The Pumpers Thread!

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My jelly set in an hour and a half! And that was with fruit and sherry in so hopefully vodka jelly doesnt take too long! (of course, sugar free!).

Whilst we are on the theme, just had a rather funny 5 minutes whipping cream and then trying to lay it straight on the sunk right in and didnt lay on the top at all!!! What a loser 😉 Try again in the morning!! Ive deviated so far from the Sweet magazine recipe its untrue 🙂

I would hope that medtronic replace your box of sets really. I havent had this problem, but worth reporting definately. Perhaps Medtronic need to bring out a child and teenage "fiddling-free" set?! Perhaps Im expecting too much.....Im not 100% convinced the re-vamped veo is actually going to reach us in january yet (controvercial!).


PS- I love the theme of the evening has been alcoholic jelly in both households!
Lou, you have me laughing out loud too! You are such a tonic! I hope you not feeling too bad this morning if you continued the swigs of sherry! Do please let us know how the dinner party at yours goes! I hope you all have a fab time! :D

Lou and Bev, thanks for your words re bolus wizard. We do seem to be over-riding what it says quite often, though i like the thought of him using it at school (as you say Bev) because they are with their mates and distracted and hopefully the wizard will come into its own then? Time will tell. We do have our settings fairly tight but i am wondering about lowering the active insulin down from 4 hours? Perhpas we will have to experiment a little.

We allowed him to go out trick and treating last night. He came home too high but we thought as much. But part of the reason that i am so strict in general is so that he can afford to join in such events. Yes, he has diabetes but he also needs to look back at his childhood and remember the fun, not just the diabetes. Well, this is what my head says, but what my heart feels is a little different! But i need to keep the balance right between taking care of his diabetes and future health but also to let him have a life, have a childhood. But this so hard for us parents, i think!

Well, it is bucketing down here! We off to Birmingham today to celebrate the birthday of my nephew. My sister-in-law always does the most yummy buffett for lunch! I made some soup yesterday that we can have when we return home this evening. I made carrot and corriander. I love to make soup! In fact i also made sweet potato and chilli and froze it for another day.

Bye for now! xx 🙂

Ps - Bev - did the vodka jelly set ok? sounds interesting! 🙂
Active Insulin setting


Now this is a tricky one. We have ours set at 3 hours and I will not change it. I have other friends who have 3 hours and some have 3.5 hours and some 4 hours. However I had a conversation with our DSN (who is one of the top in the UK and pumps herself) and she told me that 5 hours should be ok. I said that we could never correct with a 5 hour setting. She said that the basal and ratios were set wrong then. She said if the basals and ratios were set perfectly ok then the corrections, if any needed, would be ok.

This makes perfect sense but how hard is it to get the perfect basal and ratio settings. So to that end I leave ours at 3 hours and it works ok. It means that we say novorapid is in the body for only 3 hours but we all know that that is not right, it is normally about 4 to 6 hours so that would make 5 hours for active insulin right.

I love the wizard and use it all the time. I override it sometimes but not all the time. If I find I override it at a certain time every day, then I change the basal or ratio, whichever is relevant.

Hope that explains it a bit. 🙂
Thank you, Adrienne. I will take on board all you have said as i try to get to grips with bolus wizard. xx
Hi everyone, just catching up after the weekend. Lou you are so funny, had me laughing out loud too, re whats his chops, sherry and quark! Quark is like a soft cheese made of skimmed milk, very low fat, tastes a bit like philadelphia, (used to eat it a lot when i did slimming world).

Bev, not good re split tubing, sounds like a definate fault problem, let us know what they say.

I use bolus wizzard every time i eat, thats how my meter is set up, but i can override it. I have only had to over ride when i think its telling me too much, the math is right, but the pump doesnt know that ive been runnng round like headless chicken etc, so i reduce the bolus occassionally.

As far as reducing insulin to carbs, my understanding (of the roche pump, others may be different), is that it will always give you insulin for carbs as you do need this, will reduce bolus if you have a correction still active, and also active insulin from last bolus counts as it will prevent stacking. Mine was set at 4 hours but i have changed to 4hours 15 as I know is still active then. There is a chapter in whats his chops book on how to test active insulin but not had time to get to this yet.

Lesley hope you are doing ok?

Just thought id share with you as am chuffed about this, had chinese take away last night and did 30/70 multiwave over 4 hours, previously 3 hours was longest id done. pre meal 7.5, 2 hours 8.8, 3 hours 9.3, 4.5 hours 5.7, 3 am 5.7 :D hope its not a one off?
Just thought id share with you as am chuffed about this, had chinese take away last night and did 30/70 multiwave over 4 hours, previously 3 hours was longest id done. pre meal 7.5, 2 hours 8.8, 3 hours 9.3, 4.5 hours 5.7, 3 am 5.7 :D hope its not a one off?

