The Pumpers Thread!

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Sorry Tracey, meant to answer this separately before...

We always find that 2 hour dual waves just overdo it for E, and he hypos...

How is it working for you?!

Oh I see, I was told to start on 2 hours and so far seem to be fine, have done 3 hours and am having chippy tea later so think i may go for 4 with the chips, as an experiment??

Basals ok, but have been getting up to 9 or 10 pre breakfast, so I have done some testing and seem to be rising between 1am and 3am, and again at around 6am, so have upped a little from 11pm through to 7am? Was difficult to tell last night as we ate out and was a late meal. I also think im rising from 10pm actually but want to get the morning reading sorted first.

Suppose I should speak to pump nurse really, she must think ive disappeared :D:D

Lesley, good luck for tomorrow, let us know how it goes!!
Hello everybody 🙂

Sorry I have been on the quiet side a couple of days, I have had some WEIRD internet things going on. The other day I wrote a whopper post and lost it and then I havent been able to get in. And man, do I get withdrawal when that happens!

I hope everyone is ok. I am looking forward to hearing from Lesley- hopefully later, on the new pump! It's great stuff and I know she is very excited. I am also pleased to hear Tom too is interested. This caught my eye Tom yesterday and I am posting a link in case it is somethign you might be interested in. If you click the course elaflet on the right side you actually get a better idea of what this is about, essentially all about different pumps

I was very sad the other day, I said goodbye to my Veo and posted back to pump HQ in watford for a resurection. I was way too over-sentimental it was silly! Oh well. Sigh!

In the recent weeks I have increased my basal and I am really trying to get more courageous and take more insulin to get my numbers down. So far it seems to be working a bit so I am trying hard to stick with it. Why my insulin requirements have gone up I dont know?

Thrilled to see those great numbers Patricia Well done on the dual wave with rice thing. Not easy Im sure. Mand how are your numbers going? Becca Im wondering how you are too. Was thinking of you when I couldnt get in and wanted to see if you posted- hope things are improving. Adrienne and Bev- partners in crime- anything to report?! 😉

Love to all xx
Evening all,

Decision made. I'm going to the pump clinic and I've made up my mind. I'd like to get a pump. It seems MDI just doesn't really suit student life that well. Especially on days like today when I haven't really had many meals as such just more been snacking in between lectures and just jabbing for every packet of crisps just doesn't seem worth it. It'd be really nice to have the temporary basals so I can really do much more than I can on MDI.


Thats great Tom, know you have been pondering for a while, good luck with the clinic visit, keep us updated!
Hi Lou

Am doing ok i guess 🙂 Looking forward in a bizarre way for hospital tomorrow so that we can try and make sense of things a bit more.......

Thanks for asking 🙂 🙂
Hi everyone

Hope all going well today Lesley!

Lou - I can understand you feeling sad re posting your Veo back. You have spent every moment of your life with it for the last two months. How's it going on the sparkly blue? Notice much difference? x

Becca - I do so hope you get some direction from the hospital today and that you are able to improve things. Please tell us how you get on. x

Everyone - hope you all doing ok.

My son's numbers continuing to be good 🙂, proving that he was putting the cannula into the existing lumps.

Mind you, it is a battle each set change to get him to move further out. I feel so guilty pushing him out of his comfort zone but if i don't then he runs too high. :(

He having too many hypos though, due to when he goes out to play. The problem is that he does not play a sport, he just goes out to play so his activity can be unplanned and not quantifiable (have i just made that word up??). So a temp basal is not always approriate. At these times he needs to sip slowly on a glucose drink or something but does he always remember to do this? No!!!!!!!!!!!! Need to get him into doing this. He does not go really low but still not ideal.

Other problem we had was that when he was checked at midnight two days ago we found him detached from the pump and the pump on the floor! 😱 We reattached him and he was 10.1 so bolused a correction. But then set an alarm for 2am to check all ok and it was. Did the force of the pump falling cause the cannula to pop off? Did the pump only fall because the cannula already had popped off? Did he detach it in his sleep? This is the second time this has happened since he started on the pump.

His dsn coming on Fri to discuss progress and teach us bolus wizard and dual wave etc.

Bye for now! 🙂
Hi Mand,

Thanks, will let you know how we get on - downloaded all of Rose's BMs since September, oh my........ 😱 I went back to Sept as i wanted to show the DSN how 'right' it was going - she was having readings under 10 all day!

