The Pumpers Thread!

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Ok I'm whispering this as I don't want to get shouted at but I agree with Tracie, it needs sorting. You should have some sort of sliding scale so that you know what is going on overnight. ie at 11 pm if you are between 8.0 and 10.0 you don't need to do anything, if under 8.0 you need snack bar etc etc. Only way to do that is night testing for a week ! Lots of people do not wake up when hypo at night, you can't rely on that, damn already said more than I was going too ........ shhhhhh don't tell anyone.

Thanks Adrienne, I didnt want to come accross as too harsh, but unfortunately as type ones, regardless of regime, overnight testing is necessary to remain well and get good control. thanks for your support, Sam we are only trying to help, you know what, once you have tested you will find its not so bad, especially if you get the results from it you need to feel better, 🙂
there is a reson i have been swinging from high to lows - that being the stinking cold i currently have. And the stress at work. I am getting my basal(? is that what lantus is?) sorted, its starting to sort itself out thank god, today was much better, no huge spike. The reasons for the daytime highs (well, morning ones) is i think breakfast. And not knowing how to carb count properly, that's half of the problem i think.

And if these overnight tests or whatever are a necessity, i'd rather sit down with nursey on thursday and chat with her about it *shrug*. It's just the way i'd do it, have a chat with her first yaknow


Hi Sam, sorry our replies crossed, totally speak to your dsn, thats good, totally not trying to lecture you one bit, just trying to help, 🙂
Hi Sam, sorry our replies crossed, totally speak to your dsn, thats good, totally not trying to lecture you one bit, just trying to help, 🙂

thank you, the help is good and very much appreciated. I'm just wary of doing it i guess . Very wary with anything diabetes wise at the moment. Which is why on thursday im gunna have a long sit down and chat with the nurse about everything thats worrying me (this included).

I must admit that since upping my lantus to 18 again, even though ive been waking up low my levels have been much better. I'd like to try 17 units, but again, wary of using the solarstars. I don't know. I go pretty low at work, but i think thats probably because of all the rushing around and stressing and not getting a break until 6 hours into the shift.

I am trying very very hard to get this sorted out, promise. And all your help and advice is very very much appreciated. So thank you 🙂
thank you, the help is good and very much appreciated. I'm just wary of doing it i guess . Very wary with anything diabetes wise at the moment. Which is why on thursday im gunna have a long sit down and chat with the nurse about everything thats worrying me (this included).

I must admit that since upping my lantus to 18 again, even though ive been waking up low my levels have been much better. I'd like to try 17 units, but again, wary of using the solarstars. I don't know. I go pretty low at work, but i think thats probably because of all the rushing around and stressing and not getting a break until 6 hours into the shift.

I am trying very very hard to get this sorted out, promise. And all your help and advice is very very much appreciated. So thank you 🙂

Sam it is SO difficult isnt it. Dont think im perfect, no where near. Today despite temp basal on from 3pm until 8, knew i was gonna be rushing around like you, I still had a hypo :(

good luck for Thursday, hope you get some great advice and feel confident to use it, take care xxxx
Sam it is SO difficult isnt it. Dont think im perfect, no where near. Today despite temp basal on from 3pm until 8, knew i was gonna be rushing around like you, I still had a hypo :(

good luck for Thursday, hope you get some great advice and feel confident to use it, take care xxxx

it really is :( and right now, i want to give up on the lot of it!!!!!

thank you so much. your advice and kind words are very much appreciated 🙂
it really is :( and right now, i want to give up on the lot of it!!!!!

thank you so much. your advice and kind words are very much appreciated 🙂

Hi Sam

I wasn't lecturing you either, just trying to help. Of course you need to speak to your DSN, that is always the first thing to do if you are comfortable with her. I do the same.

I can't possible even begin to put myself in yours or Tracie's or all the other type 1 and 2 friends on here, and I won't pretend. I can only say that I wish bloody diabetes would disappear or that Jessica grows a lovely new 'good' pancreas back instead of the rubbish bit she has. I understand that bit.

Take care.
Hi Sam

I wasn't lecturing you either, just trying to help. Of course you need to speak to your DSN, that is always the first thing to do if you are comfortable with her. I do the same.

