The Pumpers Thread!

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Oh lord Bev what a pain in the butt! Argh! I feel for you. Yes agree that it's prob best to see how things go for another day...

Lou: glad spray better for you. Good.

Know what you mean about low-lying anxiety. Can get on top of you. Do you keep your numbers records like totally laid out so you can see them, all lined up? I find that I just can't do it any other way. I need to see the same times of day vertically up against each other to see patterns...But that's just me...?

Weird high number this morning, as mentioned. But other than that, very stable numbers. Hoping for a quiet night, as OH still away and I have a mega busy day tomorrow. For which, ahem, I am not prepared.

Now to prepare!

Take care all.

Hi all,

Changed sets at lunchtime and when we took the canula out - it was really bent. Really annoyed with myself because i had assumed that these last few days high's was due to the growth spurt or the remainder of the cold - so now i dont know.
I had altered one of his basals for tomorrow as i had assumed his requirements were getting bigger - so not sure now. Think i will leave it and monitor whats happening - thats the good thing about sensors - you can pick up unusual changes and act on them before hypo or hyper.

Hope everyone else is ok? It's blinking freezing here -heating on and blanket...Bev

Hey Bev, it could well be the bent cannula :( We had to do another set change the other night following the previous midnight set change. (Again at midnight) Rose's bloods hadn't come down and had been going up into 20s; food couldn't have done it so thought about the set. Took it out and ummed and arhhhed about changing it but then OH took the reservoir out and we both heard something drop. After much searching on bathroom floor it turned out to be a part of the reservoir 😱 At the top you have 2 small plastic bits that stick out - well it was one of those, so the decision was made for us as the reservoir i don't think would have sat well in the pump (i think it would have fallen back out)

Hae just read that back and hope that makes sense?!?! 😛
Hi Becca,

Made perfect sense to me!🙂

How did you get on at the clinic - last week wasnt it? Have they shed any light on the sudden high numbers? Growth spurt - or isnt it regular?
If A keeps going the way he is then he will be on 100% more insulin than he was a couple of weeks ago - i am amazed by the difference. Although we have sensors - i am not sure i know how to get the best out of them - also he has been ill with a cold - so all the basal testing i had planned has been left. I think i need to motivate myself again - i think i am just so tired and get annoyed when you think youve got it sorted - then something changes....😱🙂Bev
Hi Becca,

Made perfect sense to me!🙂

How did you get on at the clinic - last week wasnt it? Have they shed any light on the sudden high numbers? Growth spurt - or isnt it regular?
If A keeps going the way he is then he will be on 100% more insulin than he was a couple of weeks ago - i am amazed by the difference. Although we have sensors - i am not sure i know how to get the best out of them - also he has been ill with a cold - so all the basal testing i had planned has been left. I think i need to motivate myself again - i think i am just so tired and get annoyed when you think youve got it sorted - then something changes....😱🙂Bev


I did put on here a long rambled garbled version of what happened...they think it's growth hormones and her basals have been changed a lot. We're getting a few hypos now so maybe tweaked too much 🙄

I love things black and white and diabetes is that horrible murkey grey. Nothing fits like i want it too...can't stand like you say how you think it's sorted and then......................

I need to go hunt some more chocolate i think lol!
Lou: glad spray better for you. Good.

Know what you mean about low-lying anxiety. Can get on top of you. Do you keep your numbers records like totally laid out so you can see them, all lined up? I find that I just can't do it any other way. I need to see the same times of day vertically up against each other to see patterns...But that's just me...?

Weird high number this morning, as mentioned. But other than that, very stable numbers. Hoping for a quiet night, as OH still away and I have a mega busy day tomorrow. For which, ahem, I am not prepared.

Now to prepare!

Take care all.


I LOVE that you are not prepared! Too much XFactor me thinks woman?! :D

Unfortunately I cant seem to get the diligence I need to start wirting my numbers down again. I used to do it religiously, partly because this was what my team demanded of me before agreeing I could pump. I watch them all through carelink which helps. I just find in general my anxiety about everything seems to have gone up, I rarely get a good nights sleep. Sleeping light seems to be the only way to wake up in a hypo....every time I am about to fall asleep Im suddenly alert, am I tired or am I hypo? Sigh. Feels the same. Essentially I would summise this as since pumping, my hypo awareness is lower, especially in sleep and this troubles me. Not massively, but it is there....among a few other things that seem to niggle me lately!

BTW, the Cavlon I got wasnt the spray, I would like the spray though! I got the cream sachets and a new one (I didnt keep the packet so I cant tell you exactly, but it was very chemical I wasnt keen on the smell!). The scahets are too big for what we want it for. Im sure I can dedicate a "sit-in" session with my doc...I just dont go till I get what I want!