So, i have a long list of questions to ask her:

1) Why is the correction factor dropping her so much when she is high but not when she is just over - what's happened to insulin sensitivity!?
2) Help with overnights, though even with figures under 10, we are still having wet beds. Last night was twice (with lifting) and it didn't help that my 4 yr old wet as well - argh!!
3) We have had to do 2 set changes recently at school as they had failed - is this normal? Bloods rose to in their 20s within 2 hours.....
4) Looking at her downloads she is saying once a day, at least, that she feels low but not.....all the swinging about maybe? Although when we had the good period of levels it was worse and she was complaining of feeling low up to 3 times a day! hmmm...
5) She's generally feeling absolutely rubbish and this is the one i absolutely HATE!!! and why i feel like a bad parent....i need to sort out her levels so she can feel on track.....up hill struggle at mo tho :(

Sorry, turned into an essay!! Anyway just wanted to comment on this:
Other problem we had was that when he was checked at midnight two days ago we found him detached from the pump and the pump on the floor! 😱 We reattached him and he was 10.1 so bolused a correction. But then set an alarm for 2am to check all ok and it was. Did the force of the pump falling cause the cannula to pop off? Did the pump only fall because the cannula already had popped off? Did he detach it in his sleep? This is the second time this has happened since he started on the pump.

His dsn coming on Fri to discuss progress and teach us bolus wizard and dual wave etc.

Bye for now!

Rose woke up the other morning totally disconnected to the pump, whether she had done it in her sleep or it had come off?!!? Are you using quicksets - sorry can't remember 🙄 If you are what is the batch number?
Good luck today Becca. I have been thinking of you.

Becca, good luck today.

Well 4 hour dual wave for fish and chips didnt work very well, must be my worst one to date.

start 4.1
2 hours 14.2 1.4u correction
4 hours13.9 0.9u correction
6 hours 12.6 0.6 u correction
pre break 10.2

reduced to 25/75 as usually been doing 30/70, so do i need more up front as the numbers were steady but just high? Any ideas?

hope everyone else well?
Morning all,

Becca I hope everything goes well today at the hospital....will wait to hear.

I have a quick "help" question if anyone is able to answer I'd be very grateful. On the veo you would have it on the escape button profile. I cant find it on the 522 I am pumping with now and was sent only the pump not the manual. Is it something this pump doesnt do- should I stop looking?? I know its in the wizzard if you are entering values but its more easier accessable on the veo escape. I woke on 12.7 today, GRRR! I feel its because I wrote on here last night the numbers were well, I jinks myself! But I sinned and did a late set change, bolused 3 times last night on meals and to be honest didnt know what I had in my system on going to bed and my sugar was 15.9. Sigh. I know some of you use this pump and know it better than me- any advice gratefully recieved!

Great to read your update Mand- do you have the DSN visit at home??

Hope everyone has a good day. Im being lazy. Working at 2pm 🙂

hi all,

Just wanted to say Becca hope all goes well at the hospital today xx
Becca, good luck today.

Well 4 hour dual wave for fish and chips didnt work very well, must be my worst one to date.

start 4.1
2 hours 14.2 1.4u correction
4 hours13.9 0.9u correction
6 hours 12.6 0.6 u correction
pre break 10.2

reduced to 25/75 as usually been doing 30/70, so do i need more up front as the numbers were steady but just high? Any ideas?

hope everyone else well?

Morning Trace- we posted at the same time!

I am not great at dual, so my advice isnt all that but chips are the absolute WORST for me and I would have extended that square further than 4 hours. I have t also say, given it was fish and chips (and I know what they can do!) those arent the worst numbers I would expect! But I understand you are trying to make them better. What ratio did you use? I would also up and use more insulin in this scenario (pls understand that is only me- I dont want to give you a hypo!).

Was it proper chippy chips?! They are the best, but indeed the hardest!!!!
Thanks Lou, does seem to be the hardest meal for me to! Not that i have it all the time :D

I know what you mean on MDI I would have given a little bit more too, just scary thought yet. my ratio for tea is 1.5 for 10g cho, which usually works quite well.

just cant seem to get my breakfast down lately, have upped all my basal overnight too, but suppose im not seeing the difference with having late teas like this one?

cant answer your question im afraid, someone will know for sure, have a good day, 🙂
Yes good luck today Becca and Lesley, for different reasons. Will be anxious to hear how all is going. I'm so sorry things have been rough Becca; how draining for you. I know so well the read grind of knowing things aren't right, and they feel awful physically...Wish I could take it away for you!

Tom: well done. Good decision for you, seems sure.

Tracey: Will the pump give you corrections during a dual wave? Ours never will, so we have to override. Do you? Does look like more up front needed, certainly, but how confident of the carb counting were you? If you are high throughout and STILL high in morning, then makes me think that the real carb count was higher? Because reducing the dual wave time may have taken care of a spike at 4 hours (eg more insulin in over that time), but not the one later and later still -- the whole wave needs more insulin?

It does look a bit though as if at around 6 or 8 hours you were going down again, otherwise you would have woken higher? So maybe the wave isn't far off, but the carb counting was off? I guess too that if the carb counting was a little off, then the up front bolus would be off too, thus maybe meaning that you don't need more proportionally up front, necessarily? It is clear though that the up front bolus is too low in this instance, for whatever reason...?

Re basals, can you set up different rates for yourself? If you are pretty sure you are rising at certain times, why not set up different rates for those times, to come in each instance about an hour before the time when you know you are rising...? Upping it all the way through the night seems like you are not using the increments and finesse of the pump -- might as well use all it can do!