I can't possible even begin to put myself in yours or Tracie's or all the other type 1 and 2 friends on here, and I won't pretend. I can only say that I wish bloody diabetes would disappear or that Jessica grows a lovely new 'good' pancreas back instead of the rubbish bit she has. I understand that bit.

Take care.

I really appreciate your help hun 🙂 I've never ever known such a brilliant place with such wonderfully helpful people!

It's something I'm definitely going to bring up with the nurse on thursday, because after talking with her about the possibility of a pump she said i need to get my basal/bolus spot on and stuff. Overnight testing is certainly an idea but i guess i'm a bit wary. It's hardenough getting up in the morning as it is :D and i'm sure work would really appreciate an extra grumpy sam due to sleep deprivation


thats quite a good idea :D hahahaha.

Growing a new pancreas would be wonderful! I think sometimes we all wish it could happen - mum often says to me that she wishes i could get a new one, and matt says he'd take it away from me in a second if he could.

He's said he'll come with me on thursday actually, bless his heart. He wants to know everything about what it is i have to do (bit is too scared to test his blood ha!), and wants to know as much as he can about what to do, when to do it and how everything affects everything. Bless his heart

Thank you again, you guys really are a help!!!!!!
Wow that's some fella you have there Sam, great stuff.

Just one thing not sure I understand your nurse when she says you have to get your basal/bolus spot on first before getting a pump. If that is really what she means then she is wrong and you won't qualify for a pump if she manages to get you spot on. You qualify for a pump when basal (lantus)/ bolus (novorapid) doesn't work very well. If you keep striving to get it spot on you will be going round in circles for ever !!

You are right though, you need a 1 unit pen to do some tweaking.

I'm battling with a low now.

Just tested Jessica at 9.15 and she was 3.7, gave coke. At 9.30 she was 3.5 waited 5 minutes and she was 3.7 so put her on a 2 hour temp of 0% (which means no insulin at all for two hours to try to prevent this happening again in the middle of the night) and I gave her another can of coke. Test again and only up to 4.1, waiting another 10 minutes and 4.2, talk about slowly rising. Just tested and 5.2, so slow and after two cokes, a snack bar from 2 hours ago obviously did nothing, and no basal !!!! I hope its not one of those nights.
Wow that's some fella you have there Sam, great stuff.

Just one thing not sure I understand your nurse when she says you have to get your basal/bolus spot on first before getting a pump. If that is really what she means then she is wrong and you won't qualify for a pump if she manages to get you spot on. You qualify for a pump when basal (lantus)/ bolus (novorapid) doesn't work very well. If you keep striving to get it spot on you will be going round in circles for ever !!

You are right though, you need a 1 unit pen to do some tweaking.

I'm battling with a low now.

Just tested Jessica at 9.15 and she was 3.7, gave coke. At 9.30 she was 3.5 waited 5 minutes and she was 3.7 so put her on a 2 hour temp of 0% (which means no insulin at all for two hours to try to prevent this happening again in the middle of the night) and I gave her another can of coke. Test again and only up to 4.1, waiting another 10 minutes and 4.2, talk about slowly rising. Just tested and 5.2, so slow and after two cokes, a snack bar from 2 hours ago obviously did nothing, and no basal !!!! I hope its not one of those nights.

Hmmmm, that is very bizaare. I thought that when she mentioned it...surely if i get it all right, then i wouldn't need a pump? Maybe she was just having an off day? I think tonight i'm gunna try tweaking, and going for 17 units, just as a little experiment. See what that does as I'm at home all weekend so can keep a closer eye on things.

Oh god, those are the worst type of hypos. I hope Jess feels better soon!
Wow that's some fella you have there Sam, great stuff.

Just one thing not sure I understand your nurse when she says you have to get your basal/bolus spot on first before getting a pump. If that is really what she means then she is wrong and you won't qualify for a pump if she manages to get you spot on. You qualify for a pump when basal (lantus)/ bolus (novorapid) doesn't work very well. If you keep striving to get it spot on you will be going round in circles for ever !!

You are right though, you need a 1 unit pen to do some tweaking.

