The Pumpers Thread!

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My first time as well, I just put the time back 1 hour before I went to bed and woke up the next day fine.

Just seemed to me that having spent ages getting my basals right, it was a bit off to muck things up by shifting the clocks back! 🙂 No doubt, I think, that body clocks will get back in synch with the world in a few days or so but it really spoilt things for me - probably because I never really anticipated it!

Hello everyone

Powerpoint went down a storm, those of you who were up in the middle of the night with me will be (or maybe not!) glad to know.... I was up so late I did a 2am BG while still dressed! 😱

Feel half crazy with work, but this is nearly always the case autumn half term. The kids stop, but we don't. And I can't always find child care. So they have just sat in my office for two hours...:(

Bev: so relieved a bit of a breakthrough for numbers with you! Yay! How are they holding up?

Lou: hang in there babes. Perhaps some of this too is a) winter coming and b) the prospect of said (and life, maybe) in a different significant other situation? You are *so* capable. But we all need *reasons* to do things, to get motivated. And sometimes they are hard to find.

This is what I was thinking about your situation too, Lesley. It sounds weird, but I was quite down just after getting the pump for E. We'd fought hard, looked forward to it, etc, and then we just slumped a bit. And it was such hard work....Maybe some of this is you too?

Becca: what an awful morning. Bleh.

Re pump time change...well, we just did it wholesale the next day, but not until later in the day... The one thing we noticed was that a meal went in on a snack ratio -- and he therefore went high! BUT I'm now wondering if some of the morning highs we'd had a few days ago (now inexplicably gone!) were something to do with this time change...maybe? But we've had problems before with erratic middle-morning and unpredictable figures, so maybe not!

Number-wise, generally very good here. Some tucking in of a 10 or 11 -- need to look at those basals, but generally good. I for one am relieved he's had a spate of 6s, 7s and some 8s, after many hypos last week. Phew!

That's it for me. Realise I'm getting old. Suspect I am still tired from two nights ago. For heaven's sake!

Just seemed to me that having spent ages getting my basals right, it was a bit off to muck things up by shifting the clocks back! 🙂 No doubt, I think, that body clocks will get back in synch with the world in a few days or so but it really spoilt things for me - probably because I never really anticipated it!


I did wonder myself what would happen, I am still tweaking my rates but just changed the time back 1 hour and all was ok, No ill effects thanks goodness.
REALLY ANNOYED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!😱

Went to Bath today for a nice shopping day. It didnt happen -Alex was between 13 and 19!!!!!!!!!So i was really angry after yesterdays lovely numbers. Also, had stupidly forgotten to take the pen with us - so just corrected and corrected and corrected.........and corrected and corrected and corrected......

So had lunch and quite a nice time then decided to come home. Pump alarmed in car as he was 16 - then 19 then 20!!!!!!!!!So i felt like throwing the pump out of the window.....

Then got home and had food - did a DW - then at the 2 hour check - wait for it..................


So decided to do set change (all this time i am thinking that pumps dont work for us).

It then becomes clear why Alex has been high all afternoon......

wait for it.............




THE TUBING HAD SPLIT ACROSS THE DIAMETER AND WAS HANGING ON A THREAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

How can this happen? Has this happened to anyone else? It was at the end where its screwed into the reservoir - so i doubt much insulin had been getting in all day!

I just cant believe that it was something so simple - AND WE MISSED IT!

Now i feel guilty that he has been high all afternoon and i should have had his pen with us......😱Bev
Hi Bev

eep! really sorry that you had a bad day :(

Yes, this has happened a few times and coincides with Rose twiddling with the tubing and it splits. Sometimes i think it happens.

If it happens again, phone Medtronic up, it might be the batch.

Don't worry about missing it, these things happen and it's only from them happening that we know to check them next time.

You have to be kidding, Bev? SPLIT? REALLY??? OMG.