Wow that is great news. 🙂
I absolutely cannot stop now -- famous last words, I know! -- but just saying hey!

Lou: wish I'd had some of your alcoholic jelly tonight: what the heck with Rachel going out for wet and wetter Lloyd? Sheesh!

Okay okay...

Split tubing: haven't had it. Sounds a true bummer though. Let us know what they say Bev...

Active insulin: we are now set on 3, having come down from 4. We simply could not correct with 4, and the wizard was frustrating. My own, probably simplistic, belief is that with growing children esp, with needs changing pretty much all the time, sometimes you just have to correct within 4 hours. We rarely but rarely have run into stacking problems, much less so than on MDI... I cannot *imagine* 5 hours, to be honest. We tuck little bits of high BG in all the time with little corrections, and with a long active, I'm sure this wouldn't work and he would be higher across the board...If there's a regular correction going on, of course we look at the basals and ratios...

I can see the theory, but... I just can't see ever getting things under control to that extent. Not yet.

Mand: welcome back babes. I was so proud for you. I am really SO delighted that things went so well. How deeply I feel that for you, how well I know that... There's a huge gush of pride, mixed with a kind of regret that it should be so strong, so necessary... but it's there. Good for him, and for you all.

Okay, I'm really going. School tomorrow and a hem to take up. Where's that sherry?!

Man, I couldnt go to bed with out showing you my work!!! 🙂 I didnt have a glass bowl to put it in. That is the recipe frm sweet magazine in the background. Strangely, my friends couldnt taste the sherry 😱!

Will post tomorrow, tired and fat!

Hope you are all well XxxxX
Fab looking trifle, may have a go myself. I love trifle and Jessica doesn't have it cos of the jelly, guess Sweet use no sugar jelly. :D
well done Lou that looks scrummy now i wish i could grab a bit lol
I'm jealous!
Wow Lou, yours looks miles better than the picture, lovin all the choccy drops :D
Hi All,

Struggling a bit at the minute with the pump and getting sugars right. Last week was riding along around the 6 - 7 mark through the day althought getting up at 16 & 17's. Increased my midnight - 7am basal by 0.1 unit per hour as per dsn and it has helped but had a few highs over the weekend, put it down to having a couple of slices of white bread (still counting the carbs with everything though ratio is 1:1). Anyway, today went as follows:

7am - 9.5
9am - 10.8 - 39.5 carb grams (5 scan bran with laughing cow and a banana) so had 4 units
11am - 17.3 😱 so did 3 units correction
1pm - 8.8 - 104 carb grams (veg's and couscous) had 10.4 units
3pm - 9.2
5.30pm - 3.0 - had 6 jelly babies roughly 30 carb grams
6pm - 3.1 - 88 carb grams (jjacket spud with cottage cheese and beans) had 8 units
8pm - 18.4😱😱😱 (I hate having this!) so had 3 correction units

Now just waiting!

Feeling really down and wondering if it is something that I am doing wrong or whether this is just the way my body is! This is what I was like on MDI, my sugars used to just do what they liked. I know I have counted my carbs right!!! Back seeing the DSN tomoz for my first weeks recap!

Lesley x
Lesley, I can't really go into detail right now...And suspect you will be better off being Adrienned! BUT the big thing I want to say to try to keep you calm, is that this *will* get better, it really will. It's all about learning what you can do on the pump, and how to tweak, and when to tweak, and all that... Seriously. You are starting from basic measurements at the moment, and you will be able to *fine tune* this. Problem is it takes some time to fine tune...

If you felt you were doing better last week... Has anything changed? Pre-menstrual? Any physical change...

Please hang in there. What you *are* doing so well at is testing! You are doing a lot of them, and this will all help in the long run.

Remember that in the long run your ratios will probably need changing, and your basals tweaking. Hang in there!

Let us know how it goes tomorrow, and what your DSN says. It'll be okay!!!!
Just thought of something else: last week you will have had remainder of levermir floating around...this makes a big difference. We certainly went a bit funny after that all wore seemed to get worse before getting better again...