Bev, can I just say I am feeling your frustration with that bent canula. I pulled one out of me once and it was bent and it felt completely normal, I was so annoyed. I didnt suspect it. I guess you wont know about that one so will just have to bite the bullet and forget it. With any luck you will find that it was that and can now expect some better numbers. Fingers crossed for you. What a pain.

food couldn't have done it so thought about the set. Took it out and ummed and arhhhed about changing it but then OH took the reservoir out and we both heard something drop. After much searching on bathroom floor it turned out to be a part of the reservoir 😱 At the top you have 2 small plastic bits that stick out - well it was one of those, so the decision was made for us as the reservoir i don't think would have sat well in the pump (i think it would have fallen back out)

Hae just read that back and hope that makes sense?!?! 😛

Becca, this has happened to me! I thought I had gone mad, I couldnt fathom it what-so-ever! The scary thing was (I didnt mention it on here actually, I felt funny as if maybe I had caused it to go wrong) but it hapened they day my veo broke. I guess I thought maybe I had caused the motor error. I found it way too bizarre this little bit of plastic fell out the pump and I couldnt see where from. In a starnge way, Im glad this happened to you too Bec, just so I know Im not nuts 😉

Thats all from me tonight, time for bed! Night y'all! xXx
Becca, this has happened to me! I thought I had gone mad, I couldnt fathom it what-so-ever! The scary thing was (I didnt mention it on here actually, I felt funny as if maybe I had caused it to go wrong) but it hapened they day my veo broke. I guess I thought maybe I had caused the motor error. I found it way too bizarre this little bit of plastic fell out the pump and I couldnt see where from. In a starnge way, Im glad this happened to you too Bec, just so I know Im not nuts 😉

Thats all from me tonight, time for bed! Night y'all! xXx

Yay! So it's not just me 😉 That's weird though, wonder why it happens?
Wonder if it depends on how tight you screw it into the pump or how hard you unscrew it? Or manufacturing fault? Guess see if it happens again....
I LOVE that you are not prepared! Too much XFactor me thinks woman?! :D

HA! It's called priorities. Erk.

Unfortunately I cant seem to get the diligence I need to start wirting my numbers down again. I used to do it religiously, partly because this was what my team demanded of me before agreeing I could pump. I watch them all through carelink which helps. I just find in general my anxiety about everything seems to have gone up, I rarely get a good nights sleep. Sleeping light seems to be the only way to wake up in a hypo....every time I am about to fall asleep Im suddenly alert, am I tired or am I hypo? Sigh. Feels the same. Essentially I would summise this as since pumping, my hypo awareness is lower, especially in sleep and this troubles me. Not massively, but it is there....among a few other things that seem to niggle me lately!

I'm wondering whether you could apply for sensors Lou...I don't like to think of you suffering like this...I don't know how you'd feel about them. Confess that it's only us actually getting up and making sure everything is okay that keeps E from probably going through same fate...Tonight for instance: he's inexplicably on 13. No idea why. Think he might have been last night too, a little high. Anyway, we corrected. And I had to promise to test him. End of story. He can't deal otherwise. Never mind us.

I'm feeling for you here. MAYBE if you put in some work on your basals you'd feel more secure? It's a bit of a journey with an unsure result, but worth a try?

Diabetes is flipping unfair. I don't know how my son is going to cope with all the numbers and the relentlessness when we're not around. I take my hat off to you. Anything I can do, let me know.

Yes. I am avoiding. Work. I have done. Some. Of. It.

Back to the powerpoint...

Good night all.

Goodnight Patricia,

I am waiting up to check a correction too! A was 12 half an hour ago......😱

Hope you sort your work out - and get some sleep!🙂Bev
Wonder if it depends on how tight you screw it into the pump or how hard you unscrew it? Or manufacturing fault? Guess see if it happens again....


We have had that a few times so don't worry. However I've never had to take the reservoir out before needing to and its only when I go to change it that sometimes they snap off and disappear on the floor somewhere ! I decided it was because they had sat in the pump for three days and just got hard and wedged there and didn't like being moved ! (that's how my brain works!!)

Just wanted to share A's levels since 11.30 last night:

4.6 (small drink at 3am needed)

But he has had lasagne and chocolate cake for lunch on a DW of 50/50 for 3 hours - so he is now 8.7 - so not sure if we got that right - will have to see.
It just feels so good to have numbers under 9!:D
I am keeping my fingers crossed and all that....

I altered his basal 8am to noon and he stayed under 6 the whole morning.