And again re dual waves: the reason we know 2 hours really never works with E, and actually 3 hour ones don't either, is because he inevitably hypos just after the end of them... This used to confuse us...But we finally figured out that if we carb count correctly and stretch out the dual wave on him, we can usually get him even throughout, with no great dip at the end when the insulin hits hard. We only realised we needed to stretch it out when, after the hypo, he would wake high. We came to the conclusion that this was not a normal 'swing' or 'rebound', but something actually associated with the carb. So far this seems to be right for him.


All well here. Another mega stable night, after a little wrestle to get him there. Again we used 10% temp basal for an hour and it perked him up nicely.

Also had meeting at school today. Someone new in place, and seeming very good. General incredulity and embarrassment about the French trip. Seems things will be in place. Seems E will speak to his form. This is all a delicate balance, isn't it? He is so independent and manages so well, but would benefit from a) security that people know what to do in an emergency and b) the sense that he is supported and understood in everything he does around diabetes. He and we need to know that his teachers are 'on the same page'... All without embarrassing him or risking the 'special' label... It's hard.

Bye for now!
Lou - Yes, his dsn visits us at home which i very much appeciated.

Becca - we use Quick-sets. Lot no: 92**** at moment. Same as you? Look forward to your update.

Sorry, only quick visit as just off out. xx
Morning all,

Becca I hope everything goes well today at the hospital....will wait to hear.

I have a quick "help" question if anyone is able to answer I'd be very grateful. On the veo you would have it on the escape button profile. I cant find it on the 522 I am pumping with now and was sent only the pump not the manual. Is it something this pump doesnt do- should I stop looking?? I know its in the wizzard if you are entering values but its more easier accessable on the veo escape. I woke on 12.7 today, GRRR! I feel its because I wrote on here last night the numbers were well, I jinks myself! But I sinned and did a late set change, bolused 3 times last night on meals and to be honest didnt know what I had in my system on going to bed and my sugar was 15.9. Sigh. I know some of you use this pump and know it better than me- any advice gratefully recieved!

Great to read your update Mand- do you have the DSN visit at home??

Hope everyone has a good day. Im being lazy. Working at 2pm 🙂



Sorry but what is it you are looking for? Bit confused. We use the 522 and if its there I'll know but not sure what you want to know........:confused:
Thanks Lou, does seem to be the hardest meal for me to! Not that i have it all the time :D

I know what you mean on MDI I would have given a little bit more too, just scary thought yet. my ratio for tea is 1.5 for 10g cho, which usually works quite well.

just cant seem to get my breakfast down lately, have upped all my basal overnight too, but suppose im not seeing the difference with having late teas like this one?

cant answer your question im afraid, someone will know for sure, have a good day, 🙂

Hi Tracey

Fish and chips, oh dear they really are a nightmare. We have only ever got it right once and we go up much higher than you did so quite frankly well done on what you managed.

You pretty much have to bolus for the fat content and there is loads and loads of fat. So up the carb value next time by quite a bit if I were you.
Hi everyone, just thought i would bob on to let you all know that I picked up my pump today. Don;t go live until next Tuesday so just playing with it as though it is really connected at the minute. No Saline, just using fresh air. I can't believe how much stuff I have to read through! It'll take me all year never mind all week! My pack came with 2 cannulers which I was told I could have a practice with putting them in. Only thing is I don't have any steri wipes:confused: Tracey, did you get these in your pack? on the side of the box it says 10 x (something that looks like steri wipes) but there aren't any in there. Can I still have a go of putting one in straight after a shower so I know I'm defo duper clean.

Lesley x
hey lesley oops i started a thread and wished u good luck for today hehe
Hi everyone, just thought i would bob on to let you all know that I picked up my pump today. Don;t go live until next Tuesday so just playing with it as though it is really connected at the minute. No Saline, just using fresh air. I can't believe how much stuff I have to read through! It'll take me all year never mind all week! My pack came with 2 cannulers which I was told I could have a practice with putting them in. Only thing is I don't have any steri wipes:confused: Tracey, did you get these in your pack? on the side of the box it says 10 x (something that looks like steri wipes) but there aren't any in there. Can I still have a go of putting one in straight after a shower so I know I'm defo duper clean.

Lesley x

Great stuff Lesley. Yes you can do that after a shower. Have at look at this website though

You can order samples. It is great. We use the Lift plus in a spray not wipes and it lifts the cannula when finished with it without hurting. They also have wipes for everything else and sprays. You can get loads of free samples and once you find what you like its all in prescription !!
I have just put it in and I really didn't feel a thing!!! I had to peel back to make sure it had gone in and it had!!!! I am now so excited!!!!! I was worried it would hurt as I don't have an inserter just did it by hand and I am so so excited now!!!!!!! Woooo Hoooo.

I have a strong feelin that this is the start of the beginning.

LEsley x
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