The Pumpers Thread!

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Someone i know on a pump ( last 6 years), needs i think she said DOUBLE insulin requirements at this time 😱

OMG! Really? Im a bit speachless!!! Perhaps there is more demand in my body for insulin than I am willing to relent to?! Good lord, well tomorrow is another day, I need to reload in the morning so will crank it up!

Good luck girls - hope you get things back on track. Lou, I do know what you mean - its just so draining at times isnt it?😉🙂Bev x

Yes its just a weird feeling! Im not low in mood, actually a good week for me, I just feel I gave diabetes the effort this week, it went wrong, I did the overtime on it and completed the job. I simply didnt get the results I desired! Ho-hum!

Sad to hear about your daughter B. I was bullied and those feelings make you feel instant empathy for anyone who undergoes any kind of manipulative behaviours like that. Hope she is alright.

Hi all

I agree with bev... be brave and turn it up. We too were frightened of the higher basals, because it sounds so massive... but it *is* less than a correction, and more predictable. Go for it.

I'm sorry numbers are high and frustrating this week. Not sure there is anything in the world more disheartening and fundamentally disappointing than this.

The other thing you could do with temp basal is set it to 150% or 200% for a whole day, then see where your numbers go...and from there, see if you can set new basals for this situation... We have done this, when we haven't been sure if things need changing across the board.

Bev, sounds like you could do with setting a new pattern overall for A? If he is still on 200% plus corrections? I also wonder if he is coming out of honeymoon? Has he yet, do you think? I know he's been ill, but he's a bit better? If you remember last Easter when E was suddenly growing AND coming out of honeymoon (we think), his needs doubled in one week. And he's never gone back.

Tracey, I'm glad things are looking a little better overall. Well done you for persisting. It's so hard to keep going -- we find this even as a family, all supporting each other and bouncing ideas off, etc -- I think it must be trebly hard when it's you on your own.

Lou -- maybe an idea to send your numbers and rates through to your DSN for help, or onto here for a little Adrienne-ing?! 🙂 Another pair of eyes and all that...


Here, E did a long walk yesterday (5 hours!), which had interesting permutations. He started at 14 😱, (deliberate under dose from breakfast), undercorrected by a lot, but within half an hour was 2.8 😱. Fortunately we had all worked hard to set things up well, and he was walking with two good friends. They all sat down for 15 mins. After which he was only 4mmols. So he set up a 30% temp basal and carried on. At lunch he was in the 5s, where he remained all day, still on the 30%. At home after a 3mmol hypo, we reduced him briefly to 10% to try to give him some recovery time. By bedtime he was 8.8, having been a bit higher at dinner (12mmol), so we moved temp to 75%. At 12am he was still 8mmols. At 3am though he was 4.6mmols. Changed temp to 50%. At 6am he was 9mmols. Took off temp. At 8.30 he was 5.5mmols.

And now he's still sleeping, so I have to go check again! He will have dropped probably...

The young man is *shattered*. Little wonder. But hurray for the pump!

Bye for now.

Hi all,

A's levels are still too high unless we use 200% temp basal- so i am thinking along the lines of what Patricia has suggested. I suspect this is a whole increase in insulin requirements across the board. 😱

Looks like i will be starting all over again then! I suppose the good thing about temp basals is that you can 'suck it and see' so to speak.

I had thought that A had come out of honeymoon very early on as his levels on MDI were so erratic - but perhaps it is as you say Patricia - he is coming out of it now..:confused:

Patricia, those were great levels for a 5 hour walk! You and E should be very proud of yourselves. Dont you just love temp basals? This was always the stumbling block on MDI - once you injected it - that was it...

Hope E has a lovely rest today.

Hello to everyone else - hope your all ok? Lou, Tracey - how are things?🙂Bev x
Thanks Bev, appreciate it. 🙂 Every little bit and all...

Where is everyone today?


Wanted to share something else. Well, two things. First, about this long walk. It happens every year at E's school, sponsored for charity, etc. Last year he became very ill on the walk, and had to stop in the middle, come home. He was feeling terribly sick and had an upset tummy. This upset tummy, soreness, never seemed to go away, on and off...forever from that day.

When we were with the school last week, making arrangements for the walk, E mentioned this to the AEN woman, hoping for a better go this year. OH and I looked at each other. We had obviously both clicked but not mentioned it to each other: of course, last year E was already Type 1. He was ill from high blood sugar. That's what it was. We gently mentioned this to him. And he almost cried. He hadn't realised. He was ill, and we had no way of knowing, and he felt really quite grim from then on...Less than 3 weeks later, he was diagnosed.