Because we have had 2 weeks of higher levels due to cold or growth or whatever... if just feels so nice to have such normal levels again! I was beginning to think the pump wasnt all it was cracked up to be - but its not the pump - its other factors coming in to play - and i had forgotten what it feels like to be able to change things....

Also, we are testing a basal rate tonight - so he is having fish and poached eggs - hopefully we can see whats going on late evening and early morning - without it being affected by any foods etc..🙂

Hope everyone else is ok?:DBev

We have had that a few times so don't worry. However I've never had to take the reservoir out before needing to and its only when I go to change it that sometimes they snap off and disappear on the floor somewhere ! I decided it was because they had sat in the pump for three days and just got hard and wedged there and didn't like being moved ! (that's how my brain works!!)

hmmm...we took the reservoir out just to check everything was working because of the high levels and wanted to see if it was ok, it was on day 3 of the set so maybe that fits in with what it being wedged.

Bev - they are fantastic levels! yay, well done 🙂 It's so satisfying when a plan comes together 😛
Thanks Becca!

How are you getting on with R and her levels - are they coming down at all?🙂

Problem is - i know all this will change next week when they go back to school! I havent set a seperate pattern yet for school - so just thinking i might do an 80% temp basal on the first day to see if that is close to it.:confused:Bev
Hi All,

Hope everything is ok with everyone. Not been on for a while been feeling a bit low, don't know why, so not really done much. Everything went well with the pump last week and I went 'live' today. have had a couple of hypo's today but still have background lantus so to be expected really. working on a 1 u to 10g carb at the minute and seeing how it goes. Waiting for the nurse to ring me within the next hour to see how things have been going but I'm quite happy with it all. Got to ring tomorrow and order my stack of supplies!

Catch up soon. I'll come on properly sometime this week and catch up properly.

Lesley x
Hi All,

Hope everything is ok with everyone. Not been on for a while been feeling a bit low, don't know why, so not really done much. Everything went well with the pump last week and I went 'live' today. have had a couple of hypo's today but still have background lantus so to be expected really. working on a 1 u to 10g carb at the minute and seeing how it goes. Waiting for the nurse to ring me within the next hour to see how things have been going but I'm quite happy with it all. Got to ring tomorrow and order my stack of supplies!

Catch up soon. I'll come on properly sometime this week and catch up properly.

Lesley x

Sorry you've been feeling down Lesley - hope everything goes well with the pump!🙂
Thanks Becca!

How are you getting on with R and her levels - are they coming down at all?🙂

Problem is - i know all this will change next week when they go back to school! I havent set a seperate pattern yet for school - so just thinking i might do an 80% temp basal on the first day to see if that is close to it.:confused:Bev

Hi Bev,

things have improved but getting hypos so need to tweak, but next week will be the test back at school......

Had a nightmare morning, Rose smashed a bowl on her foot first thing and blood was everywhere 😱 Only small cuts it turns out but boy did they bleed....she felt sick as well bless her, not a good start to the day :(
Sorry to read about your diasterious morning Becca! What a nightmare. Hope she is better now. Hope this half term is a good one x

Oh Bev, great numbers! Well done! Are those all sensor readings? Do you find much variant between those and the finger ones? Great work though, you must be pleased.

Thanks Patricia for your advice. Its silly why this has all come about now, Ive lived alone since before I got diagnosed (whatever it was? 4 years ago??) and 'maybe' this is just a phase of being unsettled....I think I am anxious lately, I went for an eye test today because I have had really really bad eye strain and headaches (and I felt diabetes owed me ?22.50!) and everything was fine, I was disapointed at the missed oportunity to get some face bling but should be grateful I have normal vision I guess! Sensors arent in my mind at the moment, I ruled them out after looking at the cost which would have to be covered by me. I am hoping instead that my confidence has just wavered, and soon it will come back. And everything else settles down in life. Then normal service will resume 😉 Thanks for your support.

I took some time to chill in the gym (free coffee!) with the christmas issue of "Sweet" magazine. What a great issue. I wasnt so keen on the pumping article though, nice girl but the depth was missing. Anyone else read it?

Enjoy your evening- whats left of it, or should I say "enjoy your night" to those who are sensor checking?!

Lots of love anyway xx

Not having been "on the pump" when we change the clocks before, I was wondering what you guys do when it comes to swapping from BST to GMT and vice versa.

Do you simply change the time on the pump and that's it or do you amend the basal rates too and gradually bring them back to what you had so carefully set them to during the past 6 months?

Not sure how long body clocks come back into line with real time clocks - I know that I am still waking up an hour earlier than I should be - for work! (Which is a bit of a shame really!)

My first time as well, I just put the time back 1 hour before I went to bed and woke up the next day fine.
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