The Pumpers Thread!

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Hi Lesley,

That shocked me seeing me belly, didnt expect it, he he :D

Dont be nervous, i know it looks big in the piccie, but you have seen the pumps they are not that big?!

I replied a few pages back about your bikini question. that should answer a few things, but you really will find your own way. I dont try to hide it as such, i just like it where it is comfortable, if you cant see it great, if you can, well im not too bothered with that either.

Oh thats sweet about the spibelt hun, thank you, no i havent got one. I did look at the site though and to me it would be wearing something extra, im fine with the clip. But i may have another look at them, i think they may be good for excercise. Im more than happy to meet you sometime if you like, you can ask me anything, but remember im quite new to it to. Maybe we could learn things together? Not long now??:D
Hi trace,

i will backtrack and find your thread about the bikini. I would love to learn together cause I am quite nervous and the main thing I am worried about is getting used to the different types of bolusing! I know that I am more at risk just giving a slap bang injection for my dinner but for some reason I I thinkint that I will be more at risk with the pump! stupid isn't it! like I said I think it is all physcological!!! how long have you been on your pump for now? Can't believe that I actually get it on Tuesday! We will defo have to meet up. I will bring my spibelt along and you can see how you go on with it! you have nothing to lose! Where do you store your pump when you are in bed? that is one of the main reasons I bought the belt!

Thankyou for being so friendly! I really appreciate it! There are too many people in this society that couldn't give a cr&p
Feeling really really blue.....I went for an interview and didn't get it (found out today) and with Rose's control and feeling crap (she got out of swimming today 2 lengths in and said she didn't feel right, so ended her lesson - not like her, she loves swimming...) Just feel like i'm failing at everything....

Very self pitying i know.....sorry :(
Hi trace,

i will backtrack and find your thread about the bikini. I would love to learn together cause I am quite nervous and the main thing I am worried about is getting used to the different types of bolusing! I know that I am more at risk just giving a slap bang injection for my dinner but for some reason I I thinkint that I will be more at risk with the pump! stupid isn't it! like I said I think it is all physcological!!! how long have you been on your pump for now? Can't believe that I actually get it on Tuesday! We will defo have to meet up. I will bring my spibelt along and you can see how you go on with it! you have nothing to lose! Where do you store your pump when you are in bed? that is one of the main reasons I bought the belt!

Thankyou for being so friendly! I really appreciate it! There are too many people in this society that couldn't give a cr&p

I will be happy to share and help in any way i can, but dont want to give you specific advice on bolusing etc just yet, dont want to step on Angelas toes etc.

But rest assured that side of things is easy peasy and they dont let you do the multiwave until you have mastered the basics, so dont worry. I feel really confident with the sums the pump makes, used to double check them at first and they are always right.

You really are at less risk than injecting because you will have put in all your personal settings. such as correction factors, carb ratio etc for different times of the day, when you get used to that you can programme health events to such as premenstruation (how good is that? But ive not worked out mine yet.), excercise, stress and illness. It also takes into account when you last bolused, if a correction was used, the meal rise and acting time, all pre programmed. You will see, dont be nervous. If you want to mention to Angela that we have made contact then im sure she will be fine with us meeting and discussing things. xxx

In bed I clip it to the middle of my pjs, as i sleep on my sides and i dont feel it at all!
Feeling really really blue.....I went for an interview and didn't get it (found out today) and with Rose's control and feeling crap (she got out of swimming today 2 lengths in and said she didn't feel right, so ended her lesson - not like her, she loves swimming...) Just feel like i'm failing at everything....

Very self pitying i know.....sorry :(

Don't be silly! thing are thrust upon us to test us and you are very good at biting it on it's bum! When you come through cr&p things like this it makes you stronger so just remember that! you are fantastic at your life! Just think about all the extra stuff you take on board than a "normal" mum! Don't shoot yourself down! I for one always say to my other half " I'm sooo soooo glad that K hadn't got this!" cause I know how hard it would be!!!

You need to realise what you are doing! Give yourself a pat on the back! And that's to everyone who is a parent to a child with D's!

lesley x
Feeling really really blue.....I went for an interview and didn't get it (found out today) and with Rose's control and feeling crap (she got out of swimming today 2 lengths in and said she didn't feel right, so ended her lesson - not like her, she loves swimming...) Just feel like i'm failing at everything....