I'm battling with a low now.

Just tested Jessica at 9.15 and she was 3.7, gave coke. At 9.30 she was 3.5 waited 5 minutes and she was 3.7 so put her on a 2 hour temp of 0% (which means no insulin at all for two hours to try to prevent this happening again in the middle of the night) and I gave her another can of coke. Test again and only up to 4.1, waiting another 10 minutes and 4.2, talk about slowly rising. Just tested and 5.2, so slow and after two cokes, a snack bar from 2 hours ago obviously did nothing, and no basal !!!! I hope its not one of those nights.

I hope its not one of those nights for you either, especially after you have been so poorly, :(
Thanks. Problem we have tonight is that I have my 4 year old niece on a matress on the floor in Jessica's room having a sleep over. So far she has not woken up !!
How are things Adrienne?

Here the draggy lows have been surmounted: a major drop in basal AND a change in ratio last night meant E was okay through the evening. Though now the nighttime basal seems to be off. We decided that him going to bed at 9.5mmols was okay (suspected he'd been dropping a little o'night anyway) and we were desperate for sleep. Woke on 4.6! Oops. Very surprised. So that'll change too.

Classic example today of 'I don't know what do you think? Wild guess then...'

We mis-calculated lunch slightly, forgetting to bolus a pasta sauce separately, which we have started to do. So the whole pasta went in 100cho on a 20/80 DW over 6 hours. Okay, ish.... Only he's rehearsing and then parading through town later holding a massive drum! A samba band. Okay, a Michael Jackson tribute samba band. Dig it.

So. He's gone to rehearsal on 11.9 (this is the under bolus from the sauce, obviously!) and on a 60% temp basal (because he will be getting too much through the DW). In an hour, he is to test again, then either/and free carb, lower temp basal, etc...(if 9 or lower). The main thing is to get him through the hour parade without having to stop.

Sigh. It never ends. Will let you know how it goes. Such a guessing game, not helped by the mess up at lunch...Oh well. We are going to watch him, so will...uh, catch him...
Hi there my lovelies!

I wrote a biggun last night on this thread in response to everythign you have written and then had problems posting it and couldnt get back into the site all evening....GGRRRR!

Anyway, I will pop back later and say hi when all my chores are done- it looks like there has been a robbery here :(

Catch you later xx
Update on my son

As you know, my son's blood sugars been running too high and i have been tearing my hair out. Then i got started to wonder if he was putting the cannula in too close to the lumps that are still on their way out from pre-pump days. Well, it was a bit of a battle to get him to move cannula further out but got there in the end.

The result? Much better levels!!!!!!! Yipee!!!!!!!! and a huge PHEW!!!!!!!!

He generally running at 4.5 with the odd 9 here and there. 4.5 is a touch too low so will lower his basal a little. I had increased it a little when he started running high and so need to change it back to orginal setting.

The only bad thing in the last two days is that he woke this morning on 15 😱. Can make no sense of that one so if it a one off then i shall forget about it.

Fingers crossed that i am not posting on here in a day or two to say it all gone to pot again! Perhpas cross toes too! I need a break from the anxiety of him running too high.

Bev - i might make enquires about sensors. How's it going?

Lou - Hope your home is now looking all sparkly and neat and you can relax this evening! x

Patricia, Adrienne - how's it going?

Becca - How are things? Any better?

Everyone else - hope you all doing ok.

Mand x 🙂
Hi all

Quick-o update: all well yesterday with parading through town, though he was a bit low later, not too biggie....

Had rice last night and rice just now with lunch:

Last night -- 5 hour SQUARE wave, bolus of sauce up front. Fine until 5 hours, then slightly hypo 3.7. Then at 7 hours, 4.6. Went to 50% temp basal to get through the night. At 11 hours, 16mmols! Aha! Even with temp basal taken into account, obvious now he is rising somewhere between 7 and 10 hours ish.

SO today have tried bolus sauce up front as before (stir fry this time), with SQUARE wave over 8 hours. This will interfere somewhat with dinner bolus, but we'll see how it goes.

