The Pumpers Thread!

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Patricia Hi, well i woke to 7 this morning, first under 10 in few weeks now, so hopefully my basal increases seem to be working,

I was 8.7 before bed but had a snack about 1 and half hours previous so not "true reading". Much better, although was 13.7 post brekkie, damm pmt, just dont know where to go with that one. Am hoping to see a pattern from this month and last mont so i can set a new programme for it?

Lou was wondering if you have a different basal programme for pmt time?

Lesley how you doing today?
Hi Adrienne and everyone

I feel very lucky having such caring people supporting us at the moment and want to say thank you to you all :D

It went well at hospital but only time will tell i guess. A sensor was not put in because the DSN has tinkered quite a lot and wants to see if this works first. Rose is def. producing growth hormones at the moment which is causing A LOT of problems....

Her basals before were:

00:00 0.20
06:00 0.45
08:00 0.25
20:00 0.45

They've now been changed to:

00:00 0.20
04:00 0.25
06:00 0.45
08:00 0.30
10:00 0.25
19:30 0.45

So quite a bit different.......Have to see what happens over the next few days....

Had to do another set change at midnight last night. Rose was 18 (?!?) at 21:30 then at 11:30 she was 19 😱 even with changed the set but then it went into overdrive and by 01:30 she was 8.6 (gave 1 glucose) and then at 03:30 she was 5.8! (gave another glucose) then bizarrely at 07:30 this morning she was 12.8 😱 pesky hormones again.

I hate this damn condition....up and down like a seesaw...fingers crossed and trying to remain positive...ho hum....

Those new basals are pretty much the same sort of system as Jessica. Her needs go up at about 4 am and then they go up again at 6 am (yours is 8 am), then they drop drastically at 10 am and by 7.30 pm they are much higher again (we also have a 1 pm in there higher than the 10 am).

I know we are talking about set changes on the other group but I still wouldn't have changed the set at 19.0. I know we all do it differently and there you have definitely followed the protocol but from my experience with Jessica (not forgetting she is different, well they are all different) I always do another bolus at this point and if she was in the 20's I would have put on a temp as well for an hour. I think Jessica would kill me if I made her have a set change at midnight. Rose is so good.
Hello Adrienne,

Would like to know the rules you were talking about, when you have time thanks!

Hi thanks for answer on the other thread, but i have no idea about ABCC?
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Hello Adrienne,

Would like to know the rules you were talking about, when you have time thanks!

Hi thanks for answer on the other thread, but i have no idea about ABCC?


Just posted it all on the other thread. Hope they make sense.
Wotcha, Give me a medal, Ive just learned how to mulit-quote! 😱

Lou was wondering if you have a different basal programme for pmt time?

Goodness T, you just read my mind! I was just thinking about that before logging on. I am very un-intuitive about these kind of things and I have to say in this way I dont know myself very well at all. I was just wondering why I am needing so much insulin today, should I adjust my basal or make a pattern basal again. It must be hormonal and I literally was just thinking of resolving to this new theory through an increase in basal and not in bolus- I woke up at 3am this morning with a bm of 4.0. Not hypo in numbers but caught myself on the way down. Drunk an ordinary coke and woke up bm of 9.2, I had increased on the ratio slightly last night.

Is this something that you have done, adjusting your basal patterns? I need to be much more in tune to what my body is up to. I am thinking I will programme something shortly tonight and switch.

Will be interested to know what your thoughts on this are Tracey! nightmare hey- might pick up the pumping insulin book tonight and see if there are any suggestions (if I could only stop being so lazy- Im already in front of the TV in my PJ's!).

Hiya Lou

You are right on the 522 it doesn't say unless like you said, you enter a false higher BG and then go to that screen. I guess this is another difference.

Do you keep looking at the active insulin then? I never do unless she is too high and needs a correction.

Hi Adrienne,

Thanks so much for this! I thought I was going mad trying to remember where I might find it. I use it all the time.

Can I pick abit more from your brain cells please?! 😱 In the 522 the active insulin is just for your reference isnt it? I see in bolus wizzard it does not subtract itself from the estimated amount does it? This has confused me today and I gave the wrong dose twice (no drama- I wasnt paying enough attension). If I recall correctly the Veo knocks the active insulin off the estimated amount. Phew. Wish I had a flamming manual. I dont mean to treat you like the manual Adrienne! Thanks for your help though!