Secondly, and this is completely practical: we believe that we have come to the conclusion that apple juice, if bolused for, is always so quick in and out that it brings on a low or near low. It also raises BG by less than it strictly speaking carb-wise should in the case of use as a hypo treatment. We know this because at bedtime it never raises BG by the amount you would think (eg 20gCHO should equal 2.5 mmols for E -- However, a glass tends to raise things by 1 to 1.5 mmols only). SO we will now under-bolus apple juice.

Also, we believe that milk and biscuits at bedtime do the opposite: they seem to raise BG by more than the carb indicates. After 20gCHO of milk and biccies, by morning, E will be more like 5mmols higher, instead of 2.5mmols as expected. SO we will now always either bolus for a little of the carb, or just not use at night...


Anyway, just thoughts. Hope everyone okay.

Hi Patricia,

Yes its very quiet isnt it?

Your story of E's tummy problems last year is so sad - poor little thing hadnt realised. I suppose at least he has an answer for why he felt so bad - not that it makes it any better......

Just thinking about the apple juice situation - i wonder if it makes a difference what time of day E has it? I know that correction values change throughout the day (although I havent got round to working A's out yet) - so perhaps it should be tied into whether he is on a high or low ratio for the time of day he is having it, as to whether you bolus or not. Does that make sense? It does in my head!😉:DBev
Hi everyone

Well, my son's levels continuing to be good now that we inserting quickset away from his lumps.

His dsn visited today and has set him up on bolus wizard and also shown us how to dual wave. Will keep you posted re progress!

Might be away for 2 or 3 days next week. Catch up soon.

Mand xxx 🙂
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Oh no! I spent ages writing a reply just now and lost it so I am peed off! I am on my mums world wide "interhole" and my log in timed out and I submitted and went into cyber space...GRRRRRR

Anyway, essentially what I wrote was thank you to everyone for you support and help with the crappage of my recent numbers. I probably do need to be "Adriennised" Patricia! (is that now a medical term?!) but I need some serious Louiserization in the mean time, which goes a little something like this...🙂

I have running at the moment insulin from initial dual and a 5 hour square in progress...ate a peice of cake just now and just bolused another 5u mid square....AND I have a temp basal running, just because I can! When I press ESC I have a really long scroll! FIGHT FIRE WITH FIRE!

Patricia it is sad what you were saying about E's charity walk. Are you approching his diagnosis anniversary soon? I was wondering how you felt about it too, also if you were considering marking it somehow or letting it pass. It sounds like E has landmarked it already, Im not suprised it sounds a wobbly time. What a year....

Bev I am wondering why on earth we are ALL needing more insulin? Weather? I thought it was all about the monthly visitor, but obviously that doesnt apply in A's case, is it the cold snap? I wish I was more vidulent and remember what normally happens to me this time of year. But alas, I still dont find myself in that zone 😉

I had my flu-jab today. Mr Patel virtually chases me out the pharmacy and down the road the same time every year! I assume 'points win prizes' and the IOS claim for getting the flu-jab into a diabetics arm on a yearly basis- even if you are still moving- must be enormous! I am going to have to reconsider his christmas present this year me thinks!

Mand, have a good week away and dont let the dual-wave brain-wave you sweety 😉
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Hi guys

Sorry not been around, had a nasty on my computer yesterday (not a virus) but this adware/spy stuff that was on the news this week ! Typical. Just kept getting lots of porn pop up 😱 and it disabled my anti virus and etc etc. Got it sorted hopefully.

Anyway I'm away till Tuesday so won't be on unless I get myself to a computer somehow.

Lou, by all means put your numbers down and lets all have a go 😉

Not sure and Adriennised is a medical term !! Looks a bit weird if you ask me.

We are off to our hospital for a check up on Monday up town so am hoping Jessica's HbA1c is back down again. We have been working damn hard on this.

Anyway gotta go and pack.

I have running at the moment insulin from initial dual and a 5 hour square in progress...ate a peice of cake just now and just bolused another 5u mid square....AND I have a temp basal running, just because I can! When I press ESC I have a really long scroll! FIGHT FIRE WITH FIRE!

I checked my blood sugar after writing this last night and I was 2.9!

It sure will be quiet on this thread for the next week while a few people are way, hope you all have a good time!

Enjoy the weekend! xXx
....I just noticed, remember this year we all need to change the clocks tonight on our pumps!!!
Hi all

Yes, seems a few are away...Have a great time, all!

Lou: talk about multi-tasking! Crumbs. Bells and whistles pump-style or what?! Hope you made it through unscathed, anyway...