Interesting thing is that we are now wondering whether square is a good option for a number of things for us....The bolus for a sauce etc is so strightforward; it's the pasta and/or rice which is the problem.

Saying that, pasta pesto and very light (eg prawn etc) sauce has been good for a pasta 6 hour dual wave, 20/80 for some time.

Just a thought though for everyone: try a square wave for the actual complex carb? Bolus rest?

Shall let you know how the 8 hour goes...looks like another all nighter...

Hi all

Quick-o update: all well yesterday with parading through town, though he was a bit low later, not too biggie....

Had rice last night and rice just now with lunch:

Last night -- 5 hour SQUARE wave, bolus of sauce up front. Fine until 5 hours, then slightly hypo 3.7. Then at 7 hours, 4.6. Went to 50% temp basal to get through the night. At 11 hours, 16mmols! Aha! Even with temp basal taken into account, obvious now he is rising somewhere between 7 and 10 hours ish.

SO today have tried bolus sauce up front as before (stir fry this time), with SQUARE wave over 8 hours. This will interfere somewhat with dinner bolus, but we'll see how it goes.

Interesting thing is that we are now wondering whether square is a good option for a number of things for us....The bolus for a sauce etc is so strightforward; it's the pasta and/or rice which is the problem.

Saying that, pasta pesto and very light (eg prawn etc) sauce has been good for a pasta 6 hour dual wave, 20/80 for some time.

Just a thought though for everyone: try a square wave for the actual complex carb? Bolus rest?

Shall let you know how the 8 hour goes...looks like another all nighter...


hope you get the results you want! I must admit im still doing 2 hours dual wave at the moment, have done occasional 3 hours. Am still trying to get basals sorted and hopefully when i do I can start to investigate foods more to fine tune things, its a long process isnt it, and as we know sometimes things work and sometomes they dont, good luck
Morning all

Good news is that night basal has been quickly stabilised, phew: 6.1, 6.1, 6.4. Great.

Rice yesterday was running with numbers a little high (9mmols) throughout, with one foray into 14mmol (what?), for which we overrode the pump and corrected half a unit...

However, with dinner bolus, somehow everything combined to produce a low 2.5 hours after... This has happened before with a long dual wave: the combination of the two, particularly when the peak of the bolus combined with the end of the dual wave, results in a low. Hmm...

The bolus up front though worked well: 9mmols after 2 hours. Thinking now that we will go down one hour for the square wave: 7 hrs, to bring the spike a bit but still stretch it out. It's hard to tell with the dinner bolus issue, but there didn't seem to be any real spike (the 14 above was also after a bath, during which of course the wave AND the basal were interrupted) from this long wave -- so that's good! Just need to tackle the late low...

So tonight it's rice again, with the chilli bolused up front. We are nothing if not persistant...! AND he has a concert tonight, playing in about sixteen billion ensembles...So getting the bolus right will work, and the rice can follow safely...


Thinking about everyone else: how's it going? Tracey, what's your basal doing? I'm really hoping it's not too frustrating?!

Mand, well done on getting the site out a bit further. E also finds it more painful initially the further out it I know where you are coming from. How are numbers now?

Bev, Adrienne, Lou (my dear! How are you?!), Lesley (tomorrow?), randomange, Tom, Becca, Northerner (gee, what numbers from the other thread! Although you dipping a little has made me think that E's dip over last week is just 'one of those things' too), Steff... How's it hangin'?!
hope you get the results you want! I must admit im still doing 2 hours dual wave at the moment, have done occasional 3 hours. Am still trying to get basals sorted and hopefully when i do I can start to investigate foods more to fine tune things, its a long process isnt it, and as we know sometimes things work and sometomes they dont, good luck

Sorry Tracey, meant to answer this separately before...

We always find that 2 hour dual waves just overdo it for E, and he hypos...

How is it working for you?!
Evening all,

Decision made. I'm going to the pump clinic and I've made up my mind. I'd like to get a pump. It seems MDI just doesn't really suit student life that well. Especially on days like today when I haven't really had many meals as such just more been snacking in between lectures and just jabbing for every packet of crisps just doesn't seem worth it. It'd be really nice to have the temporary basals so I can really do much more than I can on MDI.

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