How is everyone else? Loved your story Bev about A sorting himself out and you lying in- my god you must have needed it. Your boy is growing up, hey. Its reasurring to see him make decisions about pumping and sensible decisions too at that. What an absolute darling. And he knew mummy needed the shut-eye 😉 Half term coming up isnt it? (or am I late in thinking that?).

Patricia, hope that isnt a delayed jet-lag! How cruel! How is everyone else holding up? xXx
Wotcha, Give me a medal, Ive just learned how to mulit-quote! 😱

Hi Adrienne,

Thanks so much for this! I thought I was going mad trying to remember where I might find it. I use it all the time.

Can I pick abit more from your brain cells please?! 😱 In the 522 the active insulin is just for your reference isnt it? I see in bolus wizzard it does not subtract itself from the estimated amount does it? This has confused me today and I gave the wrong dose twice (no drama- I wasnt paying enough attension). If I recall correctly the Veo knocks the active insulin off the estimated amount. Phew. Wish I had a flamming manual. I dont mean to treat you like the manual Adrienne! Thanks for your help though!


How do you multi quote, I am very frustrated. I am a computer geek and I can't work this out.

Ok back to pumps. Yes it does allow for active insulin but not with a food bolus only a correction bolus. (This is not the same for all pumps by the way people, one of the pumps, could be Spirit or Animas can't remember actually does it with the food bolus as well which I think is very wrong, but that is my opinion !)

So for example on the 522 :

Using the wizard you enter a BG of 11.0 and it is set to correct down to say 7.5 mmol and the pump knows that to get you from 11.0 to 7.5mmol it will take 2 units of insulin. (I'm making all this up by the way). But you also are eating 10 carbs and the pump knows that you 1 unit for every 10 carbs. But you still have active insulin in you of 1.5 units. The screen will look something like this, with all that info :

Estimate : 1.5 u
BG : 11.0
Food : 10
Bolus : 1
Correction : 2
Active insulin : 1.5
Estimate : 1.5

So it is minusing the 1.5 active from the correction of 2 so only giving 0.5 of a correction. It will never touch the food bolus as the correct insulin is needed for the correct food.

However if you are well under your target ie 4.0 and you bolus for food and the pump knows you are too low as you have entered 4.0 it may well then adjust and minus 0.1 from the bolus.

Does all that make sense?
PS there is a manual online. You just down load it and it is in pdf format I think, if you really want one. 🙂
Woman, you are an angel. I hadnt made te consideration actially that the active insuling was off the correction so this will really help tomorrow in how I am analysing my screen using wizzard and make me think differently. Many thanks.

Now, I just worked out if you want to quote 2 people you press the middle quote button on the first quote and then the first quote button to quote both and reply with your two qutes in. I cant believe how long I have been on the forum and failed to discover this. Perhaps my brain is full? My brain is a human insulin pump these days, what did I ever think or do before diabetes?! 🙂

I appreciate your reply Adrienne, cheers! x
Thinking About Using a Pump.............

Hey my name is joe im 13 years old and im thinking about using a pump,ive been diabetic for 2 years now and i still find controlling my blood sugar levels hard to manage.Im quite worried about having a to wear a pump and don't no whether to go ahead with it or stay on injections.Also my mum and dad think it is a great idea but im not sure.

Can anybody advise on the pump PLZ PLZ PLZ PLZ PLZ!!!!!!!!:D
Hey my name is joe im 13 years old and im thinking about using a pump,ive been diabetic for 2 years now and i still find controlling my blood sugar levels hard to manage.Im quite worried about having a to wear a pump and don't no whether to go ahead with it or stay on injections.Also my mum and dad think it is a great idea but im not sure.

Can anybody advise on the pump PLZ PLZ PLZ PLZ PLZ!!!!!!!!:D

Hiya Joe

I'm a mum to a 9 year old girl who has been diabetic for ever ! She has been on a pump for nearly 3 years. It changed her life for the better and mine, as it will do your parents. They will have a different view to you. They know that it will be great for your health and your long term future and they are right. But you will be thinking about where will you wear it, will it get in the way at school or sports or going out and stuff like that and quite right.

Its probably better that some of lads on here maybe write to you. The tubing has never got in the way for my daughter and when you do really active sport like football or rugby you are supposed to take it off anyway but some boys don't and there are no problems.