Well, of course really, not as if you are lying! I just dont believe this could happen. That has to be bloody unlucky to happen Bev, please, please dont be down about it. This is a run of bad bad luck.

Do you carry a spare set with you? I do the opersite and carry the set and reservoir and an old style syringe to draw from the vial as it is smaller to carry rather than the pen. Can be a hastle, for example, depends on my handbag or how far from home I am going. This wasnt your fault Bev. Just damn bad luck.

Such a shame you missed out on your day. ((((((HUGS)))))) xx
LOL!! Just reread my post - how many ''happens'' can i have in a post lmao.....
I dont happen to know.....

LOL! It was bad wasn't it?

OH just lifted Rose and she felt hot and complaining of bad headache, which she had before bed, temp is 39.2 😱 BM is 7.7 so that's ok at the mo, will have to see what happens overnight....:(
oh no? poor little one. Hope this doesnt mean you are in for a long night, fingers crossed x

(PS Im sure you will tell us what "happens" as it "happens"!😉)
Oh lord Bev -- what a NIGHTMARE! So frustrating for you... This is exactly how we've felt with the two set problems we've had -- you feel so stupid, so cross at yourself AND at the world -- cos a) you have to deal with it AT ALL and b) it's like the big D completely coming in and setting up CAMP in your life, refusing to move just for the HELL of it, because it LIKES to cause trouble. Argh.

Anyway, like everyone says, you just need to let it go. You learn by experience, but I confess we still haven't got the hang of putting a pen in and out of fridge and handbag... Find this more difficult than anything to get my head around.

We should make up a mantra for the management of diabetes, something to repeat to ourselves when battling this frustration and guilt and fed-upness... Any ideas? I'll think about it.

Sounds stupid, but I actually do find mantra type things work for me. I can keep control of my spiralling if I hit upon the right one for the the right situation. Sometimes they're simple: when I was going to the States and so nervous, I put 'Life is an adventure' on my phone. When I was coming back (and nervous!), I put 'Going home.'

There must be a way to feel our way through high stress diabetes induced situations -- one that takes less toll on us....

Becca: I really hope you haven't had a night of it. Oh dear.

Fer now,

Sorry to hear of the stupid mechanical problems people are encountering. I wonder if it would be worthwhile compiling a list of 'things I know now that no-one told me about but I found out by accident'? It's probably one of those things that the manuals don't really mention.
Thats a great idea! I do use mantra's myself for various situations - thought it was only me!😱

We need one that reminds us that some things are just out of our hands and that 'D' is always lurking and ready to pounce when your at your lowest level of concentration.....(but thats too long he he!)........

Becca, how is R today? I hope she's not coming down with anything.

Lou, yes it really did 'happen'! He he. How are your levels lately - have you got over the blip with the 'highs'?

Hi everyone else- hope your all ok?

This morning has been a good one so far - woke on 6 - went up to 10 after breakfast - so the basal change i had started yesterday seems to be working - for now....🙂Bev

Yes my levels have been ok the last couple of days thanks, the basal increase I mastered I perhaps didnt need so much yesterday but was fine.

I was filmed yesterday at work most the afternoon doing fake health screens on obliguing prisoners with fake addictions, it was very funny but very nervous as well! I think that the nerves made my adrenaline rush a little and that kept my numbers lower. Its a video being made for new prisoners into the prison, so you wont be able to view its debut unless you are a man and on remand in London! Shame!

Hope your night wasnt a bad one Becca, how is rosey?

Patricia I am thinking of a mantra. I cant seem to get away from the diabetes rap though that I posted from You Tube on here about a month ago though!

Sounds like your numbers are ok with A today Bev, hope you guys have d-stress free day!

Hope everyone is ok. Lesley, PM me if you fancy a chat. I am always popping online and usually about- hope you are doing ok. remember we are all about, we dont need to chat on the board if you need support hon.

