The Pumpers Thread!

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Good news and bad news

Good news
My son had a great weekend celebrating his 13th birthday. All went to plan. We bought him a new bike which he is very excited about. 🙂

Bad news
He woke up at 2am this morning, very poorly. Full of cold and a very sore mouth as he has a couple of nasty mouth ulcers which have made his lip swollen. Spent an hour nursing him - calpol, vic rub (blocked nose!), took temperature, plenty of fluids, checked blood, fetch box of tissues etc etc. By 3am he was ready to go back to sleep. His blood at that point was 9 so i was not too worried. But a 7am this morning he was 14 and we have been battling high's all day (reached 20 at one point 😱). He has slept on and off. He now on a temporary basal and we got him down to 11 about an hour ago. Possibly a long night ahead of us! :(

Hi to you all. How are things?
Patricia - I hope E has had a great trip and is well. xx 🙂

Sorry he's not feeling well - poor thing. And poor you. Arent temp basals great!🙂I have been using them for weeks now - very unpredictable levels with A at the moment.:(Bev
Hello everyone! I missed everyone yesterday there wasnt much chat! Glad to see the reprive!

Mand sorry to hear your boy isnt well, sounds really rotten and I hope there isnt a bad night on the cards. I find the same when I have a really bad cold, high numbers and I dont drink enough to help keep the numbers bit better, and then its so easy to top up with honey and sweeter remedies- nightmare. Hope he gets better soon, and dont you get it miss!

I loved reading about the disco P! Three girls??? 🙂 OMG! Good work! I am standing by for updates!

I am doing well. I spent the afternoon in the gym and did a good run, 7km in 49mins (I shouldnt think that is that good but I out ran the fitty on my right and some skinny bird on the left) I had GREAT music today so it helped. Just cooked a fabulous dinner, all in 74gms and Im full. GREAT. My canula was half off again in the gym changing room AGAIN, thats tw in a row. Im not sure if its the running, swetaing or big heat from there power showers? I already use a skin protector adhesive-type thing so I dont think I can do anything more. Do you have this problem Tracey?

Ooh tomorrow I am going to Holburn to that diabetes pump research thing for an hour and a half, quite looking forward to it! Think I told you about it (I cant remember). My DSN forwarded me some email about an american company who are researching pump users on their new design. Its not got a prototype, so it will involve looking at it on the screen and giving my comments. Its for an hour and a half and she has lots of people booked. Its something to do with an affiliated computer program that each user of this pump will have with their laptop that works out your basal rates for you. Interesting. And some pocket money! Huzzah! Id probably have done it for free. I am extremely interested in the future of diabetes and pumping, Im planning on living a long time! Anyway, I will tell you all about it....Id be facinated if it was something like that mobile phone type thing we all oggled over a few weeks back....

Anyway, I shall be on for a bit, Im having a luxury night in- A 100gm bar of 70% Drak chocolate (29gms carb) and 'Americas Toughest Prisons' on channel 5 🙂 🙂

L xx
Hi Lou,

No I dont have any problems with my cannula, but ahem, i dont think i excercise to the same extent as you.:D

i dont use any spray to keep on or take them off, they stay on even when bathing, showering, sweating? In fact had bath tonight with bath oils, they dry off pretty quickly and when i want to remove, i just peel it off easily and so far so good, no soreness or anything. Im very pleased with them.

Cant wait to hear about your research, I have heard about these programs that work out your basal, probably on here? sound amazing,
Sorry about your son, Mand -- oh dear! Poor thing. Glad the b'day went well though. A teenager! Yikes. Am there now... Hope the night was okay.

Lou, please tell us all about your research day...I too am very interested in all this. Feel I've taken a break from it, probably just as well to take the foot off the accelerator sometimes -- but want to know what's up.

Trip to Ypres good. E kept himself 10/11 all day through temp basals, as his big thing was not to spend another school trip hypo-ing -- which he managed. So he spent all day above target yesterday -- even the night seemed to carry the effects of the temp through -- but I'm glad in any case that he could have a good day, with little worry.