Your life will change. The freedom you will have will be amazing. I say give it a go, if after 6 months or a year you really don't like it then you can always go back to injections. I bet you though once you have it and have worked out how to use it, there is no way you will give it up. It is quite cool as well. The boys in my daughter's class love her pump, they were all really interested and can't believe she has her own personal computer attached to her !

Good luck, do whatever is best for you but I say its worth it. 🙂
Hey my name is joe im 13 years old and im thinking about using a pump,ive been diabetic for 2 years now and i still find controlling my blood sugar levels hard to manage.Im quite worried about having a to wear a pump and don't no whether to go ahead with it or stay on injections.Also my mum and dad think it is a great idea but im not sure.

Can anybody advise on the pump PLZ PLZ PLZ PLZ PLZ!!!!!!!!:D

Hi Joe! Welcome to the pumping thread!

It sounds as if you have had a few discussions regarding the pump, have you been made an offer of one? Or have you been given the idea to mull it over? All the same its something really exciting in managing your diabetes and definately food for thought!

I would suggest first of all that you hit google and get researching! Just so that you can get the concept of what a pump looks like and what it does essentially. A few of the main manufacturers of pumps in the UK are Medtronic, Animas, Roche....I would take a look at their websites and see what you think.

I started using a pump made by medtronic a few months ago. I have had diabetes about a year or so longer than you- not long! For me though, the pump has changed the way I get on with it all, gives me better control and quality of life that I lead. What it isnt, is the answer to everything (unfortunately!). It does take a lot of time and effort, but can be worthwhile. Your nurse will go through all that with you and your parents.

I would say intially get surfing on the net, check out these pumps and then see what questions you come up with!

Good luck Joe,

Hello Joe

My son started wearing a pump a couple of months ago. He is 12. He much prefers it to injections because he had developed a needle phobia so the pump means less injections. Also it is easier so control the highs and lows. Also he also has his insulin with him all the time now. He was not allowed to carry his injections with him around school so he had his insulin in the school office but if he went to a friends house straight from school he could not have a snack there as he had no jab with him but now he always has his pump with him.

Also he finds it useful not having to do his Levemir (or Latus) in the evening because now he is 12 (he was diagnosed at 10) he is going out to one or two evening events and it was hard to remember to jab at 9pm.

He has found no major problems with wearing the pump all the time. He just seems to have got used to it. To be honest, all his friends seem to be permanately attached to something anyway! eg ipods or mobile phones! The pump just looks like another gadget!

However, the pump does need good management and you have to be prepared to manage it. You need to be strict with your blood testing (at least in the early days anyway) and sometimes we have had blips with the sets and had to do set changes at inconvenient times.

The pump is a good tool. If you use the tool well then it can make managing your diabetes easier and more effective.

Good luck and feel free to ask any questions on this thread, no matter how big or small.

Mand 🙂
Hello Joe

My son is 13 and was diagnosed a year ago almost exactly. He started on a pump in early June, and has found it completely, utterly better than injections. His main interest was a) eating what he wanted when he wanted and b) getting good control. He has found both of these things to be possible on the pump.

It *does* require good management -- he tests quite a lot (but always did) and is always willing to do corrections with it etc...But he is massively freed up in his life too: he can now eat while his friends are eating instead of having to go to the medical room to inject etc. If he's in town with friends he can have that milkshake without having to inject -- as long as you know how to carb count or can figure out how to do it (my son often texts my husband and asks the estimate!), it's possible to do so much. If my son wants seconds with his meal, or a pudding, or a sandwich in the middle of the day, he doesn't inject, he just inputs the carb and lets the machine calculate for him how much insulin he has left running around in his body from the last time he ate and therefore how much insulin he needs now. This all feels much more 'normal' to him.

Also, he has had many fewer lows after any sort of unusual exercise, because on a pump you can lower the rate of insulin to try to take account of exercise. So things are a bit more spontaneous, certainly.

About wearing one all the time -- I honestly don't think it's been a hassle at all for him. It's a pretty cool gadget, and my son's friends seem to either just accept it, or are really interested, and want to know how it works etc. Sleeping with it was something I as a parent was a bit nervous about, but this too hasn't been a problem. He's NEVER said he's hassled by it, and got used to it very quickly.

