The Pumpers Thread!

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Hi all

Yes relief here too Mand that things are straightening out for you. Yikes!

Here the mega lows at dinner time and beyond of ten days ago have now transformed to mega-highs! Argh. We are gradually lowering ratios again, but for five nights he's been above 14 three hours after dinner!!

This is after absolutely SCRAPING along in the 2's and 3's for days at this time -- hence we lowered everything.

Sigh. Once again: nothing consistent but inconsistency.

For now!

Thanks Adrienne, Tracey and Patricia. Good to hear from you all. 🙂

I will take a peep at software before i return our original veo. Thanks for the tip, Adrienne. 🙂

Lou - Hope your holiday is going well. Looking forward to you returning and hearing all about it. 🙂

Catch up soon. Love to all. xx
Adrienne, Help!!!!!!!!!! Please!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hi Adrienne

I can't find any difference on the software yet and i have to return the original veo. Please could i ask you a huge favour - could you ask the person you know what was different so i can see if i can find the same.

I will hang onto the pump an extra day in case you are able to give me any info.

Please do not go to any trouble and do not worry if you unable to help.

Mand xxx
Hi Adrienne

I can't find any difference on the software yet and i have to return the original veo. Please could i ask you a huge favour - could you ask the person you know what was different so i can see if i can find the same.

I will hang onto the pump an extra day in case you are able to give me any info.

Please do not go to any trouble and do not worry if you unable to help.

Mand xxx


Luckily Bev text me to tell me to look at your message ! I've been at an awful governors meeting tonight and not been in long.

I will email the person right now. Hopefully she will be online tonight or tomorrow anyway.

Thank you Adrienne! I will check throughout today for a message from you and wait until tomorrow to return pump. If your friend does not reply to you then please do not take it any further. I do not want to put you under any pressure, just thought it might be worth a try. 🙂

Thanks Bev! 😉
This will be my last message until tonight as we are off to Gt Ormond St in 20 minutes.

The lady I wanted hasn't got back to me yet but another lady has. She said when you put the battery in and you get that black screen the version number flashes on the screen briefly !

On the 522 when I press the back button and get the info screen, ie last bolus, the basal rate you are on, if you scroll down it eventually says ver. 2.2 or something similar. This is the version. Maybe the VEO is different but I'm sure this is what the first lady said, not 100%.

Could be worth testing with the battery but not sure you can put the old one in once you have taken it out, so you may have to be ready with a new one !!

Hopefully the first lady will get back to me today and I'll post tonight.
Hi hope everyone is ok?

Bev how is Alex feeling now, hope he is feeling better?

1st hba1c tomorrow since pumping, am quite excited, hope it is improved. Last one 7.8

Lesley how are you doing? Havent heard from Angela, do you still want to meet up before my appointment hun?
Mand - this ones for you......


I heard from my friend and this is what she said :

The version of software is on the screen when you change the battery and also in the main menu under the status. The first Veo we had was version 1.2A 1.1 OB OB, I've just checked as I still have it. I haven't returned it yet and they haven't asked for it again! The new Veo, is version 2.2A. It would be interesting to know which versions this lady has.

Hope you find it ok.
Thank you Adrienne!

Adrienne, you truly are a star! Thank you so much for your help.

Our pumps say the same as the other lady's. Our original veo says ver 1.2A. and our replacement says ver 2.2A.

I feel re-assured now.

Thank you for your help with this and please thank the lady for me too.

Love Mand x 🙂
Adrienne, you truly are a star! Thank you so much for your help.

Our pumps say the same as the other lady's. Our original veo says ver 1.2A. and our replacement says ver 2.2A.

I feel re-assured now.

Thank you for your help with this and please thank the lady for me too.

Love Mand x 🙂


Brilliant. I've thanked the other lady as well.
Good morning all

How are you all? Hope all going ok.

My son up and running on updated Veo and all going well so far! Just tweaking with basals and carb ratios as he swinging about a little but good through the night so i might give myself a night off tonight as i am very tired.

Took him for his swine flu jab after school yesterday. The jab was ok but his arm sore today but we told to expect this.

Missing you Lou - hope you back soon! 🙂

How are the little ones Adrienne, Patricia, Bev and Becca?

Mand x 🙂
Hello everyone! I've missed you!!!

I was on last night after I got back but was too tired to write properly....and I see we have moved house, on to our very own estate?! :D

I had a lovely few days in "windy" weymouth in a caravan, classy! Me and my mate from devon hired this static caravan and it was really plush! It was in a really nice park, quiet, hills and a little walk to a nice "windy" beach and a stroll to a couple of very nice pubs. Ideal. We saw an advert for day trips to Jersey and decided to give it a go and went there for the afternoon in gale force winds.....I had to sit outside as it was flying all over the place. It was a good adventure, but I had to chuck up on the way back which didnt go over the edge but all over an elderly lady from warminster as it blew back into my face and on to her! She then proceeded to tell me her life story in the dark in winds of 120mph, she had waited 3 days for that ferry. Bless.

Really enjoyed ourselves though, unfortunately DREADFUL numbers 😱 I am having an HbA1c in 2 weeks and Im trying really hard to get an improvement, but this is life isnt it really. I am off down the gym this afternoon, even though I dont feel like it- get back in the old routine.

Mand it sounds like a few dramas with the pump. I found your conversation with Adrienne about the software really useful, I shall be checking what mine is when I get it (no word) so that is really good to know. I hope everything 'Veo' related is going ok. Pleased to hear as well that he got black again! Yes, I agree, EXTREMELY important! I got 6 veo skins in the post from medtronic when I got in yesterday, I had forgotten in my boredom and weekly 'downloads' to medtronic that I had complained about the lack of/or none to be specific, skins for the veo and no oportunity to buy them- so that worked! Id forgotten all about it, shame I cant put them on my paradigm!

Adrienne, how are you? I read you werent able to get the paradigm 522 in pink for J? When I re-order my Veo I am going to ask for pink which I am sure you know is available in the Veo as of June (looks kinda nice too). Thats a real shame, do you think you may change to a veo in the future?

Patricia, Bev, Becca, hope you are well. I still have a few more new posts to read up on for everyones news so I hope everything is ok. I missed XFactor P, are you the person voting for the twins??!

Hope you are all well! Chat later xxx

Welcome home Lou!!!!!!!! So good to hear from you and to know you had a good hol! Don't worry re bad numbers during your hol, you have to live life for now sometimes, you cannot always live it for the future. 🙂

Hope you get your new Veo soon. When i spoke to them i asked about the colour of the replacement and they said they completely understood the importance of colour so hopefully they will accomodate your wishes!

Yes, the info from Adrienne is good so keep a note of it for when you get your new one!

All going well in new Veo land so far.

Catch you later xx
Hi LOU, welcome back, I see i was right about the wind :D, glad you enjoyed the trip.

Just had my 1st hba1c since pumping down to 7.3 from 7,8! Funny cos that was the number i had in my head, spooky. They were pleased and so am I.
Hi LOU, welcome back, I see i was right about the wind :D, glad you enjoyed the trip.

Just had my 1st hba1c since pumping down to 7.3 from 7,8! Funny cos that was the number i had in my head, spooky. They were pleased and so am I.

congratsthats good and the first on your pump as well good work hun xxxx
Hi LOU, welcome back, I see i was right about the wind :D, glad you enjoyed the trip.

Just had my 1st hba1c since pumping down to 7.3 from 7,8! Funny cos that was the number i had in my head, spooky. They were pleased and so am I.

Thats great Tracey well done 🙂 With all the adjustment thats great you got a reduction straight off
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