The Pumpers Thread!

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Tracey: Will the pump give you corrections during a dual wave? Ours never will, so we have to override. Do you? Does look like more up front needed, certainly, but how confident of the carb counting were you? If you are high throughout and STILL high in morning, then makes me think that the real carb count was higher? Because reducing the dual wave time may have taken care of a spike at 4 hours (eg more insulin in over that time), but not the one later and later still -- the whole wave needs more insulin?

It does look a bit though as if at around 6 or 8 hours you were going down again, otherwise you would have woken higher? So maybe the wave isn't far off, but the carb counting was off? I guess too that if the carb counting was a little off, then the up front bolus would be off too, thus maybe meaning that you don't need more proportionally up front, necessarily? It is clear though that the up front bolus is too low in this instance, for whatever reason...?

Re basals, can you set up different rates for yourself? If you are pretty sure you are rising at certain times, why not set up different rates for those times, to come in each instance about an hour before the time when you know you are rising...? Upping it all the way through the night seems like you are not using the increments and finesse of the pump -- might as well use all it can do!

And again re dual waves: the reason we know 2 hours really never works with E, and actually 3 hour ones don't either, is because he inevitably hypos just after the end of them... This used to confuse us...But we finally figured out that if we carb count correctly and stretch out the dual wave on him, we can usually get him even throughout, with no great dip at the end when the insulin hits hard. We only realised we needed to stretch it out when, after the hypo, he would wake high. We came to the conclusion that this was not a normal 'swing' or 'rebound', but something actually associated with the carb. So far this seems to be right for him.

Patricia, thanks so much for the help, yes i can correct during a dual wave, my understanding is that the pump takes into account any correction you did with the meal, (which would count as insulin on board, or active), meal rise time, (2hrs for me), acting time (4hrs for me), it does not count the acting insulin of the amount given for carbs because they are covered, even if dual wave. Thats how i understand it, so if you are out of range after 2 hours you need to correct.? Please let me know if this is wrong, im trusting the pump if it tells me to correct I do.

I did wonder on the cho count, the battery has gone in my scales and i usually weigh everything, I think i must have been out somewhat.

Yes I can set basal increments hourly, the reason i set througout the night is because after testing I felt I rose albeit slowly from 1pm onwards. In pumping insulin it says better to increase by tiny amounts throughout the night rather than more for just one or two hours, so that is why i tried that. When i add it up its not even 1 extra unit i have upped it all by throughout the night. To be honest i havent seen a real difference yet, however there was the fish and chip thing and also I am pre menstrual and I am a bit higher generally and havent begun to sort that one out yet!!

I have also upped from tonight from 9pm until midnight as im sure im rising there too, i really need to test this period, but i tend to snack alot in the evening so its difficult to tell.

thanks again
Hi everyone, just thought i would bob on to let you all know that I picked up my pump today. Don;t go live until next Tuesday so just playing with it as though it is really connected at the minute. No Saline, just using fresh air. I can't believe how much stuff I have to read through! It'll take me all year never mind all week! My pack came with 2 cannulers which I was told I could have a practice with putting them in. Only thing is I don't have any steri wipes:confused: Tracey, did you get these in your pack? on the side of the box it says 10 x (something that looks like steri wipes) but there aren't any in there. Can I still have a go of putting one in straight after a shower so I know I'm defo duper clean.

Lesley x

Hi Lesley, you dont need steri wipes dont worry, told you there was a lot to read 😱
I have just put it in and I really didn't feel a thing!!! I had to peel back to make sure it had gone in and it had!!!! I am now so excited!!!!! I was worried it would hurt as I don't have an inserter just did it by hand and I am so so excited now!!!!!!! Woooo Hoooo.

I have a strong feelin that this is the start of the beginning.

LEsley x

Well done Lesley! You can order the inserter and everything else from rosche when you do your first order. I take it you put in the flex link? This really hurt me and i did not like it. I have gone for the tenderlink, the one that goes in at 45degrees, makes sure you are happy before you make your decision next week. What do you think of the pump?
Adrienne, thanks for your reply too, i dont feel too bad about the numbers if you say it was not too bad 😉
help. I am only pretending but I have give a bolus for my tea and accidently cancelled it and now my pump is bleeping at me and only giving me the option to snooze or confirm!!!!!!!!

uuuuhh ooooooo!!!!!