If you are being offered one, I would GRAB it. And I'm sure my son would say the same. He feels now that his life can move on in a positive way, mostly because he feels that good control is within reach. He was distressed so often by out of range numbers. These kinds of numbers don't happen on the pump with us, although we do of course get numbers that are out of range -- it's just that with the pump it's much easer to bring them back into range...

I think he also feels he has more independence and control over his diabetes in general. This is really important to him.

There *are* disadvantages, but in our opinion they are outweighed by the advantages. The biggest negative is that if the pump malfunctions in some way and insulin isn't going in, you can get unwell very quickly. This has happened to us, and it was pretty awful. However, from something like that you learn things: what we learned is that we always need to take a back up injection pen with us when out. The chances of him getting unwell again like that are then really small.

Do you want me to ask my son if he wants to email with you?

Like the others say, do ask any sort of question on here. Also I know there is a forum site for teens on the JDRF website, if you want to check that out?

All best.
Hi Lou,

Really confused re the pmt thing to be honest, its clear i need more insulin but dont see a pattern of when to start it etc, when i stop being lazy too, am tired from work. I will have to look back and see when it all goes wrong .

On my pumo i have a setting for pre menstruation, which i have been using with every meal for a couple of days at +5%, didn t do anything to help really, so next month may increase that to 10%.

Think is good idea to have a seperate programme to for basals throughout this time, may have to get dsn advice on this as to what to set it at. And would you stop it at menstruation? I find i dont go bsck to normal numbers normally for about 24 hours, what do you find?
Hello Joe,

welcome to the forum, good luck with your decision on the pump. the ladies with sons/daughters on the pump have answered your question really well.

all i can add to that is that i have had diabetes for almost 2 years and have been pumping for only about 5/6 weeks. I love it and feel so much better for it.
Hi Lou,

Really confused re the pmt thing to be honest, its clear i need more insulin but dont see a pattern of when to start it etc, when i stop being lazy too, am tired from work. I will have to look back and see when it all goes wrong .

On my pumo i have a setting for pre menstruation, which i have been using with every meal for a couple of days at +5%, didn t do anything to help really, so next month may increase that to 10%.

Think is good idea to have a seperate programme to for basals throughout this time, may have to get dsn advice on this as to what to set it at. And would you stop it at menstruation? I find i dont go bsck to normal numbers normally for about 24 hours, what do you find?

Hey hon, I temp basaled all day and I wondered if you were doing the same! And guess what? It did absolutely nothing too! Ive been high all day, and now Im dual waving pasta. Humph.

For some reason (and I have go the time...) I am finding it all abit of an effort. Not in a down or depressing way, I just cant be bothered! Not good. I just havent seen a good number for a while. Woke again on 12.7!!! You have got to be kidding me!

I have temp basaled twice today, in dual now and tested a lot. I even checked the label on the vial, yep its in date and defo- its insulin 🙄

People of the pump world, how are you all doing??

Hey hon, I temp basaled all day and I wondered if you were doing the same! And guess what? It did absolutely nothing too! Ive been high all day, and now Im dual waving pasta. Humph.

For some reason (and I have go the time...) I am finding it all abit of an effort. Not in a down or depressing way, I just cant be bothered! Not good. I just havent seen a good number for a while. Woke again on 12.7!!! You have got to be kidding me!

I have temp basaled twice today, in dual now and tested a lot. I even checked the label on the vial, yep its in date and defo- its insulin 🙄

People of the pump world, how are you all doing??


Oh Lou, how frustrating, ive been like that for nearly a week now, but had slightly better numbers today and 6.9 at tea, everything else out of range and correction left right and centre, sure its pre mens stuff, rubbish, aaargh!!

Someone i know on a pump ( last 6 years), needs i think she said DOUBLE insulin requirements at this time 😱
He he! A is needing double the insulin at the moment - but not for the same reason!

I am not convinced it is because of the cold - i suspect its the colder weather and a growth spurt.

He is on 200% temp basal plus corrections!😱

I would suggest that you just need to be brave and turn it up! I was really scared of the 200% at first - but when you think about it its still only small - one of A's basals is only 0.050 per hour - so the increase is really tiny in reality - much smaller than a correction.🙂

Good luck girls - hope you get things back on track. Lou, I do know what you mean - its just so draining at times isnt it?😉🙂Bev x
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