And yes, change pump timings... Ergh.

Here we have wrestled with pizza...started with a 3 hour 30/70...Went *okay*: never low, but a bit close to bottom... At 3 hours in was 5.6, so had a couple of gulps of juice. Then at 5 hours in, was 9mmols. We didn't correct (middle of night anyway) to see what would happen... woke on 13mmols. SO can conclude that pizza does indeed take about the same time as everything else, eg 5-8 hours is the spike... Good to know. SO imagine that the next route will be 30/70 but on 4 or 5 hours, to spread it out a bit. Also possibility that bolus (30%) was too high, so may reduce to the favourite 20/80, but we'll see...

Have had recurrent difficulty with the 20/80 6 hour dual wave for pasta which works like a dream at school, with more activity...Here at home he's too high for too long (eg 13-15mmols, so have to override pump and correct)...ALSO the dose itself is higher, because he's having actually more carb, about 100 cho compared to at school where he may only have 50 or 60 cho in a meal... Now wondering if it's worth going to what we do for rice: bolus the sauce separately, and set the rest on a square wave...Hmm..

Sun is shining!

And tonight...another X Factor! Am I the only one totally addicted?! Sad... Lou, surely this is up your street...?!


And tonight...another X Factor! Am I the only one totally addicted?! Sad... Lou, surely this is up your street...?!



Oh dont you just know it?! Its got my name all over it, I am so addicted every year, that and to Stricly! I shall be tuned in again tonight. I am round my mums this weekend and I even got her to watch it last night and she enjoyed it....her face was a picture at the twins at the end though!

Oh P, I am missing my old pump a bit. I know I am banging on about the active insulin a lot but because this is how I have learned pumping I have become reliant on this feature. It isnt the same on the 522 and neither is the set change (but now I am just being picky). I dont want to get attached to this pump (not literally!) as I know its going back, I assume in about +/- 8 or 10 weeks. Its a little bit of a strange feeling...

Its interesting what you have said about the 20/80 dual. I must try that one as I havent gone that low for the intial bolus as yet.

I was looking at your other thread about the finger pricking and I wonder if E is reaching that stage I feel I have got to. It is not uncommon for me now to have to lance myself a few times for a drop of blood (I only use my left hand) and I think the skin is starting to suffer. I have the lancer turned up quite high. I dont notice it so much on a low, but that could be to do with a memory thing at the time of doing it. Do his fingers look as if they are starting to suffer a bit?

Yes, great weather today and beautiful sunshine! Lovely to be out of London and see the stunning autumn colours in the trees. I notice it is pitch black outside and its only 5.30pm!

Right, things to do before X Factor! I know I am not alone!

Lou xx
Yes I'm afraid x factor just has that Lou feel... Me: a guilty pleasure. I've been the same re Big Brother too, at times...Once was at quite a snazzy and festival-y type dinner party... somehow Big Brother came up...turned out the host was also heavily (and guiltily, secretly) into it... It was very funny. And very satisfying!

Thank GOD Danyl (weird spelling?) safe. Okay, nuff said. Spineless Cheryl, perhaps, is worth saying..


Tell me about the active insulin screen. Is it that you've been used to seeing it all at once? Because E almost always flips between them on the 722 and can see what's active, what's correction, etc... Is it the inconvenience of having to check and double check, maybe?

The irritating thing about pumping is that I'm sure we all then become quite demanding and picky. I certainly feel this way. The desire for more advanced technology is quick to rear its head. The pump is such a dramatic change: and then you think, what about this, and what about that... It's a bit like designing a kitchen (bear with me here)... Everything looks great, until you start to think where you're going to put everything...and it takes you six months to figure it all out...and even then there's one squeeze point in the whole fabulous thing.... Do I sound like I'm speaking from experience?! I guess what I mean is -- at the moment, the pump is never right. There is no perfect pump. Some of the things Tracey can do are marvelous, for instance...

This end we've had a weird day. Started fine but high again in the afternoon (Argh! maybe not the 20/80 pasta yesterday after all!). Under corrected cos going swimming...but still crashed to 2.8. THEN because of wetness, brand new set flipping *pulled out* in the *middle of* bolus-ing...😱. Wonderful son showed 'presence of mind' (daughter's terms) to notice how much of the bolus had gone in... Good grief. So changed set and manually did rest. So far so good. Only weird thing is, he's felt low all night. We've tested and re-calibrated like mad: solid as a rock around 10 while food going in. Hmm...Kept thinking he was going to crash. But not yet.

All this with OH away for two days. Ack. Wouldn't you know. Thing is, OH is just a little more level headed than me generally (like his son). So I flail a bit more. But all okay.