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I have just put it in and I really didn't feel a thing!!! I had to peel back to make sure it had gone in and it had!!!! I am now so excited!!!!! I was worried it would hurt as I don't have an inserter just did it by hand and I am so so excited now!!!!!!! Woooo Hoooo.

I have a strong feelin that this is the start of the beginning.

LEsley x

Wow, I'm over the moon for you, well done Lesley. You are right, it is the start of the beginning. 🙂
please someone, help, how do I cancel cancelling a bolus?????


Sorry only just seen this. Have you sorted it out? What pump have you got?

Sorry but what is it you are looking for? Bit confused. We use the 522 and if its there I'll know but not sure what you want to know........:confused:

Blinking heck! I just read my original post back, and you are so right- makes no sense what-so-ever!

Thanks for still getting back to me though Adrienne! I am pumping on the 522 and I am looking for where to find "active insulin" without having to put a fake entry into bolus wizzard. Unfortunately I didnt get a manual only the replacement pump so I cant look it up. All I know is on the Veo when you press ESC in your scroll down it is there....on the 522 it isnt?

Perhaps there is nowhere else and I am looking for something that was changed when the Veo came out......thanks Adrienne!

Lesley, I am very pleased to read your adevntures! Is it the Roche you have? I know it isnt medtronic as "Snooze" sounds too good to be true! Can I just comment as well how narky it makes me to read of another person given the pump and not given saline?? I cant believe it. In my view, you need the practise filling reservoirs etc and just checking your lines regularly etc for bubbles and how things look. Such a shame. But anyway, lesley- I am so excited for you! Have your spibelts come yet?!

I am abit disapointed I woke on 12.9 (I think it was) this morning, all because I wrote my numbers were getting steadier! Typical. Ho-hum....

Mand I am PROPER impressed your DSN visits at home 🙂

Hope everyone else on the roll-call is ok?! xXx
help. I am only pretending but I have give a bolus for my tea and accidently cancelled it and now my pump is bleeping at me and only giving me the option to snooze or confirm!!!!!!!!

uuuuhh ooooooo!!!!!


may be bit late Lesley, press tick key twice, once will stop it but put on snooze so will alarm again in 15 mins, twice will cancel. TICK KEY

dont panic as no insulin in pump lesley, thats why your practicing. Best to read through big manual i think first, read how to give boluses, and how to cancel them, the manual is very easy to understand and takes you through everything step by step, i only read and practiced beginners section the first week after clinic visit i read the custom/advanced, up to you of course but i think is a lot all at once, take it slow, you will be fine, if you want my mobile Lesley just pm me hun. xx
Hi all,

After a few days and nights of A having really high levels due to having a cold i finally caved in and kept him off school today. I had been up 4 times through the night for various reasons - mostly the alarm going off telling me he was 16mmols! I have a cold myself and fell asleep after checking he was ok this morning at 7am. I didnt wake again until 10.45am!!!!!!!!!

When i came down he was watching tv and said dont worry mum i have given myself 2 corrections as i was 15 and then an hour later i was 16 and also had breakfast! I felt awful knowing he had sorted himself out - whilst i slept.

By the time lunchtime came he was down to 9 - so he had made some good choices - bless him! But it is good to know that he 'gets it' and can make intelligent decisions for himself.

I just cant believe how much insulin is needed when they are ill! He has been on 200% basals and also corrections every couple of hours!
Luckily, i think he is on the mend as he was 5.6 just before bed - so i had reduced temp basal to 150% and will check later to see if i need to turn it off for the night. But thank heavens for temp basals- i am sure on MDI he would have been up in the 20's easily.

Lesley, it seems odd they havent given you saline for the pump start? We didnt get the choice and went onto insulin straight from day one - but not sure it would have helped much having a pump without anything to practice on? I bet you cant wait for the insulin start? I feel excited for you!

Lou, i am glad Adrienne didnt understand your question - i didnt either - but i thought it was me being thick! Have you found out the answer yet?

Patricia,how did the concert go for E? Sounds like you have the rice/pasta thing nearly sorted out. I am jealous!