Good news is that the school sent along a senior management person, who inquired several times how E was. Hmm. Something tells me this is in response to the last disastrous trip for him. Good for them. He reports that it was much better to know that there was someone there to go to if he needed to.

So! All good. Hellishly busy days next few, so just be popping on and off.

Love to all.
From bad to worse!

Following on from my last post...........

After being poorly all day yesterday and battling with high blood sugars, he went to bed on a good level. 'Phew' we thought! But oh how wrong we were!

At 4am this morning he vomitted, BG 17.2 and ketones of 2.1

Corrected, gave him water and put him into our bed.

Checked him an hour later, BG 19 and ketones of 2.7

Vomitted again

Corrected with novorapid pen.

Checked him 1 hour later, BG 17 and ketones of 3.3 😱



When we got there his BG 17 and ketones 2.4

They checked he had not developed DKA, checked him over thoroughly and discharged us with instructions to call his dsn and she now working with us.

Now his blood at 13 (even with a temp basal which we probably need to increase again) and ketones of 0.1. Phew!

He still very poorly with his cold (but not swine flu).

Hubby and I also have mild colds and are completely shattered!

We monitoring him hourly at moment.

Gosh! If this is what a cold can do then i would not like to see the effects of flu! He has already had his flu jab and is booked in for the swine flu jab next week.

Will update again soon!

Mand :(
Wow Mand what a day and night for you all. Happy birthday to your son but more importantly I hope he gets better soon.

I have Jessica at home. She still has a slight cold but not bad anymore, (10 days now) but her swine flu vacinne is Thursday and swine flu is now going through her class so better to keep her off than at home.

If I were you, I would do the same now with your teenager!! and keep him home till vacine.
Really sorry your son is unwell - we have just got over a small cold that caused chaos! Levels all over the place - still trying to sort it out as having a growth spurt too. I know how tiring it is - hope you all have a better nights sleep tonight - ketone free of course!🙂Bev x

I hope tonight goes ok and that your son is alright. 🙂
Oh no, sorry to read all this- Mand, thinking of you. I hope things go better tonight and I really really hope you and hub get some shut eye too. Horrid when you both have it as well.

I was just thinking of all you families, completely captivated with a programe just finshed on BBC about parents as carers for children with disabilities, they were more physical and dependent but it had many of the same tones of the experiences that are commonly spoken of here on the forum. Very thought provoking. Did anyone see it?

Had my little researchy afternoon. Went into town, treated myself to a coffee and turkey sandwich (well it is christmas!) in starbucks and then went to this place, I was a bit nervous! People very friendly. Instantly offered me shortbread and chocolate biscuits "lots of things for people with diabetes" this really friendly lady said! SHORTBREAD IS IN MY TOP TEN BIGGEST NIGHTMARES! I didnt like to say it....anyway they took me through to this little room with a computer and camera's and one way mirror with 2 men behind doing the filming (I couldnt see them which was freaky but in my mind they were extremely good looking) and she asked me a series of questions and tasks to do with this software on the PC. I had to rate every task for ease etc. The prototype of the insulin pump isnt made yet so I didnt see it. I didnt like the software- I was suprised! Anyway, I answered all the questions and everyone was nice and so I am glad I did it. I was a little nervous, but then afterwards I was a little pleased. I have a little input into something for once in my life-huzzah! It wasnt as such what was suggested to me- which was a computer software programme that can best work out a basal rate for doesnt. But what it did do was give me ?70 for the fun of it 😉 which I later spent in the pub 🙂

Anyway, hope everyone is ok. MAND Im thinking of you hon xx
How was your night Mand?


What was the research actually, Lou? User friendly type tests? Hmm...Good for you for doing it...


All well here. More gigs coming up. Two hypos yesterday (why?) but haven't had time to dig around and see what's up. Have tried this morning an early bolus to avoid a bit of a spike mid-morning, followed by a low around 10.30/11am, which is a hugely typical pattern. We'll see!

Night basal seems okay. Sigh. Nothing consistent in diabetes but inconsistency!