I wondered about the pricker depth too, Lou... It's just so inconsistent. His fingers generally look okay...not that he uses more than two on each hand (ring and pinky; finds the others much more painful). We worry about the skin, but there doesn't seem to be evidence of it. Yet. He's a pianist too, so we I guess worry even more.

Hmm. Again. But it could be, indeed.

Okay. SO much work to do. Will try now.

Good to hear from you, as ever!

Is E on sensors as you mention calibrating? Sorry if i am being thick - we just use the phrase when A has to calibrate on the sensors.🙂Bev
Hi Bev

No, we mean calibrating his meter... He uses the optium exceed, which has a little calibration insert for each new pack of strips... and he had just changed strips, so thought maybe he forgot to calibrate...which he hadn't....

For some reason I thought you were away Bev -- you about this week, are you? How are A's numbers at the mo'?
I was looking at your other thread about the finger pricking and I wonder if E is reaching that stage I feel I have got to. It is not uncommon for me now to have to lance myself a few times for a drop of blood (I only use my left hand) and I think the skin is starting to suffer. I have the lancer turned up quite high. I dont notice it so much on a low, but that could be to do with a memory thing at the time of doing it. Do his fingers look as if they are starting to suffer a bit?

Lou, I found out that if I warm my finger up in warm water (the whole hand actually) or put it under the hot air dryer then I need to set my lancing device to a lower number. And it hurts less.
Hi Bev

No, we mean calibrating his meter... He uses the optium exceed, which has a little calibration insert for each new pack of strips... and he had just changed strips, so thought maybe he forgot to calibrate...which he hadn't....

For some reason I thought you were away Bev -- you about this week, are you? How are A's numbers at the mo'?

Hi Patricia,

Not away this week. Still battling high numbers! It seems we need to change the whole lot- so taking it slowly - step by step as wasnt sure if it was connected to his cold etc - feels like starting all over again....

Calibrating - we dont have to do this with the nano - just every now and then to check its within range etc.🙂Bev
Sorry about A's high numbers Bev -- *what* a drag! And always such a worry...

Does the nano have one of those big vials for the test strips? This is always my sticking point. I'm not sure how that can be carried in pockets, which is where E keeps his...

We are having some single high number issues now too... It's half term-itis I suspect, even though he's on a different pattern for it... Three mornings now mid-morning, high... Time for a change! We'll just get it settled, then back to school... Ergh.

Hope things start to improve with A. So disheartening, I know. Been there. And he won't be feeling great, either. Sorry.

Hang in there.

Lou, I found out that if I warm my finger up in warm water (the whole hand actually) or put it under the hot air dryer then I need to set my lancing device to a lower number. And it hurts less.

Thats good advice Tez cheers (you must have beautiful hands doing this!!) I must make more effort as I notice not only is it getting harder to do but my fingertips look shabby. I will definately try the warm water trick, cheers.

I did a set change today and took off my canula that I had put on 3 days ago with the sample of cavlon, so much nicer! It stayed in tact very nicely, but came off much better and the watford gap Im usually left with didnt bleed today and was much smaller and less red- overall impressed. I shall use up the rest of the samples and if this continues try my luck for a prescription (I think its expensive if I remember correctly) but not afraid to try my GP for some at least. One of those small bottles must have quite a lot of longevity to it I would guess (I got a free election of different samples from their 3M website if anyone is interested).

I came back from a nice weekend at my mums and off to work this afternoon. Feeling an underlying low level of anxiety/stress constantly lately and Im not quite sure what to do about it. Trying to keep chipper but really hoping I can on top of better numbers this week which will be a good first step to feeling a little less like this perhaps.

Hope everyone else is ok. Bev sorry to hear numbers still are not great. Have you been "Adrienised" lately? Maybe its worth quizzing your DSN and seeing if there is something she might come up with? Hope you are getting some "you" time as well.

Right must crack on, fingers crossed for a quiet day in reception and that not everyone is booking into my hotel today 😉

Lots of love everyone xx See you later xx
Hi all,

Changed sets at lunchtime and when we took the canula out - it was really bent. Really annoyed with myself because i had assumed that these last few days high's was due to the growth spurt or the remainder of the cold - so now i dont know.:confused:
I had altered one of his basals for tomorrow as i had assumed his requirements were getting bigger - so not sure now. Think i will leave it and monitor whats happening - thats the good thing about sensors - you can pick up unusual changes and act on them before hypo or hyper.🙂

Hope everyone else is ok? It's blinking freezing here -heating on and blanket...😱Bev
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