Take care.
I dont have much time - but - do you bolus 10 minutes before breakfast and evening meal? Also, baked spuds are awful to get right - you will have to play around with things - maybe dual wave etc?🙂Bev
Hi All,

Struggling a bit at the minute with the pump and getting sugars right. Last week was riding along around the 6 - 7 mark through the day althought getting up at 16 & 17's. Increased my midnight - 7am basal by 0.1 unit per hour as per dsn and it has helped but had a few highs over the weekend, put it down to having a couple of slices of white bread (still counting the carbs with everything though ratio is 1:1). Anyway, today went as follows:

7am - 9.5
9am - 10.8 - 39.5 carb grams (5 scan bran with laughing cow and a banana) so had 4 units
11am - 17.3 so did 3 units correction
1pm - 8.8 - 104 carb grams (veg's and couscous) had 10.4 units
3pm - 9.2
5.30pm - 3.0 - had 6 jelly babies roughly 30 carb grams
6pm - 3.1 - 88 carb grams (jjacket spud with cottage cheese and beans) had 8 units
8pm - 18.4😱😱😱 (I hate having this!) so had 3 correction units

Now just waiting!

Feeling really down and wondering if it is something that I am doing wrong or whether this is just the way my body is! This is what I was like on MDI, my sugars used to just do what they liked. I know I have counted my carbs right!!! Back seeing the DSN tomoz for my first weeks recap!

Lesley x

Oh poor you Lesley. By don't be down. You are only one week in and quite frankly you have done a fab job, really you have. You are sounding as though you are understanding it which is a huge thing to have accomplished in one week. You have to remember the pump isn't magic and everyone has different starts. What you have shown are classic points that can be easily rectified. Ummm 'easily', nothing is easy with diabetes but let's give it a go.

I'll give you my thoughts but they are just my thoughts and you have to check this out with the DSN as I'm not a professional (this is like a little disclaimer I have to keep putting hee hee hee 🙂)

(I'll put my comments in red)

7am - 9.5 bit high so could add in another early morning increased basal but carry on reading
9am - 10.8 - 39.5 carb grams (5 scan bran with laughing cow and a banana) so had 4 units All ok
11am - 17.3 so did 3 units correction Typical mid morning spike. There are a few ways to get rid of this, ratios or basal. What is your morning ratio? I don't think its high enough. Jessica's is 1 : 8 but I would imagine in conjunction with altering your ratio you need another basal added in at about 7 am to sort this 11 am high out. I'll explain that further down.......... and only change one thing at a time, either ratio or basal, not both on the same day.
1pm - 8.8 - 104 carb grams (veg's and couscous) had 10.4 units
3pm - 9.2 This tells me that your ratio is possibly right at lunch time. If after 2 hours of eating your level is roughly the same or 2 mmol different either way then you are doing alright. However the 3 units correction from 11 am could still have been working here and had you not had those 3 units you could possibly be higher at this time so you need to keep an eye on this time.
5.30pm - 3.0 - had 6 jelly babies roughly 30 carb grams ok don't shout at me but it may be you will have to change your hypo remedy. Lots of people find that they need something much quicker on a pump and end up with lucozade or coke. Jelly babies take too long to eat and don't work quick enough which has shown by the 3.1 after 30 minutes. Your hypo remedy should have you significantly higher within 15 mins
6pm - 3.1 - 88 carb grams (jjacket spud with cottage cheese and beans) had 8 units
8pm - 18.4 (I hate having this!) so had 3 correction units
Ah ha the worst meal in the world so I would not have expected anything less really. The problem with this is the fibre in the beans mixed with the fat in the cottage cheese and the jacket spud. I know it was cottage cheese and not full blown cheddar but this is a lethel meal. However before you start playing with dual waves or temp basals like the rest of us do with this mean (well I do) play with the ratios. It may be that you are not on the right ratio plus those bloody jelly babies must factor in here as well as they would have been working lovely after that 30 minutes.

Ok the 11 am spike. Its easier if I tell you what Jessica is on to explain it easier.

This is a bit of her basals :

6 am 0.60
9.30 am 0.00
11.30 am 0.05
1 pm 0.55


She has a definite spike at 10.15 which is 2 hours after her breakfast insulin. To combat that spike we need to fiddle with a basal back at 6 am, bizarre I know but lots of people find that. BUT she goes hypo by 12 noon so we have to bring it right back at 9.30 am to combat the hypo at 12 noon. What is happening at 9.30 ie no insulin at all, does not affect the 10.15 spike in any way. The rest of the day is higher and around the 0.55 mark.

Jessica has about 9 basal rates in total at the moment.

Does that make sense and I hope it has helped a tiny bit.

However I really do think you are doing great so no need to feel down in any way.
PS Bev is right, bolus a bit before eating, makes it even better, this is not always possible though. If we are not sure, then I sometimes bolus half or a bit before and the rest during or after, I just want some to get going.
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