Very self pitying i know.....sorry :(

Oh no Becca, its tough isnt it. I went for an interview about 5 weeks ago and they didnt even bother to let me know! I always think with things like that its because something better will come along!

sorry Rose not feeling great, you are not failing, you are a brilliant, dedicated, loving mum. Im sure the other mums will be along soon to offer advice for you, but thinking of you, take care xx
Feeling really really blue.....I went for an interview and didn't get it (found out today) and with Rose's control and feeling crap (she got out of swimming today 2 lengths in and said she didn't feel right, so ended her lesson - not like her, she loves swimming...) Just feel like i'm failing at everything....

Very self pitying i know.....sorry :(

Hi Becca,

I am really sorry you didnt get the job - was it the one in school? I am sure you will find another one. What about your business venture idea? I too had a business venture - but things have slowed down and i think i have lost my confidence!

Perhaps Rose is coming down with a cold or something? I know what you mean when you say you feel your failing at everything - but your not! Your a great mum and you try very hard on Rose's behalf.

I do hope this phase passes and you start to feel positive very soon. Your lovely - dont underestimate how nice you are!🙂Bev xxx
Oh Becca ((((((hugs))))))) you sound so down and Im sorry to hear it. I really hope things pick up soon. Lots of love.

I am over tired so wont write too much, but I hope everyone is well. Lots of love to all, and extra to becca 😉

Lou xx
Oh Becca! I send you a HUGE hug! I am sorry you didn't get the job (their loss, eh?!) and I sympathise with you totally re the blood sugar problem.

We did a set change yesterday before tea and i managed to get my son to put the set in further away from his lumps (that had developed during mdi and still there) than usual, just in case this is what is causing the highs. Well he went to bed on 4.4 was 4.6 at midnight (so gave him a jelly baby) and he is 10.1 this morning. So maybe an improvement but need to see how today goes.

I spoke to his dsn this morning who said that if putting the set in further away from lump site does not work then to keep tweaking away with basal settings and/or ratios until getting better results. Will keep you all posted on progress!

Becca, if you ever want to pm me please feel free. I totally understand the postion you are in. I have bad days too and they are not nice. I think the key to coping is to keep busy (so a job would be a good idea) but not too busy so the workload of 'd' gets too much. Also plan small 'treats' here and there for yourself as mini pick-me-ups. It works for me anyway! I am always here for you if you need to chat. xx

Bev, please tell me more about the sensors. I am wondering if we would benefit from trying them? Hope A is ok (and you, of course! x)

Patricia and Lou - Hi and how's it going?

Hi to everyone else. Hope you all have nice plans for the weekend? 🙂
PS. Forgot to say that SPIEBELT arrived yesterday. Looks good. He had a play about with it. Do not know if he will use it but it here now for him anyway. I bought an adult size so he could use it for years! 🙂
Becca, I'm sorry things are down right now. I do find that when anything is bringing me down, then the big D just makes it all a billion times worse. You need to give yourself a break if you can. Sometimes just a step away -- even in your mind -- can make all the difference.

Sorry about the job. A bummer.

And the time of year doesn't help. Here it's grey grey grey.

AND we are still fighting lows. Up four times last night, trying to stabilise things. Don't want to whack in changing everything in sight because THEN you don't know where you are, but we've had to shift two ratios and a basal to try to get on top of this.

But I ask again: why the sudden change? Don't get it.

How is everyone else?

Tom, I think you're right. You will really enjoy the pump's flexibility. And the time will pass quickly until then.

Salmonpuff: re night testing, can you ask your OH to help get you up and keep you company? Tracey's right in that on the pump sometimes you have to test at night.

Lesley: it'll be great! All your fears about the pump and its appearance will disappear, I'm pretty sure...

For now!
Sorry Mand, our messages crossed! Good to hear from you. Well done on getting the set further away from lumps.

We are supposed to be going onto sensors, but our local team are being pretty darn slow about it all...we are getting fed up now really. We still want to trace through rice and pasta. Grrr...
Morning, hope everyone ok today? Hope you feeling a little brighter Becca?

Would just like to ask if any of you put the cannulas in the bottom. My dsn told me i could , but my literature does not mention that area. I used to inject in my bottom, but does it affect the absorption and the bg figures?