Various group dates being arranged in my son's social life. Never mind that he has a gig this weekend, and a GCSE coursework exam next Tuesday! Erk.


I am away this weekend, which is exactly what happened last year this time. E was diagnosed two days after I returned, 19 November. Feeling strange about it, myself. Bit sad.


Work calls. Screams, rather.

I was just thinking of all you families, completely captivated with a programe just finshed on BBC about parents as carers for children with disabilities, they were more physical and dependent but it had many of the same tones of the experiences that are commonly spoken of here on the forum. Very thought provoking. Did anyone see it?

I had it on for a bit but have to turn these types of programmes off. It doesn't really matter what the disability or illness or condition is, it just brings it all home really and makes me sad.
Nothing consistent in diabetes but inconsistency!

That woulds be a great signature there Patricia!

I ate out last night, chips and a big burger (dont seem to have done that for a few weeks so a good treat) and woke up this morning 11.4! How annoying! But nevermind I shall accept that as a one off. I had to ride slightly high as I had 2 double gin and slims and I was worried about going under. I was following 'E-Disco' rules....we all need a treat once in a while!

Off to work later so its one of those 'weird' mornings, I might as well already be there as its all I think about all morning. Big sigh.

Hope everyone is well xx
Update on my son

Hi everyone

Thank you so much for all your kind words and thoughts. 🙂

Well, we continued to battle with high blood sugars throughout yesterday. We even used the Novorapid pen and he still remained high. We just cannot believe how much insulin he has needed due to this illness.

Anyway, at 12.30 am today we was 8.9. Phew!!!!!!!!!!!!
2.30 am= 9.1
6.30 am= 5.0
7.30 am= 3.2 (temp basal off)
8.30 am= 4.4

He slept until 9.30 this morning and woke feeling much better. Looks like we are coming out the other side! What a relief!! :D

During all this drama his pump threw an error code 4 times and stopped insulin delivery until we reset it. Just to add to our crisis!

I phoned Medtronic this morning who said that they think it is more likely to be the quick sets causing the error code rather than the pump but in light of the fact my son has been so poorly and had to be checked at the hospital, they are going to send us a replacement pump which will arrive tomorrow. We have no idea whether the pump has added to his problems or if it was all due to his nasty cold but i glad we getting a new one just in case. They are also going to send us some quicksets from a new batch. We to use existing quicksets but if the new pump throws the error code then we to change to new quicksets.

I mentioned the problems i had heard about re the Veo and she said that was correct and they are issuing news ones in January but have a few updated ones filtering through now so they are going to send us one of the Veo's with the updated software. We are delighted!!!!! 🙂 (Just hope it not sprakly pink!!)

Hopefully we can now get back on track with our normal lives. We need to catch up on lost sleep etc but this not possible until my son is better which looks like is happening!

Interesting to read about your research input, Lou. How lovely to have some extra funds!
Hope J doing ok Adrienne.
Bev, how are things?
Patricia - hope your trip goes well. I know how you feel about the anniversary of his diagnosis. I found it very emotional too but the 2nd anniversary passed more easily. Sending you 'hugs'.

Mand x

Can anyone please advise me. Have been diabetic for over 50 years, and have been on a Paradigm pump for less than a year,generally I find it ok. My problem is breakfast time. 2 hours after brekie my blood sugars go through the roof and then within the following 2 hours drop down to an acceptable level. Have tried all the methods recommended by my dsn but still the same problem, including increasing carb ratio,infusion 30 mins before,duel and square wave.Have also had no carb breakfast and still rises 2hours after but not by so much Over the last few days have tried 1 1/2 units to 10gr of food ie 2 shredded wheat 3 small slices of orange and 3 natural prunes = 40 gr so takien 6 units of insulin and then 2 hours later reducing basal fom .80% to .20% for the next 2 hours,but this also does not work. If I did not drop the basal I would be hypo. This morning 5.8 before breakfast.11.9 2 hours later. Sorry to ramble on. Any ideas?.
Can anyone please advise me. Have been diabetic for over 50 years, and have been on a Paradigm pump for less than a year,generally I find it ok. My problem is breakfast time. 2 hours after brekie my blood sugars go through the roof and then within the following 2 hours drop down to an acceptable level. Have tried all the methods recommended by my dsn but still the same problem, including increasing carb ratio,infusion 30 mins before,duel and square wave.Have also had no carb breakfast and still rises 2hours after but not by so much Over the last few days have tried 1 1/2 units to 10gr of food ie 2 shredded wheat 3 small slices of orange and 3 natural prunes = 40 gr so takien 6 units of insulin and then 2 hours later reducing basal fom .80% to .20% for the next 2 hours,but this also does not work. If I did not drop the basal I would be hypo. This morning 5.8 before breakfast.11.9 2 hours later. Sorry to ramble on. Any ideas?.

