The Pumpers Thread!

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Hi Pumpers!

Am really struggling at mo with weight gain, nothing I seem to do will shift it either.

Going away in less than 4 weeks and been doing lots of exercise = too many hypos, and generally eating more healthily. Feel a bit more toned, but weight on the scales just going up and up :confused:

Think have put on about 3/4 stone since pumping, since last September. Just feel uncomfortable in all my clothes now, just wanted a moan.

Will not be defeated and will keep up the exercise!
Hi Pumpers!

Am really struggling at mo with weight gain, nothing I seem to do will shift it either.

Going away in less than 4 weeks and been doing lots of exercise = too many hypos, and generally eating more healthily. Feel a bit more toned, but weight on the scales just going up and up :confused:

Think have put on about 3/4 stone since pumping, since last September. Just feel uncomfortable in all my clothes now, just wanted a moan.

Will not be defeated and will keep up the exercise!

Hi Tracey

Sorry you are feeling a bit despondent. I can't help with this as I only really deal with children and they need to be putting on weight as they grow.

I do know that if you have only just started exercising then you may not lose weight immediately and you may put it on as you are making muscles heavier (I've been told this myself recently).

What does your DSN say about this.

I have another friend who is an adult type 1 and overweight and she does loads of exercise running after her little children and other stuff and she is so cross that she just doesn't lose it and doesn't know why either.

Thanks for your reply Adrienne.

I was just having a moan, I wont give up! I just thought I would start to see an improvement and is so annoying when I get weighed it just keeps going up, so not fair?

I havent spoken to my dsn since my first week pumping so im not going to start now. I didnt think insulin affected weight, but am having doubts now.
Hi Pumpers!

Am really struggling at mo with weight gain, nothing I seem to do will shift it either.

Going away in less than 4 weeks and been doing lots of exercise = too many hypos, and generally eating more healthily. Feel a bit more toned, but weight on the scales just going up and up :confused:

Think have put on about 3/4 stone since pumping, since last September. Just feel uncomfortable in all my clothes now, just wanted a moan.

Will not be defeated and will keep up the exercise!

Thanks for your reply Adrienne.

I was just having a moan, I wont give up! I just thought I would start to see an improvement and is so annoying when I get weighed it just keeps going up, so not fair?

I havent spoken to my dsn since my first week pumping so im not going to start now. I didnt think insulin affected weight, but am having doubts now.

You are right Tracey it isn't fair at all. I am also exercising like mad and it isn't budging as quick as I think it should do. I have stones and stones to lose, not just a few and it should be falling off me seeing as how I have gone from no exercise to lots and I don't have the insulin to battle either. It is not fair.

I do think insulin has a lot to do with weight, this is why these silly teens, girls and boys and even a couple of very stupid adults I have known, have stopped insulin injections just so they can lose weight. They lose control and get complications but they get slim, so insulin has got a lot to answer for I think.

You'll get there.

Hi Pumpers!

Am really struggling at mo with weight gain, nothing I seem to do will shift it either.

Going away in less than 4 weeks and been doing lots of exercise = too many hypos, and generally eating more healthily. Feel a bit more toned, but weight on the scales just going up and up :confused:

Think have put on about 3/4 stone since pumping, since last September. Just feel uncomfortable in all my clothes now, just wanted a moan.

Will not be defeated and will keep up the exercise!

... I do think insulin has a lot to do with weight, this is why these silly teens, girls and boys and even a couple of very stupid adults I have known, have stopped insulin injections just so they can lose weight. They lose control and get complications but they get slim, so insulin has got a lot to answer for I think.

Tracey, Adrienne,
Some thoughts: -

I believe that those silly folk lose weight and sometimes quite quickly when they stop taking insulin because they eventually start producing ketones i.e. when the body has to burn fat to get energy because it cannot get any from carbs digested with insulin. This accelerates the removal of fat from your body and hence you lose weight. This is why people often lose a lot of weight before they first diagnosed as type one before they take their first insulin. It is also this principal that I believe the Atkins diet is based upon except there you stop eating carbs rather than have no insulin to digest them properly with.