Not sure how i would do this though? Not like doing an injection and wouldnt trust my oh to do it either, think he would pass out!!:D
Hi all,

Patricia - so glad your back with us! You were missed! Its funny how the whole dynamics change when someone is away - both you and Tracey left a gap!🙂

Sensors - i highly recommend them! I am no expert - but i have already got used to them and although i dont rely on them - they do give a good picture of whats happening in the background. Its great to track pasta and pizza etc and has already helped us to realise that it takes about 8 hours for some pasta to digest. More importantly, what we have found is that, approximately 1 hour after eating A has a spike. We wouldnt have been aware of this because at his 2 hour checks he has been a good level and mostly in range. But with this information we have experimented with timing his bolus for meals etc.

The only problem with them i have found is that sometimes it is not too accurate. You do have to calibrate 4 times a day and this normally brings the numbers closer, but they cant be relied on for accuracy for a hypo etc as they are about 10 minutes behind 'real time'. But they do give a good indication as to whether levels are shooting up or down and give you a warning. A doesn't mind having them on his bottom, but i dont know if he would like them full time as its another thing on his body. He does feel comforted knowing he can just look at his pump and react before hypo's etc at school. I think they are invaluable for tweaking things. We were given 10 and have used 2 - so already thinking about funding some ourselves - perhaps a couple a month.🙂

Adrienne will be able to give you all a more in-depth report on sensors as she has been doing this for a while - but these are just my thoughts on them.🙂Bev
Morning, hope everyone ok today? Hope you feeling a little brighter Becca?

Would just like to ask if any of you put the cannulas in the bottom. My dsn told me i could , but my literature does not mention that area. I used to inject in my bottom, but does it affect the absorption and the bg figures?

Not sure how i would do this though? Not like doing an injection and wouldnt trust my oh to do it either, think he would pass out!!:D

Hi Tracey,
A used to have the cannula in his bottom - but changed to tummy because he had to take pump off for rugby and it was a little difficult re-attaching afterwards.

But, be aware that if you move to the bottom - the basal will probably change! A's did and we had to start all over again.😱Bev
Hi Tracey,
A used to have the cannula in his bottom - but changed to tummy because he had to take pump off for rugby and it was a little difficult re-attaching afterwards.

But, be aware that if you move to the bottom - the basal will probably change! A's did and we had to start all over again.😱Bev

Oh right, dont think i will bother then, still not sorted my basal yet. Was just thinking of a different area. thanks for the reply.
Salmonpuff: re night testing, can you ask your OH to help get you up and keep you company? Tracey's right in that on the pump sometimes you have to test at night.

he wouldn't do that 🙂 he finds it too difficult to get himself up in the mornings as it is. If it was a neccesity, like it would be with a pump, then I would certainly do it.
he wouldn't do that 🙂 he finds it too difficult to get himself up in the mornings as it is. If it was a neccesity, like it would be with a pump, then I would certainly do it.

But the way i see it Sam, it is a necessity if your basal is not right at the moment, you are swinging from high to low in the mornings. Regardless of basal/bolus or pumping it needs sorrting. It is your health and well being at stake Sam. sorry if I sound harsh, but no one else can do this for you only yourself. Lecture over 🙂
But the way i see it Sam, it is a necessity if your basal is not right at the moment, you are swinging from high to low in the mornings. Regardless of basal/bolus or pumping it needs sorrting. It is your health and well being at stake Sam. sorry if I sound harsh, but no one else can do this for you only yourself. Lecture over 🙂

Ok I'm whispering this as I don't want to get shouted at but I agree with Tracie, it needs sorting. You should have some sort of sliding scale so that you know what is going on overnight. ie at 11 pm if you are between 8.0 and 10.0 you don't need to do anything, if under 8.0 you need snack bar etc etc. Only way to do that is night testing for a week ! Lots of people do not wake up when hypo at night, you can't rely on that, damn already said more than I was going too ........ shhhhhh don't tell anyone.
there is a reson i have been swinging from high to lows - that being the stinking cold i currently have. And the stress at work. I am getting my basal(? is that what lantus is?) sorted, its starting to sort itself out thank god, today was much better, no huge spike. The reasons for the daytime highs (well, morning ones) is i think breakfast. And not knowing how to carb count properly, that's half of the problem i think.

And if these overnight tests or whatever are a necessity, i'd rather sit down with nursey on thursday and chat with her about it *shrug*. It's just the way i'd do it, have a chat with her first yaknow


please dont lecture me :( its been a bad day as it is
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