Have a good day all xxx
hi guys

Thanks for the messages 🙂 It was a long night, Rose slept with me in the end, her temp came back at 5am and her levels starting creeping up to 14 with 0.2 ketones so not too bad but nipped it in the bud. She woke up 11.4 but has gone up to 15. Just will keep on correcting and checking ketones. May put her on temp basal depending on 12 oclock reading......

Poor Rose, she looks really pale, she's complaining of headaches and feeling cold, I've just been chatting to a mum from her class and a lot of her classmates are ill with the same thing, one being diagnosed with swine flu.

Hope everyone is ok xx
Bev, how awful for you and Alex! Hope all ok with you now. I do carry a spare pen in my handbag and i have labelled it with the date when it will expire. dont think im goody two shoes, just a bit obsessive! You should of seen all the stuff I took on holiday, batteries the lot :D lol

I also carry all my things for a set change, but to be honest if I needed to do this at work I think I would come home anyway as there is nowhere I class as clean/private enough to do this anyway. Suppose would be ok if say i was visiting someone.

Becca hope Rose is feeling better tonight?

Lou. Lesley hope you ok? Lesley let us know how you are doing when you have a chance?

Adrienne, patricia and Mand, hope your little uns are fine too? Sorry if i missed anyone out, xxxx
Hi all,

Sorry to hear about R!!!! bad times! hope she is doing ok! Can't beleive that happened. Will have to watch out for that one!

I'm doing ok. Pump is going ok. All through the day I keep running a bit low, just using 1 : 10g carbs at the minute. Tuesday night (first day on it) I reduced to 80% basal cause still had lantus and was 5.4 before bed then 5.6 at 2am 🙂eek:too early) and then when I woke I was 15.2. So, I put that down to my reduction in basal.

Anyway, last night, was 5.6 before bed, tested at 2.00am and was 8.6 and then when I woke up at 7.00am this morning was 17.6!!!!!😱 I haven't made any adjustments yet, gonna see how things go tonight and then if I rise again then I think I'll have to increase my basal from about 12.00am.

Wow, Can't believe I'm actually speaking the same speak as you all now! I know its all trial and error and I know I have been running a little low but still I can't believe how much more controlled my sugars are!!!!!🙂
Hi all,

Sorry to hear about R!!!! bad times! hope she is doing ok! Can't beleive that happened. Will have to watch out for that one!

I'm doing ok. Pump is going ok. All through the day I keep running a bit low, just using 1 : 10g carbs at the minute. Tuesday night (first day on it) I reduced to 80% basal cause still had lantus and was 5.4 before bed then 5.6 at 2am 🙂eek:too early) and then when I woke I was 15.2. So, I put that down to my reduction in basal.

Anyway, last night, was 5.6 before bed, tested at 2.00am and was 8.6 and then when I woke up at 7.00am this morning was 17.6!!!!!😱 I haven't made any adjustments yet, gonna see how things go tonight and then if I rise again then I think I'll have to increase my basal from about 12.00am.

Wow, Can't believe I'm actually speaking the same speak as you all now! I know its all trial and error and I know I have been running a little low but still I can't believe how much more controlled my sugars are!!!!!🙂

Glad is going well Lesley. If i woke up to that number I wouldnt be waiting I would defo increase straight away, but test throughout the night.

You rose before 2 yes, but I would test at least 2 hourly to see exactly where you are peaking, dont forget you can change the basals hourly to coincide with this, just remember you need to change 2 hours before for the effect 2 hours later. Hope that makes sense.
Glad is going well Lesley. If i woke up to that number I wouldnt be waiting I would defo increase straight away, but test throughout the night.

You rose before 2 yes, but I would test at least 2 hourly to see exactly where you are peaking, dont forget you can change the basals hourly to coincide with this, just remember you need to change 2 hours before for the effect 2 hours later. Hope that makes sense.

can I set my pump for multiple reminders or just one at a time? I have been stting my pump for 2am but not sure if I can set more?

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