The Pumpers Thread!

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battery problems

Hi, Been having problems with the lithium batteries in my handset, just wondering if anyone else has come accross this?

The last three lots of batteries have only lasted for 3/4 days instead of the usual 6 or so weeks :confused:

I called roche and they are sending more and said hopefully it is just the batch of batteries, if not they will need to send me a new handset.
Hi Tracey,

There's not much you can do. You've done the best thing that you can. I hope all goes well and it's just the batteries.

Hi, Been having problems with the lithium batteries in my handset, just wondering if anyone else has come accross this?

The last three lots of batteries have only lasted for 3/4 days instead of the usual 6 or so weeks :confused:

I called roche and they are sending more and said hopefully it is just the batch of batteries, if not they will need to send me a new handset.

hi tracey, a LOT of people on the children with diabetes mailing list have had to keep replacing their roche handsets. hopefully this will sort it out for you!
hi tracey, a LOT of people on the children with diabetes mailing list have had to keep replacing their roche handsets. hopefully this will sort it out for you!

Oh no, hope thats not the case! I love the pump and the handset cant fault them, just unfortunate this is happening now.

Well, had my clinic appointment today, with new consultant, was worried was going to have to justify my pump after the last appointment. (basically the nurse, not even pump nurse was not great, and made me feel like if I didnt get my hb1ac down they could take the pump off me)

Neednt have worried, consultant lovely, hba1c down a little from 7.5 to 7.1, tried really hard but at least its down!

She was really happy with me and even said she wishes everyone was as appreciative of thier pumps as me and that i was very knowlegable and had great control :D

Needless to say I celebrated with coffee and cake 😱:D
im soo jealous of all u pumpers out there !! lol

hope il be joinin use all on this thread one day :D xxx
Thanks all, must say I am feeling very happy and I think I can definately improve my hba1c for next time. Would so love to see it below 7!
Thanks all, must say I am feeling very happy and I think I can definately improve my hba1c for next time. Would so love to see it below 7!

You'll get there Tracey, I have no doubt! Well done on the latest results! 🙂
i want to throw my pump out of the windowwww! Getting so frustrated with waking up every morning at 2am for tests, its making me grouchy! And overnight basals are prooving VERY difficult to get right :(
i want to throw my pump out of the windowwww! Getting so frustrated with waking up every morning at 2am for tests, its making me grouchy! And overnight basals are prooving VERY difficult to get right :(

OK Sam, deep breaths.

No one said pumping was easy but believe me the rewards are worth it when it starts to go right. How are you feeling in yourself, besides a little tired with the tests? I remember feeling so much better almost straight away purely because I was getting insulin all the time. I used to get terrible pains in my legs and be very tired, which just disappeared overnight. Do you feel any better yet for pumping?

I know its frustrating getting basals right and they may change from time to time, but the great thing is you can have one setting for "normal" one for exercise, one for pre menstrual etc etc. You could not contemplate that on mdi, once you are sorted, trust me you will feel better.

Like Bev said, just get one block sorted first then move on to the next one, trying to get 8 hours in one go is very difficult. Also I know your dsn told you increase or decrease by 0.1 every time, which is correct, but if you do that for 8 hours cos its too low or too high means you may miss just exactly where you need more. Hope this makes sense, for instance (just an example)it may be you need more before 2pm, more again 2 -4 and less 5-7, not the same bolus for the whole period, I dont think pancreases work like that do they? Hope this makes sense, my 24 hour basals pretty much vary every 2-3 hours with differences of between 0.05 to 1.10, a vast difference. Only way you can do this it to do in small blocks.

It takes time hun and night time tests are a necessary part if you want the pump to work for you, hope you have a better day today.

Sorry for essay, just hoping this may help you in some way.
stick with it! its a pain at first , and i did also want to lob it acrross the room lol , first couple of weeks are definatley the worst , but soo worth it , i seem to have all the settings spot on now and the only bad bg levels i get are from my bad maths skills and wrong carb counting lol , just think of why you were soo desperate for the pump in the first place that helped me get through it 🙂
thanks guys, I had a few tears about it this morning. Levels seem to be pretty steady throughout the day and running at usually between 5-7 which is ace and makes me feel awesome. It's just the nighttime ones that are frustrating me. Last night at 2am I woke up and was 10.0 so corrected and woke up at 7am and was 11.whatever. ANNOYING!!!!!!!!!! I'm wondering whether to up it from 2am - 7am to 0.6? Or maybe wake up at 3am rather than 2am and start testing.