Wowee 50 years. I would love to sit and chat with you about the different regimes and stuff over the years and how it has changed so much and here you are using the latest technology, how fantastic is that. I wonder what it will be in another 50 years time when my daughter is 59, I just couldn't imagine.

Ok back to your problem. This is my own view. You are displaying classic type 1 problems even with pumping. This mid morning spike is hard to get rid of. Jessica has always suffered from this, some people find it easy to manage and others not. We are in the 'not' bracket. Jessica also pumps with a Paradigm 522 pump, I imagine you are on a 722 which is the same as the 522 but with a larger reservoir (in case anyone else was wondering 🙂

The way we have got around this is to tweak the basal out about 5.30 am. Jessica wakes up and has breakfast at about 8 am so that is when she has her breakfast bolus. However to sort out that breakfast spike at 10 am she has a really increased basal at 5.30 am, this is the highest of the whole 24 hours. However, like you, she would be mega hypo by lunch time. So to combat that at 9.30 am we reduce the basal back to zero until 11.30 am when it then becomes 0.05 until 1 pm when it is 0.55.

You may not need a zero basal of course but I would suggest you try adding in a higher basal at say 6 am, having breakie at 8 am and bolusing just beforehand. You will then need to cut right back down on your basal at probably 10 to 10.30 am to sort out the 12 noon drop or hypo.

The times and amounts will need tweaking but this may help and if you have tried everything this why not try this. See what you DSN says, she may say it is poppycock as normally if you want to tweak a basal what you tweak will have an effect about 2 hours later but at this time of the morning people are more insulin resistent so the rules don't necessarily apply 🙂

Hope that helps.
Ditto to what Adrienne says and also ...

On the assumption that before breakfast your BG is on target, take a no carb breakfast and see how you get on with that. If you get a rise in BG above say 1.5mmol/l over the next few hours, it's the basal which needs adjusting upwards, starting 1 to 2 hours before the rise in BG begins. On the other hand, if, after a no carb breakfast, BG is relatively stable, it is the Carb to Insulin ratio which needs increasing. As with all of these things - change one variable at a time and watch for trends over a couple of days.

I imagine you are on a 722 which is the same as the 522 but with a larger reservoir (in case anyone else was wondering 🙂

Adrienne - Just wondering why you said that as I would have thought that amongst us Medtronics boys and girls, the 522 was the most common?

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Adrienne - Just wondering why you said that as I would have thought that amongst us Medtronics boys and girls, the 522 was the most common?


Hi Alan

Those that need bigger amounts of insulin than the younger kids they have the 722. Most teens are put on a 722 to cope with the bigger insulin requirement.

For example Bezza says he had 6 units for breakfast, a younger child wouldn't need that much infact my daughter only had 2.3 units to cover her breakfast this morning as she doesn't eat as much as an adult and her ratio is different.

A friend of ours (another girl but older) frequently has 11 plus units in a meal. Jessica's max bolus is set to 7 only (I changed that yesterday from 6.5).

Thats the only reason I said that.
Thanks for the help. I am using a 522. Have been Diabetic since 1956, I was 6 and could write a book about my life with it. The advances in the last few years have been fantastic,perhaps for me they may have come a little to late. But all you people of a younger age can look forward to a much more rewarding and stable life and I am sure that in the very near future a cure will be found.
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