Tracey - fish and chips - nightmare! Let me know if you ever get it right please!🙂

Becca, Adrienne Steph and all - hope your all ok - its been a bit quiet here the last few days........
Bev, do not feel bad that A did all that by himself, you should feel good. He knows just what to do as you have taught him so well and he was confident to do it all without waking you, bless him, he must have known how tired you were. Little star, glad he is on the mend now.
Hi all,

After a few days and nights of A having really high levels due to having a cold i finally caved in and kept him off school today. I had been up 4 times through the night for various reasons - mostly the alarm going off telling me he was 16mmols! I have a cold myself and fell asleep after checking he was ok this morning at 7am. I didnt wake again until 10.45am!!!!!!!!!

When i came down he was watching tv and said dont worry mum i have given myself 2 corrections as i was 15 and then an hour later i was 16 and also had breakfast! I felt awful knowing he had sorted himself out - whilst i slept.

By the time lunchtime came he was down to 9 - so he had made some good choices - bless him! But it is good to know that he 'gets it' and can make intelligent decisions for himself.

I just cant believe how much insulin is needed when they are ill! He has been on 200% basals and also corrections every couple of hours!
Luckily, i think he is on the mend as he was 5.6 just before bed - so i had reduced temp basal to 150% and will check later to see if i need to turn it off for the night. But thank heavens for temp basals- i am sure on MDI he would have been up in the 20's easily.

Lesley, it seems odd they havent given you saline for the pump start? We didnt get the choice and went onto insulin straight from day one - but not sure it would have helped much having a pump without anything to practice on? I bet you cant wait for the insulin start? I feel excited for you!

Lou, i am glad Adrienne didnt understand your question - i didnt either - but i thought it was me being thick! Have you found out the answer yet?

Patricia,how did the concert go for E? Sounds like you have the rice/pasta thing nearly sorted out. I am jealous!

Tracey - fish and chips - nightmare! Let me know if you ever get it right please!🙂

Becca, Adrienne Steph and all - hope your all ok - its been a bit quiet here the last few days........

Don't feel guilty Bev, A did brilliantly (tell him I said that). How fantastic that he has picked it up that quick. I think you needed a lay in.

I used to spend ages answering flippin alarms as they were too high but there is nothing you can do about it if you have given the correction and are coming down but still above the alarm. I have actually turned my upper alarm off and no longer have it on. May be worth thinking about.

I hope you and A feel better soon.
Blinking heck! I just read my original post back, and you are so right- makes no sense what-so-ever!

Thanks for still getting back to me though Adrienne! I am pumping on the 522 and I am looking for where to find "active insulin" without having to put a fake entry into bolus wizzard. Unfortunately I didnt get a manual only the replacement pump so I cant look it up. All I know is on the Veo when you press ESC in your scroll down it is there....on the 522 it isnt?

Perhaps there is nowhere else and I am looking for something that was changed when the Veo came out......thanks Adrienne!

Lesley, I am very pleased to read your adevntures! Is it the Roche you have? I know it isnt medtronic as "Snooze" sounds too good to be true! Can I just comment as well how narky it makes me to read of another person given the pump and not given saline?? I cant believe it. In my view, you need the practise filling reservoirs etc and just checking your lines regularly etc for bubbles and how things look. Such a shame. But anyway, lesley- I am so excited for you! Have your spibelts come yet?!

I am abit disapointed I woke on 12.9 (I think it was) this morning, all because I wrote my numbers were getting steadier! Typical. Ho-hum....

Mand I am PROPER impressed your DSN visits at home 🙂

Hope everyone else on the roll-call is ok?! xXx

Hiya Lou

You are right on the 522 it doesn't say unless like you said, you enter a false higher BG and then go to that screen. I guess this is another difference.

Do you keep looking at the active insulin then? I never do unless she is too high and needs a correction.
Hi Lou

Am doing ok i guess 🙂 Looking forward in a bizarre way for hospital tomorrow so that we can try and make sense of things a bit more.......

Thanks for asking 🙂 🙂

Hiya Becca

How did it go today?

Hi everyone!

Quickly (I always say this I know, then end up writing a page...)...

Bev: I'm so proud of A. Seriously. He's such a fine young man. He knows what he's doing, and 'owning', as they say, not only his condition but his treatment. Well done him. I hope numbers are coming down...It is amazing yes that the insulin just needs to PILE in when ill...

Lesley: exciting for you! Keep us in touch. Want to know how it's going.

Tracey: how are things now?

Lou: I too was confused by your post 🙂rolleyes🙂, but you were obviously caught up in the moment...I know that E looks at active insulin each time just to check his boluses...