It's giving me such a headache and making me really very emotional. I know it will come but I'm just not sure I can hack another night of disturbed sleep. I wish I could just stay up all night and do hourly tests. But alas, that would make me even more grouchy and emotional. That's probably a weekend thing. I just want to wake up on decent levels.

Does anyone have any suggestions? My brain is too shot to start working out when to change the basal setting for this evening :(

Tracey - I am generally feeling better in myself. It's nice to feel thirsy and just feel thirsty. And I've noticed I am starting to notice when I'm hypos. Very tiny changes in how I'm feeling when I'm hypo. Like today just before the end of work I noticed I was sweating loads and it was actually cool in the office - hello hypo!
Hey Sam,

Sorry you're having a hard time with the pump! It can definitely take a while to get things sorted, and I'm sure everyone's had moments when they want to throw the pump at the wall! I think you just have to try and focus on the positive - hypos signs coming back is fantastic! And being in range for most of the day is also excellent. :D

With regards to your night time basals, I only have a few suggestions (and this is very much *what I would do*)

1. I don't think there's anything wrong with taking a night off if you're feeling exhausted. My DSN was keen on taking things one day at a time, and I don't think you do yourself any favours when you're that tired, so I didn't do 3 am tests every single night. YMMV, but I'd suggest not doing a test tonight. You're not dropping, so you know you're not in danger of hypoing during the night.

2. If you're higher at 2 am, and you were in range earlier, I'd suggest upping your basal at midnight, and seeing what kind of effect that has.

3. My feeling is that upping all the basal between 2 - 7 may be a bit much, as you don't know when you're rising. I do things much the same way as Tracy and Bev have suggested - in chunks of 3 or 4 hours . If you get your 2am test in range, then test at 5 the next time instead, then get that in range and so on. The beauty of a pump is that you can fine tune your insulin, and you might find that you only need a little bit more for a couple of hours during the night, rather than an overall increase. For example, I have 3 different basal rates between midnight and 7 am.

Keep up with it - you're doing great! I know it's frustrating, but for me pacing the basal tests is the only way I can do it and keep myself sane! 😛
Hey Sam,

Sorry you're having a hard time with the pump! It can definitely take a while to get things sorted, and I'm sure everyone's had moments when they want to throw the pump at the wall! I think you just have to try and focus on the positive - hypos signs coming back is fantastic! And being in range for most of the day is also excellent. :D

With regards to your night time basals, I only have a few suggestions (and this is very much *what I would do*)

1. I don't think there's anything wrong with taking a night off if you're feeling exhausted. My DSN was keen on taking things one day at a time, and I don't think you do yourself any favours when you're that tired, so I didn't do 3 am tests every single night. YMMV, but I'd suggest not doing a test tonight. You're not dropping, so you know you're not in danger of hypoing during the night.

2. If you're higher at 2 am, and you were in range earlier, I'd suggest upping your basal at midnight, and seeing what kind of effect that has.

3. My feeling is that upping all the basal between 2 - 7 may be a bit much, as you don't know when you're rising. I do things much the same way as Tracy and Bev have suggested - in chunks of 3 or 4 hours . If you get your 2am test in range, then test at 5 the next time instead, then get that in range and so on. The beauty of a pump is that you can fine tune your insulin, and you might find that you only need a little bit more for a couple of hours during the night, rather than an overall increase. For example, I have 3 different basal rates between midnight and 7 am.

Keep up with it - you're doing great! I know it's frustrating, but for me pacing the basal tests is the only way I can do it and keep myself sane! 😛

Thanks Ange, I think a night off is really needed. I love the idea of getting the 2am range right and then testing later on. So I'll leave things for tonight, get a good nights rest and then start again tomorrow. Maybe up it to 0.60 at midnight, then test at 2am and hopefully that will be ok, move it to a 4am test and so on and so forth. Yeah, I like that idea. Night off tonight :D

Another thing that's worrying me is when I do 12-8 shifts, it's gonna muck everything up as lunch will be much later and so will dinner :S I'm gonna have to have a seperate profile or something for when I do late shifts :/
:D definatley take a couple of nights off from it , remember how bad the control was when you were on mdi a couple of good nights sleep wont hurt and will make u feel loads better , then start looking at the tweaking again with fresh eyes , rome wasnt built in a day and all that 🙂

This makes me saaaaadddddddddddddddd :(
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