So you are likely to lose weight when you become DKA but as Adrienne says you also increase the likelihood of suffering the more extreme complications. I am sure there are some sad cases where, for example, someone has gained a slimmer figure but at the cost of some or all of their vision and hence can no longer see how they now look. :(

I think if you have insulin active in your body then it does enhance your appetite, it is another of the body's natural self-defence mechanisms to prevent hypos. One possible cause of weight gain when using a pump may be that although you are taking less insulin overall you are taking more short acting insulin and maybe this insulin enhances your appetite more than the long lasting stuff. But I do not know if this is true or not. :confused: I also get the impression that being on a pump has not caused Tracey to eat more.

Also Tracey when I have had frequent hypos I do sometimes worry about the calories in all the fast acting glucose -mainly jelly babies in my case- that I end up having to swallow. Is there a low calorie means of stopping hypos? Not that I will stop taking jelly babies, I may as well get something I enjoy out of them hypos happening.

I also think Roxanne is correct that starting a new exercise regime can cause weight gain initially because those heavy muscles start to grow. I remember when I first started jogging, years before I went on a pump, I was unhappy when I initially gained weight, especially as I hated the actual act of going for a run. Eventually however, it did fall back off and I felt much better from having the regular exercise once more.

Good luck Tracey for losing those pounds before your holiday. I think it is when enjoying activities like an holiday that the extra flexibility that the pump regime provides really comes into its own. 😉
Tracey, Adrienne,
Some thoughts: -

I believe that those silly folk lose weight and sometimes quite quickly when they stop taking insulin because they eventually start producing ketones i.e. when the body has to burn fat to get energy because it cannot get any from carbs digested with insulin. This accelerates the removal of fat from your body and hence you lose weight. This is why people often lose a lot of weight before they first diagnosed as type one before they take their first insulin. It is also this principal that I believe the Atkins diet is based upon except there you stop eating carbs rather than have no insulin to digest them properly with.

So you are likely to lose weight when you become DKA but as Adrienne says you also increase the likelihood of suffering the more extreme complications. I am sure there are some sad cases where, for example, someone has gained a slimmer figure but at the cost of some or all of their vision and hence can no longer see how they now look. :(

I think if you have insulin active in your body then it does enhance your appetite, it is another of the body's natural self-defence mechanisms to prevent hypos. One possible cause of weight gain when using a pump may be that although you are taking less insulin overall you are taking more short acting insulin and maybe this insulin enhances your appetite more than the long lasting stuff. But I do not know if this is true or not. :confused: I also get the impression that being on a pump has not caused Tracey to eat more.

Also Tracey when I have had frequent hypos I do sometimes worry about the calories in all the fast acting glucose -mainly jelly babies in my case- that I end up having to swallow. Is there a low calorie means of stopping hypos? Not that I will stop taking jelly babies, I may as well get something I enjoy out of them hypos happening.

I also think Roxanne is correct that starting a new exercise regime can cause weight gain initially because those heavy muscles start to grow. I remember when I first started jogging, years before I went on a pump, I was unhappy when I initially gained weight, especially as I hated the actual act of going for a run. Eventually however, it did fall back off and I felt much better from having the regular exercise once more.

Good luck Tracey for losing those pounds before your holiday. I think it is when enjoying activities like an holiday that the extra flexibility that the pump regime provides really comes into its own. 😉

Thanks for your well thought out reply and kind wishes. There is no way i would resort to stopping insulin, no matter how much weight i put on. My health is far too important than how i look!

I do feel better for doing more exercise and I must say i feel a bit trimmer now, I will continue my upped exercise regime and hope to continue after the holiday too! I think it is just one more thing we diabetics have to endure, it can be harder to shift the weight, but I do believe if we exercise regualrly then it will eventually come off.
Well, my body must have heard me whinging,

have now lost 4 and 1/2 lbs! yay. Some way to go yet but already feel much better and bg are much lower generally with all the exercise.
Well, my body must have heard me whinging,

have now lost 4 and 1/2 lbs! yay. Some way to go yet but already feel much better and bg are much lower generally with all the exercise.

Well don Tracey good going hun x
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