Mand, Steph, Tom...thinking of you.

Becca: how was yesterday? Thinking of you and R too.

Am fuzzy with early morning (still jet lagged? I wish...), but all well here. Concert went well thanks Bev, though my daughter had mild panics (she's nine) toward the end when she thought E was looking pale... Reminds me that this is hard on everyone. Anyway he was star and seemed really to enjoy it, which is the main thing. He is also playing next Friday in a DUK benefit concert near us, arranged by a local school and church... He's not really ready -- yet!

Number-wise, all well. Again used 10% temp basal for two hours last thing, as he was exhausted but only 4.7mmols or something. He had a tiny trail of insulin left from a late snack, so we expected a little more of a dip, then up again. Which is what happened: 5.8 this morning. Hypos also been better last few days.

Meeting with school yesterday has resulted in quickly and efficiently produced new care plan, which we have edited ad infinitum. I'm horrified (as was the new AEN person) to remember what was up on the board. The details of E's pump therapy had been more or less slapped into the care plan, without consulting us...Ergh. Anyway we 've now worked hard on this in good faith that everyone will know about it. Also, since this school doesn't have a nurse, but many first aiders, we have requested that a named person be located for treatment of severe hypos or severe hypers -- for E, for us, and for staff. We have arranged his care plan on a scale of sorts, eg mild hypos and hypers, and severe ones. We have also made clear what he would like to be able to do without asking permission, eg test, treat via glucosse, mess with pump. We have also clarified that he may step out of class to ring us at any time.

One thing which I may enter on the email group is that we have decided staff will NOT be responsible for putting the pump on SUSPEND in any circumstances. We have decided that should the pump need to be disconnected (in the case of severe hypo), the link should be cut. It feels too risky for a staff member suddenly to mess with the pump -- could accidentally send insulin in, etc...

We are aware that some of these decisions will only be appropriate to secondary school aged kids of course...but if anyone wants a copy of the care plan, PM me and I'll email it through. Everyone is different, of course...

Bye for now!
Hi Patricia

Glad the concert went well, you must be very proud.

Can I have a copy of the care plan please. I'm working on a secondary one for Jessica although she is still only year 5, you can never start on these soon enough and I'm having a look at everyones.

Oooh can i have a copy too please? Obviously we do have a care plan, but the school nurse is lovely and has told me that i can change things whenever i want and she will go through it all with me - so always open for new ideas that i may not have thought of!🙂

Well done to E on his concert! Great that his sister looks out for him -but sad that she worries too!

Hope everyone else is ok? Bev
Yes Adrienne and Bev, will do forthwith!

The protocol in the school is a laminated A4 one sided thing on board in staff room, medical room, office and AEN. Same A4 distributed to all his teachers. A more detailed record of things and procedures to be kept with the named first aider and the AEN person.

He is also doing a sponsored walk on Thursday, which involves walking all over town. This same AEN is developing a bullet point list for individual type 1s, asthmatics, anaphylatics (sp!) for marshalls and accompanying sixth formers to carry... Again, this will have the desired subtle effect, but ensure (hopefully) that people will recognise the student and be somewhat prepared should anything happen. Obviously, all care plans and cards etc have student photos on them...

Hiya Becca

How did it go today?


Hi Adrienne and everyone

I feel very lucky having such caring people supporting us at the moment and want to say thank you to you all :D

It went well at hospital but only time will tell i guess. A sensor was not put in because the DSN has tinkered quite a lot and wants to see if this works first. Rose is def. producing growth hormones at the moment which is causing A LOT of problems....

Her basals before were:

00:00 0.20
06:00 0.45
08:00 0.25
20:00 0.45

They've now been changed to:

00:00 0.20
04:00 0.25
06:00 0.45
08:00 0.30
10:00 0.25
19:30 0.45

So quite a bit different.......Have to see what happens over the next few days....

Had to do another set change at midnight last night. Rose was 18 (?!?) at 21:30 then at 11:30 she was 19 😱 even with changed the set but then it went into overdrive and by 01:30 she was 8.6 (gave 1 glucose) and then at 03:30 she was 5.8! (gave another glucose) then bizarrely at 07:30 this morning she was 12.8 😱 pesky hormones again.

I hate this damn condition....up and down like a seesaw...fingers crossed and trying to remain positive...ho hum....
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