting hee hee hee 🙂)

(I'll put my comments in red)

7am - 9.5 bit high so could add in another early morning increased basal but carry on reading
9am - 10.8 - 39.5 carb grams (5 scan bran with laughing cow and a banana) so had 4 units All ok
11am - 17.3 so did 3 units correction Typical mid morning spike. There are a few ways to get rid of this, ratios or basal. What is your morning ratio? I don't think its high enough. Jessica's is 1 : 8 but I would imagine in conjunction with altering your ratio you need another basal added in at about 7 am to sort this 11 am high out. I'll explain that further down.......... and only change one thing at a time, either ratio or basal, not both on the same day.
1pm - 8.8 - 104 carb grams (veg's and couscous) had 10.4 units
3pm - 9.2 This tells me that your ratio is possibly right at lunch time. If after 2 hours of eating your level is roughly the same or 2 mmol different either way then you are doing alright. However the 3 units correction from 11 am could still have been working here and had you not had those 3 units you could possibly be higher at this time so you need to keep an eye on this time.
5.30pm - 3.0 - had 6 jelly babies roughly 30 carb grams ok don't shout at me but it may be you will have to change your hypo remedy. Lots of people find that they need something much quicker on a pump and end up with lucozade or coke. Jelly babies take too long to eat and don't work quick enough which has shown by the 3.1 after 30 minutes. Your hypo remedy should have you significantly higher within 15 mins
6pm - 3.1 - 88 carb grams (jjacket spud with cottage cheese and beans) had 8 units
8pm - 18.4 (I hate having this!) so had 3 correction units
Ah ha the worst meal in the world so I would not have expected anything less really. The problem with this is the fibre in the beans mixed with the fat in the cottage cheese and the jacket spud. I know it was cottage cheese and not full blown cheddar but this is a lethel meal. However before you start playing with dual waves or temp basals like the rest of us do with this mean (well I do) play with the ratios. It may be that you are not on the right ratio plus those bloody jelly babies must factor in here as well as they would have been working lovely after that 30 minutes.

Ok the 11 am spike. Its easier if I tell you what Jessica is on to explain it easier.

This is a bit of her basals :

6 am 0.60
9.30 am 0.00
11.30 am 0.05
1 pm 0.55


She has a definite spike at 10.15 which is 2 hours after her breakfast insulin. To combat that spike we need to fiddle with a basal back at 6 am, bizarre I know but lots of people find that. BUT she goes hypo by 12 noon so we have to bring it right back at 9.30 am to combat the hypo at 12 noon. What is happening at 9.30 ie no insulin at all, does not affect the 10.15 spike in any way. The rest of the day is higher and around the 0.55 mark.

Jessica has about 9 basal rates in total at the moment.

Does that make sense and I hope it has helped a tiny bit.

However I really do think you are doing great so no need to feel down in any way.

Adrienne, interesting re the 0 basal rate, I wasnt sure if i could do that,. I have decreased so many times mid afternoon as was going hypo around 6.30 pm no matter what and am now on 0.005, I think i may try the 0 if the hypo conrtinues, thanks

The normal lucozade in the smaller bottles. You only need 100ml of lucozade as that is 17 carbs. If you buy the small party sized cans of full sugar coke they are 15 carbs but are 150 ml. 100ml of lucozade is not a lot. I used to have small plastic cups and marked 100 ml lines on the side in marker pen.

Lucozade is the best hypo treatment, it is even quicker than coke and they have both been compared to putting in a glucose drip !!!!

I use jelly babies and coke, the small cans. Have got lucozade bottle by the bed but must be well out of date now. I find i dont use that as i know i only need a small amount and would know when to stop and possibly overtreat. Do they do small sizes of this anywhere i wonder, would be more likely to try it? Oh also carry jusice in handbag and car and have used them too on several occasions. Not noticed the slow increase in numbers but will look out for that now, ta.
the subscribe bit, or am i being slow :D

oohh sorry yes you can subscribe to threads which means whenever they is some movement in it r.e some one posts it emails you to let you know , so when ever some one posts in here i get an email and i go and see whats been said.
Well I never knew that Steff, how do you do that?
Okay, feel even stupider here... It seems that I am automatically subscribed? Could this be right? I get emails on every thread I contribute to, even though I don't tick anything...

Also, I only get emails from when I have last visited the particular thread, so if I don't visit for a couple of days, I don't get any updates. And even when I do get updates, I don't often seem to get them all, unless I am popping off and on the threads all the time...

Does this seem right? Or do I have spooks in my computers?
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